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    广东珠海市普通高中届高考高三英语模拟考试试题06 Word版含答案.docx

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    广东珠海市普通高中届高考高三英语模拟考试试题06 Word版含答案.docx

    1、广东珠海市普通高中届高考高三英语模拟考试试题06 Word版含答案珠海市普通高中2017届高考高三英语3月模拟考试试题(六)满分 150分,考试时间120分钟。 第I卷(选择题,共90分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节:语法和词汇知识(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。1. How about starting work tomorrow?Sorry, but I cant possibly start until Tuesday._ A. Will that be OK? B. I

    2、s that a good idea?C. Do you think Im right? D. Cant you agree with me?2. 一 I happened to meet Lily yesterday.一 Lucky dog! You_ each other for exactly two years.A. havent seen B. hadnt seen C. didnt see D. dont see3. how to hold the party for several days, the children finally reached anagreement.A.

    3、 Discussed B. DiscussingC. To discuss D. Having discussed4. As is known to all his friends, _ would ever discourage him because hewould never give up his dream to be a director.A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something5. We have hurried all the way to the airport the flight was called offbec

    4、ause of the foggy weather.A. mustnt B. couldnt C. neednt D. wouldnt6. Bobby, _ the alarm clock for 6 oclock, or you will oversleep and be late for the train.A. setting B. sets C. set D. to set7. Take the note as a reminder_ you forget to buy some sweets for the kids while shopping there. A. in case

    5、B. so that C. even if D. as if8. Did the speaker say anything that_ you especially?Not really. Actually I slept through his speech.A. adapted to B. took up C. broke down D. appealed to9. More wild tigers have been seen in the forest around this area, _ there used tobe few.A. when B. where C. what D.

    6、 which10. The seriously ill man thinks it doesnt matter_ he will die ,but what matters much is how he lives.A. how B. that C. why D. what第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出 可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Growing older is unavoidable while growing up is optional. These words have

    7、been passed on in the loving 11_of Rose.On the first day of school our professor challenged us to get to know someone, so I 12_ to find a little old lady looking at me with a smile. She said,Hi, handsome! My name is Rose. Im eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a 13_ ? I laughed and 14_ responded

    8、,then followed a giant squeeze. “ 15_ are you in college at such an innocent age?” I asked. Im here to meet a rich husband, get married ,have a couple of kids. I was 16_ what it was that motivated her to be taking on this 17_ at her age. “I always dreamed of having a college education and now I 18_

    9、it!” Later, we became friends.Rose became a campus celebrity and she easily made friends 19_ she went. On one 20_ Rose was invited to speak at our football banquet. Her prepared cards dropped before she 21_ the speech. A little 22_ , she simply 23_ her throat and began,We do not stop playing 24_ we

    10、are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are certain secrets to stay 25_ , being happy and achieving success. Youve got to have a dream. When you 26_ your dreams ,you die.”At the end of the year Rose finished her college education. One week after graduation Rose died 27_ in her sleep. Ove

    11、r two thousand college students 28_ her funeral in honor of the wonderful woman who taught by 29_ that its never too late to be all you can possibly be.Anybody can grow older, which doesnt 30_ any talent or ability. The key is to grow up by always finding opportunities in change.11. A.careB.memoryC.

    12、needD.want12. A.turned upB.turned overC.turned aroundD.turned away13. A.hugB.kissC.handD.gift14. A.annoyinglyB.impatientlyC.absentlyD.enthusiastically15.A.WhoB.WhyC.HowD.When16. A.curiousB.positiveC.obviousD.convinced17. A.riskB.opportunityC.challengeD.invitation18. A.likeB. takeC.holdD.make19. A.ho

    13、weverB.wheneverC.whereverD.whatever20. A.stageB.occasionC.timeD.event21.A.rememberedB.continuedC.deliveredD.wrote22. A.delightedB.embarrassedC.fascinatedD.frightened23. A.clearedB.checkedC.cleanedD.treated24. A.untilB.beforeC.whenD.because25. A.energeticB.youngC.aliveD.healthy26. K.loseB.realizeC.pu

    14、rsueD.obtain21. K.secretlyB.sadlyC.peacefullyD.bitterly28. A. joinedB.ignoredC.cancelledD.attended29. A. exampleB.directionsC.speechD.personality30. A.gainB.exploreC.takeD.appeal第二部分阅读理解(共两节;满分50分)第一节(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)根据短文内容,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AA father in Wuhan, nicknamed Eag

    15、le Dad for his controversial parenting style, has dismissed critics claims that he pushes his 4-year-old son too hard.Police officer Wang Shaoyan came under the spotlight this month after his child took part in an 18-kilometer race in the Hubei provincial capital.Some parents attacked his methods of

    16、 extreme physical training, while others reacted strongly to his admission that he regularly exposes the youngster to cold showers. I just want my son to reach his full potential, Wang said, adding that 4-year-old son not only runs 3 km every day he also takes cold showers from time to time to stren

    17、gthen his bodys resistance and willpower.He has never taken any sick leave from kindergarten, he said proudly. However, some parents find his methods too extreme.Im not sure a 4-year-old is prepared for such intense training, said Zhang Ruxia a woman who gave birth to two boys in October in Tianjin.

    18、 You can have good intentions to train your child at an early age but you also have to consider whether he can take it. Wang responded by saying children are too young to make decisions, and it is up to parents to lead them on the right path.I read many materials before and the whole process is step

    19、-by-step without pushing or imposing on my son, Wang said. The father said he was not acting rashly but following a scientific way of education. He said the doubts about his methods reflect the declining standards of modern education.Many people in Japan give their children cold showers too ,and no

    20、one is fussing about it, he said. The traditional way of education applied by most of his peers might not necessarily help bring the best out of a child he said.Wang said in addition to the physical training, he has also laid out a detailed and particular program to strengthen the intelligence of th

    21、e child. I have hired some university students to expand his knowledge in natural sciences, while playing the video for English-language teaching as well, he said.31. For what reason was Wang made known to the public?A. He employed some college students to teach his son.B. He made his kid take a lon

    22、g distance race.C. He exposed his 4-year-old to cold showers.D. He forced his youngster to run 3 km every day.32. Which statement is supported by the parents who hold the opposite opinion?A. Extreme physical training can explore childrens full potentials.B. Taking cold showers regularly is beneficia

    23、l for childrens development.C. Its up to parents to lead children on the right path.D. The way to educate children should agree with their age.33. What does the phrase fussing about” probably mean in the 8th paragraph?A. Minding about. B. Paying attention to.C. Laughing at. D. Talking about.34. In E

    24、agle Dads opinion ,his extreme parenting was questioned because_.A. he didnt take it step by step in a scientific wayB. the highly tense work-out was misunderstoodC. modern education is not challenging enoughD. some parents were jealous of his successBMany a die-hard online shopper stayed up until 2

    25、 am on Sunday, looking through the Internet to buy products being sold at half-price before they could be snapped up by other shoppers. Tens of millions of Internet users were crazy taking advantage of the half-price promotion, started by the e-commerce giant Alibaba Group on Sunday, Nov. 11,which i

    26、s known as Singles Day in China, and is the Chinese answer to Cyber Monday in the United States.By 7 pm on Sunday, 14.1 billion yuans worth of sales was made on Tmall and Taobao5 the two online shopping websites of Alibaba. That could make Singles Day the biggest e-commerce sales day on record. The

    27、research company comScore said US online retailers (零售商)saw $1.25 billion of sales during last years Cyber Monday, the day after Thanksgiving weekend and the busiest day for online retailers as US shoppers start to prepare for Christmas.Singles, Day originated with university students, and was later

    28、 adopted by e-commerce companies as a promotional opportunity. E-commerce companies, including Jingdong Mall and Amazon China, also took part in the promotion. In the past, people only shopped online occasionally, but now ,online shopping is a lifestyle embraced by many, said Zhang Yong ,Tmall presi

    29、dent.Alibaba began to hold Singles Day promotions in 2009, and last year, its sales totaled 5.2 billion yuan. I dont know whether we would lose money, but I dont think we could earn much on this day by selling goods at half price, said Hao Hongfeng , chairman of Beijing Jiuxian E-Commerce, a liquor

    30、retailer in Beijing who took part in the event. He said it is a good opportunity for online retailers to get their names known.35. Who first introduced Singles Day to the public?A. Researchers in comScore. B. The online shoppers.C. Some college students. D. The online retailers.36. Why were the reta

    31、ilers so active in the promotion?A. To sell more products and services.B. To make a lot more money.C. To make more business friends through the event.D. To make their names known to more people.37. Whats the secret behind the success of this promotion?A. The quality of the products. B. The favorable price.C. The fame of the


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