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    1、全国各级各类的师范生教学技能竞赛Teachingskillscompetitionofnormals全国各级各类的师范生教学技能竞赛 ( Teaching skills competitionof normal students at all levels )I. IntroductionIn recent years, the national all levels of normal students teaching skills competition competition in order to emerge in an endless stream, every college

    2、students exchange experience, promote the students teaching abilities and conveying outstanding teachers reserve force for the society. Most of these teaching skills competition, evaluation on students teaching skill and basic content including teaching design, application and evaluation of modern t

    3、eaching methods of classroom teaching and teaching contents of these four items. During the contest, contestants usually through on-site balloting contents selection, then in accordance with the curriculum standards within the stipulated time of teaching contents in the teaching design, courseware,

    4、simulation class, in addition, Fang Ye will join the competition held some other race items, such as impromptu speech related disciplines, teaching case analysis and so on. Teaching skills competition is on normal students ability of a comprehensive evaluation, its theoretical basis can refer to Ric

    5、hards (Richards 1998) to define the connotation of the ability of teachers, teachers ability to describe Richards as six elements of teachers in the real world can accomplish the task of teaching activities required by the content, namely teaching theory, teaching and communication skills profession

    6、al knowledge, teaching skills, reasoning and decision making, and the teaching situation, from this point of view, the epitome of content and project teaching skills competition can be regarded as the cultivation ofteachers occupation ability in various colleges and universities in our country, but

    7、also provide guidance for the future direction of normal students teacher professional development.Two, analysis of connotation of teaching skills1. teaching design abilityFrom the perspective of curriculum design, teaching design is the curriculum design of the micro level, the results show that te

    8、acher teaching plan, teaching plan and teaching activities happened in the classroom (Chen Xuyuan 2002). The teachers in this part of the course, although in the dominant position, but does not meanthat teachers can freely design teaching, in fact, students will be affected by manyfactors in the tea

    9、ching design, such as the lack of teaching knowledge and experience, can not predict the level of students (such as students usually face micro teaching simulation, students) the classroom, the myriads of changes of these factors, often make the teaching activities and teaching plans can not fully f

    10、it, which requires designers to teaching on the basis of systematic principles in the teaching design, elements of the teaching aim, teaching content, teaching strategies and evaluation methods of reasonable disposal and the formation of the best combination, and has a certain flexibility in the par

    11、t of the design is to stay for example, make a prediction or reserve the solution to the teaching situation may occur in the course of teaching, so that teaching effect The best. In addition, teachers should adhere to the principle of serving the development of students in curriculum design, teachin

    12、g design to whether it isconducive to the development of students as the ultimate standard, this is because education itself is to cultivate peoples social activities, all the educational activities to cultivate the talents for the central task of social thought, left the development of students on

    13、the teaching design is undoubtedly have the order reversed.The 2. classroom teaching implementation abilityTeachers teaching ability is a comprehensive teaching ability, generally speaking, those who have the ability to successfully carry out the teaching process can include. The essence of the teac

    14、hing process is the comprehensive interaction between teachers and students, students and students, Denis (Dennis O Neil) the communication process is divided into communicative language and non language (including body movement, surrounding environment, spatial relationships, dress makeup etc.). In

    15、 the teaching process, the main method for teachers to complete the task of teaching is the teaching language, teachers ability to use the language but also directly influence and restrict the teaching effect, the teachers are required to have the necessary knowledge of teaching language skills and

    16、language skills; however, the use of language is not only a kind of ability, it is a art classroom teachers nonverbal expression also plays an effective use of art to express ideas and exchange knowledge, emotion, non language expressions including Vice language, facial expressions, eye language, bo

    17、dy language, body language and posture of spatial distance and so on, these non language arts skills can play the function of education, application to enhance the classroom aesthetic.In addition to language ability, teachers should have the teaching organization and management capabilities to ensur

    18、e the normal operation of the classroom teaching, however, treatment of behavior problems of classroom management is far from the classroom, it also includes classroom time management to create a harmonious classroom atmosphere etc. In addition, the teaching process as the essence of communication p

    19、rocess requires teachers to have communication skills, as Cooper (1993:473) said the essence of teaching learning process is an effective communication, without communication there is no teaching, thus, communicative skills is an essential skill of good teachers, more effective and successful implem

    20、entation of teaching, achieve prerequisite to achieve the expected teaching effect.3. ability to use teaching methodsTo achieve the teaching objective, the teaching need to be able to skillfully use of teaching methods, teaching methods including tools, media or equipment to carry out teaching activ

    21、ities and transmit information, only to master these teaching methods, teachers can better play an education, knowledge transfer plays an important role, the organizers and the inspection. Now the development of science and technology education has madethe teaching methods used by visual aids to aud

    22、io-visual media and the stage of development of high-tech, modern teaching needs to support classroom environment and software environment in the room, based on traditional teaching methods, the use of multimedia computer, projection screen, blackboard magnet, laser pointer to reflect the teaching m

    23、eans the characteristics of the times; some teaching software such as WindowsXP, Office 2010 (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, CS, Flash) ACD See Pro, Photoshop CS, geometric sketchpad and so on, the use of these software environment will improve the efficiency of teachers and classes. The applica

    24、tion of modern educational technology in teaching breaks through the traditional learning information and information transfer mode of single rigid limitation, but also improve the students cognitive process and method. The multimedia technology to teaching information presentation illustrated, pict

    25、ophonetic simultaneously, provides material expressive force and tension, it also allows the transfer of information focus, difficulties to resolve, is conducive to students effective learning of information processing, in addition, the modern media to show the development process of things change w

    26、ith time and space concept of new, effective to help students understand things and nature events, improve the learning efficiency.4. teaching evaluation and reflection abilityThe evaluation of teachers teaching and reflection ability is a kind of implicit teaching skills, teachers in preparing less

    27、ons, classroom observation ability and reflected the teaching activities in the class. From the time point of view, and Reflection on the teaching evaluation can be a preventive can also be remedial, preventive evaluation and reflection before teaching behavior, such as extra set of teaching activit

    28、ies and possible prevention of events and so on;evaluation and reflection after the teacher teaching behavior is the remedy the effect of the degree of acceptance and help teachers to understand the learning situation, teachingstudents to master the degree of realization of target, and adjust the te

    29、aching behavior and teaching reflection loss. The subject and the reflection of teaching evaluation in addition to teachers, students can also participate in the evaluation and reflection of this can enable students to master their learning situation, understand their learning progress and problems,

    30、 but also for teachers to better solve these problems provide feedback way. In addition, from the point of teaching evaluation and reflection, and Reflection on the teaching evaluation can be self oriented, can also refer to others, self identification, self evaluation, self reflection, self educati

    31、on, self promotion is an effective way for teachers professional growth; pointing to the evaluation and reflection of others that can occur between the teachers open class, can also occur in education videos or teaching analysis teaching activities. The evaluation and reflection of teaching can effe

    32、ctively bridge the theory and practice of education teaching gap has great significance on improving the quality of teachers, teachers change the concept of education and improvement of education.Three, training and development of teachers occupation ability1.personnel training and curriculum system

    33、Since twentieth Century,More and more educators began to think deeply on the connotation and functions of teachers, teachers occupation type, professional quality of teachers, teachers role and so on,thinking and discussion of the results is the talent of the change of information age and the teacher in the end, followed by the new


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