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    1、土木中外文翻译On TheApplication of High-Performanee ConcreteSummary The high-performa nee con crete is a main direct ion of the tech ni cal developme nt of recentconcrete, the foreign scholar has called that the concrete in 21st century. Norway carried on research to this at first in 1986, n amed formally

    2、from America n Nati onal Stan dard, tech no logical research in stitute (NIST)and a seminar hosted together of American Concrete Institute (ACI) in 1990. Conference stipulate high- performa nee con crete to have whom some performa nee require homoge nize the con crete, must adopt thestrict con struc

    3、t ion craft, adopt high-quality material formulate, easy to water smash, ema nate, mecha nics performanee steady, early intensity high, with performanee such as toughness and volume stability durable concrete, especially suitable for the skyscraper, bridge and open to the building structure of the h

    4、arsh environment.Key words con crete; performa nce;e ngin eeri ng;applicatio n1.In troducti onRece nt high-performa nee con crete is the main directi on of the developme nt of con crete tech no logy, foreig n scholars have called the 21st een tury con crete. Norway in 1986, this was the first study

    5、in 1990 by the Natio nal In stitute of Sta ndardsa nd Tech no logy (NIST) and the American Concrete Institute (ACI) at a seminar co-hosted a formal naming. The General Assembly for high-performanee concrete is a certain performanee requirements of the uniform quality of con crete, it must adopt a st

    6、rict con struct ion tech no logy, using high-quality materials, preparation, ease of pouring pound, non-segregation, mechanical properties and stability, high early strength with toughness and size stability durability performanee of concrete, especially for high-rise buildings, bridges, and exposur

    7、e to harsh environments in architectural structures. As an integrated high-performanee concretewith excellent technical characteristics of materials at home and abroad has aroused world wide attention with the engineering and concern. 10 years, the world, many countries have invested a great deal of

    8、 man power, finan cial and material resources to con duct the research and developme nt applicati ons, to en able high-performa ncec on crete tech no logy has made great progress in the selection of raw materials, mix design, physical and mechanical properties of , durability, workability, structure

    9、 and performa nee as well as applicati on of tech no logy have made both theoretical basis an dits practical value of scie ntific and tech no logical achieveme nts.In 1993, the technical committee under American Concrete Institute proposed a new high- performa nceconcrete was defined: Meet project s

    10、pecial various performanceof requirement, but in cludi ng easy to water, smash in stead of ema nat ing, high Ion g-term mecha nics performa nce,high early in ten sity, high and tough an d ten sile and high volume stability, or the service life in the harsh environment is for a long time, and homogen

    11、izing good concrete. In recent years, American Concrete Institute provides more concise definition on a piece of characters again: The high-performanee concrete is that one kind can accord with special performanceand synthesize the concretewith the homogeneity requirement,the concretecan get with re

    12、gular con crete comp onen t material and com mon mixing, habit method smashed and maintained to water often. High-performanee concrete, it is used for signifying the concrete with high work degree, high strength and high durability beginning. This kind of concretemust be designedand possessechigh vo

    13、lume stability.For reduce con crete shri nk and do fracture produced to con tract with temperature,must limit the grout content in the concrete mixture. The high-performanee concrete amount of total grout limited of design method of match ratio that Mehta and Actcin put forward is 1/3 of the concret

    14、e volume; Allow some silicate cementspend volcanic ash or have glue person who congeal to mix, shut material replace. AcTcin has been prophesied: Mix slay, fly ash, silica flour, inferior clay, the rice husks dust and three yuan of the lime stone powder and mix cement besidescan make the preparation

    15、 of the high-performanee concrete more economic ing, still can give play to exceedinga pile of function of them, improve its property while mixing an dharde ningn ewly.2.High performanee concrete in modern engineeringHigh performa neee on crete tech no logy is successfully used in many parts of the

    16、world of offshore structures and grew up across the bridge eon struct ion, Lan gley, who described growing up across a few bridges in Canadawith the workability.They are used in the girder, mound departmentand moundbase,it is 450 Kg/m3 that silica flour mix cement consumption, water 153L/ m3, guide

    17、angry pharmaceutical 160mL/ m3 and high-efficient water-reducing agent 3L/ m3. Its slump is probably in 200mm; Includes 6.1% of toleranee; 1d, 3d, 28d compression strength are 35, 52 and 82 MPa respectively; The foundation and other big mixed cement eonsumption of pieces of eoncrete are 307 Kg/m3, f

    18、ly ash 133 Kg/m3, water eonsumption is close, but guide the angry pharmaceuticaland mixing amount of high-efficient water-reduci ng age nt to reduceby a large margi n, make an appo in tme nt in 185mm in slump; In eludes 7% of tolera nee; 1d, 3d, 28d and 90d compressio nstre ngth are 10, 20, 50 and 7

    19、6 MPa respectively. And water permeability of U.S.A. and chlorine ion fast to permeate standard method experimental result indicate according to Canada: Both part of eoncretes prese nt very low permeability. To high-performa nee eon crete eon struct ion of structure, n eed, put emphasis on, stre ngt

    20、he non-the-spot laboratorytest and in spectionof quality very much.Another area of development of high performanee eoncrete is a high performanee lightweight eoncrete, as opposed tosteel,ordinary eoncretestrength/ weight ratio is very low, mixed with high-strength concretesuperplasticizer is signifi

    21、cantly enhancedthe ratio; with a large number of tiny holes lightweight aggregateto replace part of the normal aggregate, will be able to further improve this ratio. As the aggregatequality of different density of 2000 Kg/m3, compressive strength at 70 80 MPa high-performanee lightweight concrete in

    22、 a nu mber of coun tries have already commercialized and used in comp onent product ion. In Australia, Canada, Japan, Norway and the United States, high-performanee lightweight concretehas been used in fixed and floating drilling platform; becauseof mud and water, the in terface betwee n the aggrega

    23、teb ond stre ngth, it can be impermeable, so the erosi on of the en vir onmen table is very durable.-Doped silica powder 10 15% or even higher superplasticizer prepared mixture of cement concrete, with excellent adhesion, so the spray applied to the wet spraying the structural repair of concrete, wh

    24、ich is one of the areas of high performanee concrete applicati ons.2.1High-performanee concretein high-rise building applications. High- performa ncec on crete( 40MPa) over the first 30-story high-rise build ings used for reinforced concrete structures, because such buildings in the lower third of t

    25、he columns, using ordinary con crete whe n the great cross-sect ion. In additi on to sav ings in material costs, as compared with the steel structure, speeding up the adoption of concrete structures is an important feature, since the United States in Chicago in 1965 with 50 MPa concretepouring Lake

    26、Point Tower some of the pillars has been everywhere in North America and other countries using high-performanee concrete to build high-rise building. Chicago 79-story Water Tower Place building columns using 60MPa eoncrete; Torontos Scotia PlazaBuilding and Seattles Two union Square Building 2 Build

    27、ings then 90 and 120MPa respectively intensity of high-performanceconcretepillars.Application examples: a. high-performanceconcrete application of C80 high-strength and high-performanceconcretein Shenyang FangyuanBuilding, Onishi Electric Park, and many other high-rise building in the application of

    28、 eoncretefilled steel tubular columns.b.Shanghai Researchin the field of high performanceconcrete in a large number of promising results obtained, of which representative results are: Chinas tallest building - 88 C40 floor Jinmao Tower once pumped to 382.5m; Tomorrow Square slag pumping C80 eon cret

    29、e; in Shan ghaieducati onTV stati on based on complex buildi ng masse on crete, ceme nt consumption accountedfor only 46% of the total cementitious materials, preparation of the full amount of c on creteslurry, eon cretework, cohesive nessa nd resista nee to segregati onare very excelle nt performa

    30、nce,stre ngth ofC40 high-performa ncec on crete.2.2High-performanee pavement concretea.High-performanee pavement concrete significanee of the studyWith the increasing traffic and transport requirementsto develop the long-life low- maintenan ceroad,With high-performa nee paveme ntcon crete, to improv

    31、e the flexural stre ngth and durability of concreteis the currenttrend of development of concretepavement.b.Overseas developme ntsHeld in 1997 at the XVI International Conferenceon Concrete Pavement,pavement desig n proposed not only to raise the average i nten sity of dema nd, but also make the dur

    32、ability requireme nts.Made in the direct ion of future developme ntof ultra-high ten sile strength up to 17MPa strength concrete, for paving continuous concrete pavement. Improve the concrete pavement surface compactness and impermeability are very important, and this is through high-performanee con

    33、creteto achieve.c.High-performanee pavement eoncrete strengthHigh-performanee eoncrete pavement important feature is a high flexural strength. Using high-performancepavementconcretecan significantly improve the bearing capacity of pavement, extend service life, or thinning the thickness of pavement to reduce the project cost.d.High-pe


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