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    1、语言学期末总结第一章1. 语言的基本特征 Design features of language (p4-7) Arbitrariness, Duality, Creativity and Displacement2. Arbitrariness 的三层含义 Whats the three different levels of Arbitrarinessthe relationship between the sound of a morpheme and its meaning is arbitrarylanguage is not arbitrary at the syntactic l

    2、evel, in other words, syntax is less arbitrary than wordsconventionality is the other side of the coin of arbitrariness.3. Duality 和Displacement的定义 (p5)By DUALITY is meant the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary

    3、level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organizations.4. 语言的功能 Functions of language(p9) Informative, function, interpersonal function, performative function, emotive function, phatic communion, recreational function, metalingual function. 5. Performative的定义(p11)The performative f

    4、unction of language is primarily to change the social status of persons, the kind of language employed in performative verbal acts is usually quite formal and even ritualized. The performative function can extend to the control of reality as on some magical or religious occasions.6. Main branches of

    5、 linguistics (p15)Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics.7. Psycholinguistics (p18)PSYCHOLINGUISTICS investigates the interrelation of language and mind, in processing and producing utterances and in language acquisition for example. In the psycholinguistic study of grammar,

    6、 the psycholinguistic constraints on the form of grammar are examined. It also studies language development in the child, such as the theories of language acquisition; biological foundations of language; and a profound aspectthe relationship between language and cognition.8. Important Distinctions i

    7、n Linguistics 中各分点的定义 (p19)9. Langue& Parole (p21)10. Saussure 现代语言学的开山鼻祖11. Chomsky 美国语言学家,转换-生成语法的创始人第二章12. 语音学研究的三个领域 the three main areas of the study of sounds( Phonetics)(p24)Articulatory Phonetics is the study of the production of speech sounds.Acoustic Phonetics is the study of the physical

    8、properties of speech sounds.Perceptual or Auditory Phonetics is concerned with the percecption of speech sounds.13. 元音与辅音的区别 The distinction between consonants and vowels (p29)Consonants are produced” by a closure in the vocal tract, or by a narrowing which is so marked that air cannot escape withou

    9、t producing audible friction”. By contrast, a vowel is produced without such” stricture” so that” air escapes in a relatively unimpeded way through the mouth or nose”. The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in the obstruction of airstream.14. 发音方式与发音位置 The manner and the place of articul

    10、ation (p3031 已划出)The manner of articulation: there are 8t manners of articulation. Stop( or Plosive), Nasal, Fricative, Approximant, Lateral, Trill, Tap and Flap, Affricate. The place of articulation: there are 11 places of articulation. Bilabial, Labiodental, Dental, Alveolar, Postalveolar, Retrofl

    11、ex, Palatal, Velar, Uvular, Pharyngeal, Glottal15. 记忆所有元音、基础元音(CARDINAL VOWELS) (p3336 坐标法)16. 记忆辅音(辅音表) (p35 Table )17. 了解RP, GA (p36 Table )18. 元音的四个指标 The four basic requirements of the description of English vowels (p37 已划出)the height of tongue raising (high, mid, low).the position of the highes

    12、t part of the tongue (front, central, back).the length or tenseness of the vowel (tense vs. lax or long vs. short).lip-rounding (rounded vs. unrounded).19. 辅音的指标20. Coarticulation 的两个分类 (p38 已划出)If the sound becomes more like the following sound, as in the case of lanmb, it is known as Anticipatory

    13、Coarticulation. If the sound shows the influence of the preceding sound, it is Perseverative Coarticulation, as is the case of map.21. 超音段的四个主要特征 The four principal suprasegmentals(p49 已划出)Syllable Structure, Stress, Intonation, Tone.22. 一个音节由哪两个部分构成 (p50 已划出)We can divide a syllable into two parts,

    14、 the Rhyme ( or Rime) and the Onset.23. 英语前面最多允许多少个辅音在结尾最多允许 (p50 已划出)The onset position may be empty or filled by a cluster of as many as three consonants, while the coda position may be filled by as many as four consonants (as in sixth) 第三章24. 词的三层含义 Three senses of“ word” (p55 的三个小标题)A physical d

    15、efinable unitWord both as a general term and as a specific termA grammatical unit25. How to ideatify word (p57 三个标准,三个小标准)Stability, Relative Uninterruptibility, A minimum free form26. 词的分类 Classification of words (p58)Variable and invariable wordsGrammatical words and lexical wordsClosed-class words and open-class wordsWord class27. Variable/ invariable words 各自的概念 (p58)Variable words: variable words may have inflective changes. That is, the same word may have different grammatical forms but part of the word remains relatively constant. Invariable words: invariable words r


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