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    1、高考英语一轮复习精选提分专练第二周星期三阅读理解社会文化类完形填空记叙文+概要写作2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习精选提分专练第二周星期三阅读理解社会文化类完形填空记叙文+概要写作.阅读理解(xx云南昆明一中摸底)It may be mon knowledge that what British people call “football” is known as “soccer” in the US,and “colour” in British English(BrE) goes without the “u” in American English(AmE).But accordin

    2、g to a chart made recently by website Grammar Check,these are far from being the only differences between the two countries use of English.The chart outlined 63 of the main contrasts between BrE and AmE,from the more wellknown “lift/elevator” and “autumn/fall” to the lesserknown “garden/yard” and “p

    3、etrol/gasoline”.Some of the vocabulary mismatches are so different that two people in a conversation may fail to understand each other.For example,the two countries have different names for certain food.“ Biscuits” and “sweets” in Britain are known as “cookies” and “candy” ,respectively,in the US.Bu

    4、t while getting food names mixed up only causes confusion,some misunderstandings may lead to embarrassment if youre not careful.If a British man in the US is asked to show up a party in “pants”,theres a chance that he might get a lot of stares from other guests.“Pants” in the UK means underwear.“Tro

    5、users” are what you need to ask a British friend to wear if you dont want them to cause a scene among your friends.However,even if 63 is already a lot,there are still many differences that the chart failed to cover.If a US girl walks into a UK barber and says “I want to have my bangs fixed”,for exam

    6、ple,it could take a while before the hairdresser realizes what she means is actually her “fringe”.1.By presenting the first paragraph,the author mainly tell us .A.the chart is made by Grammar CheckB.people are much more familiar with “lift/elevator”C.BrE and AmE are different in spellingD.there are

    7、many differences between BrE and AmE2.If a British man is asked to join in a party in “pants”,he might .A.get into an embarrassmentB.be attractive among his friendsC.be puzzled at others dressesD.ask for a pair of trousers instead3.Why is the example in the barber mentioned?A.To confirm some example

    8、s are unknown.B.To support the authors opinion on the topic.C.To indicate the British are slow in understanding.D.To show the hairdresser isnt familiar with “bangs”.完形填空(xx河北衡水中学五调)If life were a book and you were the author,how would you like the story to go?That is the question that 4 my life fore

    9、ver.One day I went home from the training of snowboarding with what I thought was the flu,and less than 24 hours later,I was in a 5 on life support with less than two percent 6 of living.It wasnt until days later that the doctors diagnosed me with a 7 blood infection.Over the 8 of 2.5 months,I lost

    10、the hearing in my left ear and both my legs below the knees.When my parents 9 me out of the hospital,I 10 that I had been put together like a patchwork(拼缝物) doll and I had to live with 11 legs.I was absolutely physically and emotionally broken, 12 streaming down.But I knew in order to move forward,I

    11、 had to let go of the Old Amy and 13 the New Amy.It was at this moment that I asked myself that significant 14 .And that is when it 15 me that I didnt have to be fivefootfive anymore, 16 I could be as tall as I wanted.And 17 of all,I can make my feet the size of all the shoes.So there were 18 here.F

    12、our months later,I was back upon a 19 .And this February,I won two Board World Cup gold medals, 20 me the highest ranked snowboarder in the world.So,instead of looking at our 21 and our limitations as something 22 or bad,we can begin looking at them as a wonderful 23 that can be used to help us go f

    13、urther than we ever know we could go.4.A.saved B.riskedC.ruined D.changed5.A.hospital B.clubC.field D.stadium6.A.thought B.degreeC.chance D.decision7.A.mild B.severeC.potential D.slight8.A.journey B.breakC.course D.schedule9.A.wheeled B.draggedC.pulled D.delivered10.A.made sure B.felt likeC.worked o

    14、ut D.put forward11.A.muscular B.heavyC.shapely D.false12.A.blood B.sweatC.tears D.water13.A.hug B.recognizeC.fix D.introduce14.A.plan B.questionC.information D.favor15.A.struck B.brokeC.beat D.broadened16.A.although B.soC.while D.but17.A.first B.strangestC.best D.luckiest18.A.struggles B.benefitsC.r

    15、ewards D.conflicts19.A.stage B.snowboardC.track D.playground20.A.allowing B.givingC.calling D.making21.A.challenges B.achievementsC.devotions D.hesitations22.A.active B.amazingC.negative D.terminal23.A.ability B.skillC.tool D.gift.概要写作(xx嘉兴一中、学军中学、杭州高级中学联考)阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。A new,firstofitsk

    16、ind study examines the connection between teacher burnout and students stress levels.Researchers from the University of British Columbia collected saliva(唾液) samples from over 400 elementary school children,grades four to seven,at 17 public schools.Cortisol(皮质醇) levels were then assessed from the sa

    17、mples as the hormone is monly used as a biological indicator of stress.Correspondingly,teacher burnout was determined through survey results.Investigators found that in classrooms in which teachers experienced more burnout,or feelings of emotional exhaustion,students cortisol levels were elevated(提升

    18、).Higher cortisol levels in elementary school children have been linked to learning difficulties as well as mental health problems.The study appears in the journal Social Science & Medicine.“This suggests that stress contagion(蔓延) might be taking place in the classroom among students and their teach

    19、ers,” said Eva Oberle,Ph.D.,the studys lead author.Indeed,the relationship between student stress and teacher burnout is a chicken and egg question.“It is unknown what came first,elevated cortisol or teacher burnout.We consider the connection between student and teacher stress a cyclical problem in

    20、the classroom.” Oberle said a stressful classroom climate could be a result of inadequate support for teachers,which may impact teachers ability to effectively manage their students.A poorly managed classroom can contribute to students needs not being met and increasing stress.This could be reflecte

    21、d in elevated cortisol levels in students.Alternatively,stress could originate from students,who may be more challenging to teach because of increases in anxiety,behavioral problems,or special needs.In this case,teachers could feel overwhelmed and report higher levels of burnout.“Our study is a remi

    22、nder of the systemic issues facing teachers and educators as classroom sizes increase and supports for teachers are cut,” said Oberle.“It is clear from a number of recent research studies that teaching is one of the most stressful professions,and that teachers need adequate resources and support in

    23、their jobs in order to battle burnout and relieve stress in the classroom,” said University of British Columbia education professor Kimberly Schonert Reichl,Ph.D.,the studys coauthor.“If we do not support teachers,we risk the damage of students.” 答案精析.1.D推理判断题。第一段先以“football”,“soccer”和“colour”为例,说明英

    24、美英语词汇的不同;随后作者指出,根据网站Grammar Check所列图表可知英美英语差异不仅限于此;再从下文不同角度的例子可以推断,作者在第一段中主要向读者传递的是:英美英语差异很大。故选D。2.A细节理解题。根据第二段最后三句可知,英式英语里“pants”是“underwear”的意思。如果某英国人穿着“underwear”参加聚会,可能就会引人注目、并陷入难堪的局面。故选A。3.B推理判断题。上文列举了英美英语差异的几个例子,然后在最后一段第一句指出上述图表未能涵盖许多其他的不同之处,其后事例用于强化“区别之大”这一观点。故选B。.4.Dsave节约;risk冒险;ruin毁灭;chan

    25、ge改变。如果人生是一本书,而你是作者,你会让这个故事如何发展?那是改变了我一生的问题。故选D。5.Ahospital 医院;club 俱乐部;field 田野;stadium 体育场。根据作者从滑雪训练回来,觉得自己得了流感,且根据后面医生对他的诊断可知,他在医院。故选A。6.Cthought 想法;degree 程度;chance 可能性,几率;decision 决定。我只有百分之二的存活几率。故选C。7.Bmild温和的;severe严重的;potential潜在的;slight轻微的。由下文作者左耳失聪及失去小腿可知,病情很严重,故此处为:医生诊断我患了严重的血液感染。故选B。8.Cj

    26、ourney 旅途;break 休息;course 历程;schedule 安排表。经过两个半月的治疗过程。故选C。9.Awheel 用轮椅推; drag 拖; pull 拉; deliver传递。前面说治疗让作者丧失了听力与小腿,所以父母用轮椅推他出院。故选A。10.Bmake sure 确保; feel like 感觉像; work out 算出; put forward 提出。当父母用轮椅推我出院的时候,我感觉自己像一个被重新组装的玩具。故选B。11.Dmuscular肌肉的;heavy 沉重的; shapely 匀称的; false 假的。治疗使我失去了小腿,所以必须用假肢生活。故选D

    27、。12.Cblood 血液;sweat 汗水;tear 眼泪;water水。我的身心都崩溃了,眼泪止不住地往下流。故选C。13.Ahug 拥抱;recognize 认出;fix 固定;introduce 介绍。我要放下过去,拥抱一个新的自己。故选A。14.Bplan 计划;question 问题;information 信息;favor 帮助。正是在这个时刻,我问了自己那个重要的问题。故选B。15.Astrike突然想到,突然意识到;break 打破;beat 击败;broaden 变宽。我突然想到我不必再是五尺五的身高,我可以想多高就多高。It strikes/struck sb.that.

    28、某人突然想到,为固定表达,符合语境。故选A。16.Dalthough 尽管;so 因此;while 然而;but 但是。由上题解析可知,此处前后是转折关系。故选D。17.Cfirst 首先;strangest 最奇怪的;best 最好的;luckiest 最幸运的。最棒的是,我可以穿任何尺码的鞋子。故选C。18.Bstruggle 斗争;benefit 好处,利益;reward 奖励;conflict 冲突。根据前面可知作者乐观地认为自己脚还是有好处的。故选B。19.Bstage 阶段;snowboard 滑雪板;track 轨道; playground 操场。由第二段第一句可知作者原来从事滑

    29、雪运动。20.Dallow允许; give 给;call 召唤;make 使得。我赢得两次世界冠军,使得我在世界上排名第一。故选D。21.Achallenge 挑战;achievement 成就;devotion 奉献;hesitation犹豫。不要把我们的挑战和局限当作消极的、不好的东西。故选A。22.Cactive 积极的; amazing 令人惊异的; negative 消极的; terminal 终端的。由上一题解析可知选C。23.Dability 能力; skill 技巧; tool 工具;gift 礼物。这里是指把挑战和局限看作一份美好的礼物。故选D。. 参考范文A new res

    30、earch shows that student strain often coexists with teacher exhaustion.Students,who find their requirements unsatisfied as a result of teachers lowlevel management over class,may feel overwhelmingly stressed.Conversely,teachers,who encounter great teaching challenge from students,tend to be burned o

    31、ut.Therefore,more sufficient resources and support to teachers should be guaranteed,or students are likely to be ruined.2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习精选提分专练第二周星期三降与医疗类(I)单词识记:disease health tiredtreatAIDS virus cure disabledemergency harm injure medicinemental recover rescue dizzyallergic operate random reliefupset physical短语扫描:be in good/poor health 身体好/差medical care医疗护理put pressure on对施加压力suffer from遭受be harmful to 对有害recover from恢复take medicine 服药e to sb.s rescue营救某人under stress在压力下be upset about对感到不快 跟踪训练.语境填词1.Most of us need


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