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    1、届高三英语一模试题带答案2015届高三英语一模试题(带答案)第一节 单项填空(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1I felt _ sudden urge to tell him all my problems but I held back because I was afraid that he would make _ fun of meAa Bthe; Ca;the Dthe;a2True happiness does not _ the possession of money,but the joy

    2、of achievementAcontribute to Blie in Cresult in Dadd to3Have a break,AmyYou _ playing the piano all the morning OK,MomI will stop after this pieceA. are practicing Bhave practiced Cha ve been practicing D practiced4The organization _ food and blankets collected from all over the world to the people

    3、who survived the earthquakeAexchanged Bpurchased Cgovemed Ddistributed5Today,more people are coming to Beijing,_ capital of China,to make _better life for themselvesAthe;the Bthe;a C. a;the Da;a6Im sorry for _,but I have anurgent and important thing to talk to youAcutting off Bcutting in Ccutting ou

    4、t Dcutting up7His favorite food is fried snacks and soft drinks _ is no surprise that losing weight is just his dreamAHere BIt CAs DWhat8The photographer needs to charge up the digital camera every day as the battery _ quicklyAshuts up Bends up Cruns out Dturns out9What made her so sad? She kept cry

    5、ing all the time _ to the ballAWithout being invited Bbe not invited Cnot being invitedDHaving not been invited10 Why do you think he is feeling spiritless? Because staying uplate makes him at his worst _ physical situationAin terms of Bin addition to Con account of Dregardless of11Did you see the C

    6、EO in his office? Yes,he _ by the journalist from BBCAhas been interviewed Bis being interviewedChad been interviewed Dwas being interviewed12Just in front of our house_ with a history of 1000 yearsAdoes at all tree stand Bstands a tall treeCat all tree is standing Dat all tree stands13As was expect

    7、ed,that the magazine Put out the online _ mademore readers pay attention to itAversion Bconclusion Cadmission Dcategory14He felt _ of cheating in the exam,deciding never to do such things againAshame Bashamed Csorry D. shameful15Nuclear radiation is said _ the biggest health challenge in Japanese Ea

    8、rthquake over the past few monthsAbeing Bto be Cto have been Dthat it is16. In spite of the advanced medical technology,many Americans have no _ to health careAaccess Bentrance Cintroduction Ddevotion17Hurricane Sandy,one of the biggest storms ever, hit the East Coast of the US on Oct. 29,_ transpor

    9、tationAshutting down Bto shut down Cshut down Dto have shut down18It was _ she lost her job _ she realized how important it is that one should study all the timeAnot until;that Bnot until;which Cnot until;what Duntil;when19. _ we can have clean drinking water lies in _ effective measures will be tak

    10、en by the government about water pollution.AWhether;that BIf;that CWhether;what DIf;what20. I find that looking after children is a fun and challenging job _ you need to be patient and carefulAThat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhen21Our company has now come to the point _ we must make some reformsAwhen Bbecause C

    11、where Dthat22. A decision was made _ those who once cheated to get a position in the company would be firedAwhether Bthat Cwhat Dif23It was in that small village _ was destroyed by the flood _ he spent his childhoodAwhich;that Bthat:where C,where;that Dthat;which24. Actually,the London Olympic Park

    12、is built _ there used to be a poor area called East LondonAwhat Bwhen Cwhere Dwhy25As far as I remember,it was evening _ we got to the village that dayAbefore Bsince Cthat Duntil26. He telephoned to inform me of your birthday_,I would have known nothing about itAHowever B. Otherwise CTherefore DThus

    13、27Did you enjoy your journey to the village? _We had driven more than 3 hours before we found the right way AOf course BQuite a lot CNot exactly DNo problem28What did he become when he grew up? A soldier, _ he had wanted to be very muchAthat Bwho Cwhat Dwhich29They must have been enjoying themselves

    14、 there,or they _ so longAwouldnt stay Bneednt have stayed Cwouldnt have stayed Dcouldnt stay30 Tim,Im sorryI used your type writer when you were away this afternoon _.AThats all fight Bwith pleasure CThat depends DDont mention it第二节完形填空(A篇10小题,每小题1分;B篇20小题,每小题15分。满分40分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中

    15、,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AXinxin,a 12-year-old student from Beijing,enjoyed his winter vacation with his father in SingaporeDuring their visit,he even had the chance to 31 some of Singapores sights by himself 32 his father was busy with other thingsXinxins first adventure 33 in Singapore was at a

    16、 water park near their hotelHe enjoyed swimming and 34 into the water by himself and then returned to the hotel before a time in the evening that was 35 by his fatherThe boy also made a trip to Universal Studios Singapore 36 a guardian(监护人)He had already been to the park with his father two times du

    17、ring the tripXinxin volunteered to make his 37 trip by himselfHis father gave him some pocket money to buy lunch,and then Xinxin rode the shuttle from their hotel to the studiosHe spent a whole day there and had a 38 time In an interview with Beijing Evening News,Xinxins father said that 39 he was t

    18、oo busy to spend all his time with his son,he decided to give him the opportunity to develop a sense of 40 Had Xinxins mother been there,she would not have let Xinxin out of her sight,the father commented31Astudy Bexplore Ctest Dmeasure32Awhile Buntil Cbefore Dunless33Aalong Balive Calone D. lonely3

    19、4. A. floating Bsurfing Cdriving Ddiving35Amade Bset Cdecided Dasked36Aunder Bbehind Cwith Dwithout37Afirst Bsecond Cthird Dfourth38Aterrible B,miserable Cfantastic Dflexible39Athough Bsince Cif Dwhen40. Aindependence Bdaring Cpride D. diligenceBAs a kid I loved everything about school. I loved book

    20、s, 41 ,tests and homeworkMost of all I longed to someday march down the aisle(通道)to receive my 42 That seemed more appealing even than getting marriedBut at 15,I had to 43 because my parents 44 afford tuition. My hope of getting a diploma was deadPretty soon,I married. I had three Children,and I tho

    21、ught:“There 45 my diploma”Even so,I wanted my children to be educatedBut Linda,our youngest child,had juvenile arthritis(幼年型关节炎)inher 46 and knees,which made it 47 her to function(活动)in a normal classroomOne day,I saw an ad in the newspaper for evening courses“Thats the answer,” I said to myselfLind

    22、a always feels 48 in the evening,so I11just sign her up for night schoo1Linda was busy 49 out enrollment(入学)forms when the secretary said:“Mrs Schantz,why dont you come back to 50 ?”I 51 :“Theres no way! Im 55!” 52 he insisted,and before I knew what I had done,I was enrolled for classes in English a

    23、nd crafts“This is only an experiment,”I 53 him,but he just smiledTo my surprise,both Linda and I thrived(茁壮成长)in evening school. I went back again the next semester,and my grades 54 improvedIt was 55 going to school again,but it was no gameSitting in a class full of kids was awkward, 56 most of them

    24、 were respectful and encouragingDuring the day,I still had loads of housework to do,But when I was down,Linda encouraged me“Morn,you cant 57 now!”And when she was down,I 58 herTogether we saw it throughAt last,I got my diploma 59 ,my classmates voted unanimously(一致地)for me to be class speaker,and I

    25、got a 3,000 college scholarshipYes,Mom,I was late for school,but I got there 60 41Aparents Bteachers Ctrees Dflowers42Ajob Bpresent Ccertification Ddiploma43Adrop out Bwatch out Ckeep outDfind out44Awouldnt Bcouldnt Cshouldnt Dneednt45Agoes Bcomes Cexists Dbreaks46. A .hands Bhead Ceyes Dstomach47A1

    26、ikely Bfrequent Ceasy Dimpossible48AWorse Bexcited Cbetter Dannoyed49Agiving Btaking Cfilling Dsending50Awork Bschool Chome Doffice51A1aughed Btold Cargued Dshouted52AAnd BBut CAlthough DSo53Ainformed Basked Cwarned Dconvinced54Aregularly Bhappily Csteadily Dnaturally55Ainteresting Bdisappointing Cc

    27、oncerned Dexciting56Aas if Beven if Cin case Dif only57Acontinue Brest Cquit Dhesitate58Araised Bdiscouraged Ccheered Ddefeated59ATo my surpriseBTo my satisfaction CTo my relief DTo my credit60Anaturally Bfrequently Cconstantly Deventually第二部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ATo win an Oscar is an achievement at any ageTo do so at 22,as Jennifer Lawrence has,is just amazingRecently,the American star won Best Actress at this years Academy Awards for her role in the f


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