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    1、词汇班教案L12Lesson 1 The Crab and His MotherStep 1 ( ) 1. The story is taken from_. A. a Greek story B. Aesops FablesC. a fairy tale D. a novel( ) 2. From the fable we know: A. Actions speak louder than words.B. Example is better than words.C. Two heads are better than one.D. No pains, no gains.( ) 3. W

    2、hich is wrong according to the text?A. Crabs live in water.B. A mother crab used to walk straight.C. Every creature has its living way.D. Nature can not be change easily.( ) 4. Choose the right statement. A. The crab can only walk to the right.B. The crab can only walk to the left.C. The crab walks

    3、in a one-sided way.( ) 5. What does the word“exactly”mean in the third paragraph?A. finally B. right C. just D. leftStep 2274/5NOTES:“The Crab and His Mother” is one of the most famous Aesops Fables, which every child, boy or girl, enjoys reading. Please read the fable carefully and try to understan

    4、d what truth the story tells us. The story goes as follows:One day, when the sun was going to rise and the weather was not so hot, a mother crab and her son were crawling together on the seashore. At first they talked happily. About ten minutes later, the mother crab suddenly notices her son was wal

    5、king strangely. “My child, why do you walk so awkwardly-in a one-sided way?” she said to her son with surprise. “If you wish to make a good appearance and look great, you should go straight forward instead of walking to one side as you do so constantly. That is too awkward! ” “Exactly, I do wish to

    6、make a good appearance, Mamma,” said the young crab, “but I do not know the right way to walk. If you will show me how, I will try to walk straight forward.”“Why, this is the way, of course,” said the mother, as she started off to the right. “No, this is the way,” said she, as she made another attem

    7、pt, to the left. No matter how the mother crab tried, she could not walk straight forward even for half a minute. Then the mother crab gave up and walked in her usual way.The little crab smiled, “When you learn to do it yourself, you can teach me.” he said, and he went back to his play.From the fabl

    8、e, we should learn the lesson: Example is better than precept. .伊索(公元前620年-公元前560年),是公元前6世纪古希腊著名的寓言家。他与克雷洛夫、拉.封丹和莱辛并称世界四大寓言家。他曾是萨摩斯岛雅德蒙家的奴隶,曾被转卖多次,但因知识渊博,聪颖过人,最后获得自由。自由后,伊索开始环游世界,为人们讲述他的寓言故事,深受古希腊人民的喜爱。公元前5世纪末,“伊索”这个名字已是古希腊人尽皆知的名字了,当时的古希腊寓言都归在他的名下。现在常见的伊索寓言传是后人根据拜占廷僧侣普拉努得斯搜集的寓言以及后来陆续发现的古希腊寓言传抄本编订的,后

    9、来被德尔菲人杀害。Step 3词汇英音美音词性及词义1famous feimsfemsadj. 著名的,出名的2crawlkr:lkrlv. 爬,爬行3awkward:kw:dlikwdadj. 笨拙的;尴尬的(with)4wish wi:wv. 希望5appearance pirinsprinsn. 外貌, 外观;外表6young jjadj.年轻的,年幼的7right raitratadj. 正确的;右边的8attempt tempttmptn. 企图,尝试(+at/on)+to-v9play pleiplev. 玩,做游戏10lesson lesnlsn. 教训,训诫11preceptp

    10、ri:septprisptn. 教规为初中词汇,其他为初中以上词汇!A1. My sister is too _to go to school. 2. The young man has learned his _and wont drive under the influence again. 3. She is still _ with chopsticks. 4. The city is _for its silk. 5. The _of the old house completely changed. 6. He made an _on the world record. 7. An

    11、ts and spiders_ along the ground.8. The man standing on her _is her brother. B1、中国因长城而著名。( be famous for)2、祝你一切顺利。3、他只是一个年轻人。4、你说得很对。5、你可以和我们一起玩这个游戏吗?6、老师让我们在家准备功课。(ask sb. to do sth.)Lesson 2 Pandoras BoxStep 1( ) 1. Who gave Pandora the box? A. Prometheus B. Prometheuss brother C. She made it hers

    12、elf. D. the Gods( ) 2. What did Venus give Pandora?A. beauty B. persuasionC. music D. sun ( ) 3. What made Pandora open the box?A. her illness B. her happinessC. her curiosity D. her fear ( ) 4. What is the only thing that is left in the box?A. hunger B. warC. hope D. violence( ) 5. Pandora was the

    13、_woman made by Zeus according the story.A. first B. second C. third D. lastStep 2318/6NOTES:Pandora, who was the first woman by Zeus, was sent to Prometheus and his brother to punish them for caring so much for human beings. She was made in heaven. Every god gave her something to make her perfect. V

    14、enus gave her beauty, Mercury persuasion, Apollo music, and so on. All gods gave her gifts, because of which they called her Pandora, which means“all-gifted.” The last gift was a box, in which there was supposed to be a great treasure, but which Pandora was ordered never to open. Then the Messenger took the girl and brought her to a man named Epimetheus, who was Prometheus brother.Epimetheus had been warned never to receive any gift from Zeus, but he was a stupid person and Pandora was very lovely. He accepted her. For a while th


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