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    1、三级新闻听力印刷版外交政策问题将考验下任总统 01VOCABULARY1. unyielding a. 不可弯曲的(稳定的,坚强的) 2. foreign policy n. 外交政策3. financial crisis n. 金融危机4. neutralize v. 中立化5. defend against 抵御6. but that 若非7. acceptance speech 总统候选人所做的提名演讲8. Secretary of State 国务卿On Tuesday, Mister Obama won a solid election victory to become Ameri

    2、cas forty-fourth president, and first black president. World leaders sent their congratulations, including the president of Iran.American President-Election Barack Obama faces a long list of foreign policy issues when he takes office on January twentieth. Two wars. Nuclear worries over Iran. The thr

    3、eat of terrorism. New tensions with Russia. These are in addition to a financial crisis. But Russian President Dmitri Medvedev announced plans to put missiles near Poland. He said they would be used, if necessary, to neutralize an American missile-defense system proposed in Poland and the Czech Repu

    4、blic. The Bush administration says the system is needed to defend against missiles from countries like Iran, and is not aimed at Russia. The State Departments top arms control official expects to discuss new proposals to ease Russian concerns later this month in Moscow.Secretary of State Condoleezza

    5、 Rice arrived Thursday in the Middle East in an effort to continue the peace process begun a year ago. Israeli and Palestinian officials have set a goal to reach a peace agreement by the end of this year. But that now appears unlikely as Israel prepares for new elections in February. In his acceptan

    6、ce speech Tuesday night, the president-elect promised a “new dawn of American leadership.”“To those who would tear this world down we will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security we support you. And to all those who have wondered if Americas beacon still burns as bright tonight we proved on

    7、ce more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity, and unyielding hope.” 美国经济收缩0.3% 02 VOCABULARY1. shrink v. 收缩 2. recession n. 衰退,衰退期3. decrease v&n 减小,减少4. domest

    8、ic a. 本国的 国内的5. federal a. 中央的,联邦政府的6. target n. 目标, 对象7. oversight n. 失察;忽略8. supervision n. 监督,管理9. complex a. 复杂的,难懂的10. credit n. 借贷11. default n&v 不履行12. derivative n. 派生的事物13. federal reserve (美国)联邦储备委员会14. insurance company 保险公司Early estimates show that the United States economy shrank by thr

    9、ee-tenths of one percent from July through September. Economists had predicted a five-tenths drop. But Thursdays report from the Commerce Department also showed that Americans cut their spending by the most in almost thirty years.The economy has shrunk only one other time since the recession of two

    10、thousand one. That was at the end of last year.A recession is traditionally defined as at least six months of decrease in the gross domestic product. GDP is the value of all goods and services produced within a country. Recently, many central banks, fearing a worldwide recession, have cut interest r

    11、ates. On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve cut its target rate for overnight loans between banks from one and a half percent to just one percent. The federal funds rate has not been that low since June of two thousand four.Last week, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform called Alan Gr

    12、eenspan to hearings on the financial crisis. Chairman Henry Waxman asked him about his positions in the past on supervision of financial markets.Alan Greenspan went on to defend some of the complex financial products called derivatives. But he said there are “some serious problems” with credit defau

    13、lt swaps. Buyers use this kind of derivative as insurance against losses on debts they are owed. Credit default swaps on debt related to risky home loans almost collapsed A.I.G. The huge insurance company was rescued with government loans.古巴主席卡斯特罗退休03VOCABULARY1. eventful a.变故多得,多事的,重要的 2. Fidel n.

    14、菲德儿(男子名)3. Cuba n. 古巴4. Cuban a. 古巴(人)的5. assembly n. 集会6. apparently adv.显然地7. parliament n. 议会,国会8. condemn v. 谴责,声讨9. dictator n. 独裁者,专政者10. repressive a. 压抑的,压制的11. revolution n. 革命,大变革12. Latin n. 拉丁民族的人,拉丁文,拉丁语13. privacy n.隐私,隐居,秘密14. reform n./v.改革,改良,改造15. short of 达不到,不足于16. in poor health

    15、身体不好17. national assembly国民大会,国民集会18. health care卫生保健19. Latin America拉丁美洲20. human rights人权21. free speech 言论自由 One of the worlds longest serving leaders announced this week that he is leaving office after just short of fifty eventful years. Fidel Castro of Cuba is eighty-one years old and in poor

    16、health. He named his brother Raul as acting president in 2006. In a letter published Tuesday, Fidel Castro said he was not saying goodbye to the Cuban people. His only wish, he said, is to “fight as a soldier in the battle of ideas”. On Sunday the Cuban National Assembly is expected to name seventy-

    17、six-year-old Raul Castro as president. The two brothers appear to share very similar ideas about governing the communist-ruled island. Fidel Castro will apparently remain a number of Parliaments and is widely expected to still have strong influence. Supporters of Fidel Castro praised a leader who pr

    18、ovided free health care and education in Cuba. But others condemned a dictator with a repressive government that spread communist revolution in Latin America and Africa. Cuba has one legal political party, the Communist Party. The media rights group reporters without border rates Cuba as the fifth w

    19、orst nation for press freedoms. Human rights groups say Cubas eleven million citizens are denied privacy, free speech and fair legal process. The Bush administration says it has no plans to end economic restrictions against Cuba without changes like free elections. President Bush says he hopes the e

    20、nd of Fidel Castros rule can be the beginning of peaceful reform. 越来越多的美国人骑自行车上班 04Vocabulary 1. executive 执行的,行政的2. league 同盟,社团3. fitness 适当;健康4. environment 环境5. fossil 化石6. release 释放7. pollution 污染8. device 装置9. Minnesota 明尼苏达州10. supporter 支持者11. Oregon 俄勒冈州12. percentage 百分比13. progressive 渐进

    21、的14. Andrew 安德鲁15. Portland 波特兰16. at home 在家17. work on 对起作用;从事18. executive director 常务董事19. for fun 开玩笑地20. warm up 变暖21. highway transportation 公路运输22. city planning 城市规划23. work for 为效力Many Americans have been leaving their cars at home and riding to work on bicycles. Andy Clark is the executiv

    22、e director of the League of American Bicyclists. His group supports bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation.Mister Clark says this is good news for the environment. He says riding a bicycle to work does not burn fossil fuel or create dangerous pollutants. Experts say the effects are the most i

    23、mportant on short trips. The Department of Transportation says fifty percent of Americans drive eight kilometers or fewer to work. Shorter car trips release more pollution into the air for each kilometer driven. This is because the device in a car engine that reduces the harmfulness of emission need

    24、s to warm up before it can work well.Members of Congress have supported bicycling as environmentally friendly transportation. For example, Minnesota Representative James Oberstar is a strong supporter of bicycle use. He says cities, countries, state governments and state highway transportation agenc

    25、ies are planning the roadways of the future. They are creating roads and paths for bicycles in cities and between communities.Last year, the Pacific Northwest city of Portland, Oregon, had the highest percentage of bicycle commuters in the United States. Portland has been doing progressive city plan

    26、ning for many years to create special paths for bike riders.Andrew Land is one of Portlands citizens who bikes to work every day. Mister Land is thirty-three-year old and has never owned a car. He has biked to work for twelve years. Before moving to Portland six years ago, he lived in Washington, D.

    27、C. But he was hit by a car twice while biking to work there. That has not happened in Portland where there are special roads for bicycles.Wizard of Oz Festival 05VOCABULARY1. Wizard of Oz 译名绿野仙踪,作者是弗兰克鲍姆(Frank Baum)。1939年美国米高梅公司将其改编成电影并取得巨大成功。即使是60多年后的21世纪,它仍是公认的最佳儿童影片。 2. Valparaiso n. 瓦尔帕莱索(南美洲太平洋

    28、岸重要海港)3. celebrate v. 庆祝4. ruby n. 红宝石5. expo n. 展览会6. scarecrow n. 稻草人7. cowardly a. 懦弱的8. wicked a. 邪恶的9. jewelry n. 珠宝 10. performance n. 表演For twenty-seven years, visitors to the Indiana Wizard of Oz Festival in Valparaiso have gathered to celebrate ruby slippers, rainbows, and yellow brick road

    29、s. This yearly event honors all things linked to the movie The Wizard of Oz, which came out in nineteen thirty-nine.Last weekend, thousands of visitors gathered at the Porter County Expo Center for the Indiana Wizard of Oz Festival. Even heavy rains did not stop visitors from enjoying the festivals

    30、many events. The great-great-grandson of L. Frank Baum who wrote the book The Wizard of Zoo opened the festival activities. Robert Baum attended the festival to meet people and sign visitors books and objects.Visitors could shop at the Munchkin Market to buy objects related to all things Oz. Or, the

    31、y could meet actors who played Munchkins in the movie. There were even contests to see who could look the most like characters in The Wizard of Oz. There were people dressed like Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Cowardly Lion and the Wicked Witch of the West. Visitors could also see a private collection

    32、of clothing and jewelry once owned by Judy Garland, the actress who played Dorothy.One of the main events of the festival this year was a performance by Danny Windsor. The eighty-three year- old actor had a small role as a frightening winged monkey in The Wizard of Oz. Later in his career, he met Judy Garland when they were performing in the same theater in New York City. Mister Windsor says that


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