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    1、中学考试英语形容词和副词专项训练(一) 形容词的用法和位置1 主系表结构,放在连系动词(be, look,smell,taste,sound,feel,become,get,turn,keep,seem等)的后面。如:The passengers cant go back home on time for the Spring festival, for the snow is so heavy.Things to remember:look只有在解释看起来的时候才是当作连系动词,做题时要正确分析look的意思。如:After hearing the good news of the trai

    2、ns arrival, he looked very happy.After hearing the good news of the trains arrival, he looked happily at me.2 形容词用作定语。1) 如: The conductor has important news to tell the passengers.2) 如:The conductor has something important to tell the passengers.3 形容词用作宾语补足语。如:Though the passengers find the weather

    3、terrible, theyre very excited because they will go back home to spend the Spring Festival with their family. Things to remember:1) else在使用时,必须放在疑问代词和复合不定代词的后面,如:something else, what else.2)做题时,要注意形容词和名词的正确搭配,如我们用 high或 low来修饰 temperature,用 hot或 cold来修饰 weather。3It is adj. for sb to do sth/It is adj.

    4、 of sb to do sthComplete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:1 Everyone in our class took an _ part in the camping trip. (activity)2 She is from America, so she is _. (America)3 Mrs. White is fond of buying _ food because she thinks it is much safer. (Australia)4 While doing an

    5、experiment, you need to be _ enough. Otherwise(否则) something dangerous may happen. (care).5 The weather report says it will be _ tonight. (cloud)6 Some pets are _ to people because they carry some diseases. (danger)7 Tom is_ in detective stories(侦探小说) than science fiction. (interest)8 Though English

    6、 and Chinese are two _ languages, theyre used to communicate. (difference)9 Its very _ for the farmer to send her daughter to study abroad. (difficulty)10 The mother told her son to wash his _ hands before having dinner. (dirt)11 We should be _ to each other to have a good memory. (friend)12 The _ w

    7、ind makes everybody very comfortable. (gently13 Its _ for you to know some western culture while you are studying English. (help)Choose the best answer:1 She is _ that she will fail in the exam. A) frightened B) afraid C) afriad D) worry2 Though she was _ at home, she didnt feel _ at all because she

    8、 was busy going over her lessons. A) alonealone B) alonelonely C) lonelylonely D) lonelyalone 3 The tsunami(海啸) is very _. It can make a large number of people homeless. A) exciting B) awful C) frightened D) surprising4 Is there _ enough to fight with the monster? A) anyone brave B) brave anyone C)

    9、someone brave D) brave someone5 Ive got _ to tell you. A) interesting something B) something interesting C) interesting anything D) anything interesting6 Do you want _ ? A) else something B) something else C) else anything D) anything else7 A comic strip should be full of action to keep the readers

    10、_. A) interesting B) interested C) uninterested D) interests 8 Children are all _ in_ comic strips. A) interestinginterested B) interestedinteresting C) interestinginteresting D) interestedinterested9 He doesnt seem as _ as his brother. A) happily B) happier C) happy D) happiness10 The guests all th

    11、ought it tastes _. A) nice B) badly C) well D) wonderfully11 “Am I _ go home?” the sick man asked the doctor. A) good enough B) so well to C) well enough to D) too well to12 Perhaps there wont be _ for everybody on the earth in the future. A) enough room B) many rooms C) little space D) a little spa

    12、ce13 The man finished writing _ report in a week. A) a eight-thousand-word B) an eight-thousand-words C) eight-thousand-word D) an eight-thousand-word14 To our surprise, such a big bag was very light. Here light means _. A) little B) short C) great D) not heavy15 What a _ child he is ! A) lovely B)

    13、timidly C) beautifully D) unusual16 Emma hardly makes mistakes in her homework. She is _. A) care B) careful C) carefully D) careless17 Miss Black always makes her students _ in her English lessons. A) interest B) interests C) interested D) interesting18 Toms father seemed _ with his progress. A) sa

    14、dly B) angrily C) happy D) happily19 The music sounds _. A) sweetly B) horribly C) easily D) lovely20 We all know that Mr. Green was not _ with the poem. A) pleasant B) please C) pleasing D) pleased21 This is a _ experience, not a dream. A) true B) real C) truly D) really22 The Bund looks _ at night

    15、. A) wonderfully B) famous C) beautiful D) well23 Its _ knowledge that the earth moves around the sun. A) common B) unusual C) strange D) interesting24 The dishes in this restaurant are so _ that its business is very good. A) delicious B) dilicious C) taste D) well25 The shop _ from 8:00am to 8:pm e

    16、very day. A) opens B) is opened C) is open D) is opening26 The lecture was so _ that most of the listeners went to sleep. A) bored B) dull C) interesting D) exciting27 The Beatles are very _ to the people who love rock and roll. A) interested B) familiar C) attracted D) fond28 You can enjoy the _ ai

    17、r in the mountain village. A) bright B) fresh C) heavy D) fair29 Running is a(an) _ sport. A) team B) individual C) fun D) bored30 The opposite word of ancient is _. A) old B) modern C) popular D) fashion31 These children are from ordinary families. A) usual B) strange C) unusual D) simple32 Cycling

    18、 is an _ activity. A) indoor B) outdoor C) helpful D) popular33 She works as a secretary. But she also has a _ job. A) full-time B) part-time C) good-paid D) excited34 The opposite word of public is _. A) common B) private C) popular D) publish35 You should keep _ while listening to the steps. A) qu

    19、iet B) quite C) quilt D) quit 36 Who should be _ for this accident? A) duty B) reasonable C) responsible D) explain37 Take some pills before getting on the bus, or you will feel _. A) sick B) terribly C) trouble D) comfortable38 How silly you are to go out without an umbrella in such kinds of bad we

    20、ather! A) stupid B) fool C) bright D) wise39 Do you know the _ dish of this restaurant? A) special B) especial C) well-know D) taste40 She is too timid to say a word at the party. A) upset B) shy C) worried D) silentAnswers to the exercises in the part of completing the sentences with the given word

    21、s in their proper forms:1 active 2 aged 3 amazing 4 American 5 amusing 6 attractive 7 Australian 8 automatic 9 busy 10 Canadian 11 careful 12 changeable 13 chemical 14 cloudy 15 complete 16 crowded 17 dangerous 18 detective 19 different 20 difficult 21 dirty 22 electric 23 enjoyable 24 following 25

    22、foolish 26 foreign 27 freezing 28 friendly 29 gentle 30 golden 31 harmful 32 helpful 33 homeless 34 hungry 35 medical 36 national 37 natural 38 necessary 39 official 40 patient 41 physical 42 plastic 43 powerful 44 retired 45 snowy 46 soft 47 surprised 48 terrible 49 thankful 50 traditional 51 usefu

    23、l 52 various 53 westernAnswers to the exercises in thepart of choosing the best answers:1 C 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 D 7 B 8 B 9 C 10 A 11 C 12 A 13 D 14 D 15 A 16 B 17 C 18 C 19 D 20 D 21 B 22 C 23 A 24 A 25 B 26 B 27 B 28 B 29 B 30 B 31 A 32 B 33 B 34 B 35 A 36 C 37 A 38 A 39 A 40 B(二)副词的用法和位置1 修饰形容词用作状语

    24、,一般放在形容词的前面。 如:The passengers are very worried about the weather. The little girl was too disappointed to say a word because her father couldnt come back home on time.2 修饰动词用作状语,一般放在动词的后面。 如: It is snowing heavily. The conductor tells the passengers to stay inside until the snow stops.3 修饰整个句子用作状语,放

    25、在句首。 如:Luckily, the conductor told them that train would start soon.4 修饰副词用作状语,一般放在被修饰的副词的前面。 如:The conductor is very tired after one-day work because she has worked too hard.Things to remember:1) 表示频度来修饰动词用作状语的副词,要放在连系动词、情态动词或助动词的后面,行为动词的前面。如:The passengers often go back home to spend the holiday w

    26、ith their family. But they have never met such a storm in the last 50 years.2)副词的词形副词的词形分单纯性和派生性。单纯性副词如:today, rather, there, however等等。派生性副词由形容词加-ly变过来的。它们的转换方式有:(1)一般由形容词加-ly构成,如:bad-badly, clear-clearly(2)当形容词以-y结尾时,将y改为i再加-ly,如:easy-easily, lucky-luckily但是有些词虽然是以-ly结尾的,却不是副词,而是形容词,如:friendly, lo

    27、vely(3)有些形容词和副词同形,如:hard, early, enough等,既可以作形容词,也可以作副词,如:Its hard to say what the weather will be like tomorrow. (形容词) The conductor works hard to satisfy the passengers.3)enough作为形容词,修饰名词,要放在名词的前面,如:The conductor gave the passengers enough water to drink.enough修饰形容词和副词用作状语,都要放在形容词和副词的后面。如:The rail

    28、way is not safe enough for the train to run on yet.Trains must run slowly enough in order for the passengers to go back home safely in freezing weather.4)做题时要注意副词与形容词或动词的正确搭配。如:The transportation problem is quite _.The transportation problem cant be _ easily.在前一句中,通过副词 quite,我们可以判断此句需要一个形容词;而在后一句中,通

    29、过副词 easily,我们可以判断此句需要一个动词, 因为 easily是一个修饰做某事难易的副词。Exercises relevant to Section: TwoComplete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:1 They found there were several birds _. (head)2 Mrs. Smith spent $100 buying the food from the supermarket _. (together)3 Jacks father shouted at him

    30、 _ because he was always playing computer games. (angry)4 The lecture was so interesting that the students listened _. (attend)5 The sun is shining _ and some people are lying at the beach, enjoying the beautiful scenery. (bright)6 Our chemistry teacher told us to do the experiment _ (careful).7 Our teacher tries her best to explain the text in very details for us to understand the meaning _. (clear)8 You should remember Safety first, _ while crossing the road. (especial)9 We waited and waited. _ she came back with a large bag on her back. (final)10 I like our English teacher


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