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    高考英语一轮复习 精选提分专练 第五周 星期三 阅读理解社会文化类完形填空记叙文+概要写作.docx

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    高考英语一轮复习 精选提分专练 第五周 星期三 阅读理解社会文化类完形填空记叙文+概要写作.docx

    1、高考英语一轮复习 精选提分专练 第五周 星期三 阅读理解社会文化类完形填空记叙文+概要写作2019年高考英语一轮复习 精选提分专练 第五周 星期三 阅读理解(社会文化类)完形填空(记叙文)+概要写作.阅读理解(xx黑龙江海林朝鲜中学测试)Chinese New Year is approaching and preparations are underway around the world.Here are some Chinatowns for those outside of China wishing to mark the day.LondonAlthough it may not

    2、be as large or as longbuilt as others,having only bee a center for the Chinese munity during the 1950s,Londons Chinatown is a perfectly formed little firework that knows how to see in the year with a bang.Decorated with red lanterns(灯笼),previous years have seen shows with acrobatics(杂技),martial arts

    3、(武术),dance and opera nearby.San FranciscoSan Franciscos Chinatown is perhaps the most famous in the United States.The city was the main entrypoint for Chinese who had crossed the Pacific to the USA during the early 19th century.Between the Grant Avenue and the Stockton Street,this historic area is a

    4、 local treasure,attracting more visitors per year than the Golden Gate Bridge.BangkokWith an about 100yearold history,the Thai capitals Chinatown contains plex streets offering all kinds of tasty treats,clothes,toys and antiques.Sunday market days are such a good time to get the full atmosphere of t

    5、he neighborhood.The area is also known for its gold dealers,whose shops line the road.MauritiusFound in Port Louis,this Mauritian Chinatown shows the island nations rich multicultural diversity.Established in the early years of the 20th century by settlers from China,its tiny shops and restaurants s

    6、erve locals and visitors.During the Chinese Spring Festival,the most exciting sight is the Dragon Dances on Rue Royale when Chinese musicians and dancers perform the traditional Lion Dances through the streets.1.According to the text,which of the following has the longest history?A.Londons Chinatown

    7、.B.Bangkoks Chinatown.C.Mauritiuss Chinatown.D.San Franciscos Chinatown.2.Whats special about Bangkoks Chinatown?A.It is crowded with Chinese restaurants.B.It was the major entrance for the Chinese.C.It is wellknown for its gold business.D.It is where you can enjoy fireworks.3.If you want to enjoy t

    8、he Dragon Dances,you can go to .A.Rue Royale in Port Louis,MauritiusB.the Sunday market in BangkokC.the Grant Avenue in San FranciscoD.the Chinese munity in London.完形填空(xx山东烟台期中)Last Sunday,I went to the neighborhood caf with my friend.On the way,I 4 an old lady,whose cart had been knocked over and

    9、her 5 were scattered across the pavement.She was 6 her goods.People passing by were 7 her as if she were a beggar.I 8 many things were running through my mind.“What should we do?” I asked my friend quietly.“Its none of our business. 9 ,you may get both of us into trouble and 10 it if you help,” my f

    10、riend said 11 and then continued to walk ahead.However,I felt great 12 for this poor lady.“She really needs help,” I said seriously and began to 13 the lady.I cautiously 14 beside the lady,helping her.I could feel passersby 15 me doubtfully.I knew they were thinking I was 16 for helping her or that

    11、I had knocked over her cart and therefore I was assisting her out of 17 .“Thank you,” she whispered.“You are wele,” I murmured,offering a 18 .She also smiled.After all goods were 19 ,she slowly rose to her feet.She thanked me again,and continued down the street.Yet I knew that her smile and 20 would

    12、 always be impressed on my mind.At that moment,I didnt care anymore what other people 21 .I smiled to myself because although I had helped that lady in such a 22 way,she had helped me more by showing me how I could be 23 in the world.4.A.noticed B.hitC.heard about D.waited for5.A.carts B.goods C.foo

    13、ds D.clothes6.A.donating B.enjoyingC.collecting D.providing7.A.serving B.helping C.scolding D.avoiding8.A.shouted B.hesitatedC.promised D.ignored9.A.Therefore B.HoweverC.Besides D.Thus10.A.appreciate B.mindC.change D.regret11.A.coldly B.cheerfully C.frequently D.carefully12.A.honor B.pityC.pride D.j

    14、oy13.A.approach B.observeC.understand D.leave14.A.calmed down B.knelt downC.got off D.ended up15.A.eyeing B.envyingC.admiring D.supporting16.A.grateful B.greatC.afraid D.crazy17.A.duty B.sadnessC.hate D.control18.A.help B.smileC.job D.suggestion19.A.used up B.sold outC.picked up D.given out20.A.merc

    15、y B.appreciationC.effort D.wish21.A.faced B.gaveC.wanted D.thought22.A.long B.hardC.strange D.small23.A.polite B.fortunateC.different D.wealthy.概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Almost all Americans are involved with sports in some way.They may play baseball or volleyball or go swimming or skiing.They m

    16、ay watch football or basketball on the high school,college,or professional level.Sports may seem like an innocent pleasure,but it is important to look under the surface.In reality,sports have reached a point where they play too large a role in daily life.They take up too much media time,play too lar

    17、ge a role in the raising of children,and give too much power and prestige(声望) to athletes.The overemphasis(过度强调) on sports can be seen most obviously in the vast media coverage of athlete events.It seems as if every race,meet,or match is shown on one television channel or another.In addition,sports

    18、make up about 30 percent of local news.Radio offers a full list of games and a wide variety of sports shows.Furthermore,many daily papers such as US Today are devoting more and more space to sports coverage.The way we raise and educate our children also illustrates our sports craziness.As early as s

    19、ix or seven,kids are placed in little leagues,often to play under screaming coaches and pressuring parents.Later,in high school,students who are singled out by the school and the munity are not those who are the best academically but those who are the best athletically.And college sometimes seems to

    20、 be more about sports than about learning.The United States may be the only country in the world where people often think of their colleges as teams first and schools second.Our sports craziness is especially evident in the prestige given to athletes in the United States.For one thing,we reward them

    21、 with enormous salaries.In 1990,for example,baseball players averaged 350,000 a year;the average annual salary in the United States is 18,000.Besides their huge salaries,athletes receive awe,admiration,and sometimes the votes of the public.Why are Americans so mad about sports?Perhaps we like to see

    22、 the petitiveness we experience in our daily lives acted out on playing fields. .语篇解读本文描述了4个不同国家的中国城对于中国传统节日春节的各种庆祝方式,向我们介绍了这几个国家的不同特色的中国城。1.D推理判断题。根据London部分中的时间状语“during the 1950s”可知,伦敦唐人街是在20世纪50年代形成的;根据San Francisco部分中的“during the early 19th century”可知,旧金山的中国城是在19世纪前期建立的,比其他城市都要早;根据Bangkok部分中的“W

    23、ith an about 100yearold history”可知,曼谷的唐人街大约有100年的历史了;根据最后一段第二句可知,毛里求斯的唐人街是在20世纪早期形成的。故选D。2.C细节理解题。根据Bangkok部分中的最后一句“The area is also known for its gold dealers,whose shops line the road.”可知,曼谷的唐人街因为黄金交易而闻名,路边有非常多的金店。故选C。3.A细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,在春节期间,毛里求斯的中国城最令人激动的场景是在Rue Royale的舞龙和舞狮,故选A。.语篇解读本文讲述了作者帮

    24、助一位老人的故事。作者通过这件事,领悟到了“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”的道理。4.A根据下文对老人情形详细地描述可知“我”注意到了一位老妇人。notice注意到;hit 打击;hear about听说;wait for等候。故选A。5.B根据下文“She was her goods.”可知她的货物散落在人行道上。cart手推车;goods货物;food食品;clothes衣服。故选B。6.C根据上文可知她的车子翻了,货物散落在地上,所以此处是指她正在收集她的货物。donate捐赠;enjoy享受;collect收集,聚集;provide提供。故选C。7.D根据下文“as if she were a

    25、beggar”以及作者不顾别人的眼光去帮助她可知路过的人都躲避她,好像她是一个乞丐。serve服务;help帮助;scold责骂;avoid躲避。故选D。8.B根据作者脑海中的各种想法以及他向朋友询问可知他在犹豫。shout大喊;hesitate犹豫;promise许诺;ignore忽略。故选B。9.C此处是作者的朋友不让他帮助那位老人的几个理由,前后句之间并无明显的转折和因果关系。只是补充说明。故选C。10.D句意为:此外,如果你帮助她,你可能会让我们俩陷入麻烦中并且会为之感到后悔。结合“you may get both of us into trouble”可知,他朋友不让他帮忙,故此处应

    26、该是劝阻他。故选D。appreciate欣赏;mind介意;change改变;regret后悔。11.A根据“and then continued to walk ahead”可知“我”朋友很冷漠,没想过要帮助那位老人。故此处应该是他冷淡地说。coldly 冷淡地; cheerfully 高高兴兴地;frequently 频繁地;carefully小心地。故选A。12.B根据作者不断地犹豫想去帮助老人可知他很同情这位可怜的老妇人。 honor 尊敬;pity同情;pride 自豪;joy快乐。feel pity for对感到怜悯,故选B。13.A根据下文的“I cautiously besid

    27、e the lady,helping her.”可知作者来到老人身边帮助她,所以此处是指开始靠近这位老妇人。approach 靠近;observe 观察;understand 理解;leave离开。故选A。14.B因为老人是在捡散落在人行道上的货物,所以作者想要帮她,应该也是蹲下一起捡。kneel down下跪,跪倒,更能体现出作者的真诚。故选B。15.A根据下一句内容可知作者知道路人肯定以为是他撞翻了老人的车才帮她的,所以此处是指过路人疑惑地注视着他。eye注视;envy嫉妒;admire羡慕;support支持。故选A。16.D如果不是因为“我”撞翻了老人的车才去帮她的话,那路人肯定是以为

    28、“我”疯了。grateful 感谢的;great 伟大的;afraid 害怕的;crazy疯狂的。故选D。17.A根据上文的“or that I had knocked over her cart”可知如果是“我”打翻的话,那“我”帮她是出于责任。out of duty出于责任,是固定短语。故选A。18.B根据下文“She also smiled.”可知此处是指“我”向她微笑。help帮助;smile微笑;job工作;suggestion建议。故选B。19.C根据下文“she slowly rose to her feet.She thanked me again,and continued

    29、down the street.”可知所有的货物已被捡起后。use up 用完;sell out 卖光; pick up 捡起;give out分发。故选C。20.B根据上文老人对他微笑并对他说谢谢可知,此处是指她的微笑和感激将永远留在“我”脑海中。mercy仁慈;appreciation感谢;effort 努力;wish愿望。故选B。21.D根据上文中的“I knew they were thinking I was.”可知在那一时刻,“我”不再关心其他人的想法。face面对;give 给;want想要;think想。故选D。22.D老人的东西散落在地上,“我”只是帮忙捡起来而已。这对作者来

    30、说只是一个很小的举动。long长的;hard困难的;strange 奇怪的;small小的。故选D。23.C结合上文可知,除了作者以外,没有人帮助老人。老人的微笑和感激让作者感受到了自己与大多数冷漠的人是不一样的。polite 有礼貌的;fortunate幸运的;different 与众不同的;wealthy富有的。故选C。. 参考范文Americans are too mad about sports.The media,like the TV,radio and papers,devote too much time and space to covering sports news.Be

    31、sides,sports craziness is also reflected in the way Americans raise and educate their children.In addition,American athletes enjoy great prestige.The petitiveness facing them in their daily lives may partly account for their sports craziness.2019年高考英语一轮复习 精选提分专练 第五周 星期二 阅读理解(科普知识类+健康环保类)七选五+语法填空.阅读理解(xx河南南阳一中月考)One evening in February xx,a student named Paula Ceely brought her car to a stop on a remote road in Wales.She got out to open a metal gate that blocked her path.Thats when she heard the whistle sounded by the driver of a train.Her Renault Clio was parked across


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