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    牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Unit 3 A healthy diet》精品教学设计教案.docx

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    牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Unit 3 A healthy diet》精品教学设计教案.docx

    1、牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下Unit 3 A healthy diet精品教学设计教案小学集体备课文稿学科:_英语_ 复备时间: 2015_ 年_月_日 总第_课时年级六主备人: 复备人:单元3nd课题Unit3 A healthy diet课时安排第1 课时教学目标1.字母组合ou在单词中的读音。2.听得懂,会说,会读,会写a lot of, some, a little, a few,healthy, diet, need.3.听得懂,会说,会读,会写I/ We eat a lot of noodles/ meat. They / You have some vegetables/ brea

    2、d. He eats a few eggs. She drinks a little water. 4.进一步熟悉表示数量的词汇并巩固可数以及不可数名词。教学重难点1.字母组合ou在单词中的读音。2.听得懂,会说,会读,会写a lot of, some, a little, a few,healthy, diet, need.3.听得懂,会说,会读,会写I/ We eat a lot of noodles/ meat. They / You have some vegetables/ bread. He eats a few eggs. She drinks a little water. 教

    3、学策略 和准备卡片,课件教学过程复备意见Step 1 Warm up.1.Talk about the day, date and weather. 2.Show the students some pictures of different kinds of food and ask the questions:T: Whats your favourite food? / What food do you like? / What do you like drinking? / Can we eat a lot of hamburgers or chips? / What food sho

    4、uld we eat more?/ What food should we eat less? 导入健康饮食的话题。3.Play a game: Picking apples. ( 向学生展示一些表示食物的单词, 要求学生先正确朗读出来然后分别按照可数以及不可数名词将它们进行归类)Step 2 Presentation and practice1.Show the students four groups of pictures, teache the students how to use a lot of,some,a little and a few to describe the pi

    5、ctures after comparing them.2.Look and match. 引导学生将a little 和 a few 同若干食物(包括可数以及不可数名词)和饮料图片匹配, 然后说出完整的句子。3.听录音,圈出Mike 和Yangling 的日常食物并填入表格。4.Read the text and finish the exercise of True or False on page 28, discuss and introduce the dieting habbit of Mike and Yangling.Step 3 Drills1.Finish the exer

    6、cise of Checkout time and Ask and answer on page 34, discuss their answers in groups with sentence there beand words some, any, a little, a few or a lot of.2.Look at the picture of food pyramid and tell what food are countable or uncountable. 3.Discuss in groups about what food should we eat more?/

    7、What food should we eat less?4.Read the text after the teacher. 5.Read in groups.Step 4 Consolidation1.Retell the story.2.Be a little dietician. 呈现一些食物的照片, 要求学生从营养和口感的角度进行描述, 然后利用所学习的营养金字塔的知识,从均衡饮食的角度给出建议。七、作业设计 Copy the new words.1.Read the text.2.Finish the exercise. 为自己和家人设计一张更为合理的食谱, 准备在下节课进行小组讨

    8、论。八、板书设计: Unit 3 A healthy diet Date weatherA lot of some a little a few教后小记:小学集体备课文稿学科:_英语_ 复备时间: _2015_ 年_月_日 总第_课时年级六主备人: 复备人:单元3nd课题Crammer time & Fun time课时安排第2 课时教学目标1、能理解并且熟练运用可数名词和不可数名词a lot of, some, a little, a few的用法。2、能听懂、会说、会读cola。3、能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的道理,能在教师的指导下表演故事。教学重难点1、

    9、能理解并且熟练运用可数名词和不可数名词a lot of, some, a little, a few的用法。2、能听懂、会说、会读cola。3、能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的道理,能在教师的指导下表演故事。教学策略 和准备卡片,课件教学过程复备意见Step 1 Revision1.Warming upGame: Rules(游戏规则):Say Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, if you think it is true,Say No, No, No, if you think it is false .T: You all like English.You

    10、 like eating ice creams.Im a Chinese teacher.Youre from Nanjing.Im beautiful.Pikachu is tall and thin.2.Look at the picture of Picachu, say sth about him.For example: He is short and fat. He eats a lot.3.Lets review. 表格出示Picachu一日三餐的食物。Breakfast: a lot of milksome bread, some eggs. Lunch: a lot of r

    11、ice, a lot of meat a few vegetables. Dinner: a lot of rice, a lot of meat a few vegetables.学生回忆并且完成Mike and Yang Ling三餐吃什么。Step 2 Presentation1.A little和a few后面跟的词有什么不同?出示He eats a few eggs. She drinks a little water. T: Egg is countable noun, water is uncountable noun, so whats the difference betwe

    12、en a few and a little?S:a few 后面跟可数名词a little 后面跟不可数名词。T:Can you say some countable noun and some uncountable noun?S:(引导学生说出)countable noun :egg, apple, mango, bananauncountable noun: bread, juice, meat, milk, rice, water齐读He eats a few eggs. She drinks a little water. 1、Game:(PPT)看看下面哪些单词用a little,

    13、 哪些单词用a few.2、A lot of 和some后面跟的词有何特点呢?T:出示句子I eat a lot of noodles.We eat a lot of meat.They have some vegetables.You have some bread.T: Look at noodles, meat, vegetables and bread, Whats the difference between a lot of and some?S:a lot of 、 some 后面既可跟可数名词,也可跟不可数名词。 齐读书上这四句。3、Cartoon time1)T: There

    14、 is not much food in the fridge. What food do they buy?S: Cola, fish and rice.T: Can Sam drink too much cola? (文中划出重点句子)S: No, he cant.2)复习 should shouldnt3) They buy so many things. Is Sam happy at last(最后)?S: I think he is sad at last.4) 跟读全文5)四人小组选择一种喜欢的方式读一读。(分角色读,齐读,一人领读,其余跟读)6)Summary:They hav

    15、e a healthy diet. They have healthy bodies.Step 3 Consolidation1、设计健康小贴士Tips:1. 4人小组讨论健康小贴士。2. 每人写12条,贴到纸上。3. 完成后要读一读哦!2、Summary: Junk food, they are bad for us, we shouldnt eat a lot.Healthy diet , healthy life.七、作业设计:1、Make a healthy eating table for your family.2、Read and recite Cartoon time. Uni

    16、t 3 A healthy dieta few a little a lot of some教后小记:小学集体备课文稿学科:_英语_ 复备时间: _2015_ 年_月_日 总第_课时年级六主备人: 复备人:单元3nd课题sound time & cartoon time课时安排第3 课时教学目标1.能理解并体会字母组合ou在单词中的发音。2.能理解culture time的内容并适当拓展。3.能在前两课时的基础上正确并熟练地掌握a little , a few , some 和a lot of 并且可以正确使用。教学重难点1.能理解culture time的内容并适当拓展。2.能在前两课时的基

    17、础上正确并熟练地掌握a little , a few , some 和a lot of 并且可以正确使用。教学策略 和准备卡片,课件教学过程复备意见Step 1 Review: Lets talkT: What do you have for breakfast? S: I have (注意提示学生数量词的使用)T:What about lunch and dinner?S: For lunch and dinner, I haveT: Does * have healthy diet everyday?(导入do a survey 的学习)Step 2 Do a survey1.T: Now

    18、 * has very healthy diet everyday now and how about you? Lets do a survey.2.学生了解阅读P30 调查表和范例对话,了解活动步骤。(注意提示学生数量词的使用)3.Do a survey in class and fill the form.4.T: Lets learn who has the healthiest way for diet. 引导学生上台汇报调查结果, 学生根据food pyramid判断谁的饮食结构最为健康。 Step 3 Culture time1.T: What do our chinese pe

    19、ople often have for breakfast?S: They often have some porridge, eggs and steamed buns for breakfast. (ppt: some porridge ,steamed buns 学生学习生词)T: How about Western people, do they often have porridge or steamed buns for breakfast?2.学生阅读Culture time 部分S:No, they often have cereal, bread, eggs and saus

    20、ages for breakfast.(ppt: some cereal, bread, sausages学生学习生词)师生读单词,请学生带读这些词。3.介绍常见的中式早餐和西式早餐食物。 4.T:Different diet styles show us different culture.Step 4 Sound timeT: We all know healthy diet means a lot to us. Look, Mrs Li is in the kitchen to prepare a good and healthy meal for her family. (呈现Soun

    21、d time 插图) What happened to Mrs Li?Look! There is a little mouse in her house. T: Give you some time to read.1.学生先自读句子,请学生读再齐读2.总结字母组合ou 的发音发/ au /3.请学生找出字母组合ou 发/ au / 的单词Ss: trousers/ loudly/ proud.4.教师出示一些字母组合ou的单词,学生齐读。七、作业设计:1.Do the survey with your classmates after class.2.Find more differenc

    22、es between Chinese and Western diet.Unit 3 A healthy diet DateWhat do you often have for breakfast? I have ( some/ a few/ a lot of/ a little)教后小记:小学集体备课文稿学科:_英语_ 复备时间: _2015_ 年_月_日 总第_课时年级六主备人: 复备人:单元3nd课题Checkout time & Ticking time课时安排第 4课时教学目标1、能根据图意思运用there be句型进行问答。2、能正确通过检测练习巩固所学知识。3、复习巩固a lot

    23、 of, some , a few, a little 以及any。 教学重难点1、能根据图意思运用there be句型进行问答。2、能正确通过检测练习巩固所学知识。3、复习巩固a lot of, some , a few, a little 以及any。教学策略 和准备卡片,课件教学过程复备意见Step 1 Revision1.Free talkT : What do you have for your breakfast/ lunch/ supper?Your diet is healthy/ not healthy.Step 2 Presentation1、Look and writeT

    24、: (PPT) They have a bad diet. He has a bad diet. Sams mum has a healthy diet. Lets Finish the short passage.In a healthy diet, there is_ fruit and vegetables. There is also_rice and bread. You can have _ meat and fish in your meals. You can also have _ eggs every week. Milk is good for your body. Yo

    25、u can have _ milk every day. Sweet food is nice, but it is not good for your teeth. Eat only _ sweet food every day. 1)同桌讨论2)开火车填空3)齐读1、SummaryT:They have a healthy diet. They have healthy bodies.Can you give him some suggestions?You can use these sentences: You can You should You shouldnt Eat every

    26、 day.Drink every day.2、Ask and answerT: (出示图片) Look at this picture, are there a lot of vegetables?S: Yes, there are.T: Is there any water?S: No, there isnt.T: please talk about the picture with “Are there/ Is there?”S1:Are there any tomatoes/ potatoes/ eggs/vegetables?S2: Yes, there are a few tomat

    27、oes/ potatoes/ eggs/vegetables. There are a lot of vegetables.S1: Is there any fish?S2: Yes, theres a fish.S1: S2:4、Ticking time1)Choose some students to read the three items.2)Let the students to tick.3)T: Sum up.七、作业设计:1. Review Unit 3.2. Finish the writing exercises on the Exercise Book.板书设计: Unit 3 A healthy diet DateAre there any?Yes, there are./ No, there arent.Is there any?Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.教后小记:


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