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    1、User Manual Docear 使用手册 Docear、Zotero、Mendeley 群 群号是 107948041 2014 年 10 月 29 日 20:06 CommentsPosts User Manual To get start with Docear as smooth as possible,we wrote a manual this manual.Its detailed,its long,it takes some time to read,but be assured that if you invest this time,you will know how

    2、to master one of the most powerful tools to manage your academic literature.If there is anything that you dont understand,please contact us,and we will explain it in more detail!Lets get started 目录目录 1 获得灵感 Get the idea.4 2 使用前提 Prerequisites.7 2.1 操作系统操作系统 Operating System.7 2.2 Java 1.5(or later).

    3、7 3 Download Docear 下载 Docear.8 4 Install Docear 安装.8 5 First Start 首次启动.8 1 5.1 Initial Settings 初始化设置初始化设置.8 5.2 选择选择 PDF 阅读器阅读器 Selecting a PDF Editor.10 5.3 主要组件主要组件 The main components.11 6 组织文献 Organize your literature.13 6.1 创建类目创建类目 Create new categories.13 6.3 PDFs 和注释归类和注释归类 Sort your PDFs

    4、 and annotations.15 6.4 利用利用 PDFs 和注释开展工作和注释开展工作 Work with your PDFs and annotations.17 6.4.1 打开打开 PDFs(跳转至页面)(跳转至页面)Open PDFs(Jump-to-page).17 6.4.2 编辑注释编辑注释 Edit annotations.18 6.5 储存新的储存新的 PDFs 和创建新的注释和创建新的注释 Store new PDFs and create new annotations.19 6.6 参考文献管理参考文献管理 Reference management.20 6.

    5、6.1 自动创建参考文献自动创建参考文献 Create references automatically.20 6.6.2 手动管理文献手动管理文献 Manage references manually.22 6.6.3 节点和参考文献的匹配节点和参考文献的匹配 Matching of nodes and references.23 7 草拟论文、作业、书籍、学位论文 Draft your papers,assignments,books,theses,.24 7.1 基本流程基本流程 The basic process.24 7.2 思维导图功能思维导图功能 Mind mapping fea

    6、tures.26 7.2.1 链接链接 Links.26 7.2.2 云云 Cloud.27 7.2.3 格式设定格式设定 Formatting.27 7.2.4 自动编号自动编号 Auto-Numbering.28 7.2.5 笔记笔记 Notes.29 7.2.6 属性属性 Attributes.29 7.2.7 图片图片 Images.30 7.2.8 公式公式 Formulas.31 7.2.9 图标图标 Icons.32 7.2.10 概要节点概要节点 Summary Nodes.33 7.2.11 自由或浮动节点自由或浮动节点 Free/Floating Nodes.33 8 撰写

    7、论文、作业、书籍、学位论文 Write your papers,assignments,books,theses,.34 8.1 导出思维导图导出思维导图 Export mind maps.34 8.2 与与 Microsoft Word 协调工作协调工作 With Microsoft Word.35 8.3 With OpenOffice or LibreOffice.39 8.4 With LaTeX.39 9 Search and filter your references,PDFs,etc.39 10 发现新文献 Discover new literature.42 11 提高效率

    8、Enhance your productivity.43 2 11.1 键盘快捷键键盘快捷键 Keyboard Shortcuts.43 11.1.1 定制快捷键定制快捷键 Customize Shortcuts.43 11.1.2 学习既有快捷键学习既有快捷键 Learn existing shortcuts(on hover).44 11.1.3 常用快捷键一览表常用快捷键一览表 List of most important keyboard shortcuts.44 11.1.4 Windows 专有功能专有功能 Windows specific.45 11.2 巡览思维导图巡览思维导图

    9、 Navigate in you mind maps.46 11.2.1 导图移动导图移动 Moving the map.46 11.2.2 放大 Zooming.46 11.2.3 浏览节点 Browse through nodes.46 11.2.4 节点的折叠与收起 Fold and unfold nodes.47 11.2.5 跳转至第一/最后同级节点 Jump to first/last sibling.48 11.2.6 节点编辑 Edit nodes.48 11.2.7 移动节点 Move nodes.49 11.3 一次选择多个节点 Selecting multiple nod

    10、es at once.50 11.4 工作区域最大化 Maximize your working area.50 11.5 使用大显示器 Using a large monitor.50 11.6 多导图工作 Working with multiple mind maps.52 11.7 在多个 Docear 实例中工作 Working with multiple instances of Docear.52 11.8 为新文件监视多个文件夹 Watch multiple folders for new files.53 11.9 创建自己的监视节点和思维导图 Create your own

    11、monitoring nodes and mind maps.53 11.10 配置 Incoming 节点 Configuring your incoming nodes.55 11.10.1 监视新文件的文件夹监视新文件的文件夹 Folders to watch for new files.56 11.10.2 思考的导图 Mind maps to consider.56 11.10.3 自动监视 Monitor automatically.56 11.10.4 Exclude sub-folders from monitoring.56 11.10.5 List new files in

    12、“incoming node”.57 11.10.6 压扁监视的文件夹 Flatten monitoring folders.57 11.10.7 Valid values for the settings.57 11.10.8 更改监视文件的类型 Changing the type of files to watch for.58 11.11 去掉注释中的空格和换行 Remove line breaks and spaces from imported annotations.58 11.12 Use attributes to classify and group your literat

    13、ure.59 11.13 从 Web 页导入文献题录(如 PubMed,ACM,Elsevier 等)Import References from the Web(e.g.PubMed,ACM,Elsevier,).59 11.14 拓展工作空间(导入文件和文件夹)Extending the Workspace(Importing files and folders).59 11.14.1 导入特定的注释导入特定的注释 Importing only certain kinds of annotations.60 11.14.2 从导图中永久删除注释(不再导入)Deleting annotati

    14、ons from mind maps without having them re-imported.61 3 12 Docear 的在线服务 Docears Online Services.61 12.1 备份和版本归档备份和版本归档 Backup&Versioning.61 12.2 不同电脑间的同步 Synchronizing between computers.62 12.3 Data privacy.62 12.4 Docear Web.63 13 Docear Mobile.63 14 PDF Editors.63 14.1 Overview.63 14.2 PDF-XChange

    15、 Viewer.65 14.3 Adobe Reader(Windows and MacOS).66 14.4 Adobe Reader(Linux).68 14.5 Adobe Acrobat.68 14.6 Mendeley.70 14.7 Foxit PDF Viewer.70 14.8 Okular.70 14.9 Preview(Mac OS).70 14.10 Skim.70 14.11 PDF Readers for Android.71 15 疑难处理 Tweaks&Troubleshooting.71 15.1 用户目录用户目录 The user directory.71 1

    16、5.2 日志文件 Log files.72 15.3 清除设置 Clear/Delete Settings.73 15.4 数据恢复 Options to recover data.74 15.5 改变设置路径-便携版 Change the settings path/Make Docear portable.74 15.6 深入了解 Docear 的配置文件 Understanding the configuration files of Docear.75 15.6.1 工作空间 The Workspace.76 15.6.2 思维导图 Mind-Maps.77 1 获得灵感 Get the idea We created a teaser video that explains in 6:30 mins what Docear can do.We highly recommend to watch it,as it gives a pretty good impression of Docears main ideas.If you watched the video alrea


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