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    1、21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程一15章课后题答案21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程一-1-5章课后题答案英语课后题复习资料Unit 1.一 flexibility duration option definitelyactually ignore convince survive1. Economic crises destroy the capitalist system,and they grow in size and duration.2. Stability also depends upon the flexibility of the local economy.3. He was

    2、sentenced to do hard labor without the option of a fine.4. She states her views very definitely.5. Did he actually say in so many words that there was no hope of a cure?6. The baby felt ignored by her parents.7. You need to convince the employers that you can do the job.8. Companies will have to do

    3、more than this if they are to survive the earthquake.二1.I only cautht a glimpse of him sitting in the car (瞥见他坐在车里),so I cant tell exactly what he looked like.2.They are seeking/searching for(寻求新的机会) to reach their final goals.3.It happened without my being aware of it(在我不知不觉中).4.We are/get involved

    4、 in different activities(投入到各项课外活动中) on campus.5.Some guys always do everything as they like,that ignore the feelings of others(却忽视了别人的感受) .三1.你的老师在评卷的时候会把你生病的情况考虑在内。 Your teacher will take your illness into consideration when marking your exams.2.因为他总是轻信别人,所以很容易受伤。He is likely to be hurt because he

    5、 always believes/trusts others easily.3.他的肤色跟他是不是好律师无关。His color is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.4.我们需要与所有客户建立和保持积极的关系,并高效处理客户的投诉。We need to build and maintain positive relationships with customers,and handle their complaints efficiemtly.5.关键不在于你说了什么话,而在于你实际上做了哪些事情。It is not what you

    6、say but what you do it count.Unit 2.一. capture butterfly spark endure keen promotion stuff innocent1.I dont like this young woman;she seems a social butterfly.2.The novel capture the imagination of thousands of readers.3.God knows.How can I endure six exams a week?4.A tiny star can spark in the dark

    7、ness.5.There are good chances of promotion in this firm.6.Mrs.Hill is keen on Toms marrying Susan.7.Some professions are stuff with people who have not grown up.8.How should this innocent girl see the coldness of the letter?二.1.The girlsbegan to look though the photo albums(翻阅照相簿).2.Spring in East C

    8、hina usually sets in about March(约在3月开始).3.But if things dont improve,her family will fall apart(就会破裂).4.A good student usually knows how to sum up knowledge(总结知识).5.Let go of my arms(松开我的胳膊),you are hurting me.三.1.我们搬了工厂以后公司就发展起来了。The company has flourished since we moved the factory.2.我们有权搜查这幢建筑。W

    9、e have the right/outhority to search the building.3.这个计划执行时需要极度小心。Thisplan should be carried out with caution.4.现在学生面临着太多的压力。Students are faced with too much pressure now.5.由于资金不足,该项目未能如期完成。Due to the shortage of funds,the project couldnt be finished on time.Unit 3一. transient pop blame facilitate g

    10、rab shove trait undermine1. His dominant trait was to take all things into earnest consideration.2. She tried to undermine our friendship.3. This was my big chance and I grabed it with both hands.4. The new airport will facilitate tourism.5. He came over and shoved a piece of paper into my hand.6. S

    11、hanghai is a city with a large transient population.7. Ill pop over and see you this evening.8. A dropped cigarette is being blamed for the fire.二.1.The government has failed to reverse the econanic becline(扭转经济滑坡的趋势).2.She thinks that the world revolve around her(都以她为中心).3.The novels success gave r

    12、ise to a number of seauels(带来了一系列的续篇).4.Take the raincoat in case it rains(以防下雨).5.The local kids often hang out at the mall(常在商业街闲荡).三.1.这家公司一年以后才能赢利,现在至少已收支平衡了。It will be a year before the company makes a project,but at least its breaking even now.2.为了赢得信任,你得与人面对面地接触。In order to/To win trust,you h

    13、ave to antact people face to face.3.周围的房子都破旧不堪,这使得这房子的价值降低了。The surrouding houses are old and shabby,and this cut into the value of the house.4.时间慢慢逝去。Time went by slowly.5.我送你的礼物只代表了我对你感情的一小部分而已。The gift I gave you only represene a fraction of my feeling for you.Unit 4.一. Envy lessen effective inte

    14、ntionally respond creative restore breakthrough1. They were full of envy when they saw my new car.2. They doctor tried to help restore the function of his limbs.3. Let me assure you that it was not done intentionally.4. The smooth space flight , experts say , marks a big breakthrough for Chinese sci

    15、entists.5. He failed to respond to the medicine.6. This medicine can lessen the pain in no time.7. The boy really enjoyed the useful and creative work in science.8. Advertising is often the most effective method of promotion.二.1.I invited her to dinner but she didnt respond(未作回答)2.He lost his grip o

    16、n the slippery bottle of milk and it fell,spilling milk all over the floor(牛奶溅的满地都是)3.Coming too fast down the road ,he knocked over a child on a bicycle(把一个骑自行车的小孩撞倒了)4.He yelled (大声呼叫)to ask for help.5.In the backyard of the house , the fruit trees blossomed out beautifully(开出了美丽的花).三.1. 在严冬季节,鲜花即

    17、使是一枝独秀,也是一种奇迹和希望的象征。(miracle ,symbol)Even single flower,in the depth of ainter, is a miracle and a symbol of hope.2. 四个学生正在就著名科学家们的论断交换彼此的意见。(compare notes)Four students are comparing notes on the arguments of famour scientists.3. 读到自然科学我就茫然了。(when it comes to )Its beyond my depth when it comes to n

    18、atual sciences.4. 当你照镜子时,镜子映出你的形象。(reflect)A mirror reflect the picture of you when look in it.5. 那个粗鲁的家伙用胳膊肘把我挤到一旁,抢着在我前面上了公共汽车。(ahead of)The rude man elbowed me aside and got on the bus ahead of me.Unit 5.一. appreciate stroll compliment status distribution fitting enterprise scoff1. He complimente

    19、d her in her last physics paper.2. After dinner , I took a stroll around the park.3. A hundred years ago people scoffed at the idea.4. They are determined to carry forward the enterprise.5. The conference discussed the fair distribution of income and wealth.6. Womens social status has changed much o

    20、ver the years.7. Before he could find the fitting word she had cut him short with a question.8. In time youll appreciate the beauty of this language.二.1.He walked along the wooden pier (他沿着木码头走过去) and climbed down into the boat.2.I was not fishing for compliement(沽名钓誉).3.The ranks of the teachers ar

    21、e constanthy expanding(在不断扩大).4.The businessman was so future-oriented that he hadnt taken sufficient time to question (太过于追求未来以至没有花足够的时间去思考).5.I have a great affection for(很喜欢) New York.三.1. 她所作的评论得到大家的喝彩。Her comments were greeted with cheer.2. 昨天晚上他确实去图书馆了,但是发现你不在那里。In truth he went to the library last night,only to find you were not there.3. 如果你打算参加本周六的足球比赛,你需要把你自己调整到最佳状态。If you want to play in the football math on Saturday,you need to condition yourself.4. 汤姆吓得脸色苍白。Tom turned while with fear.5. 她被赠予一块金表以纪念那个重大的场合。She was presented with a gold watch to mark the occasion.


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