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    1、江苏省张家港市崇真中学届高三高考英语考前冲刺2Word版含答案考前适应性训练621. The British new visa policy allows tourists to leave and return to the country without _ paperwork again for two years.A. submitting B. advocating C. appointing D. registering22. Do not make complaints about being left out _ you shy away from sharing your j

    2、oysand sorrows with others.A. when B. unless C. once D. until23. All flights _ because of the air traffic control, the passengers had to wait in the hall. A. were put off B. having put off C. have been put off D. put off24. How did it come about _ a quiet person should appear so wild today?A. Whethe

    3、r B. that C. why D. what25. The negotiation have reached a delicate stage _ a decision must be made as soon as quickly. A. which B. that C. when D. where26. _ disappointed us most was that the guide was always asking us to leave _ we thought very interesting. A. It; where B. What; what C. What; wher

    4、e D. It; what27. He bought extra food _ more people coming than hes invited.A. in anticipation of B. in defense of C. in exchange for D. in agreement with 28. Long time no see. What are you up to these days? I have been writing a research report. That was _ easy.A. little more than B. more than C. a

    5、nything but D. nothing but 29. Recently the Ministry of the Environmental Protection issued a circular saying that China might adopt flexible working hours and stop school class _ the highest air pollution warnings. A. for fear of B. in terms of C. in defence of D. in case of30. Its obvious that get

    6、ting these historic sites recognized by the world is helpful for preserving and repairing them, as it _ their extreme importance and value.A. associate B. symbolizes C. stresses D. abolishes31. _ the problem of pollution getting more serious, the government _ a solution to it. A. As; are search B. S

    7、ince; is seeking for C. For; is search D. With; is seeking32. The Roman alphabet is a Greek invention, _ is the marathon, a long distance race created in honor of a Greek soldier.A. as B. what C. which D. so33. The media actually can play a positive role in _ consumer issues in some new areas, such

    8、as e-commerce and online finance services, which arent fully covered by current laws.A. adjusting B. addressing C. acknowledging D. accelerating34. What are these housewives talking about? They are talking about whether men are actually _ to housework or just too lazy.A. allergic B. accessible C. ag

    9、gressive D. accustomed35. A sense of anxiety _ if we were addicted to various social networking applications.A. will arise B. will raise C. could raise D. could arise第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)This incident occurred in Casa Grande Arizona in Nov 2015. On the late evening of Nov 2015, I was 36 to a l

    10、ocal grocery store after work to pick up a few items for dinner with my family. All that day November 27 I had a headache that just would not 37 ! I never made it to the store, I suffered a stroke while driving and I drifted into oncoming 38 and was hit by a large truck nearly head on! The 39 left m

    11、e hanging partially out the drivers side door by my seat belt. I was 40 enough to release the belt. Fortunately, an off-duty fireman was just across the street and 41 immediately. The crazy thing is that I was outside my body, watching the EMT drop his taco and run across the street to help me. Next

    12、 I saw myself lying on the street from just 42 my body as the sound of sirens (汽笛) came closer. Half of my body was bathed in what I can best 43 as a White and Silvery light, the other half of me the Blackest of Blacks! I dont know why but something told me, that deepest of black was something no on

    13、e could 44 from! I then, off to my left heard a 45 basically chewing me out (责骂) for how I had lived my life to that point and that “GOD doesnt take 46 sitters.” The “voice” then stated “go back and experience the 47 youve caused to others!” 6 days later I awoke, and found out my heart had stopped e

    14、n route to the hospital and that I nearly 48 ! When I 49 , my wife, my rock Petra is her name, was there at that moment! I was told that I had congestive heart failure at just age 49 and that many weeks and months 50 ahead of physical therapy and that it would be a long road back. I was 51 by the st

    15、roke on my left side and it surely appeared that many months lay ahead. That accident took place on Nov 28 2015. I was 52 from Physical Therapy on Christmas Day 2015and I 53 out of the hospital not perfect!In these times with so much doubt, I just feel that my story inspires people “sitting on the f

    16、ence” to take a 54 look at their lives, faith and what is truly important. It was then that I began to accompany my daughter with autism (孤独症). Its not perfect, she still has her moments. But, I found by 55 more time than lip service to her, we now have a great relationship.36. A. walking B. driving

    17、 C. marching D. passing37. A. turn away B. give away C. go away D. do away38. A. population B. traffic C. movement D. accident39. A. impact B. noise C. experience D. solution40. A. conscious B. cautious C. casual D. curious41. A. investigate B. escaped C. shouted D. responded42. A. beside B. through

    18、 C. above D. near43. A. describe B. narrate C. identify D. fancy44. A. repeat B. return C. release D. remain45. A. word B. voice C. explanation D. comment46. A. fence B. wall C. baby D. pet47. A. change B. loss C. pain D. harm48. A. came back B. got off C. left away D.passed away49. A. relieved B. i

    19、nterfered C. coughed D. awoke50. A. lay B. reflected C. contained D. undertook51. A. equipped B. weakened C. stimulated D. motivated52. A. protected B. distinguished C. released D. derived53. A. looked B. drove C. walked D. ran54. A. efficient B. frequent C. grateful D. serious55. A. sparing B. spen

    20、ding C. killing D. committing第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AHow to enroll if you are in Midhaven.We invite you to visit us and see the school. After an assessment you will be able to reserve a placeon the next available course. We have two centres inMidhaven.Deposits/payment1.Your enrolment form must

    21、be accompanied by the course deposit of 100 or, if you are booking accommodation through the school, your course and accommodation deposit of 200.2. Any balance of course and accommodation fees must be paid in full by the first day of your course.3. All bank charges incurred (承受) in sending money to

    22、 Ashwood College must be paid by the student.4. Deposits and payments are non-refund able and non-transferable.5. A charge of 20 will be made for any changes made to bookings.TimetableEach hour consists of 50 minutes tuition and a 10-minute break.Public and School HolidaysThere is no reduction in th

    23、e fee where a course includes a Public Holiday, except for two weeks at Christmas.AgeThe above centres of Ashwood College do not accept students under 16 years of age.AttendanceStudents are expected to attend regularly and on time. Students will lose tuition if they arrive late, are absent or leave

    24、before the course ends.ConditionsStudent HolidaysStudents on long courses except examination preparation courses may take a holiday of one week every 12 weeks without losing their course fee for this period.Location and Time of CoursesAshwood College has two all-yearcentres and a summer centre in Mi

    25、dhaven Before entry to the school, students must take an entry test to determine the level of class they enter. We cannot guarantee the time or location of a students course although every attempt is made to place students in the centre and at the timeof their choice.56. When applying for a course a

    26、t Ashwood College, students must .A. charge the college for sending money to all banksB. charge some money for making any changes of the bookingsC. pay the rest of the fees by the end of the first week of the courseD. pay a course or accommodation deposit along with registration forms57. What can we

    27、 know from Conditions?A. There is hardly a break between each lesson.B. Classes are organized according to students ability level.C. Students may change courses at any time during the term.D. Any student is permitted to take a weeks holiday during a 12-week course.BHalf a century ago, Japan built th

    28、e worlds first high-speed rail network-a network that remains the gold standard in train travel today. Currently the county is now helping Texas build its own bullettrain, a potential game-changer for transportation in the stale.When it launched on October l, 1964, the worlds first high-speed rail n

    29、etwork was known as the “super-express of dreams. The first line in Japans now world-famous shinkansen network was built against all odds, in the face of fierce public opposition, technical difficulties and astronomical costs -Half a century ago, the system was far humbler. In 1964, the first track

    30、was a 320-mile-long link between Tokyo and Osaka that reduced the trip from six-and-a-half hours (on conventional trains) to three hours and 10 minutes, traveling at a maximum speed of 200 miles per hour. For the first time, workers could get to meetings in one city during the day and be back home d

    31、rinking a beer in the local pub that night.Not only did the train expand mobility profoundly, but also businesses appeared around the major stops as a growing emphasis on productivity swept across Japan. Today, the shinkansen network has1,487 miles of track, with more set to open in the coming years. It seems that everything the shinkansen touches turns to


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