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    07 阅读回答问题 中考英语真题讲十.docx

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    07 阅读回答问题 中考英语真题讲十.docx

    1、07 阅读回答问题 中考英语真题讲十07 阅读回答问题 2021年中考英语真题精练精讲十一、多任务混合阅读1、(2021湖北)Zhu Ting is a famous volleyball player in China. On April 28, 2020, she was awarded the “May Fourth Medal”, which is the top honor for the young Chinese. In a social media post, Zhu showed her greetings to Chinas youth on this special oc

    2、casion and shared her experience in life and career. “I woke up in the morning and left for training. Its a new day with new tasks. I will continue to work hard to _ myself,” wrote Zhu. “Coach Lang Ping used to encourage me with the following words: A small progress a day will make you better and ma

    3、ke our team stronger.”Zhu Ting was born in Henan Province in 1994. _ the leader of the Chinese womens national volleyball team, who helped the national team win two World Cup titles and one Olympic gold medal, Zhu said that she wasnt always a talent, especially at the beginning. “I remember that on

    4、my first day in training in college, I had the least experience. When we were practicing digging, everyone was better than me. During practice, my teammates would take a break from time to time because they knew what they were doing. I kept practicing and only stopped until my coach told me to.”Zhu

    5、believed that theres no shortcut to success, and sometimes dull efforts are necessary. She planned to challenge more new things outside volleyball in the future. She knew that it could take long before she gained some progress, but Zhu believed that as long as she continues to work hard, she will ac

    6、hieve more success. 任务一:请根据短文内容,分别写出、处所缺单词。(每空限填一词)1 _ _任务二:阅读短文,从短文中找出与下面句子意思相近的句子。 2I didnt stop practicing until my coach told me to. _任务三:请把上文中划线的句子翻译成汉语。3 _任务四:请根据短文内容回答下列问题。4When was Zhu Ting awarded the “May Fourth Medal”? _5What does Zhu Tings story mainly tell us in the passage?_2、(2021甘肃)阅

    7、读下面短文,并按要求完成1至5小题。Helping HallySam was sitting on the couch, watching television. His mom walked into the room with Hally, their dog. Mom said, “have, we, Hally, help, to (. ) ” “Help her how?” asked Sam. “Do you remember when we went to pick up Hally from her litter? We picked her because she looke

    8、d like her mom. She is brown with spots, with long ears, and she was energetic, so we thought shed be strong, like her mom. But how does she look now?” Mom asked. “Well,” thought Sam, “Shes still brown with spots and long ears, but shes not very energetic or strong anymore.”“Thats what the vet said,

    9、 too. We havent been letting her exercise as much, and weve been feeding her a lot. She would probably look just like her mom now if we had walked her more. We have to start walking her more often. And then shell stay healthy for a long time. Will you help?”“Sure!” said Sam. He decided that he could

    10、 play fetch with her every day in the yard, because then she could run and run and run until she was tired. The first day, they only played fetch for about 10 minutes before Hally was tired. But Sam kept playing with her every day. Soon, they could play for an entire half an hour! Hally looked stron

    11、ger every day, just like her mom. Sam felt great about helping Hally get strong again.6将文中处画线句子连词成句,标点符号已在括号内给出。 _7阅读以下字典中litter的释义, 选出文章第五行中litter的含义(标出a、b或c即可)。_litter BrE /lt(r)/; AmE /ltr/ (noun)a. small pieces of rubbish that have been left lying on the ground in public placesb. a group of anim

    12、als that are born at the same time and have the same mother c. (animal toilet) something that is put in a box to be used as a toilet by pets8将文中处画线句子翻译成汉语。_9What is the problem in the story? _10Do you think Sam and his mother love Hally? Why or why not? ( List at least one reason. ) _3、(2021山东) Pove

    13、rty (贫困)is a big problem around the world. But China has done a good job of dealing with it and it has found its own way to fight poverty. Instead of just giving money to poor people, it has tried to educate people and give them the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty. Ordinary (平凡的)pe

    14、ople play a big role in the fight. Here are two of them. After graduating from Beijing Normal University in 2016, Huang Wenxiu gave up the chances to work in big cities and returned to her hometown of Baise in Guangxi and served as the villages Party chief. A total of 418 villagers were lifted out of poverty thanks to her efforts. Unluckily, she died in a flash flood at the age of 30 while driving back to her village in Baise. She was given the title “role model of the times”


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