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    1、指纹识别毕业设计外文翻译摘要:本文拟在提出一种可以区分protocol指纹识别的方法,用帧描述指纹识别代替建立帧系统获得主机信息与系统配对从而分辨出主机操作系统的类别。实验的结果表明这种方法能够有效的辨别操作系统,这一方法比其他例如nmap 和 xprobe的系统更为隐秘。关键词:传输控制)协议/ 协议 指纹识别 操作系统辨别远程主机的操作系统,这是一个很重要的领域。了解主机操作系统可以分析和获取一些信息,例如记忆管理,CPU的类型。这些信息对于计算机网络的攻击与防御非常重要。主要的辨别是通过TCP/IP指纹识别来完成的。几乎所有的操作系统的定制他们自己的协议栈都通过以下的RFC。这种情况导致


    3、 Ttbit查明操作系统所使用TCP / IP 的性能特点。因为这种性能受网络环境极大。其结果往往是不完全确定的。文献分析资料中的行动而获得的拦截(如一些同步的要求,一个封闭的端口如何响应连接请求) 。虽然这种方式是有效,它在少数特定操作系统区分上述的各种系统,都没有完整的描述指纹系统,引起他们进行分辨的主要是依靠部分的TCP/IP。这篇文章的目的就是要简绍一种新的方法来解决这些问题。它们都被吓跑的方式来描述指纹的OS integrallty ,造成诉讼程序的确定只能依靠部分TCP / IP协议。本文提出了一种新的方法来解决这一问题:它是指纹操作系统,是通过利用科技来获取一些信息,获取的信息的

    4、一些技术,查明操作系统。第二章我们提出一些基本的方法的概念,第三章 用帧技术来提出描述和匹配协定指纹,第四章,是完成这种方法的算法,第五部分,利用实验来验证他的有效有效性并分析结果最后第六部分是总结全文,及未来的发展方向。该程序是为了获取信息,提取指纹和匹配的指纹库里的记录,以便知道类型。本节确定获取信息的方法,采取的做法和通信的状况,还区分指纹。这些工作为下一节如何建立一个帧系统来识别指纹做好准备要插入“表”或“数字” ,请粘贴下文所述数据。所有表格和数字必须使用连续数字( 1 , 2 , 3等) ,并有一个标题放在下面的数字( “ FigCaption ” )或在表的上面( “ FigTa

    5、lbe ” )用8pt字体和从风格兰中下拉菜单中的类别中选择指定的样式“标题”。在本文中,我们提出了一个方法,以确定操作系统的远程主机。该方法使用帧技术来识别指纹,弥补探针和监控获得的信息和从资料中摘取信息来与指纹库中的匹配,最后识别操作系统。通过实验,该方法与nmap and xprobe. 相比,能准确识别远程的主机的操作系统。在未来,我们计划为每个种操作系统汇编更多的指纹,使算法(规则系统)将更加智能化,以提高识别的精度(准确性)。This paper present a method that classify the fingerprint of protocol(电脑之间通信与资料

    6、传送所遵守的规则), use the frame to describe the fingerprint in order to create the frame system, get the information of host(主机) to match the system to identify the type of OS in remote host. Result from experimental(实验性的)appears that this method can identify the OS effectively, the action of is more secre

    7、tly than other systems such as nmap and xprobe (x-probe:X探针).Key words: TCP/IP Fingerprint OSIt is an important field that identify what OS in remote host. Mastering the OS can analyse and acquire some information such as memory management、the kind of CPU. These information is important for computer

    8、 network attack and computer network defense.The main way to identify is through the TCP/IP fingerprint to finish. Nearly all kind of OS customize(定制) their owns protocol stack by following the RFC. This instance cause the fact that every protocol stack has some different details during implementing

    9、. These details are known as fingerprint which make it possible to identify the OS .Nmap、Queso1 use the fingerprint in transport layer. They send the particular packets to the target and analyse the retured packets, matching the fingerprint in the fingerprint warehouse in order to get the result. Th

    10、e information in the warehouse is affected by the specified message for probing. It hardly to distinguish the similar OS (eg.windows98/2000/xp).Xprobe2 mainly use the ICMP which make use of five kinds of packets in ICMP to identify OS. It can give the probability of all possible situation which mayb

    11、e the indeed OS. The main shortage is it excessively depend on ICMP Protocol.SYNSCAN3 use some typical fields fingerprint to identify when it communicaties with target host in application protocol. The warehouse of fingerprint have limited types of field. Ring 、Ttbit56 identify the OS using the perf

    12、ormance character of TCP/IP. Because this kind of character is affected by network environment greatly. The result is often not exactly.Literature7 analysis the action in messages which are acquired through interception(eg. The number of SYN request, a closed port how to response a connection reques

    13、t).Although this way is availability, it only distinguish a few given OSAbove all the kinds of system, they all be scare of a way to describe the fingerprint of OS integrallty, which cause the proceeding of identify only depend on a part of TCP/IP . This paper propose a new method to resolve the pro

    14、blem: it uniformly the fingerprint of OS, acquire the message by some technology, identify the OS at last. The rest of the paper is organized as followed: Section we present based concept of this method. Section present how to describe and match the protocol fingerprint using frame technology. Secti

    15、on present an algorithm to implement the method and Section use experiment to validate its effectiveness and analysis the result. Finally Section present the concluding remark and possible future work.The proceeding of identify is to acquire message, extract the fingerprint and match the record of f

    16、ingerprint warehouse, in order to know the type. This section define the measure which are to acquire message, the action and status of communication, also classify the fingerprint. These work are all prepared for the next section which how to built a frame system describing the fingerprint.To insert “Tables” or “Figures”, please paste the data as stated below. All tables and figures must be given sequential num


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