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    1、涉外经济合同书ECONOMIC CONTRACTNo.: /2013/DAP-HUMEIDate: Mar,., 2013经济合同字号:./2014/DPP日期:2014年3月. “Re: Supplying colorant and parcel agent of DAP fertilizer; synchronous equipment system for colorant and parcel agent; technical service attached” “回复:供应DAP肥料的着色剂和包裹剂;着色剂和包裹剂的同步设备系统;以及附加的技术服务”SELLER (hereinaft

    2、er called Party A)卖方(以下简称甲方)Including two parties: Co. Ltdxxxx有限公司- Address: xxxxxCity, Province, China, Century Building, Taihag Road-地址:中国xxxxxx- Tel.电话: 0086. Fax传真: 0086.- Represented by Mr. - Director:-代表:xxx先生 -主管:xxxb/ Guangxi xxxxxxxxxxxxInternational Logistics Co.,Ltd.买方:DPP-越南河内市化学公司 (以下简称

    3、乙方)- -地址:越南H河内市华耶区诸中2区尼仔经济区EI-9- Tel.电话: 084. Fax传真: 0084. - Represented by Mr. Nguyen Van Sinh - General Director- 代表:Nguyen Van Sinh - 董事长:It has been mutually agreed and signed economic contract by both parties with reference to supplying: Colorant and parcel agent for DAP fertilizer; synchronous

    4、 equipment system for colorant and parcel agent; technical service attached for Party B with the contents as follows:合同双方已达成一致并签署经济合同,提供:DAP肥料的着色剂和包裹剂;着色剂和包裹剂的同步设备系统;以及为乙方附加的技术服务,具体内容如下:Article 1: Scope of supply、第一条:供货范围The party A agreed to supply to the party B goods and technical services as fol

    5、lowings:甲方同意供应给乙方以下货物和技术服务:1. Colorant and parcel agent for DAP fertilizer:1. DAP肥料的着色剂和包裹剂a. Price(1).价格:No.编号Name of goods货物名称Unit单位Unit Price (RMB/ton)单位价格(人民币/吨)Remarks附注1Colorant (according to standard Q/HLT-9101-2012)着色剂 (根据Q/HLT-9101-2012标准)Ton吨 Usage dosage: 1kg/ton DPP使用量:1公斤/吨DPP2Parcel ag

    6、ent (according to standard Q/HLT-9102-2012)包裹剂 (根据Q/HLT-9102-2012标准)Ton吨 Usage dosage: 4kg/ton DPP使用量:4公斤/吨DPP- The above price unit is CIF price at phong port, Vietnam, Incoterm 2010.- The above colorant unit price applied to coffee and yellow color types which DPP fertilizer need dying requested b

    7、y Party B.-以上价格单位都是到达越南河内的到岸价(国际贸易术语通则2010)。-以上着色剂单位价格适用于乙方要求的需要着色的DPP的咖啡色、黄色类型。b, Quantity:(2)数量:- The 01st batch: 150 tons DAP5% (including 30 tons of colorant and 120 tons of parcel agent) used to create coffee color for DAP fertilizer (According to HY-01 sample offered by Party A) will be perfor

    8、med right after contract becomes effective.- 第一批:150吨 DPP5% (包括30吨着色剂和120吨包裹剂)用来使DPP(根据甲方提供的HY-01样品)成为咖啡色 ,将在合同生效后立即执行。- The following batches: According to concrete quantity for coffee and yellow color type requested by Party B, both parties will sign Contract Annex.- 之后的批次:根据每批乙方要求的咖啡色或黄色类型的具体数量,双

    9、方将签署合同附件。c, Delivery:(3)交付:- Delivery time at phong Port: Within 50 days since Party A received advance payment for each batch.- 在河内海关的交货时间:甲方自收到每批货物预付款的50天内。- Place of delivery: At phong Port.-交货地点:河内海关。d, Package: According to export standard.(4)包装:根据出口标准2. Synchronous equipment system for coloran

    10、t and parcel agent.2. 着色剂和包裹剂的同步设备系统a) Quantity and price:(1)数量和价格No.编号Name of goods, specifications货物名称,规格Unit单位Quantity数量Unit price单位价格Amount (RMB)金额(人民币)1Colorant system着色剂系统1.1Metering pump 计量泵-155 l/h- Code代码: MSIC 138A21- Including protective cover- 包括防护罩Set套1.2Filter过滤器- Suction inlet ”- 吸入口”

    11、Piece件1.3Colorant control system着色剂控制系统- Code代码: HLT-NZSystem系统1.4Process pipe and auxiliary material (not including material connecting to DCS)工艺管道及辅助材料(不包括连接DCS的材料)Set套5Parcel system包裹系统2.1Gear pump齿轮泵- Type 03 levels; 0,6Mpa- Code代码: AK3GR25*4W21Piece件2.2Filter过滤器- Suction inlet ”- 吸入口”Piece件2.3C

    12、overing control system包裹控制系统- Code代码: HLT-WBSystem系统2.4Process pipe and auxiliary material (not including material connecting to DCS)工艺管道及辅助材料(不包括连接DCS的材料)Set套2.5Heater加热器Piece件1Total 合计- The above price unit is CIF price at Chinese Pass, Vietnam, Incoterm 2010.- 以上价格单位都是到达中国广州海关的到岸价(国际贸易术语通则2010)。b

    13、) Delivery:(2)交付:- All above-mentioned equipment is delivered one time within 30 days since Party A received advance payment.-在中国广州海关的交货时间:以上所提到的所有设备,甲方自收到预付款30天内及时交付。- Delivery place: At China Pass- 交货地点:中国广州海关c) Warranty:(3)保修期:12 months since the date of acceptance.自验收之日起12个月。d) Package: Accordin

    14、g to export standard.(4)包装:根据出口标准2. Technical service:2. 技术服务:No.编号Scope of technical service技术服务范围Number of expert (Person)专家人数(人)(1)Performance expected time (day)预期实施天数(天)(2)Expert fee (RMB/person/day)专家费用(人民币/人/天)(3)Total (RMB) 总金额(人民币)=(1)x(2)x(3)Surveying, engineering, installation instruction

    15、, adjustment and qualified commissioning for 02 covering and colorant systems; technology transfer/ covering and colorant technical关于02包裹和着色剂系统的测量、工程、安装指导,调试和合格的试运行;技术转让/包裹和着色剂技术324- The above price including: Arisen expenses in China, transport expense in China and Vietnam, immigration fees, accomm

    16、odation expenses of expert.-以上价格包括:在中国境内产生的费用,在中国和越南的交通费用,出入境费用,专家的食宿费用。- These above expenses excluding: The travelling expenses of expert from phong city to the party B factory and lunch at factory, fees for Chinese translator, tax types according to Vietnam regulation.-以上费用不包括:专家从河内市到乙方工厂的交通费用以及在

    17、工厂的午餐费,汉语翻译的费用,根据越南法规而产生的税收类型。- Factual payment value: Party A will complete the above technical services with the preferential price 50,040 RMB. However, if exceeded (not due to Party As fault), it will be born by Party B. - 实际支付价值:甲方愿意以优惠价格 元人民币完成以上技术服务。如果超过了这个数额(不是因为甲方的过错),那么它将由乙方来承担。- Place of t

    18、echnical service performance: At site of Party B - Dinhvu Economic Zone, phong, Vietnam.-技术服务实施的地方:在乙方现场-越南河内市华耶经济区。- Beggining time of service performance: Right after equipment and colorant + parcel agent arrived at storage of Party B. Party B will inform to Party A 07 days at the latest in order

    19、that Party A prepared to dispatch epxert to site of Party B to perform service.-服务实施的开始时间:设备和着色剂+包裹剂到达乙方的仓库后,乙方将在7日内通知甲方,以便甲方能派遣专家来到乙方所在地实施服务。Article 2: Payment 第二条:付款1- For colorant, parcel agent and technical service:-关于着色剂,包裹剂和技术服务- Advancing 30% after contract becomes effective.-合同生效之后预付30% 货款。-

    20、Part B should pay 65% value of each batch to the bank account designated by Part A within 3 days since getting Chinese customs clearance. The payment is in accordance with the fax or copy of documents about the customs clearance or e-mail. The remaining 5% value of the batch should be paid within 30

    21、 days after being used up without quality problem.-每批次货在中国海关报关后三天内需方付该批次货款的65%至供方指定帐户。以中国海关报关审批件的复印件传真或电子邮件为付款依据; 每批次货用完后30天内无质量问题付该批次货款的5%;2- For equipment:-关于设备:- Advancing 30% value of equipment right after contract become effective.-合同生效之后预付30% 货款。- Party B should pay 65% equipment value to the

    22、bank account designated by Part A within 3 days since getting Chinese customs clearance. The payment is in accordance with the fax or copy of documents about the customs clearance or e-mail. -设备在中国海关报关后三天内需方付设备款的65%至供方指定账户。以中国海关报关审批件的复印件传真或电子邮件为付款依据;- The remaining value of 5% will be retained by Pa

    23、rty B for warranty guarantee of 12 months since the date of acceptance. If warranty time expired, equipment still operated well and guarantee technical requirement, Party B will pay to Party A within 30 days.-乙方所留5%的设备款用来作为设备自验收之日起12个月的质量担保。如果超过了保证期,设备仍然正常运转技术要求得到了保障,乙方将在30天内支付给甲方。3- Method of payme

    24、nt: By TT-支付方法:通过电汇4- Currency of payment: Chinese Renminbi (RMB).-支付货币:中国人民币 (人民币)Article 3: Responsibility of parties:第3条:双方的责任1. The responsibility of party A:甲方的责任:The responsibility of xxxxxCo. Ltd:xxxx有限公司的责任: - Providing goods with correct type, ensuring quality and schedule according to regu

    25、lation of Contract.- 根据合同的规定,提供正确型号的货物,确保质量和发货时间。- Dispatching expert to factory of Party B to perform specified services in accordance with regulation.- 派遣专家去乙方工厂实施与合同规定一致的具体服务。- Ensuring equipment system to operate synchronously with colorant and covering to produce DAP product meet the requiremen

    26、t of Party B (such as sample of DAP color agreed by two parties). Ensuring that when coloring and covering not affect to solubility of product.- 确保设备系统能使着色与包裹同步运行,生产满足乙方的要求的DAP(如双方达成一致的DAP样品颜色)。同时确保产品的溶解性不受着色和包裹的影响- Taking responsibility to design line for colorant and parcel agent. Within 01 week s

    27、ince the date of effective contract, Party A should provide Party B the whole technical drawings related to colorant and covering.- 为着色和包裹剂的设计线负责。在合同生效起1周内,甲方应该给乙方提供关于着色和包裹的整个技术图纸。- Providing the whole technical/technology transfer documents, operation procedure of parcel agent and colorant system t

    28、o Party B.- 提供给乙方包裹剂和着色系统的整个技术转让文件和操作过程。- Presenting proposal to Party B to reduce expense of colorant and parcel agent.- 给乙方提出降低着色和包裹剂的费用建议。- Presenting related equipment and work list that Party B should perform. -提供乙方应执行的相关设备和工作列表,。- Taking oneself legal responsibility for immigration, register t

    29、emporary residence and control oneself staffs in Vietnam; import-export checking equipments and device according to regulation of Vietnamese law.-对移民、临时住宿登记和管理本公司在越南的员工承担法律责任;根据越南法律规定检测进出口设备和装置。- Complying with regulation, rule of Party B when working at site.- 在工作现场应遵守乙方的规章制度。3.2. Responsibility of

    30、 Party B: 乙方的责任:- Making payment to Party A in accordance with contracts regulation.- 按照合同规定支付货款。- Arranging Chinese translator for expert of Party B during service performance at site.- 在现场服务期间为乙方的专家安排汉语翻译。- Completing work quantity undertaken by itself according to requirement of design and constr

    31、uction method requested by Party A.- 根据甲方提出的设计要求和施工方法,独自完成工作量。- Be responsible for Party As travelling from residence at Haiphong city to workplace, lunch and providing the workplace for expert during their work at site.- 为甲方专家从海防市的住所到工作地点的交通和午餐负责,在他们现场工作期间提供工作场所。- Ensuring the safety of experts life and property at the workplace.- 确保专


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