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    中考英语题型解题技巧专题06 任务型阅读1表格原卷版.docx

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    中考英语题型解题技巧专题06 任务型阅读1表格原卷版.docx

    1、中考英语题型解题技巧专题06 任务型阅读1表格原卷版任务型阅读1(表格)要求考生读完一篇文章后,根据文中相关内容,完成相关的填空题。这种阅读在形式上灵活多样,内容上丰富多彩,并联系实际,强调主观表述,旨在考查考生综合运用语言知识的能力,快速获取信息的能力,也考查考生组织信息和表达信息的能力。1.阅读文章时,要学会理清文章的写作思路和篇章结构,这通常是很重要的设题线索。(1)特别注意表格前的小标题,它通常是文章的主题。读懂了表格标题有助于理解短文及表格的大意。(2)分析表格的项目内容,根据所提供的表格内容提示理清表格的设计原理。(3)学会查读。要带着问题有意识地在文章中寻找与答案相关的关键词语,

    2、或概括、归纳出关键词语。2.做题时要充分利用解题的微技能。(1)词形转换能力任务型阅读中好多答案都需要通过词形转换来完成。如:原文中用be surprised to do sth.,根据表格题目设计,转换为It is surprising that.。(2)英英释义能力任务型阅读中有些题目需要通过英英释义来解决。如:原文中用了keep your attention,根据表格题目设计,要用listen。(3)逆向思维能力所谓逆向思维,即从另一个角度来思考问题。如:原文中用了.and most people will stay away from an angry face.表格中的题目设计成:P

    3、eople dont like the one with an angry face.例题1Starting a book club is easyall you need is to love reading. Heres how to get yours off to a flying start.When you set up your book club, the first thing is to get members for your club. They could be friends, family, or those you know through various ac

    4、tivities, but they should all love to read. A small group of seven to ten people is usually an ideal size for a book club. Too many make discussions difficult.Once you have a group, agree on how often you want to meetusually clubs meet monthly. Pick a date and stick with it. That way, members can ea

    5、sily plan for it. Send out emails a week before the meeting to give people a written reminder. Set meeting time length. An hour is a good start. Two hours usually does the trick. Then, you need a good place. Libraries, parks and restaurantsall make good meeting places. For many clubs, homes are the

    6、best place as you dont have to get dressed up, and noisy public places can make talking hard. If members bring a plate of food or a bottle, it can help start conversation.Please dont forget the most important thingthe book! Think about the books your club will enjoy. Fiction? Non-fiction? Your club

    7、can choose books in different ways. You can take turns to recommend books. Let everyone vote upon what book to read. Anyway, make sure to keep it light and fun.After all this has been decided, your book club is ready. Now, its time to hold the first meeting. Enjoy your reading.How to1a book club2mem

    8、bersYou can include those who share your3for reading.4matters. Seven to ten people are enough for discussion.Setting the timeSet a5time. Send everyone an email to6them of the monthly meeting beforehand.Decide on how long the meetings will be.Deciding 7tomeetYou can meet in8places, like libraries, pa

    9、rks and restaurants.For many clubs, meeting at home works9: relaxing and comfortable.Choosing the booksThink about the books your club will enjoy.Decide on the10of choosing books:allowing everyone to recommend or vote upon the books.例2阅读下列短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。Each different part of China has its

    10、own special forms of traditional art. These usually try to represent the things that are important in life such as love, beauty and family. The most common things, from paper to clay to bamboo, are turned into objects of beauty.According to Chinese history, sky lanterns were first used by Zhuge Kong

    11、ming. He sent them out to ask for help when in trouble. Today, sky lanterns are used at festivals and other celebrations. They are made of bamboo and covered with paper. When the lanterns are lit, they slowly rise into the air like small hot-air balloons for all to see. They are seen as bright symbo

    12、ls of happiness and good wishes. Paper cutting has been around for more than 1,500 years. Paper cutting sounds very easy but it can be difficult to do. The paper, usually red, is folded before it is cut with scissors. The most common pictures are flowers, fish, animals, and things about Chinese hist

    13、ory. During the Spring Festival, they are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year. Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very real. The pieces are carefully shaped by hand from a very special kind of clay and the

    14、n allowed to air-dry. After drying, they are fired at a very high heat. They are then polished and painted. Finally, materials such as wood or paper are added to make different things. It takes several weeks to complete everything. These small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people

    15、 have for life and beauty.Beauty in 1 ThingsPassage outlineSupporting details 2 Some traditional Chinese art forms which are made of common objects 3 for things that are important in lifeSky lanternsThey are made of 4 and paper.They were used for 5 for help when people first invented them.Now, they

    16、are used to celebrate festivals as symbols of happiness and good wishes.Paper cuttingIt is made of paper.It has a long history of 6 1,500 years.It appears in different 7 , such as flowers, fish, animals and so on.It represents good wishes 8 the Spring Festival.Chinese clay artIt is made of clay.It l

    17、ooks very real 9 it is small.It takes 10 four steps to finish after being shaped carefully by hand.It shows love for life and beauty. 专项训练一 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。Living in a culture that is different from your own can be both an exciting and challenging experience. Lets have a look at the info

    18、rmation below. Chinese people do not have the same idea of privacy as Americans do. They talk about topics such as ages, income or marriage, which Americans think is annoying and makes them uncomfortable. In China, elders are traditionally treated with a lot of respect while the young are cherished

    19、. In America, the goal of the family is to encourage independence, particularly that of the children. Unlike the Chinese, older Americans seldom live with their children. Chinese people think that hanging out together from time to time is not friendship. Friendship means lifelong friends who should

    20、give each other whatever help might seem required. Americans always call people they meet friends, so the definition of friends is general and different. There are work friends, playing friends, school friends and drinking friends. As is well known, the Chinese like to save. They always plan how to

    21、spend money. It is different in the USA, where far fewer families are saving money for emergencies and education.Chinese people value education and career more than Americans, while Americans pay more attention to good character and faith. Basically, China values the community and the US values the

    22、individual. If you achieve something in the USA, its because you are great. While in China, if you achieve something its because the team, or family, or company is great. Everything you do depends on the greater whole, while in America individual value is celebrated.Title*Life in different 1 Introdu

    23、ction*Living in a culture that is different from your own can be both an exciting and challenging experienceMain pointsPrivacy*Chinese people do not have the same idea of privacy 2 Americans .*Americans avoid 3 about ages,income and marriage. 4 *In China, people treat the elderly with a lot of respe

    24、ct.*In America, the elderly often live by themselves.Friends*Hanging out together is not 5 in China .*Making friends with the people whoever they meet is a common thing.Money*The Chinese like to 6 money for emergencies and education.*The American always spend their money 7 . Education *Americans val

    25、ue education and career 8 than Chinese people.Individualism*If you achieve something in the USA because you are 9 .*If you are in America,individual value is 10 .二阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。 When you cant use words to express your idea, you can make a gesture and people will usually understand what

    26、 you are trying to say. Here are some examples of using gestures in the UK.The Wave (挥手) The wave is the most common gesture. To greet each other or to say goodbye, most people raise their hand and move it from side to side. One famous wave is made by the Queen. You can watch a video to see how Her

    27、Majesty(女王陛下)does her tasteful (高雅的)wave.The V Sign You may just be trying to spread peace and love,but if you are in the UK,please pay attention to where your hand is facing. Let the back of your hand face yourself, or it becomes an impolite gesture.Pointing This is not used as an insult(侮辱),but it

    28、 is an impolite action when in public. If you do this, it can cause people to get angry, and even theyll just walk away from you.Some 1 of Using GesturesIf you cant express your idea 2 words, you can make a gesture. People will 3 what you want to say.The Wave1.Most people 4 their hand and move it fr

    29、om side to side2. The 5 made one famous wave. The V Sign1. You may try to 6 peace and love.2. In the UK, if the back of your hand face 7 , it is not polite. 8 1. It is impolite when in 9 .2. 10 this can cause people to get angry.三读下列短文,根据短文内容完成下面表格。The speed, danger and excitement of motor racing ha

    30、ve been with us for more than a century. For over a hundred years, drivers have pushed their machines to the limit. Everyone in motor racing has a simple dream: to go faster!In the early days, a small number of people raced each other driving unsafe machines on ordinary roads. Today, motor racing is

    31、 a huge moneymaking industry. Thousands of people are involved. Drivers, mechanics, designers, engineers and technicians work hard in the search for extra speed.Cars race along twisting roads or on round tracks. They race across ice and snow, as well as sandy deserts. Mud, dust, grass and steep hill

    32、s are all part of todays range of racing events. Hundreds of thousands of people turn up to watch races. Millions more people watch the events on television. Top drivers are celebrities and earn huge amounts of money.Of course, these drivers dont get to the top overnight. Everyone has to start somewhere. Most drivers learn to race i


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