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    1、九年级英语期中复习人教版新目标初三英语期中复习人教版(新目标)【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容: 期中复习复习过程一. 语法:1. 动名词的用法:(1)动名词兼有动词和名词的特征,由动词加 ing 构成。(2)用法A. 作主语 He also thinks that watching English movies isnt a bad way because he can watch the actors say the words. (从句的主语)Asking the teacher for help is a good way to learn English. (句子的主语)B. 作宾语

    2、Now, I am enjoying learning English. Thanks for sending me the E-mail. C. 作定语 I think that doing a lot of writing practice is one of the secrets of becominga good language learner.其他:We end up speaking in Chinese.Why dont you join a club to practice speaking English?I often spend time helping others

    3、.I study English by listening to tapes.2. used to 的用法“主语used to动词原形其它”这个句型结构表示过去的习惯,暗示现在已无此习惯。其否定形式是主语didnt use to 动原问句形式为:Did主语use to?反意疑问句:主语used to,didnt主语?Mario used to be short.A: You used to be short, didnt you?B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.Tina used to have long hair.和used to 相关的其它句型:get / be

    4、used to doing 习惯于做be used for doing被用来3. 简单的被动语态英语中有主动和被动两种语态。前者以动作的执行者充当主语,后者以动作的承受者 (即宾语) 充当主语。由于只有及物动词才有宾语,因此只能是及物动词才有被动语态形式。被动语态以助动词be加上动词的过去分词构成,如:We speak English. (主动语态)English is spoken. (被动语态)有时为了表明动作的执行者,可在被动语态句型中加上介词by引导的短语,如:The glass was broken by the cat yesterday.由于动词be在不同时态中有不同形式,因此被

    5、动语态在各种时态中也有不同的结构。一般现在时被动语态:主语is/am/are过去分词一般过去时被动语态:主语was/were过去分词一般将来时被动语态:主语will be过去分词含有情态动词的被动语态:主语情态动词be过去分词如:Football is played all over the world.The rooms are cleaned every day.4. allow句型(1)allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事We do not allow people to smoke in the hall.(2)allow doing允许做某事(3)be allowed

    6、 to do 被允许做某事Students are allowed to do homework with friends. (客观事实/规则)(4)should be allowed to do 应该被允许做某事I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends. (主观看法)5. 表示同意Sure. / Certainly./ Of course./ All right./ No problem. / I agree. / Thats a good idea.I think so. I agree. They are

    7、nt serious enough at that age.表示不同意No way. / Of course not. / I dont agree.I dont think so. / Im afraid not.I disagree. They talk instead of doing homework.6. 虚拟语气 句子假设的情况如果是完全不存在的(与现在或过去的事实相反),或者实现的可能性很小(与将来的事实可能相反),这种句子叫做虚拟条件句,它的谓语动词用虚拟语气。表示与现在事实相反的情况时,条件从句的动词用一般过去式(be的过去式用were或was),主句的动词用would(sh

    8、ould, could或might)加动词原形。只需掌握与现在事实相反的情况,其结构为: 从句 主句If + 主语 + 动词的过去时主语 + would + 动词原形e.g. If I were you, I should / would go at once.I would certainly go if I had time.A. 表示与事实相反的假设B. 表示不可能实现的事情C. 用于提建议7. 表示推断的情态动词(1)cant (2)might / could (3)must 这几个表示推测的情态动词后面可接:A. 名词 He must be a boy. B. 物主代词A: Whos

    9、e notebook is this? B: It must be Marys./It must belong to Mary.It must be her notebook.It must be hers.C. 形容词 She must be very sad. D. be doing He must be doing his homework.二. 重点句型:Unit 11. How do you study for a test?I study by listening to tapes.2. How do you learn English?I learn by studying wi

    10、th a group.3. Do you learn English by reading aloud?Yes, I do.4. How do you study English?I study by listening to cassettes / studying with a group / watching TV / listening to English language music / taking part in English classes after school / getting an English tutor / reading English magazines

    11、 / surfing the Internet 5. Do you learn English by ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.6. Have you ever studied with a group? Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.Unit 21. You used to be short, didnt you? Yes, I did. No. I didnt2. Did you use to play the piano? Yes, I did. No, I didnt.3. I used to be reall

    12、y quiet. 4. I didnt use to like tests.5. You used to have long hair.6. She used to have curly hair. Unit 3 1.I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.I disagree. They talk instead of doing homework.2. Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive.I agree. They arent serious

    13、enough at that age.3. Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes?Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Unit 41. What would you do if you won a million dollars?Id give it to charities.2. If I were you, Id wear a shirt and tie.3. If I were you, Id take a small present.Unit 51. Whose

    14、 notebook is this?It must be Nings. It has her name on it.2 Whose French book is this?It could be Carols. She studies French.3. Whose guitar is this?It might belong to Alice. She plays the guitar.4. Whose T-shirt is this?It cant be Johns. Its too small for him.三. 英语写作话题:Topic 1: Suggestions (U1. 3.

    15、4)I. Target language: 1. Whats the matter? I have a cold. You should see a doctor. 2. He has a sore throat. He should drink more water.3. What should I do? You could write him a letter. 4. What should he do? Maybe he should say hes sorry. They shouldnt argue.5. I think Ill ride my bike. If you do, y

    16、oull be late.6. I think Im going to stay at home. If you do, youll be sorry.7. What should I get my sister? Why dont you get a camera? 8. How about some tennis balls? Theyre too cheap. 9. What about a watch? Thats too personal.10. Why dont you buy a scarf? Thats not interesting enough.11. Would you

    17、mind cleaning your room? Im sorry. Ill do it right away. 12. I dont have a partner to practice English with. Maybe you should join an English club. (B5-U1)13. What would you do if you won a lottery? Id give it to charities. 14. If I were you, Id wear a shirt and tie. 15. Youre supposed to shake hand

    18、s / kiss / bow. 16. You should have asked what you were supposed to wear.提建议句型总结 (1)I think you should / could do. (2)You had better do. (3)If I were you, I would do. If I had, I would do(4)What about / How about doing? (5)Why not do ? / Why dont you do ? (6)Have you ever done?(7)Have you considered

    19、 doing?(8)It would be a wiser if you did(9)I suggest you do(10)I advise you to do/I advise you not to do(11)Youre supposed to Topic 2: Appearance and personality (U2)I. Target language:1. What do you look like?Im tall and thin. (B2-U7)2. What does he look like? Hes short and he has straight hair.3.

    20、Im more outgoing than my sister. (B3-U6)4. He has shorter hair than Sam.5. You used to be short, didnt you? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. 6. You used to have long hair. She used to have curly hair.Topic 3: Rules (U3)I. Target language:1. ont run in the hall ways. 2. What are the rules? We cant arrive l

    21、ate to class.3. Can we wear hats in school? No, we cant.4. John, you have to wear sneakers for gym class.5. Do we have to wear a uniform? Yes, we do. 6. Can we eat in school? We can eat in the cafeteria, but we cant eat in the classroom.7. What else do you have to do? We have to clean the classrooms

    22、.8. have too many rules in my house.9. I cant meet my friends after school because I have to take my dog for a walk.10. I want you to remember the rules for school parties.11. Dont wear jeans! If you wear jeans, we wont let you in. 12. Please bring your ID card. If you dont have your ID card, you ca

    23、nt go to the party.13. We have lots of rules at my school. So do we. 14. What rules do you have at home? Well, Im not allowed to go out on school nights.15. Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to have part-time jobs? No, I dont.16. The problem is that all my classmates think the unifor

    24、ms are ugly.17. You have to be 18 years before you are allowed to drive a car.18. Were supposed to shake hands / kiss / bow. 19. We never visit a friends house without calling first.20. You are not supposed to stick your chopsticks into your food.Topic 4: How to Study (U1)I. Target language:1.Whats

    25、your favorite subject? My favorite subject is P.E. 2.Why do you like English? Because its interesting and useful.3.Who is your math teacher? Mrs. Green.4.What did your math teacher say? He said I was hard-working. 5. I had a really hard time with science this semester.6. Another disappointing result

    26、 was in history.7. I wasnt surprised to find that my worst report was from my science teacher.8. How do you study for a test? I study by listening to cassettes. (b5-u1)9. Have you ever studied with a group? Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. 10.How do you learn English? I learn by studying wit

    27、h a group. 11. Do you learn English by reading aloud? Yes, I do.12.I dont have a partner to practice English with. 13.Maybe you should join an English club. 14. Its too hard to understand the voices.15. Its amazing how much this helped.16. What about keeping a diary in English?17. My teacher is very

    28、 impressed.18. She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all.19.Sometimes, however, he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.20.Liu Chang said that joining the English club at school was the best way to improve her English. 【模拟试题】(答题时间:100分钟

    29、)一. 单选(A)1. I have _ egg and a cup of milk for _ breakfast.A. a, / B. an, / C. a, the D. an, the 2. A friend of _ said she could do better in math.A. we B. my C. mine D. I 3. We need some _ so lets go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbages.A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D. eggs 4. Does Mary learn E

    30、nglish _ watching English-language TV?Yes, she does.A. on B. in C. with D. by 5. _ ideas did you take ? Marys.A. What B. Who C. Where D. Whose 6. Whats Susans hobby? She used to like_, but now she enjoys _stamps. A. sing, collecting B. singing, collectingC. to sing, collect D. singing, to collect 7. Lucy and Lily are twins. Lucy likes playing basketball, _ Lily doesnt.A. and B. as C. but D. or 8. The radio is too loud. Would you mind _ ?A. turning it down B. turning down it C. turning it up D. tu


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