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    学习k12精品专题03 完形填空第02期届高三英语百所好题速递分项解析汇编.docx

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    学习k12精品专题03 完形填空第02期届高三英语百所好题速递分项解析汇编.docx

    1、学习k12精品专题03 完形填空第02期届高三英语百所好题速递分项解析汇编【浙江省“五校联考”2019届高三上学期第一次考试】阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。During the early 1980s, I was a sales manager for a large training company. One of my _16_ was to train people on how to sell. I taught people that lack of time and opportunity wer

    2、e only excuses for not producing _17_.My mother is a Greek immigrant with _18_ formal education. Her high point of each week was Sundaywhen she _19_ take an hour-long bus ride to church, where she and her friends would _20_ and exchange gossip and stories of their families.When the committee members

    3、 decided to _21_ money for a new Greek church, my mother jumped at the chance to _22_. Her plan was simple: talk to as many people as possible about buying tickets and make them feel _23_ if they didnt.That was _24_ I came into the picture. She said I was a big shot and gave me ten booklets of ten t

    4、ickets, each one worth one dollar, _25_ up to a total of $100. A week later, I showed up with the _26_ half. “I simply didnt have the time.” I _27_ to my mother.“You either do something or you have all the _28_ why not,” my mother shot back and started to cry. I was _29_ and quickly agreed to buy th

    5、e rest of my tickets myself. She stopped crying _30_ and said, “When you want something, then you do _31_ it takes to get the job done, even cry.” With a _32_ she said, “I knew that crying would work with you, and for being so sad with your excuses, here are ten more books.” As a sales manager, I pa

    6、led by _33_. It _34_ that my mother sold 7,000 tickets, 200 ahead of the second.I learned a new level of distinction between _35_ and results. Soon afterwards, I quit my job and started my own business, training people in time management.16. A. majors B. professions C. responsibilities D. careers17.

    7、 A. results B. changes C. chances D. effects18. A. much B. little C. adequate D. improper19. A. would B. should C. could D. might20. A. hang up B. catch up C. take up D. break up21. A. donate B. save C. earn D. raise22. A. create B. take C. participate D. struggle23. A. upset B. touched C. depressed

    8、 D. guilty24. A. what B. where C. how D. whether25. A. adding B. taking C. looking D. living26. A. left B. existing C. sold D. remaining27. A. replied B. suggested C. explained D. applied28. A. excuses B. reasons C. causes D. clues29. A. annoyed B. shocked C. delighted D. relieved30. A. gradually B.

    9、 occasionally C. eventually D. instantly31. A. however B. whenever C. whatever D. whichever32. A. smile B. tear C. sob D. pain33. A. defeat B. comparison C. failure D. disadvantage34. A. worked up B. turned in C. turned out D. worked out35. A. time B. courage C. performance D. efforts【答案】16. C 17. A

    10、 18. B 19. A 20. B 21. D 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. D 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. A【解析】【分析】本文为故事类文章。作者因为母亲为了给教堂筹集资金,让作者买下100张的票,但当作者已没时间交还剩下的一半的票时,作者的妈妈竟然给哭了,让儿子答应自己的要求,并告诉作者为了目的可以“不择手段”(即让对方内疚),这让作者深受启发,从而辞职开辟了新的工业机会。【17题详解】考查名词辨析。results后果,结果;changes变化;chances机会,可能性;effect

    11、s效果,结果。本句是“我教育人们说没有时间和机会仅仅是没有产生结果的借口”,因此本句是指不作为的结果(results)的借口,而且最后一段第一句“I learned a new level of distinction between time and results”是提示,因此选A。【18题详解】考查形容词。 much许多的,大量的;little几乎没有,琐碎的; adequate 足够的;improper不合适的。根据语境及下文的内容可知,作者的妈妈几乎没有受到什么教育。分析选项可知B项正确。【20题详解】考查动词短语辨析。hang up挂上; 挂住;catch up追上,交流近况,谈论

    12、近况;take up占据,从事; break up结束,使破碎。根据语境可知,作者的母亲总是在周末坐一小时的公交车去教堂,和她的朋友交流各自的近况(catch up)。故选B项。【21题详解】考查动词辨析。donate捐赠,捐献; save节约,挽救;earn 获得,赢得;raise举起,抬高,筹集,抚养。根据上下文的内容可知是“筹集资金”,raise money意为“筹集资金”,故选D项。【22题详解】考查动词辨析。create创造;take拿,取,耗费;participate参加,参与;struggle努力,挣扎。本句是指“当委员会成员决定为一座新希腊教堂募捐时,我母亲欣然参与”,故选C项


    14、“whether”, “how”,故选B。【25题详解】考查固定搭配。本句说这些票合计达100 美元。add up to为固定搭配,意为“合计达.”。故选A项。【26题详解】考查形容词辨析。left剩下的; existing目前的,现存的;sold被卖的;remaining剩下的。句意:一个星期后,我拿着剩下的一半出现了。第14小题“the rest of my tickets”可知本题填“剩下的”。Left的remaining都有“剩下的”,但left剩下的,一般作后置定语, with the half left,而remaining剩下的,一般做前置定语,即with the remaini

    15、ng half,所以选D项。【27题详解】考查固定搭配。replied回复;suggested 建议,表明;explained 解释;applied应用。句意:“我向妈妈解释”,explain sth.to sb.为固定搭配,意为“向某人解释某事”,因此选C项。【28题详解】考查名词辨析。本句句意:“你要么做事,要么你有一切不做事的借口”。第一段最后一句有提示,分析选项:excuses借口;reasons理由;causes起因;clues线索。可知A项正确。【30题详解】考查副词辨析。gradually渐渐,缓慢地;occasionally偶尔,间或;eventually最终;instantl

    16、y立即,马上。根据句意可知,作者一答应买下剩下的一半票,妈妈立即(instantly)不哭了,故选D项。【31题详解】考查副词辨析。however然而; whenever 无论何时;whatever无论什么;whichever无论什么。分析句子then you do _16_ it takes to get the job done,可知,句中的takes缺少宾语,缺少宾语,要用代词,故A和B是副词不能用, whatever和whichever 都可做宾语,但whichever有范畴,whatever没有范围。本句是指作者的妈妈说“当你想得到某事,无论你付出什么代价都行,甚至是哭”。根据语境可

    17、知,是没有范围的,故选C项。【32题详解】考查名词辨析。smile微笑; tear眼泪; sob啜泣,呜咽;pain痛苦。根据作者的妈妈用哭泣让作者买了另一半的票,目的达到,她是高兴的,所以会带着笑(smile)和作者说话,故选A项。【33题详解】考查动词辨析。defeat击败;comparison比较;failure失败;disadvantage缺点,不足。本句是说,我作为一个销售经理,与母亲为达目的“不择手段”(即第8小题说的“如果他们不这样话的话让他们感到内疚”)相比(comparison)黯然失色。故选B。【35题详解】考查名词辨析。time时间;courage勇气; performa

    18、nce表演;efforts努力。文章第一段最后一句说“没有做事时不要以没有时间作借口”。当作者拿着剩下的一半票给妈妈时,也以没有时间为借口。最后一句“training people in time management.”可知,本空填time,故选A【山西省吕梁市2018届高三上学期第一次阶段性测试】阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I believe in respecting and thanking the dustmen. In my mind, they are the most _21_ people

    19、 all over the world._22_ Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, it took a while before the dustmen could get back to their jobs. There were a lot of _23_about why trash wasnt picked yp more quickly. Having lived in New Orleans for many years, I felt extremely _24_ to see the city where I grew up turn in

    20、to the biggest landfill(垃圾场) in the country.The dustmen finally came with excavators(挖掘机) and dump trucks to _25_ their task. Maybe we should be in high spirits as they_26_the trash, but we couldnt in fact. We all had a strong sense of great _27_ and loss as they loaded our once prized possessions i

    21、nto the back of the dump truck as useless _28_ .My mother and I stood there, _29_ the dustmen doing their jobs. We waited for that final feeling of _30_that there was no more trash to worry about, but it didnt come. As the man in the excavator _31_ a piece of broken precious furniture, my mother sud

    22、denly burst out crying. Seeing this, the dustman _32_ shut down the excavator and walked over to my mother to _33_ her.A few minutes later, the man and my mother walked over to the excavator again. Then, I saw my mother actually _34_the excavator. She picked up our trash and dumped it into the dump

    23、truck. My mother was excited, and her tears of sadness and pain turned to tears of _35_. What he did made me very _36_. When all the work was finished, I sincerely _37_ him.One year has gone, and thanks to the dustmen, the city looks _38_ than expected. Now, whenever a trash truck blocks my path in

    24、the street, I usually express my _39_ for the dustmen through _40_ waiting for them to complete their job.21. A. confident B. beautiful C. ambitious D. outgoing22. A. Until B. After C. While D. If23. A. conversations B. comments C. complaints D. concerns24. A. frustrated B. amazed C. relaxed D. scar

    25、ed25. A. compete B. change C. confirm D. complete26. A. divided B. removed C. checked D. possessed27. A. richness B. kindness C. sadness D. happiness28. A. trash B. furniture C. truck D. gift29. A. helping B. imagining C. hearing D. watching30. A. responsibility B. satisfaction C. disappointment D.

    26、curiosity31. A. dug up B. showed up C. gave up D. brought up32. A. immediately B. absolutely C. basically D. probably33. A. meet B. recognize C. appreciate D. comfort34. A. destroy B. produce C. operate D. repair35. A. forgiveness B. panic C. joy D. anxiety36. A. angry B. confused C. grateful D. cur

    27、ious37. A. thanked B. hurt C. annoyed D. ignored38. A. uglier B. smaller C. dirtier D. better39. A. worries B. excitements C. respects D. troubles40. A. doubtfully B. patiently C. fearfully D. stubbornly【答案】21. B 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. B 31. A 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. C 36.

    28、 C 37. A 38. D 39. C 40. B【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章通过对清洁工工作的描述,作者尊重和感谢清洁工,他们是世界上最美丽的人。【21题详解】考查形容词。A. confident自信的;B. beautiful美丽的;C. ambitious有雄心的;D. outgoing外向的,好说话的。根据In my mind, they are the most _1_ people all over the world.可知,在我看来,他们是世界上最美丽的人。故选B。【23题详解】考查名词。A. conversations会话;B. comments评论;C. complain

    29、ts抱怨; D. concerns关心。根据There were a lot of _3_about why trash wasnt picked yp more quickly.可知,有很多人抱怨为什么垃圾不能更快的被回收。故选C。【24题详解】考查形容词。A. frustrated挫败的;B. amazed惊讶的;C. relaxed放松的;D. scared害怕的。根据Having lived in New Orleans for many years, I felt extremely _4_ to see the city where I grew up turn into the

    30、biggest landfill(垃圾场) in the country.可知,我在New Orleans生活了多年,看到我长大的城市变成了全国最大的垃圾填埋场,我感到非常沮丧。故选A。【25题详解】考查动词。A. compete竞争;B. change改变;C. confirm确认;D. complete完成。根据The dustmen finally came with excavators(挖掘机) and dump trucks to _5_ their task.可知,清洁工终于带着挖掘机和自卸卡车来完成他们的任务。故选D。【26题详解】考查动词。A. divided分开;B. re

    31、moved移走;C. checked核对; D. possessed拥有。根据Maybe we should be in high spirits as they_6_the trash, but we couldnt in fact.可知,也许我们应该高兴起来,因为他们清除了垃圾,但实际上我们不能。故选B。【27题详解】考查名词。A. richness丰富;B. kindness善良;C. sadness伤心;D. happiness幸福。根据We all had a strong sense of great _7_ and loss as they loaded our once prized possessions into the back of the dump truck as useless _8_ .可知,我们都


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