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    高中语法第六讲 从句学习.docx

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    高中语法第六讲 从句学习.docx

    1、高中语法第六讲 从句学习高中语法第六讲 从句学习前面的话:从句是高中语法学习中的重要组成部分,也是提高我们使用这门语言能力的有力工具;当然,凡是重要的东西总有自己的小脾气,从句学习也不例外,所以在我们正式和他交锋之前,还是给大家一点独家秘笈吧。从句学习的难点主要集中在以下几个方面:1. 用句子代替了原来用单词或短语承担的成分,这就需要我们必须很了解句子的基本组成成分,以及每种成分的特点;2. 所有从句都需要连接词或者是关联词,因此了解不同的从句到底需要怎样的关联词,每个关联词之间有什么联系或者区别就成为决定我们是否可以正确选择和使用他们的关键所在;3. 拥有从句的句子通常称为复合句,相对简单句

    2、来讲,复合句有了两个甚至更多的动作主体(主语),这样就必定会产生不同的动作,它们所对应的各个不同动词都有自己独立的时态,所以怎样使用正确的时态来表达并且还要使得我们的主句和从句在时态上可以保持一致也是学习的重点和关键;4. 通过从句的学习进一步了解英语的表达习惯,提高自己的分析能力和表达能力是我们在这一个板块学习的终极目标。欢迎来到复合句的世界!Its time to fight to them!Part 名词性从句1. 概述名词性从句主要包括主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,另外直接引语和间接引语在结构和句法作用上都比较接近名词性从句,所以我们通常把他们放在一起学习。2. 名词性从句

    3、的连接词学习连接词用法举例that从属连词在句中没有实际的意思,同时也不充当任何成分,仅仅作为连接的功能存在,因此在很多时候,它往往会被省略。He told me (that) he had been fallen love with Laura.(That) the price for the gold will go up is certain.if/whether从属连词二者都表示是否的意思,基本用法和that一样的,二者在名词性从句中大多数是可以互换使用的,但是以下三种情况,后者是不可以被前者代替的:1. whether引导主语从句并置于句首时;Whether he can come

    4、to your party is unsure.In fact, if/whether he can come to your party is unsure.2. whether引导表语从句时;The question is whether we can get in touch with her.3. whether从句位于介词后面或者动词不定式前面的时候;a. 介词后作宾语:I am thinking about whether he can come here on time.b. 后面紧跟动词不定式I dont know whether or not to tell her the

    5、news.wh-这里主要包括两个部分,连接代词和连接副词,它们在句中不仅有自己的意思,更重要的是它们担任了句中的特定成份,所以是不可以被省略的。1. 连接代词:what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whose, which, whicheverWhat we should do is undecided.What worries us most is who let out the secret.2. 连接副词:when, whenever, where, wherever, how, however, whyWhen we shall meet again

    6、is unknown.This is where the accident happened.3. 主要的名词性从句学习从句名称特点及用法举例主语从句1. that引导的主语从句;a. 置于句首,可省略;That you dont like her is none of my business.That he is the winner for the race is real.b. It在句中作形式主语,that引导的从句作为句子真正的主语,此时最好不去省略,即使它仍然是可以被省略的;结构一:It + be /系动词 + adj. + that从句(should + v.)常用形容词:nec

    7、essary, right, (un)likely, wrong, important, clear, obvious, strange, certain, naturalIt is obvious that youve make a big mistake.It is necessary that a college student (should) master one foreign language.结构二:It + 指定动词+ that从句.常用动词:seem, appear, happen, matter, find out, turn out, work outIt seems

    8、to me that you object to the plan.It turns out that our team has won the game.结构三:It + be /系动词+ n. + that从句常用名词:a pity, an honor, a shame, a/no wonder, good news, a factIt is a pity that he lost the chance to get a better job.It is an honor that we can help each other like that.结构四:It + be /系动词+ v.

    9、ed + that从句(should + v.)常用动词过去式:said, told, heard, reported, decided, suggested, advised, ordered, remembered, thought, considered, well-known, hoped, announcedIt is said that he will take part in our team.It is heard that the final exam will be had next weekend.2. if/whether引导的主语从句Whether the work

    10、can be completed on time is unknown. = It is unknown if/whether the work can be completed on time.3. wh-引导的主语从句:例子详见连接词的学习表。4. 主语从句的时态说明:主语从句在时态使用上没有具体或强制的要求,主要根据句子实际需要调整,通常情况下,多用现在时;同时主语从句有很多的结构可以直接套用,这些结构的时态一般也相对固定。宾语从句1. 动词的宾语从句类型一:普通动词后I hope (that) you can come and see me sometime.He said (that

    11、) he had found the way to the town.类型二:部分动词 + 副词结构后,如find out, point out, work out, turn outCan you point out what the poet really means in the poem?Please find out when the ship sails for New York.类型三:动词短语后,常见的短语包括make sure/certain, make up ones mind, keep/bear in mind等Make sure that there are no m

    12、istakes in your paper before you hand them in.类型四:有形式宾语it的宾语从句a. 带有宾语补足语的动词需要用it作形式宾语而将that引导的真正宾语从句后置,此点用法同主语从句中的形式主语it的用法非常类似,请比较学习;常带宾语补足语的动词有find, feel, think, consider, make, believe, guess, suppose, assume等I think it necessary that we take plenty hot water everyday.I have made it a rule that I

    13、 keep diaries.b. 某些动词在宾语从句前需要加上it,比如,hate, like, take, owe, have, see to等,另外还要注意那些短语和习惯用法中本生就带有it的,像take it for granted。I hate it when talk with their mouths full of food.He must like it what you have done for him.类型五:表示认为,建议,猜测等意思的动词,在遇上wh-引导的宾语从句时,通常会把引导词置于句首,如think, say, guess, suppose, suggest,

    14、believe, feel, consider等。Who do you thing we might choose as our new leader?2. 介词的宾语从句通常情况下介词后的宾语从句是由wh-来引导的(包括whether),少数介词后会出现that从句,如except.Martha is always thinking of how she could more for others.We are talking bout whether we admit students into our club.They look very similar (that) one is a

    15、 little taller.3. 形容词后的宾语从句可以带宾语从句的形容词常见的有sure, certain, glad, pleased, happy, afraid, surprised, satisfied, sorry等;Im so sorry that you must face all of these along.Its sure that we have to change minds for the new plan.4. 不省略that的宾语从句a. 在learn, suggest, explain, agree, wonder, prove, mean, state,

    16、feel, hold后的that从句不省略;We agreed that the project can be kept on in three days.b. 宾语从句比较长;We all think that what the public is badly in need of is nothing but the development of economy.c. 主句的状语部分在主句句尾在宾语从句之前;I realized at once that what I had done hurt her.d. 宾语从句的状语或状语从句位于句首;He told me that if I ca

    17、n go and see Jimmies he will be more thankful.e. 主句谓语动词包括非谓语动词和宾语从句中有插入语或本身是固定词组;When she got to England, she found, that everything was not what she thought about.We had made up our mind that nothing can stop us to beat them down.f. 一个动词带两个宾语从句时,第二个的that不要省略;The teacher told us (that) French is the

    18、 most beautiful tongue in the world and that we must keep it among us forever.g. 宾语从句中的主语是this, that或主语的定语是this, that;We think that this news must bring the hope for us all.h. 宾语从句充当双宾语中的直接宾语;i. Palmer told me that he would do with it by himself.j. 宾语从句的主语时非谓语动词或主语从句;Many people simply couldnt belie

    19、ve that what he had written was true.k. 有it作形式宾语We think it important that children should take plenty of milk as they grow.l. 直接引语中用转述分句把宾语从句隔开;“Im sorry to tell you,” the man said, “that you miss the last train.”5. 宾语从句的否定转移Think, believe, suppose, imagine, guess, expect, feel等动词后的宾语从句需要将从句中的否定转移到

    20、主句完成。但是口语中为加强表达效果或是希望更加迅速的引起他人的注意,又往往不做这样的转移。I dont think that he is a good man.I dont imagine you are interested in politics.请记录否定不转移的情况:6. 宾语从句的时态说明主句时态是现在一般时或者将来一般时的时候,从句可以使用任何需要的时态;主句是过去一般时,从句需要用过去的某种时态。I know that you have gone to Paris twice.He told us that he had been married with Nikki for t

    21、wo years.The reporter asked if the government would take necessary measure to put down the to-do.表语从句1. 连接词a. if之外的所有名词性从句的连接词都可以作为表语从句的连接词;This place isnt what it used to be.The doubt is who has got away with the document.That was where we camped last time.b. because, as if, as though, as, like等也可以

    22、作为从句的连接词(本条举例见表语从句学习第二点)2. seem/look/appear/sound/taste/remain + 表语从句It sounds as if/as though Laura has been really ill.It looks like it is going to rain.It smells as if/as though the meat has gone off.3. 表语从句学习中注意的问题a. 关于连接词what, where, when具备两种不同的表述语气,一种是疑问,一种是陈述;表陈述时,通常解释为。的人/事,。的地方,。的时间。The gym

    23、 is where we often keep our feel. = The gym is the place where web. 关于虚拟语气如果主句的主语是idea, advice, proposal, recommendation, suggestion, order, command, request, requirement的时候,从句的主语无论是单数还是复数,谓语动词都采用动词原形或should+动词原形来表达,这是表语从句中的虚拟语气;The proposal of our parents is that we should come back before 12 every

    24、 night.The idea of mine is that he go there along.c. 关于reasonThe only reason is that we must get rid of the bad habits all.同位语从句1. 连接词:if之外的所有名词性从句的连接词都可以作为同位语从句的连接词,同时注意同位语从句中的连接词一般不省略。The report that he was going to resign was false.I have no idea why she quit her present job.Theres some doubt whe

    25、ther John will come on time.We havent yet settled the question where we are going to spend our vacation.2. 可跟同位语从句的名词或短语举例同位语从句一般都是接在名词后面,但不是所有的名词都可以接同位语从句,所以距离那些可以带同位语从句的名词短语或名词:believe- doubt- explanation- hope-idea- news- opinion- possibility-statement- thought- wish- truth-fact- question- promis

    26、e- problem-reply- report- suggestion- advice-fear- warning- understanding- feeling-rumor- certainty- probability- on condition- on the understanding-with the exception- in spite of the fact3. 虚拟语气:适用于虚拟语气的名词包括有advice, recommendation, suggestion, order, command, request, requirement,表示建议,命令,要求,具体用法要求

    27、和表语从句的虚拟语气的学习是一致的。The suggestion came from the chairman that the new rule should be adopted.4. 直接引语和间接引语的学习为方便陈述以下内容,将直接引语简称为直引,将间接引语简称为间引。变化项目变化规则人称变化人称变化要根据具体的情况具体分析,不可以生搬硬套!1. 直引中的第一人称在原话中如果针对第三人称说的-间引的第三人称He said, “I am very sorry.”-He said that he was very sorry.She said to her son, “Ill check

    28、your homework tonight.”-She said to her son that she would check his homework that night.2. 直引中的第二人称在原话中如果针对第二人称说的-间引的第一人称My father told me, “You should be more careful next time.”-My father told me that I should be more careful next time.He asked me, “Will you go to the station with me this afterno

    29、on?”-He asked me whether I would go to the station with him that afternoon.3. 其他变化He said, “You told me so yourself.”-He said that I had told him so myself.时态变化当主句的时态为过去一般时的时候,间引的时态要做相应的变化,具体如下:(左边为直引的时态,右边为间引的时态)现在一般时-过去一般时 现在进行时-过去进行时现在完成时-过去完成时 过去一般时-过去完成时将来一般时-过去将来时 过去完成时-过去完成时现在完成进行时-过去完成进行时She

    30、 said, “I am very glad to visit your school”-Tom said, “We are listening the pop music.”-Mother asked, “Have you finished your homework before you watch TV.”-He asked the conductor, “Where shall I get off to change to a No.3 bus?”-The teacher asked, “Why did she refuse to go there?”-He said, “I have

    31、nt heard from my parents these days.”-时态不变化1. 直接引语有确定的过去时间;Tom said, “We were having a football match this time yesterday.”-2. 直接引语强调转述事实,而不是强调动作的时间顺序;The boy said, “I found the dog just at the edge of the wood.”-3. 直接引语强调转述事实仍在继续;The reporter said, “The war about the hungry is now still on in Africa.”-4. 直接引语转述的是自然现象,科学真理,名言名句等;Our teacher said. “All work


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