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    1、从生态女性主义看他们眼望上苍中珍妮的婚姻观开题报告双语版论文题目 (Title)Analysis of Janies View of Marriage in Their Eyes Were Watching God from the Perspective of Ecofeminism从生态女性主义看他们眼望上苍中珍妮的婚姻观中心论点 (Thesis Statement): 本文通过对他们眼望上苍中女主人公珍妮的成长轨迹和三次婚姻的深入分析,揭示了自然唤醒珍妮自我意识和女性意识的过程即婚姻观的形成历程以及赫斯顿想要传递的解放女性与自然、追求两性平等和谐的生态女性主义思想。 This thesi

    2、s puts emphasis on the in-depth analysis of the heroine Janies growth and three marriages. It reveals the process of nature waking Janies self-awareness and feminist consciousness, that is, the process of Janies view of marriage developing, and Hurstons ecofeminism thought which seeks equality and h

    3、armony between men and women and advocates women emancipation and the liberation of nature.本研究目的和意义(Research Purpose and Significance of This Thesis): 研究目的:本文通过解析书中人类与自然、男性与女性的关系,旨在揭示赫斯顿在小说中所传递的源于自然、长于自然、成于自然的婚姻观以及主张解放妇女与自然、追求两性平等和谐的生态女性主义思想。Through an analysis of the connection between human and na

    4、ture, male andfemale, the paper aims at revealing Janies enlightened and natural view of marriage that starts, grows, and matures as part of her view of the nature, and the eco-feminism that seeks equality and harmony between men and women and advocates women emancipation and the liberation of natur

    5、e. 研究意义:他们眼望上苍是美国黑人女作家佐拉尼尔赫斯顿的经典之作,在美国黑人文学史上具有里程碑意义。本文通过从生态女性主义视角系统分析他们眼望上苍里女主人公珍妮的婚姻观,使读者加深对作品本身以及作者所要传达的思想的理解,并借经典文学的无穷魅力传递生态女性思想。Their Eyes Were Watching Cod is a classic work of Zora Neale Hurston, and it reputes as a milestone in the history of African-American literature. This paper analyzes t

    6、he heroine Janies view of marriage from the perspective of ecofeminism systematically, the significance of which is to help readers achieve a better understanding of the work itself and the thought that Hurston really wanted to express, and to transmit the ecofeminism thought by virtue of the charm

    7、of classical literature.本研究的理论意义(国内外文献综述):国外研究: 根据国内一位资深的赫斯顿研究专家四川大学程锡麟教授搜集整理的资料表明,从70年代初起,除了大量的论文之外,关于赫斯顿研究的专著多达70多部(仅程教授搜集的书面材料所知,难免还有遗漏),进入21世纪,几乎每年都有关于赫斯顿研究的新论著出版,如:谢丽尔沃尔(Cheryl Wall )编,赫斯顿的:专题资料汇编(Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God: a Casebook, 2000 );莎伦L琼斯(Sharon L. Jones ),重读哈莱姆文艺复兴:杰西福赛特、

    8、佐拉尼尔赫斯顿和多萝西韦斯特小说中的种族、阶级和性属 (Rereading the Harlem Renaissance: Race,Class, and Gender in the Fiction of Jessie Fauset, Zora Neale Hurston, and Dorothy Wesr,2002 );马丁雅普托克(Martin Japtok ),从后殖民视角看女作家( Postcolonial Perspectives on Women s Writers,2003 );戴安娜迈尔斯(Diana Miles),佐拉尼尔赫斯顿作品中的妇女、暴力及证词( Women, vio

    9、lence & testimony in the works of Zora Neale Hurston,2003 ) 。在对他们眼望上苍的研究中,多数批评家都采用了女性主义的观点来看待这部小说,把这部小说视为后来美国女性主义作品的互文本。90年代,更多的批评家从文化批评和跨文化研究的角度去分析它。桑德拉包奇特帕奎斯赞扬这部小说展示了在美国文学中民俗文化的恢复作用和储存的价值,是一种强大的精神和艺术资源;西格丽德金探讨了此书中的仪式和命名力量的问题;约瑟夫乌尔果和迈克尔奥克沃德把此书视为一种代表,它代表了被经典排除的问题、女性争取发言权、非裔美国人寻求文学传统和文化批评的有效性问题,还认为,是

    10、这部书引发了艾丽斯沃克、格洛丽亚内勒和托尼莫里森等人的文学生涯。此外,还有对这部小说中所显示的鲜明的美国黑人美学的严肃讨论,认为它剥夺了主流话语的力量,从而突出了黑人文化建构的过程。其他批评家把此作品视为融合了现实主义、传奇文学、神话、宗教、心理学和怀旧情绪的一部现代小说。Overseas Study: According to a domestic senior experts studies on Hurston, the professor of Sichuan University Cheng Xilins collection of data, from the early 1970

    11、s, the number of works on Hurston research were as much as 70 besides a large number of papers, ( Only known by the data, it is inevitable that there are some omissions). Into the 21st century, there are almost some new works being published on Hurston every year, such as Hurstons Their Eyes Were Wa

    12、tching God: a Casebook, which is written by Cheryl Wall, and published in 2000; Sharon L. Jones Rereading the Harlem Renaissance: Race,Class, and Gender in the Fiction of Jessie Fauset, Zora Neale Hurston, and Dorothy Wesr, 2002; Martin Japtoks Postcolonial Perspectives on Women s Writers, 2003; And

    13、 Diana Miles Women, violence & testimony in the works of Zora Neale Hurston,2003. Most of the critics studied this novel Their Eyes Were Watching God through the feminist view, and regarded it as the reference of later American feminist works. In the 1990s, more critics analyzed it from the perspect

    14、ive of cultural criticism and cross-cultural studies. Sandra Bauchte-Parquez praised the novel as a powerful spiritual and artistic resource for the restoration and preservation of folklore in American literature; Sigrid King explored the book in the rituals and naming forces of the problem; Joseph

    15、Wuer and Michael Oke Ward saw this book as a representative, which represents a classic exclusion problem, womens fight for the right to speak, African-American literature traditions and cultural criticism, and argued that it led to the literary career of Alice Walker, Gloria Nell and Toni Morrison.

    16、 In addition, there is a serious discussion of the distinctive African American aesthetics shown in this novel, which deprives the power of the dominant discourse and thus highlights the process of black cultural construction. Other critics see this work as a modern novel that incorporates realism,

    17、legendary literature, mythology, religion, psychology, and nostalgia.国内研究:与国外相比,国内的赫斯顿研究望尘莫及,起步很晚,对赫斯顿的介绍和研究到今天也不到20年的历史。1986年人民文学出版社出的美国文学简史用了近一页的篇幅介绍赫斯顿和她的他们眼望上苍, 2005年2月上海外语教育出版社出版的由汪义群主编、程锡麟撰写的赫斯顿研究是目前国内关于赫斯顿研究最为详细全面的专著。此外,近几年来我国研究赫斯顿的他们眼望上苍的学术论文不断增多。李秀芝(2008)在中珍妮的成长一文中论述了他们眼望上苍中的女主角珍妮,通过自己的三次婚姻

    18、,在不断的放弃和选择中,逐渐成长起来,实现了对婚姻的自由追求。最终打碎了压在黑人女性身上的重重枷锁,建立起全新的形象和人格。胡佳佳(2013)在中珍妮女性意识的觉醒一文中从马克思女性主义的视角分析珍妮的成长,展现了珍妮在父权制社会中的从属地位及她在压迫中女性意识的觉醒。Domestic study: Compared with foreign countries research, domestic research on Hurston started relatively late, and the history of research on Hurston is nearly 20 y

    19、ears. In 1986, Peoples Literature Publishing House published A Brief History of American Literature and spent nearly a page introducing Hurston and her book Their Eyes Were Watching God. In February 2005, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Publishing House published the book Research on Hurston whi

    20、ch is edited by Wang Yiquan, written by Cheng Lixin. It is currently the most comprehensive work on Hurstons research. Besides, the number of domestic papers on Their Eyes Were Watching God are increasing rapidly in recent years. Li Xiuzhi(2008) in the article Janies Growth in Their Eyes Were Watchi

    21、ng God discussed about the novels heroine Janie, who gradually grew up and achieved the pursuit for freedom of marriage after three marriages, keeping giving up and choosing, eventually breaking the heavy yoke on the black women and setting up a brand-new image and personality. Hu Jiajia (2013) in t

    22、he article Janies Awakening of Female Consciousness in Their Eyes Were Watching God from the perspective of Marxist feminist analyzed Janies growth, showing Janies subordinate status and her awakening of female consciousness under the oppression of patriarchal society. 本研究的问题、理论、方法和视角:问题:从生态女性主义角度分析

    23、他们眼望上苍中珍妮的婚姻观Question: Analyze Janies view of marriage in Their Eyes Were Watching God from ecofeminism理论:生态女性主义理论Theory: Ecofeminism Theory方法:文献分析Methodology:Documentanalysis视角:生态女性主义视角Perspective: Ecofeminism本研究的主要观点和重难点:主要观点:本文运用了生态女性主义的观点,分析了小说中女主人公珍妮的成长历程和三次婚姻,认为自然在珍妮的自我意识与女性意识的发展过程中起了重要作用。This

    24、 thesis uses the theory of ecofeminism to analyze the heroine Janies growth and three marriages, and draws conclusion that nature plays a major role in the development of Janies self-awareness and feminist consciousness.重点:本研究重点在于用生态女性主义视角,分析珍妮的婚姻观的形成过程。This study focuses on analyzing the formation

    25、of Janies view of marriage from the perspective of ecofeminism.难点:主观上,由于学业和时间原因,不能收集更全面的资料,没有充裕的时间来进行透彻的分析;客观上,随着女性主义理论的发展,关于他们眼望上苍中女性主义的研究较多,比较难创新。There are some difficulties in carrying out this study. Subjectively, I cannot collect more comprehensive materials and make a more thorough analysis be

    26、cause of my study and schedule. Objectively, with the development of feminist theory, there are a lot of researches on the feminism of Their Eyes Were Watching God, so its difficult to get some new ideas about it. 详细提纲(Detailed Outline):摘要第一章 绪论1.1 佐拉尼尔赫斯顿1.2 他们眼望上苍的创作背景1.3 文献综述 1.3.1 国外研究现状 1.3.2 国

    27、内研究现状 1.3.3 本研究的意义第二章 生态女性主义理论2.1 概念2.2 发展史第三章 小说中的女性与自然3.1女性与自然之间的关系3.1.1 梨树与蜜蜂3.1.2 大路3.1.3 骡子3.1.4 土地3.1.5 暴风雨与疯狗3.2 父权制社会下的性别歧视与自然歧视在小说里的体现3.2.1 被压迫的女性3.2.2 被征服的自然第四章 珍妮婚姻观的形成过程4.1第一次婚姻珍妮自我意识与女性意识的萌发4.2第二次婚姻珍妮女性观与婚姻观的发展4.3第三次婚姻最终实现自我独立4.4追求男女平等及和谐的婚姻关系第五章 总结参考文献AbstractChapterIntroduction1.1 Zor

    28、a Neale Hurston1.2 Background of Their Eyes Were Watching God1.3 Literature Review 1.3.1 The Literature Review Abroad 1.3.2 The Literature Review in China 1.3.3 Research SignificanceChapter Theory of Ecofeminism2.1 The Concept of Ecofeminism2.2 The Evolution of EcofeminismChapter Women and Nature in

    29、 The Novel3.1 Interconnection Between Women and Nature 3.1.1 The Pear Tree and Bees 3.1.2 The Road 3.1.3 The Mule 3.1.4 The Land 3.1.5 The Storm and The Dog 3.2 The Sexism and Natural Discrimination of Patriarchal Society in the Novel 3.2.1 Women - Sufferers of Mens Domination 3.2.2 Nature - Subject

    30、 of Mens ExploitationChapter Formation of Janies View of Marriage 4.1 The First Marriage - Germination of Janies Self-awareness and Feminist Consciousness 4.2 The Second Marriage - Development of Janies View of Feminism and Marriage 4.3 The Third Marriage - Realizing Womens Self-independence 4.4 The Pursuit of Gender Equality and Harmonious MarriageChapter ConclusionReferences


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