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    1、错题精华集八下unit5教师版错题精华集unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?一、单项选择(45分)1(1分)They _ aboutacomedythistimeyesterday.A.weretalking B.aretalking C.havetalked D.willtalk2(1分)My best friend, Wang Xu, always _ me in table tennis.A.win B.beat C.wins D.beats3(1分)When it began to rain heavily, she _f

    2、or a bus at the bus stop.A.waited B.waits C.is waiting D.was waiting4(1分)The class meeting was _ the afternoon of May 4th, 2017. Many students spoke at it.A.in B.on C.at D.to5(1分)_ your father _ a newspaper when you got home?No, _.A.Was; reading; he was B.Did; read; he didC.Was; reading; he wasnt D.

    3、Did; read; he didnt6(1分)_ did the bell ring?_ we were having dinner, the bell rang.A.When; When B.When; While C.While; While D.While; When7(1分)Do you know _in America?Sure. Its the third Sunday of June.A.when Fathers Day is B.how is Fathers DayC.when is Fathers Day D.how Fathers Day is8(1分)It rained

    4、 _and lasted for a long time yesterday.Too bad! Even some streets were full of water.A.hardly B.strongly C.terrible D.heavily9(1分)Mum, can you tell me? I dreamed of him last night.Next week.A.when my dad comes back B.where my dad goesC.when my dad will come back D.where my dad will go10(1分)The teach

    5、er-free exam means that students take their exams _ teachers. Students must be more honest.A.without B.against C.through D.by11(1分)The workers in the Huashan Mountains have to_rubbish to keep the mountains clean.A.turnup B.pickup C.mixup D.giveup12(1分)I met a good friend of mine while I _ on the str

    6、eet.A.walks B.walk C.was walking D.am walking13(1分)I think we should keep the animals in the zoo.No. I am _ you. Animals should be in the nature.A.for B.against C.on D.in14(1分)Its time for the meeting. Lets _ it.A.stop having B.stop to have C.stopping D.stopping to have15(1分)Did you go to Kates birt

    7、hday party?Sony. I _ forgot that it was her birthday yesterday.A.recently B.simply C.suddenly D.completely16(1分)I didnt watch the match last week. Can you tell me what happened?Our team _ during the last few minutes and _ the match.A.beat; won B.beat; missed C.scored; won D.scored; missed17(1分)Ithin

    8、kthisis_ usefulbook.CanIhave _ look?A.a; a B.an;a C.the;the D.a;the18(1分)一Alice has been working late into the night these days.一Oh, she was off school for a month, so she has a lot to _.A.give up B.pick up C.stay up D.make up19(1分)Tom, what do you do after dinner every day?I usually _ a walk.A.take

    9、 B.took C.will take D.was taking20(1分)_ the way, how are your parents?A.About B.On C.By D.To21(1分)Hey, man!Canyoubelievethat?OurChineseFootballTeambeattheSouthKoreanteamlastnight._ Wehaventbeatentheminthepasttwentyyears.A.No doubt! B.What a pity! C.Are you joking? D.Guess what?22(1分)Mr. Wang usually

    10、 _ my brother when he drives his son to school every day.A.picks up B.puts up C.takes up D.turns up23(1分)What _ Candy _ just now?Sorry, I didnt hear it. I _ up the phone.A.was.saying; was picking B.did.say; was pickingC.does.say; am picking D.did.say; pick24(1分)We will have to choose a person to_ ou

    11、r class to take part in the competition.A.return B.remember C.recommend D.represent25(1分)He climbed up the ladder_ the wall and went into the room through the window.A.through B.across C.in D.against26(1分)Doyouknowwhathewasdoingwhile_?A.he was away from his hometown B.did he leave his hometownC.he l

    12、eft his hometown D.was he away from his hometown27(1分)It was 12 oclock at night, but he was _ working.A.just B.only C.still D.yet28(1分)Lin Dan _ Li Zongwei and _ the game in 2012 London Olympic Games.A.beat; win B.won; beat C.beat; beat D.beat; won29(1分)The newspaper says house prices in Australia a

    13、re expected _ by 10% in 2017.A.rise B.rising C.to rise D.to rising30(1分)All the students were sleeping _ they heard a man _ help.A.when; shouting B.while; to shoutC.when; to shout D.while; shouted31(1分)If you work hard and never _, you will learn Maths well.A.put up B.pick up C.give up D.grow up32(1

    14、分)Mom, I want to be a scientist in the future.You will surely realize your dream _ you give it up halfway.A.though B.unless C.since D.if33(1分)The World Cup is _ exciting _ almost all young men watch it early in the morning.A.so; that B.enough; to C.the same; as D.too; to34(1分)At the _ of the class m

    15、eeting, he sat in _ because he was so nervous.A.beginning; silentB.beginning; silenceC.begin; silently D.began; silent35(1分)When he _ home, his wife and daughter _ a good time.A.was arriving; were having B.arrived; hadC.was arriving; had D.arrived; were having36(1分)How will she deal with the work?Sh

    16、e doesnt want to do it by herself. _,she wants to ask someone else to do it together.A.Instead B.Anyway C.Suddenly D.Badly37(1分)Whenever he sees something _ on the floor, he always stops _ it up.A.lying; picking B.to lie; to pick C.lie; to pick 38(1分)Please stop _ and go out for a walk. Remember _ w

    17、arm clothes.A.to study; wearing B.studying; to wearC.to study; to wear D.studying; wearing39(1分)I stopped _ the night in a small village while I was on holiday in the Himalayas a few years ago.A.at B.for C.until D.through40(1分)When the kids were asked _ they needed most, they said they wanted to fee

    18、l important and loved.A.what B.why C.whom D.where41(1分)The little girl _ her gift to her parents proudly (骄傲地) while they were cooking.A.is showing B.showed C.will show D.shows42(1分)What has happened to Jason?He was _ by the police and taken to the station for questioning.A.picked up B.set up C.put

    19、up D.given up43(1分)一Wow! So many students want to join the Helping Hands Club, but I dont know _one to choose.一Why not Jenny? She is always willing to help others.A.what B.how C.who D.which44(1分)None of them talked. They finished the meal in _.A.silence B.order C.place 45(1分)What is his New Years re

    20、solution?He is going to write a new book when he _ from Canada.A.gets back B.will get back C.got back D.getting back二、填空题(25分)46(5分)用所给词的适当形式填空。(1)We all know May is the (five) month of a year.(2)Too much (pollute) is bad for our health.(3)Two thirds of the population of our city (be) workers.(4)He

    21、came in while my sister (sleep).(5)I (walk) on the road; suddenly a car came to me.47(5分)句型转换,每空一词。(1)The pizza tastes delicious. (改为一般疑问句) the pizza delicious?(2)I have been to Hong Kong with my parents. (改为一般疑问句) to Hong Kong with your parents?(3)I felt excited when I got to the theater. (对画线部分提问)

    22、 you feel when you got to the theater?(4)到目前为止,我们已经种了2000棵树。We more than 2,000 trees so far.(5)不要摸玻璃。Dont touch .48(5分) 完成句子。(1)吉姆每天花很多时间玩电脑游戏。Jim a lot of time every day.(2)他们正期待着回家。They are home.(3)他们中没有一个拥有像地球那样的环境。 has an like that of the earth.(4)大病一场之后感觉很虚弱,我想多锻炼。 after a serious illness, I wa

    23、nted to .(5)他昨天把他的卧室弄得一团糟。He in his bedroom yesterday.49(5分)根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。(1)Youd better ask the computer for help.(改为否定句)Youd better the computer for help.(2)The boys used to go swimming in the swimming poor.(改为一般疑问句) the boys to go swimming in the swimming poor?(3)Michael was learning Engl

    24、ish at 8 oclock last Monday evening.(对画线部分提问) was Michael at 8 oclock last Monday evening?(4)You mustnt smoke here.(同义句转换) here!(5)火焰熄灭了。(汉译英)The flames .50(5分)根据所给汉语意思,用英语完成下列各句。一空一词。(1)多喝水对我们的健康有好处! more water our health!(2)当你离开教室的时候请记得关灯。Please remember the light you leave the classroom.(3)火车站离这儿

    25、有点远,你最好坐车去。The train station is a bit here, youd better go .(4)我们学校三分之二的学生赞同新校规。 of the students the new school rules in our school.(5)杰克对我很友好,我愿意和他交朋友。Jack is friendly me and Id like to him.错题精华集Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?一、单项选择1 【答案】A【解析】考查过去进行时。句意:昨天这个时候他们正在讨论一个喜剧。结合thistim

    26、eyesterday 可知表达的是过去正在进行的动作。故选A。2 【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析和主谓一致。句意:我最好的朋友,王旭,打乒乓球时经常赢我。根据主语 My best friend 单三,谓语动词用单数形式,所以排除A/B;win 赢,后接比赛;beat 打败,后接人。故选D。3 【答案】D【解析】考查时态。句意:当雨下得很大时,她正在公共汽车站等公共汽车。根据题干可推知句意为:雨下得很大的时候,她正在那等公交车,故主句用过去进行时。故选D。4 【答案】B【解析】考查介词。句意:班会在2017年5月4日下午举行。许多学生在会上都发言了。在具体的某一天的下午要用介词 on,2017年5月4日下午是具体到某一天的下午,故答案为B。5 【答案】C【解析】考查动词的时态。句意:当你到家的时候,你爸爸正在读报纸吗?不,没有。根据 No, 可知是在作否定回答,排除AB;分析句子结构可知 when 引导的时间状语从句中从句用一般现在时,主句用过去进行时。故选C。6 【答案】B【解析】考查连词和疑问副词。句意:铃什么时候响的?我们正在吃


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