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    1、用文体学分析警察与赞美诗The Stylistic Analysis on the story The Cop and the Anthem written by O.Henry 2006691 张晓芬Abstract : The Cop and the Anthem written by O.Henry, similar to other O.Henrys other short stories, is ironic and humorous , digging deep to reveal the darker aspect of the society. Throughout the s

    2、tory, O.Henry employs overwrought irony and other various literary devices to enhance his theme that under the so-called capitalist democracy that Soapy attempted to seek for his special purpose from prison.; he did so many evil things yet no policeman sent him to prison; just when he was moved by a

    3、n anthem and determined to start a new life he was captured by a policeman and tried for three months captivity in prison. With the purpose of analysis on how O.Henry uses stylistic techniques to engross readers in this incredible story, this thesis will firstly present an overview of stylistics and

    4、 introduce some influential previous researches on O.Henry and his work The cop and the Anthem. Furthermore, it will carry out a comprehensive stylistic analysis of this story in lexical, syntactic, semantic and contextual aspects. During the course of analyzing the story we are providing the unders

    5、tand for reading and raising language awareness and enhancing linguistic and stylistic and literary competence.Key word: stylistic analysis O.Henry The Cop and the AnthemI. Introduction1. Brief Account of the AuthorWilliam Sidney Porter, this master of short stories is much better known under his pe

    6、n name “ O. Henry”. He was born in Greensboro, North Carolina on September 11,1862, where he spent his childhood. his only former education was received at the school of his aunt Lina. He worked as apprentice, pharmacist, cowboy, clerk, book keeper since fifteen years old. By 1887, Porter began work

    7、ing as a draftsman in the General Land Office, in 1891, he became a teller with the First Nation Bank in Austin. then starting in 1895 he wrote a column for the Houston Daily Post. Meanwhile, Porter was accused of embezzling funds from bank, he fled to Honduras. On hearing his wifes illness, he came

    8、 back, but was found guilty of the banking charges and sentenced to in an Ohio prison. The tough life experience laid a deep foundation of his writing career. He emerged from prison as “O.Henry” to help shield his true identity. After released in 1901, he moved to New York, wholly devoted himself to

    9、 literature. O. Henry wrote with realistic detail based on his first hand experiences both in Texas and in New York city. he published ten collections of stories and over 600 short stories during his lifetime. O. Henry is commonly associated with the short story and the masterful ironic plot.2. Brie

    10、f Account of the “The Cop and Anthem” Soapy, the hero of the story, might set out to find a lodgings for winter. In his mind, the ideal place is prison. So Soapy did various bad things in order to enter the prison: he ever set foot inside a caf for a free meal but he failed; he ever dashed a stone i

    11、nto a glass but the policeman refused to accept Soapy as a clue; then Soapy successfully had a big meal in a restaurant yet he was just beaten instead of being sent to prison; he ever lured a woman in order to be captured by the policeman but the woman was a prostitute and he failed to be captured b

    12、y the policeman again; then Soapy began to yell drunk gibberish, however, the policeman disregarded him as a Yale student and pardoned him; in a cigar store he took a mans umbrella in public yet that man was not the true owner of it, too, thus Soapy failed again. And at this time, he heard the anthe

    13、m from a church and he was greatly moved by the anthem and determined to start a new lift. But just at this time, a policeman captured him for being idleness. He was tried for three months in prison. 3. Major Theme of the “The Cop and anthem”O. Henry is commonly associated with the short story and t

    14、he masterful ironic plot. The theme of the story is related to the cop and the main character Soapy who is homeless and trying to get thrown in jail for the winter so he will have a warm place to stay and food to eat. The “island”, standing for jail, symbolizes a refuge, a place distance from crowds

    15、 and noisy civilization. and a place where Soapy can be comfortable. The thesis contains the strong sarcastic atmosphere: the prison become a good place while the hell turned to be a heaven. Evil conducts were given lenient treatment while the good and honest were panelized. II. Literature ReviewSty

    16、listics, simply defined as the (linguistic) study of style, is rarely undertaken for its own sake, simply as an exercise in describing what use is made of language. That means literary stylistics has, implicitly or explicitly, the goal of explaining the relation between language and artistic function. From the linguists angle, it is why does the author here choose to express himself in this particular way?. From the critics viewpoint, it is how is such-and-s


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