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    1、实用英语口语复习资料21 According to 依照/根据According to the newspaper, its a great movie. 根据报纸说这是一部很棒的电影。2 Am I allowed to我可以吗Am I allowed to introduce our new manager Mr. Anderson to all of you 请允许我介绍我们的新经理安德森先生给大家好吗。3 As matter of fact,实际上,. As matter of fact, I dont agree with you. 实际上我不大同意你的看法。4 As far as I

    2、m concerned/就我而言,. As far as Im concerned, think we should pay more attention to the safety of schoolchildren. 就我而言我认为我们应该更关注在校儿童的安全问题5 As far as I know,.据我所知,. As far as l know, he is not coming, but l may be wrong. 据我所知他不打算来但我或许会弄错6 As I just mentioned.正如我刚才提到过的,. As I just mentioned, nobody shoul

    3、d drop out of school unless they believe they face the opportunity of a lifetime. And even then they should reconsider. 正如我刚才提到过的任何人都不应该辍学除非他们相信他们面临着一生中难得的机会,尽管那样他们还需反复思量7 As I see it,在我看来,. As I see it, he is not the right person for this position. 在我看来,他不是这个职位的合适人选8 As is known to us all, . 众所周知,

    4、As is known to us all, Hong Kong is one of the financial centers of Asia. 众所周知,香港是亚洲金融中心之一9 As long as.只要. As long as we work together, we can make the impossible possible. 只要我们一起努力我们就能把不可能变为可能10 But for.若不是因为./如果没有. But for your generous help, we couldnt have finished the work so soon. 1 Have you t

    5、hought about/of . 你有没有想过 Have you thought about setting up your own business 你想过自己做生意吗2 Havent you heard of . 难道你没听说过吗Havent you heard of Crazy English established by Li Yang 难道你没听说过李阳创立的疯狂英语吗3 How are you getting on / along with. 进展如何与相处如何How are you getting on / along with your English study 你的英语学

    6、习进展如何4 How are you going to. 你打算如何 How are you going to celebrate your graduation 你打算如何庆祝你毕业5 How does.sound (听起来)怎么样How does making our appointment at 8 sound 我们把约会定在8点如何6 How long will it take you to. 要用多长时间How long will it take you to recite such a passage 你背诵这么一段文章要多长时间7 How should I. 我该如何 How s

    7、hould I tell him the bad news 我该如何告诉他这个坏消息8 I absolutely agree with. 我完全同意. Sure, I absolutely agree with your point. 当然, 我绝对同意你的观点. 9 Im grateful for. 我对特别感激. Im grateful for your timely help. 非常感谢你及时的帮助10 I am planning to. 我打算. I am planning to travel around China. 我打算环游中国. 1. Dont you think that.

    8、 难道你不认为吗 Dont you think that the gap between rich and poor is getting wider 难道你不认为贫富差距越来越大了吗 五星级精品句2. Excuse me for. 请原谅我. Excuse me for interrupting, but I have something urgent to say. 很抱歉打断你,但我有急事要说. urgent n. 紧急的;急迫的3. For one thing,. For another,. 一方面;另一方面. For one thing, these shoes dont suit

    9、you. For another, they are too expensive. 一方面,这双鞋子并不适合你;另一方面,这太贵了.4. From my point of view,. 在我看来, From my point of view, Crazy English is the most effective way to learn English. 在我看来,疯狂英语是学习英语最有效的方法.5. From where I stand,. 从我的立场来说,. From where I stand we should support him no matter what happens.

    10、依我看,无论发生什么事,我们都应该支持他.6. Generally speaking,. 总的来说,. Generally speaking, people like to hear compliments from others. 总的来说,人们都喜欢听到别人的称赞.7. Hardly.when. 一就. 倒装句型 Hardly had she begun speaking when there was a knock on the door. 她刚开始说话就听到敲门声.8. Have you considered doing. 你有没有考虑过做 Have you considered go

    11、ing abroad to study 你有没有考虑过出国留学9. Have you decided. 你决定好了吗 Have you decided where to spend your summer vacation 你决定好去哪里过暑假了吗10. Have you ever been to. 你曾经去过吗 Have you ever been to Disneyland 你有没有去过迪斯尼乐园1.Haveyoueverbeento.你曾经去过吗HaveyoueverbeentoDisneyland你有没有去过迪斯尼乐园2. Have you thought about/of . 你有没

    12、有想过 Have you thought about setting up your own business 你想过自己做生意吗 3. Havent you heard of . 难道你没听说过吗 Havent you heard of Crazy English established by Li Yang 难道你没听说过李阳创立的疯狂英语吗 4. How are you getting on / along with. 进展如何/与相处如何How are you getting on / along with your English study 你的英语学习进展如何 5. How ar

    13、e you going to. 你打算如何 How are you going to celebrate your graduation 你打算如何庆祝你毕业 6. How does.sound (听起来)怎么样 How does making our appointment at 8 sound 我们把约会定在8点如何 7. How long will it take you to. 要用多长时间 How long will it take you to recite such a passage 你背诵这么一段文章要多长时间 8. How should I. 我该如何 How should

    14、 I tell him the bad news 我该如何告诉他这个坏消息 9. I absolutely agree with. 我完全同意. Sure, I absolutely agree with your point. 当然,我绝对同意你的观点. 10. Im grateful for. 我对特别感激. Im grateful for your timely help. 非常感谢你及时的帮助. 1. Lets get started. 咱们开始吧。 劝导别人时说:Dont just talk. Lets get started. 2. Im really dead. 我真要累死了。

    15、坦诚自己的感受时说:After all that work, Im really dead. 3. Ive done my best. 我已尽力了。 4. Is that so? 真是那样吗? 常用在一个人听了一件事后表示惊讶、怀疑。 5. Dont play games with me! 别跟我耍花招! 6. I dont know for sure.我不确切知道。 Stranger: Could you tell me how to get to the town hall? Tom: I dont know for sure. Maybe you could ask the policeman over there. 7. After you


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