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    1、本科毕业论文当前广州外贸出口存在的问题及对策教育学学士AbstractThe world economic crisis has serious influence on the Chinese economy, especially on its exports. This paper starts from the current situation of foreign trade in Guangzhou, and focusing on the impact of the world economic crisis on Guangzhous foreign trade and ab

    2、out policies and strategies to solve the present problems of foreign trade adopted by Guangzhou government. With the gradual improvement of world economic crisis, economic development in our country is getting better and better. In order to solve its problems in foreign trade, Guangzhou government h

    3、as adopted some effective policies and strategies and the result is good. Furthermore, with the better development of relative policies and strategies to be further implemented, Guangzhou will completely solve the present problems of foreign trade.Undoubtedly, Guangzhou will go out of difficulties o

    4、f present foreign trade. We have the reasons to believe Guangzhou will become one of the top cities for foreign trade and will make more contribution to the economical development of our country.Key words: Guangzhou; foreign trade; financial crisis; problems; strategies 中文摘要世界经济危机对中国经济造成了严重的影响,特别是对外

    5、贸出口造成了不利的影响更大,本文从当前广州外贸出口情况入手,重点介绍世界经济危机对广州对外贸易的影响以及广州市政府为解决这些问题所制定的方针和策略。随着世界经济危机的逐渐好转,我国的经济发展越来越好,在这种大好形势中广州市政府正在贯彻执行一系列行之有效的方针政策解决目前广州外贸中存在的问题,效果越来越好。随着这些方针与策略的进一步全面落实,广州将逐步解决目前外贸出口中存在的问题。毫无疑问,广州将走出目前外贸出口的困境,重振雄风,成为我国外贸出口的大户,为我国的经济发展和外贸出口作出更大的贡献。关键词:广州, 对外贸易, 金融危机, 问题, 对策1. IntroductionGuangzhou,

    6、 as the first city of foreign trade development in China, has a long history and an important position in the world. Guangzhou has its unique advantages in foreign trade, relying on its cheap labor costs, raw materials and price advantages, and the core of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) industry base,

    7、and the international export market. Chinas exports rank top for the unique geographical and commercial advantage, especially since the reform and opening up, Guangzhou has firmly grasped this opportunity to form a more developed light industry and heavy industry, comprehensive product development c

    8、apacity and export capacity of strong export-oriented trade system, this occupies a leading position in exports. But in recent years, Guangzhou is impacted by the financial crisis, and as the traditional advantages of Guangzhous export trade over the years, its more obvious in weakening advantages o

    9、f the market. Its shown on block in Guangzhous foreign trade in exports, and leads to reduce of many orders to foreign trade enterprises, corporate layoffs, salary reductions and jobs sharp drop in business, and results in a large number of workers retrenched or forced indefinite leave and thus risi

    10、ng unemployment. From views of international environment, appreciation of RMB, the financial crisis, overseas markets (especially Europe and the United States market) shrinking demand, popular of protectionism, and the state to adjust export tax rebate adjustments and other factors, makes Guangzhou

    11、foreign trade prices are not available. From view of Foreign Trade enterprises exporters, the tension of land and labor and raw materials prices rose bring export enterprises great pressure. The following content will introduce the Guangzhou foreign trade and its exports and its foreign trade proble

    12、ms, analysis of the impact of foreign trade in Guangzhou and the causes and to propose strategies.2. General Description of Foreign Trade export in GuangzhouAnalysis on Guangzhou trade competitiveness index showed that the competitiveness of Guangzhous foreign trade is not strong still. The main rea

    13、son is that Guangzhous most of industries in the international industrial division of labor are in a disadvantageous position, and theyre extensive model of economic growth. To enhance the competitiveness of Guangzhous foreign trade, we must develop and implement sustainable development strategies t

    14、o further promote the foreign trade systems innovation, and vigorously promote the upgrading and transformation of foreign trade structure, establish and improve trade facilitation system and independent innovation system, and enhance international competitiveness. This paper analyzes the competitiv

    15、eness of Guangzhous foreign trade situation and its problems, and on this basis gives response and reflection.2.1 The structure of foreign trade export in Guangzhou General trade and processing trade, especially the processing trade accounts for the most in Guangzhous export. Since the reform and op

    16、ening up, Guangzhou continues to bring in foreign investments, use of coastal geographical advantages, and take advantage of abundant labor resources, in the end form a full-scale processing manufacturing base of light industry products. Automotive industry is one of the pillar industries in Guangzh

    17、ou, it introduces three auto makers, namely Toyota, Nissan and Hyundai, and the construct the Honda export base, occupy a strong comparative advantage in exporting the vehicle. As the small area of agricultural land in Guangzhou, the agricultural population is relatively small, and poor in mineral r

    18、esources, so its chemical industry and metal industry exports are in comparative disadvantage. Mechanical and electrical, audio-visual equipment, though they are at a comparative disadvantage, but in recent years, they have been dominated first in export. jewelry, shoes, hats, plastic products, pape

    19、r products, leather products, automobile trade and its closer processing products are Guangzhous strong export products, while metal products, chemical products, minerals, etc. due to natural constraints of resources and heavy industry, are at a disadvantage stage. In recent years, jewelry, cars and

    20、 electrical products are improving steadily. The export market in Guangzhou concentrates in Hong Kong, Japan, the United States and the European Union has reached more than 70%, which dominated Hong Kong.Guangzhous export may be divided into three parts:(1) By major trade pattern: general trade; pro

    21、cess materials supplied by customers; process with imported materials(2) By major economic type: state-owned enterprises, foreign funded enterprises, collective enterprises, private enterprises (3) By major commodity points: mechanical and electrical products, high-tech products, bulk export commodi

    22、ties, steel etc.Total value of merchandise exports in 2007Unit: (million U.S. dollars)Item2007Increase or decrease over the previous year(%)Total379023017.1By major trade pattern# general trade169218425.3process materials supplied by customers5945816.5process with imported materials142795113.6By maj

    23、or economic type# state-owned enterprises84753611foreign funded enterprises221444912.4collective enterprises6747940.5private enterprises65709244.9By major commodity # mechanical and electrical products192106718high-tech products6647408.3bulk export commoditiesApparel and clothing accessories40166615

    24、.3Automatic data processing equipment and parts189028-6Textile yarn, fabrics and related products1709447.8shoes1244138.3Printed Circuit12725415.3Pearls, precious stones and semi-precious stones1065919.4Steel907197.5Precious metals or clad with precious metal jewelry9476917.2Automatic data processing

    25、 equipment, spare parts71548-9.3Furniture and parts thereof9141726.8By major countries (regions) # Hong Kong100847912.6Japan21104423.8United States7390580.1European Union67157816.2Association of Southeast Asian Nations26046827.5Source: Based on The Peoples Republic of China Ministry of Commerce netw

    26、ork and Guangzhou Customs relevant data.2.2 Characteristics of the Guangzhou trade export structureBased on the above two diagrams, Guangzhous exports have the following characteristics:2.2.1 Optimize structure of Guangzhou trade export commoditiesThe proportion of mechanical and electrical products

    27、 in exports is an important sign in the measure of a country (region) level of export commodity structure. After the reform and opening up, Guangzhou has adopted and implemented export-oriented strategy, which greatly promoted the export of electromechanical products, and accelerated export growth o

    28、f mechanical and electrical products and high-tech.2.2.2 Rationalize structure of Guangzhou export marketWith the emergence of new trade protectionism, international trade frictions and trade disputes are on the increase. In response to this complex situation, and to resolve international trade risk

    29、s, Guangzhou has actively implemented strategy of the export market diversification and continuously expanding the space of trade, such as Japan, European Union and Association of Southeast Asian Nations .The emerging export markets have been strong.2.2.3 Diversified business entities of Guangzhou t

    30、rade exportWith the gradual liberalization of export operation rights, and the investment expansion of the scale, a growing number of collective enterprises, private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises are gradually joined the ranks of export trade. The main structure of business has formed d

    31、iversified pattern, including the state-owned enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises, collective enterprises and private enterprises 2.2.4 Diversified trade patterns of Guangzhou trade exportAt the beginning of reform and opening up, Guangzhous Foreign Trade pattern was the general trade, while pro

    32、cessing trade and other forms of trade was relatively small. In recent years, under the encouragement of national policy and under the guiding ideology of giving full play to Chinas comparative advantage in labor costs on foreign trade, processing trade in Guangzhou has gradually developed a single approach to the coexistence of a variety of ways.3. The impact of financial crisis on Guangzhous foreign


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