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    1、函电交易磋商教案 Inquiry, Offer and Counter-offerLearning Aims:1. To know about the information to be covered in general inquiry and specific inquiry2. To understand the difference between firm offer and non-firm offer and be able to write them independently3. To be able to place, decline and accept orders

    2、in writing In this chapter, students will acquire appropriate knowledge about four main steps in business negotiation: inquiry, offer, counter-offer and acceptance.Section 1 Inquiry and Reply(第六次交易磋商,共四节)Brief Introduction:Inquiry is the first real step in business negotiation. It is usually made by

    3、 the buyers without engagement. When making an inquiry the buyer may ask about price, catalogue, packing, delivery date, terms of payment and so on. An inquiry should be clear and to be the point. There are two kinds of inquiry, general inquiry and specific inquiry. If the importer wants to have a g

    4、eneral idea of the commodity, he may make a request for a pricelist, a catalogue, samples and other terms. This is a general inquiry, also called a first inquiry, which should begin by telling them how you obtained his names. Some details of your business, such as the goods handled, quantities neede

    5、d, usual terms of trade and any information likely to enable the supplier to decide what he can do for you, will also help. If the importer intends to purchase certain products, he may ask the exporter to make an offer or a quotation for the goods. That is a specific inquiry. A buyer usually makes a

    6、n inquiry to invite a quotation or offer from the seller in order to buy a certain product or obtain a kind of service. Reply letters answer questions, supply specific information and attempt to meet the needs of those who make the requests. Therefore writing of inquiries has become the general prac

    7、tice in international business correspondence.How to write an inquiry?A good inquiry should be simple, clear, specific and concise.(1) General inquiry: Tell the source of information and a brief self-introduction Express the intention of writing the letter (Ask for a catalogue, samples or a pricelis

    8、t) State the possibility of placing an order(2) Specific Inquiry: Tell the names and describe the goods inquired for, including specifications, quantity, etc. Ask whether there is a possibility of giving a special discount and what terms of payment and time of delivery you would expect State the pos

    9、sibility of placing an orderHow to write a reply? A good reply to an inquiry should be prompt, courteous, objective and entire, and contain all the information your customer required. Youd better assure your clients that you have full confidence in your product or service. Begin the reply by repeati

    10、ng the date and the inquiry. If the inquiry is from an old client, you may tell him that you are glad to hear from him again. Give a full answer to the inquiry. If you cannot do as requested, try to offer a substitute. You may end your letter by hoping that the information you provided is helpful an

    11、d by offering further help.Case 1 我方是哥本哈根东部的一家纺织品经销商,有着多年的从业经验。在从我驻外使馆商务参赞处了解到对方是全棉床罩和枕套的主要出口商之后,写信给对方以建立业务关系并索要对方的商品目录和价目单。Key Words & Phrases1. inquiry/enquiry inkwairi n.询价,询盘2. embassy embsi n.大使馆3. competitive kmpetitiv a.有竞争力的4. quantity kwntiti n.数量5. leading li:di a.第一位的,最主要的6. textiles teks

    12、tails n.纺织品7. promising prmisi a.有前途的8. pillowcase pilkeis n. 枕套9. Copenhagen .kupnheign n.哥本哈根10. dealer di:l n.经销商,商人11. profitable prfitbl a.有利可图的12. learn from 从得知13. Commercial Counselors Office 商务参赞处14. handicraft article 手工艺品15. in this line of business 在这一行业中16. all cotton bed sheets 全棉床单17.

    13、 in the hope of doing something 希望做某事18. at your earliest convenience 尽早19. terms of payment 付款方式Useful Sentences1. We learn from the Commercial Counselors Office of our Embassy in your country that you 2. We have obtained your name and address from the Commercial Counselors Office of our Embassy in

    14、 your country that you 3. We would like to introduce us as one of the leading importers of handicraft articles in Canada.4. We are a leading company with many years experience in the import of handicraft articles.5. We enjoy a good reputation internationally in the circle of handicraft. 6. We are ve

    15、ry much interested in your brocade handbags, and would appreciate it if you will let us have information as to prices, quantity available, and the other relative particulars.7. As we are in the market for brocade handbags, would you please send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue with details of

    16、 your prices and payment terms?Letter 1 General Inquiry(普通询盘)Dear Sirs,We learn from the Commercial Counselors Office of our Embassy in your country that you are a leading exporter of all cotton bed sheets and pillowcases in your country. We take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of estab

    17、lishing business relations with you.We are large dealers in textiles, located at the east of Copenhagen, having many years of experience in this line of business and there is a promising market in our country for your products.Wed like to send us your catalogue and price list at your earliest conven

    18、ience.We hope this will be a good start for our long and profitable business relations.Yours faithfully,Mark MatthewsMark MatthewsCase 2 出口商在收到询盘信后,给予答复。随信寄了几本带有插图的商品目录和一份价目单,另外为了证明产品的质量及工艺,单独邮寄了一些样品。信中还提出对成批购买给予3折优惠,凭不可撤消信即期用证付款。Key Words & Phrases1. craftsmanship kr:ftsmnip n.技能,技术2. enclose inklu

    19、z vt.随信附寄3. illustrated catalogue 带有插图的目录4. by separate post= under separate cover 单独邮寄5. irrevocable L/C at sight 不可撤销的即期信用证6. bulk purchase 批量采购Useful Sentences1. We are pleased to receive your enquiry of September 10 and are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and price list as requested.2. We ar

    20、e pleased to know that we have been recommended by ABC Company.3. We hope the above information will turn out to be useful to you.4. Please feel free to contact us again if you have any further questions.Letter 2 Reply to a General Inquiry(普通询盘的回函)Dear Mr.Cameer,We welcome you for your enquiry of Ma

    21、y 16 and thank your interest in our export commodities.We are enclosing some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the details you ask for. Also by separate post, we are sending you some samples which will show you clearly the quality and craftsmanship. Youll find that our pro

    22、ducts are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price.We offer a 3% discount for bulk purchase. Payment is to be made by irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight.Thank you again for your interest in our products. If you would like to have more information, please let us know as soon as possib

    23、le. Well be glad to assist you in any way we can.Yours faithfully,Jane StottJane StottCase 3 我方是韩国一家毛衣的主要进口商。在一次交易会上看到对方的毛衣后,就有意购买对方商品号为GE-0756的毛衣。因此写信给对方,询问CIF到釜山的最低价(包括5%的佣金)、最早的装船日期及付款方式,同时要对方提供不同颜色的毛衣样品。Key Words & Phrases1. commission kmin n.佣金2. in the market for= be interested in buying sth.

    24、有意买某物3. prompt attention to sth. 及时关注某事4. quote sb. a price for sth. 向某人就某物报价5. place an order with sb. for sth. 向某人就某物下订单6. the minimum quantity最低出口量Useful Sentences1. Please quote us your lowest prices/rock bottom price for this product, CIF , including our 5% commission.2. We may place regular or

    25、ders for large quantities if your quality is suitable and the prices competitive.3. If the quality of your brocade handbags is satisfactory and the prices acceptable, we shall be able to give you considerable orders.4. How much discount could you offer on an order of this size?5. We find it the most

    26、 helpful if you can supply samples of your products.6. We would also like to know the minimum quantity per color and per design.7. We should like to know if you can supply the products by the end of June.8. Your prompt attention to this matter will be much appreciated.Letter 3 Specific Inquiry(具体询盘)

    27、Dear Sir,We are one of the leading importers of sweaters in Korea. We have seen your products displayed at the Canton Fair.At present, we are in the market for your sweater, Item No.GE-0756. Will you please quote the lowest price CIF Pusan, inclusive of our 5% commission, stating the earliest date o

    28、f shipment and terms of payment? We would find it the most helpful if you could provide us with the samples of different colors.Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you.An early reply will be appreciated.Yours faithfully,Case 4 Re

    29、ply to a Specific Inquiry(具体询盘的回函:可供货)在收到上述询盘信后,对商品号为GE-0756女式毛衣的可供货尺寸、最小出口量、价格、装船日期和付款方式给予答复。Key Words & Phrases1. assorted s:tid a.多样混合的,各色俱备的2. cordially k:djli ad.诚恳地,诚挚地3. anticipate ntisipeit vt.预期,期望4. await weit vt.等候,准备.以待5. specification .spesifikein n.规格,说明书6. take advantage of 利用7. with

    30、keen interest 殷切地Useful Sentences1. Thank you very much for your letter of May 23 asking us to quote for 1000 dozen mens shirts.2. Replying to you enquiry of May 8, we have the pleasure of quoting of our brocade handbags as follows.3. We hope the quotation will prove acceptable to you and are lookin

    31、g forward to receiving your order soon.4. We hope that our quotation will be acceptable to you, and await with keen interest your formal orders.5. Unfortunately, the required specification is not available at present.Letter 4 Reply to a Specific Inquiry(具体询盘的回函:可供货)Dear Sir,Thank you for your inquiry of May 8 and we are pleased to send you our quotation for the goods you required as follows: Commodity: Womens sweater in assorted colors, Item No.GE-0756 Size: Large (L), Medium (M), Small (S) Maximum Export Quantity: 100 dozen per color Price: US$40.00 per dozen, CIFC 5% Pusan Shipment: within


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