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    1、精品小学英语专项训练阅读28阅读理解节假日和旅行通用版含答案解析小升初专项训练阅读理解 -节假日和旅行基础题一、阅读理解 1阅读下列对话,选择正确答案On Christmas Eve the night before Christmas Day children are very happy. They puttheir stockings at the end of their beds before they go to bed. They want Father Christmas to give them some presents.Mr. Green tells his childr

    2、en that Father Christmas is a very kind man. He comes on Christmas Eve. He lands on top of each house and comes down the chimney into the fireplace and brings them a lot of present.Christmas Day always begins before breakfast. The children wake up very early. They can wait to open the presents in th

    3、eir stockings. Then they wake up their parents and call: Merry Christmas! ( )(1). Christmas Eve is .A. the night before December 24 B. the night after December 25C. the night of December25 D. the night of December 24( )(2). Father Christmas often puts the presents .A. into children s hBat.sinto chil

    4、dren s stockingsC. under childre n s beds D. into children s shoes( )(3). Father Christmas comes into the house through the_.A. window B. front door C. chimney D. back door( )(4). On the morning of Christmas Day, children wake up their parents very early and say .A. Good morning! B. Happy New Year!C

    5、. Best wishes for you! D. Merry Christmas! 2阅读短文,选择正确答案。Christmas Day comes in winter. It is always on the same day each year. It25.s on DecemberWe always get up early on Christmas Day. When we get up, we find presents at the end of our beds. We ope n our prese nts in the morning. We have a big lunc

    6、h at home. In the afternoon, we play games and have a good time. In the evening, I m usually very tired, so I go to bed atabout 10 o cloCkL据上文完成句子填空完成下面各题。(1) . Christmas Day is on 25.(2) . We always wake up on Christmas Day.(3) . We find prese nts at the end of beds.(4) . We play games and have a t

    7、ime.(5) . We are usually very tired, so I go to at about 1 0 o clock.3 .阅读短文并选择正确答案。Spring Festival is our Chinese people s festival. There are twelve names. We call it the year ofsheep, the year of dog and the year of mon key. Before the day of the festival, people arevery busy(忙于 )shopping and cle

    8、aning their houses. On the Eve, there is a big family dinner.After dinner, all the family stay up late( 守夜 )to welcome the new year. It is the middle ofthe night. We have some dumplings and watch many good TV programs( 节目).On the firstday of the New Year, people wear their new clothes to go to their

    9、 friends houses. They say“ Happy Spring Festival ” to each other. Children will get some money from their parents or other people. So people especially( 特另U) children like Spring Festival very much.( )(1). How many differe nt n ames for Chin ese years? .A. 12 B. 6 C. 4( )(2). When is the Eve in Chin

    10、 ese years? The evening A. of national Day. B. before Spring Festival. C. after Children s Day.( )(3). What do people do before Spring Festival? They with their frien ds.A. sing and dance B. play gamesC. go shopp ing and clea n their houses( )(4). What s the favourite food for Chinese people on the

    11、Eve? .A. Ri ce dumplings B. Fish C. Dumplings( )(5). So people especially(特另U ) like Spring Festival very much.A. childre n B. old men C. old wome n4.The New Year s Eve party is going on whe n the bell rin gs. Aall man ope ns the door andcomes in. Nobody knows him, but the host goes over and takes h

    12、im in. The man sits therehappily for an hour and drinks. Then he says, invite me to this party. I don t know yanyone else here. My wife and I want to go out in our car, but one of your friend s cars is infront of our gate, so I come here to find him, and my wife is still waiting in our car!( )(1). W

    13、hen does the story happe n?A. At 7:00 B. In December C. On New Year s Eve. When the bell rang( )(2). The “ bell ” here means the .A. time bell B. doorbell C. church bell D. bell for class( )(3). The host goes to meet and takes him in because he takes the tall man for .A. one of his friends B. his br

    14、otherC. his classmate D. his teacher( )(4). The tall man s wife waits in the car for .A. a long time B. two hours C. a half hour D. an hour()(5). At last, the host may be a little .A. happy B. surprised C. worried D. afraid5 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。There are many holidays in China. New Year s Day is otTJ Wu

    15、awear new clothesand say “ Happy New Year ” to our family and friends. We eat dumplings. April Fool s Dayon April 1 st. People trick each other. Children Day is on June 1 st. Children wear beautifulstclothes on the day. They sing and dance. Natio nal Day is on October 1 . All of the Chin esepeople c

    16、elebrate (庆祝)the great day!( )(1) .New Year s Day is on JanuSryd.( )(2).We eat dumplings on New Y ear s Day.( )(3) .April Fool s Day is on April( )(4) .Children don t sing and dance on Children s Day.( )(5). All of the Chi nese people celebrate (庆祝)the Natio nal Day.6 .阅读短文,完成文后问题。Today I have many

    17、things to do. It s Sundayi0 day. I get up at five o clock andthen I do morning exercises. I like spring, because in spring I can hear (听)the birds singingand the flowers are beautiful. In the after noon I go to the park with my friends and have apic nic there. Itsdaplretty(1) . ( ) It is a rainy day

    18、.(2) . ( ) I get up at 7 o clock.(3) . ( ) Spring is my favourite seas on.(4) . ( ) I see many ani mals in the after noon.(5) . ( ) I have a picnic with my friends.7 re on their way to阅读对话,回答问题。(Today is Children s Day: Tom and Lucy are going to see a film. Now theythe Old Mac Don ald Ci nema.)Tom:

    19、Hurry up! We ll be late.Lucy: What s the time now?Tom: Sorry, I don t have a watch. Let s ask the man over there.Lucy: Which ma n?Tom: The one beside the car.Lucy: OK. Let s go. Excuse me, what s the time by your watch, please?Man: Let me see. It s about seven ten.Lucy: Seven ten? Good! We still hav

    20、e enough (足够的)time to walk there.Tom & Lucy: Thank you, sir.Man: You are welcome.Tom: Now, let sngbget some soft drinks.(1) .What are Tom and Lucy goi ng to do? (2) .Where are they now? (3) .Are they goi ng to the cin ema by bus? (4) . Does Tom have a watch? (5) .What date is it today? 8 It wouldn t

    21、 be Christmas without a beautiful tree.Days before the holiday seas on. Western childre n begi n decorati ng (装饰)Christmas trees. They put colourful lights and stars on them. But the best things are the gifts ( 礼物)under the tree!Where did the first Christmas tree come from? There are many stories ab

    22、out it.One is about the German Martin Luther. He was walking through the forest (树林)one Christmas Eve. As he walked, he saw millions of stars above the ever-green ( 常绿的)trees.He thought it was beautiful. He cut dow n a small tree and took it home. He pu t can dies (蜡 烛)on it.Ano ther story is about

    23、a poor woodma n. He met a lost and hungry child on Christmas Eve.He was very poor himself, but gave the child food and a place to stay. He woke up the n ext morning to find a beautiful tre e outside his door. The hungry child was in fact an angel( 天使). He wan ted to tha nk the woodma n.People first

    24、had Christmas trees in Germany in (1)600s. Now there are different kinds of Christmas trees, even man-made on es. But they all have a very big star or an an gel on the top. ()(1). The passage (短文)is about .A. Christmas Eve B. Christmas DayA.Christmas gifts D. Christmas trees( )(2). The passage tells

    25、 us stories about Christmas trees.A. one B. two C. some D. many( )(3). People first had Christmas trees in a coun try.A. easter n B. wester n C. souther n D. n orther n( )(4). “ manade ones, here means .A. Christmas gifts made by menB. Christmas stars made at ChristmasC. Christmas trees made by menD

    26、. Christmas holidays made by men()(5). The best title (标题)for the passage is .A. First Christmas DayB. The Best Christmas GiftsC. Beautiful Christmas EveD. Christmas Trees来源:Zxxk.Com9 阅读理解。Halloween (万圣节):October 31People think that ghosts(鬼)come out at night on Halloween.At Halloween parties, peopl

    27、e wear frightening clothes and masks ( 面具).We make a face from a pumpkin ( 南瓜)and put a can dle(蜡烛)in it.The n we put it in the wi ndow to frighte n people .In the UK childre n wear frighte ning clothes and masks, and the n go from door to door to get sweets( 糖果)by ringing doorbells and calling out

    28、“ tri(不 给给糖果就捣蛋)”.Christmas Day(圣诞节):December 25At Christmas we send Christmas cards to one another.We put decorations( 装饰everywhere and we have a Christmas tree with Eve Santa Claus (圣诞老人).He puts presents(礼物)in our stock in gs. On Christmas Day there are prese nts for every on e.We eat special din

    29、ner at hometurkey,pudding and cake. I love Christmas.来源:Zxxk.Com( )(1). When is Christmas Eve?A. October 31. B. December 25. C. December24.( )(2). What do childre n do on Hallowee n?A. They put prese nts in their stock in gs.B. They play “ trick or treat ”.C. They make a face from a pumpk in and put

    30、 no can dles in it.( )(3). We know Hallowee n and Christmas are very popular in .A. I ndia B. Chi na C. the UK( )(4). What does the un derl ine word mean?A.吓唬 B.约束 C.迎接( )(5). Which of the followi ng festival is the foreig n festival?A. Thanksgiving Day B. Dragon Boat Festival C. SpringFestival10 .阅

    31、读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Amy : Where are you going this summer holiday?John: I m going to Guilin.Amy : Oh, I went there with my mom last summer holiday. 、John: Really? How did you get there?Amy : I went to Guili n by train .It was crowded on the trai n.John: I m going there by plane.Amy ; Good idea. Who are you going with?John: I m going with my parents.Amy : Guilin is very beautiful. We were very happy on our trip. You will have a good time.John: Thank you. Joh n is going to Guil in with his father and mother this summer holiday. Amy went there with her pare n


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