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    1、政府工作报告Report on the Work of the Government2020 年 5 月 22 日在第十三届全国人民代表大会第三次会议上Delivered at the Third Session of the 13th National Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China on May 22, 2020国务院总理 李克强Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council各位代表:Fellow Deputies,现在,我代表国务院,向大会报告政府工作,请予审议,并请全国政 协委员提出意

    2、见。On behalf of the State Council, I will now report to you on the work of the government. I ask for your deliberation and approval. I also ask members of the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) for their comments.这次新冠肺炎疫情,是新中国成立以来我国遭遇的传播速度最快、感染范围最广、防控难

    3、度最大的公共卫生事件。The covid-19 epidemic is the fastest spreading, most extensive, and most challenging public health emergency China has encountered since the founding of the Peoples Republic.在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,经过全国上下和广大人民群众艰苦卓绝努力并付出牺牲,疫情防控取得重大战略成果。Under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of t

    4、he Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and through the hard work and sacrifice of our entire nation, we have made major strategic achievements in our response to covid-19.当前,疫情尚未结束,发展任务异常艰巨。At present, the epidemic has not yet come to an end, while the tasks we face in prom

    5、oting development are immense.要努力把疫情造成的损失降到最低,努力完成今年经济社会发展目标任务。We must redouble our efforts to minimize the losses resulting from the virus and fulfill the targets and tasks for economic and social development this year.一、2019 年和今年以来工作回顾I. A review of our work in 2019 and the first few months of 202

    6、0去年,我国发展面临诸多困难挑战。In pursuing development last year, China faced many difficulties and challenges.世界经济增长低迷,国际经贸摩擦加剧,国内经济下行压力加大。World economic growth was weak, international economic and trade frictions intensified, and downward pressure on the domestic economy grew.以习近平同志为核心的党中央团结带领全国各族人民攻坚克难,完成全年主要目

    7、标任务, 为全面建成小康社会打下决定性基础。The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core rallied the Chinese people and led them in surmounting difficulties and accomplishing the years main targets and tasks, thus laying the crucial foundation needed to reach the goal of building a moderately prosperou

    8、s society in all respects.经济运行总体平稳。The economy remained stable overall.国内生产总值达到 99.1 万亿元,增长 6.1%。Gross domestic product (GDP) reached 99.1 trillion yuan, representing a 6.1 percent increase over the previous year.城镇新增就业 1352 万人,调查失业率在 5.3%以下。Around 13.52 million new urban jobs were added, and the su

    9、rveyed unemployment rate was below 5.3 percent.居民消费价格上涨 2.9%。Consumer prices rose by 2.9 percent. 国际收支基本平衡。A basic equilibrium was maintained in the balance of payments.经济结构和区域布局继续优化。The economic structure continued to improve, and the development priorities of regions are better aligned.社会消费品零售总额超过

    10、 40 万亿元,消费持续发挥主要拉动作用。Total retail sales of consumer goods exceeded 40 trillion yuan, and consumption continued to serve as the main engine driving growth.先进制造业、现代服务业较快增长。Advanced manufacturing and modern services registered rapid growth.粮食产量保持在 1.3 万亿斤以上。Grain output was kept above 650 million metri

    11、c tons.常住人口城镇化率首次超过 60%,重大区域战略深入实施。For the first time, permanent urban residents exceeded 60 percent of the population; progress was made in implementing major development strategies for regions.发展新动能不断增强。New growth drivers became stronger.科技创新取得一批重大成果。A number of major innovative achievements were

    12、made in science and technology.新兴产业持续壮大,传统产业加快升级。Emerging industries continued to grow; upgrading in traditional industries accelerated.大众创业万众创新深入开展,企业数量日均净增 1 万户以上。Business startups and innovation continued to surge nationwide, with an average net increase of over 10,000 businesses per day.改革开放迈出重要

    13、步伐。Major headway was made in reform and opening up.供给侧结构性改革继续深化,重要领域改革取得新突破。Supply-side structural reform was further advanced, and breakthroughs in reform were made in key areas.减税降费 2.36 万亿元,超过原定的近 2 万亿元规模,制造业和小微企业受益最多。We cut taxes and fees by 2.36 trillion yuan, going well beyond our target of 2

    14、trillion yuan, with manufacturing and micro and small businesses benefiting most.政府机构改革任务完成。The reform of government bodies was completed.“放管服”改革纵深推进。Reforms to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services were steadily advanced.设立科创板。The Science and Technol

    15、ogy Innovation Board, or STAR Market, was established.共建“一带一路”取得新成效。The joint efforts to pursue the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) yielded fresh results.出台外商投资法实施条例,增设上海自贸试验区新片区。Regulations for the implementation of the Foreign Investment Law were adopted, and the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Z

    16、one Lingang New Area was established.外贸外资保持稳定。Foreign trade and investment remained stable.三大攻坚战取得关键进展。Pivotal progress was achieved in the three critical battles (This refers to the battles against poverty, pollution , and potential risk).农村贫困人口减少 1109 万,贫困发生率降至 0.6%,脱贫攻坚取得决定性成就。Decisive achievement were made in poverty allev


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