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    1、分管区域网点销售目标分解跟踪评估分析确保年度月度周目标100完成份额比例及销售排名达标An integrated approach for an interoperable industrial networking architecture consisting of heterogeneous fieldbusesOriginal Research ArticleComputers in Industry, Volume 49, Issue 3, December 2002, Pages 283-298L. Hadellis, S. Koubias, Vassilios MakiosSho

    2、w preview| Related articles|Related reference work articles Purchase$ 37.9543FociCounter: A freely available PC programme for quantitative and qualitative analysis of gamma-H2AX fociOriginal Research ArticleMutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, Volume 696, Issue 1, 1 Fe

    3、bruary 2010, Pages 16-20Anna Jucha, Aneta Wegierek-Ciuk, Zbigniew Koza, Halina Lisowska, Andrzej Wojcik, Maria Wojewodzka, Anna LankoffClose preview| Related articles|Related reference work articles AbstractAbstract | Figures/TablesFigures/Tables | ReferencesReferences AbstractGamma-H2AX foci are se

    4、nsitive and specific indicator for the induction of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and an immunocytochemical assay with antibodies recognizing gamma-H2AX has become the gold standard for the detection of this type of DNA lesion. Quantification of gamma-H2AX foci can be achieved by various methods s

    5、uch as Western blotting, flow cytometry, visual analysis and computational analysis with a fluorescence microscope. The best sensitivity is achieved by computer analysis. Since no freeware programme for the analysis of gamma-H2AX foci exists for a PC platform, the aim of our study was to develop a s

    6、imple and user-friendly public-domain software. The algorithm applied in our programme allows determination of the number of foci in a single cell, a focus intensity per cell, as well as a cell intensity. Its graphical user interface is based on a GTK+ library and the whole application can be run un

    7、der a variety of operating systems, including MS Windows and Linux. The programme called FociCounter is publicly available at . Application of the programme was tested by analysing gamma-H2AX foci in CHO and MO59K cells irradiated in vitro with X-rays and validated by comparing the results obtained

    8、with the outcome of automated image analysis and flow cytometry.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Description of the programme3. Hardware requirements and picture quality4. Description of the algorithm 4.1. Image analysis4.2. Focus counting5. Application of the programme 5.1. Cells and irradiation5.2

    9、. Immunofluorescence labelling of gamma-H2AX foci in CHO and MO59K cells5.3. Immunofluorescence labelling of gamma-H2AX foci in CHO cells for analysis by flow cytometry5.4. Statistical analysis6. Results7. DiscussionConflict of interestReferencesPurchase$ 39.9544An analysis of solar gain through ext

    10、ernally shaded window of buildingsRenewable Energy, Volume 29, Issue 1, January 2004, Pages 131-150Aniekan Offiong, A. U. UkpohoClose preview| Related articles|Related reference work articles AbstractAbstract | Figures/TablesFigures/Tables | ReferencesReferences AbstractThe development of computer s

    11、oftware for analyzing the solar gain through windows of buildings is presented. The program which is capable of stating the hourly values of solar altitude angles, azimuth angles and extra-terrestrial intensity is written in the BASIC Language. The main feature of the program is that it can be used

    12、to determine the hourly values of normal solar intensity and solar energy incident on windows treated with reveals, over-hangs and side-fins. Application of the software in analyzing the solar gain through windows in some experiments yield results which are as consistent as those done manually. The

    13、experiments show that in every case, reveals have the effect of reducing the incident solar intensities, and hence incident solar energy on windows. Further analysis shows that over-hangs are much more effective in shading than vertical side-fins.Article OutlineNomenclature1. Introduction2. Literatu

    14、re review3. Theoretical background4. Description of computer program5. Sample input and output: program validation6. Discussion of results7. ConclusionAppendix. Listing of main computer programReferencesPurchase$ 35.9545DtiStudio: Resource program for diffusion tensor computation and fiber bundle tr

    15、ackingOriginal Research ArticleComputer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Volume 81, Issue 2, February 2006, Pages 106-116Hangyi Jiang, Peter C.M. van Zijl, Jinsuh Kim, Godfrey D. Pearlson, Susumu MoriClose preview| Related articles|Related reference work articles AbstractAbstract | Figures/TablesFigures/Tables | ReferencesReferences AbstractA versatile resource program was developed for diffusion tensor image (DTI) computation and fiber tracking. The software can read data formats from a var


    本文(分管区域网点销售目标分解跟踪评估分析确保年度月度周目标100完成份额比例及销售排名达标.docx)为本站会员主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(点击联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


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