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    版高考英语培优增分一轮人教经典版培优讲义选修8 1Unit 1 A land of diversity Word版含答案.docx

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    版高考英语培优增分一轮人教经典版培优讲义选修8 1Unit 1 A land of diversity Word版含答案.docx

    1、版高考英语培优增分一轮人教经典版培优讲义选修8 1Unit 1 A land of diversity Word版含答案话题素材多元文化话题词汇1.racen. 种族2.racism n. 种族歧视;种族主义3.expand vi. 扩展4.immigrantn. 移民5.religion n. 宗教6.be divided into . 被分成7.culture shock 文化冲击8.crowd into涌入9.make a fortune 发财10.way of life 生活方式11.cultural symbols文化标志12.settle down定居13.cultural bac

    2、kground 文化背景14.own a diverse culture 拥有多元文化15.be rich in natural resources 自然资源丰富经典佳句1.Race has_always_been_a_hot_button in this countrys history.种族一直是这个国家历史上争论不休的问题。2.Ive_been_longing_to go to America, mainly for two reasons. One is that I can experience American culture, which_is_believed to be th

    3、e most diverse in the world. The other is that I can broaden_my_horizons in this developed country.我一直盼望去美国,主要有两个原因。其一是我能够体验美国文化,它被认为是世界上最多元化的。其二是我能够在这个发达国家开拓视野。3.The history of the early immigrants makes_us_thankful_for our life today.早期移民者的历史使我们感恩今天的生活。精美语篇In 1848, gold was discovered in Californi

    4、a. The dream of becoming rich attracted the Chinese. However, few achieved their dream. The majority still chose to remain in California to make a life despite great hardship. Their cells were cold and damp, but they had nowhere to go. Their miserable life seemed to be punishment rather than justice

    5、. They wrote poems to mourn their former life in China. In the meanwhile, they applied for right to live in the USA, but it was not until the civil authorities reformed the system that they were able to grasp the opportunity. The customs and languages live on in their new home.Today, a large percent

    6、age of ChineseAmericans live in the Chinatowns, still keeping up their Chinese culture. The history of the early immigrants makes us thankful for our life today.高频单词1.distinct (adj.) 清晰的;明显的;明确的distinction (n.) 差别;区分;卓著2.means (n.) 方法;手段meaning (n.) 意思mean (v.) 打算;意味meaningful (adj.) 有意义的3.majority

    7、(n.) 大多数;大半major (adj.) 主要的 (v.) 主修minority (反义词) (n.) 少数;少数民族minor (adj.) 较小的;次要的4.elect (vt.) 选择;决定做某事;选举某人election (n.) 选举5.boom (n.) (人口、贸易的)繁荣 (vi.) 处于迅速发展时期6.racial (adj.) 人种的;种族的race (n.) 种族;比赛racism (n.) 种族主义;种族歧视7.applicant (n.) 申请人apply (vi.) 申请application (n.) 申请书;申请8.customs (n.) 海关;关税;进

    8、口税custom (n.) 风俗;习惯customer (n.) 顾客;主顾9.socialist (n.) 社会主义者social (adj.) 社会的socialism (n.) 社会主义society (n.) 社会10.occur (vi.) 发生;出现occurence (n.) 事件;发生的事occurred (过去式/过去分词)11.indicate (vt.) 指出;标示;表明;暗示indication (n.) 象征;标示;表明;暗示12.luggage (n.) 行李baggage (近义词) (n.) 行李13.apparent (adj.) 显而易见的;显然的;表面上的

    9、apparently (adv.) 显然地;显而易见地14.slip (vi.) 滑动;滑行;滑跤 (n.) 滑动;滑倒slipper (n.) 拖鞋slippery (adj.) 滑的15.hire (vt. & n) 租用;雇用fire (反义词) (vt.) 解雇16.punishment (n.) 惩罚;处罚punish (vt.) 惩罚重点短语1.live_on继续存在;继续生存2.by_means_of用方法;借助3.make_a_life习惯于新的生活方式、工作等4.keep_up坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗、传统等)5.back_to_back背靠背6.team up with 与合

    10、作或一起工作7.mark out 画线;标出界线8.take in 包括;吸收9.apply for 申请;请示得到10.a great/good many 许多;很多热点句型1.名词性从句作介词的宾语Exactly when the first people arrived in what_we_now_know_as (我们现在称之为) California, no one really knows.(教材P2)2.it is likely that . “很可能”However, it_is_likely_that (很可能) Native Americans were living i

    11、n California at least fifteen thousand years ago.(教材P2)3.why引导的表语从句,表示“的原因”That_is_why (那就是为什么) today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language.(教材P2)4.过去分词作原因状语People from different parts of the world, attracted_by (被吸引) the climate and the lifestyle, still immigrate to C

    12、alifornia.(教材P3)5.借助于it作形式主语的主语从句It_is_believed_that (人们认为) before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many races and cultures.(教材P3)同步训练在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.It also has the distinction of being

    13、the most multicultural state in the USA, _ (attract) people from all over the world.答案:having attracted2.The customs and languages of the immigrants live _ in their new home.答案:on3.Scientists believe that these settlers crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America by means _ a land bridge.答案:o

    14、f4.In addition, many died from the diseases _ (bring) by the Europeans.答案:brought5.In the 18th century California _ (rule) by Spain.答案:was ruled6.The dream of _ (become) rich quickly attracted people _ all over the world.答案:becoming; from7.In 1911 immigrants from Denmark established a town of their

    15、own, which today still keeps _ their Danish culture.答案:up8._ the 1920s the film industry was well established in Holleywood, California.答案:By9.Its a 79 km roundtrip that takes _ all the famous tourist spots.答案:in10.From 1882 to 1940 Angel Island was a famous immigration station _ many Chinese people

    16、 applied for right to live in USA.答案:where1majorityn大多数;大半教材原句Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious men, whose ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to the natives. (P2)在首批移居加州的西班牙人中,大部分是宗教人士,他们的职责是向原住居民传授天主教。(1)a/the majority of . most of . 大多数be in a/the major

    17、ity 构成大多数/占多数(2)major adj. 主要的vi. 专修;主攻(3)major in 主修(4)minority n. 少数;少数派/人(5)the majority和the minority单独用作主语时,若强调整体,谓语动词用单数形式;若强调个体,谓语动词则用复数形式;但其后表语是复数时,谓语动词通常也要用复数。(6)“the majority of名词”用作主语,其谓语动词的数应与名词的数保持一致。The_majority_of them take an online language test before starting their programme.他们大多数人

    18、在开始上课前要进行网上语言测试。At the meeting, young people were in_the_majority.在会上,年轻人占大多数。What subject did you major_in when you were in university?你在大学主修什么科目?The_majority was/were in favour of banning smoking.大多数人支持禁烟。2occurvi.发生;出现教材原句It didnt occur to me that . (P5)我没有想到occurprep./adv. 发生;存在sth. occurs to sb

    19、. 某人突然想起某事It occurs to/strikes/hits sb. that . 某人突然想起It occurs to sb. to do sth. 某人突然想起/想到做某事A great decline in young work force is likely to occur in China.中国很有可能出现年轻劳动力减少的问题。It_occurred_to/struck/hit me that Id left my purse in the office.我突然想起把钱包落到办公室了。It didnt occur_to me to phone the police.我根本

    20、没想到打电话报警。3indicatevt.指出;标示;表明;暗示教材原句Try to use the expressions above to indicate that you are listening carefully to your partner.(P7)试着用以上表达来表明你在认真倾听你搭档的话。(1)indicate sth. to sb. 向某人指出某物indicate that . 示意;表明as . indicate 正如所示(2)indication n. 指示;象征;预示There is no indication that . 无迹象表明There are some

    21、 indications that . 有迹象表明A red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day.夜空呈红色往往预兆第二天天气晴朗。Michael Tomasellos tests on young children indicate_that they have the instinct to help others.迈克尔托马塞洛的关于小孩的实验表明他们具有帮助他人的本性。They gave no_indication of how the work should be done.他们根本没说明这项工作该怎么做。Th

    22、ere_are clear indications_that the economy is improving.有明显的迹象显示经济正在改善。.单句语法填空1Lets assume that historical buildings are both attractive and important to the _ (major) of people.答案:majority由句意可知此处表述“大多数人”。the majority of . “大多数”,故填其名词形式。2_ (apparent), she took no notice of the mistakes in the accide

    23、nt.答案:Apparentlyapparently “明显地”。副词修饰整个句子。3Could you give me some _ (indicate) as to when I am likely to receive a reply?答案:indication此处应填名词作give的宾语,且意为“暗示”,为不可数名词。4_ (hire) a car, you must produce a passport and a current driving license.答案:To hire此处用不定式作目的状语。句意:若想租车,你需要出示护照及当前驾照。5All the _ can _ i

    24、n person or by letter and at the same time should hand in their _ before May 6th. (apply)答案:applicants; apply; applications句意:所有申请人都可以本人亲自或通过书信进行申请,并且同时于5月6日前递交申请书。applicant名词“申请人”;apply动词“申请”;application名词“申请(书)”。.单句改错1Not once did it occur Michael that he could one day become a top student in his

    25、class._答案:occur后加to2She slipped out the house before the others were aware._答案:out后加of3In fact, I didnt realize its importance until I was elected the monitor._答案:去掉the4A large percentage of this hotels income are from the visitors to the lake nearby._答案:areis5Business in China is boomed, and that t

    26、rend is expected to grow._答案:boomedboomingby means of 通过;用;借助于教材原句,Scientists believe that these settlers crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America by means of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times.(P2)科学家们认为这些迁居者通过一条史前时期曾经存在的大陆桥穿越北极地区的白令海峡到达美洲。by this means 用这种方法by no meansin no

    27、 wayin no caseon no accountat no time 决不;一点也不(放在句首时,句子用倒装语序)by all means (用于交际英语表示同意)当然可以;没问题means用作“方式;方法”讲时单复数同形。若all/some/several/many means作主语,谓语动词用复数形式。若every/each/one/a means作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。Only by_this_means can you work out the problem.只有用这种方法你才能解决这个问题。By_no_means is the problem as simple as w

    28、e first thought.问题决不像我们当初想象的那么简单。Can I come and have a look at your new house?Yes, by_all_means!我可以来看看你的新房子吗?可以,没问题!Every possible means has_been_tried,_but none has worked.All possible means have_been_tried,_but none has worked.各种可能的办法都尝试了,但没有一种奏效。make a life 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等教材原句,Some died or returned

    29、 home, but most remained in California to make a life for themselves despite great hardship.(P2)有些人死了或回家了,但是尽管条件十分艰苦,多数人仍然留在了加利福尼亚劳作谋生。(1)come to life 苏醒;变得活跃live/lead a . life 过着生活come back to life 苏醒过来;恢复生气bring . back to life 使苏醒过来;给活力(2)make/earn a/ones living 谋生(3)make it 成功;到达某地They settled do

    30、wn in Canada and make_a_life for themselves.他们在加拿大定居下来,开始习惯新的生活方式。To our great joy, he came_to_life soon.令我们高兴的是,他很快苏醒了。The unemployed usually lead_a_hard_life.失业的人生活一般很困难。take in 包括;领会;理解;欺骗;收留;收养;吸收教材原句Its a 79 km roundtrip that takes in all the famous tourist spots.(P8)这是一次往返79公里的旅行,它涵盖了所有著名的旅游景点。t


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