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    1、大学英语泛读期末考试试题大学英语泛读期末考试试题( B )(1) ( 1 )When young people get their first real jobs, they may face a lot of new, confusing situations. They may find that everything is different from the way things were at school. It is also possible that they will feel uncomfortable and insecure in both professional

    2、and social situations. Eventually, they realize that university classes cant be the only preparation for all of the different situations that arise in the working world.Perhaps the best way to learn how to behave in the working world is to identify a worker you admire and observe his behavior. In do

    3、ing so, you will be able to see what it is that you admire in this person. For example, you will observe how he acts in a crisis. Perhaps even more important, you will be able to see what is his approach to day-to-day situations.While you are observing your colleague, you should be asking yourself w

    4、hether his behavior is like yours and how you can learn from his responses to a variety of situations. By watching and learning from a model, you will probably begin to identify and adopt good working habits.1. The young people just graduated from school may not behave well in the working world, bec

    5、ause _.A. what they learned in university classes is not adequate for their new life B. they are not well educatedC. the society is too complicated to adapt to D. they failed to work hard at school2. In the last line of the first paragraph, the word arise means _.A. bring about B. come into being C.

    6、 occur to D. cause to happen3. The best way to learn how to behave in the working world is _.A. to find a worker and follow him closely B. to find a person you admire and make friends with himC. to find a person you respect and watch carefully how he acts in different situationsD. to make the acquai

    7、ntance of a model you admire4. In the last line of the second paragraph, the word approach means_.A. means of entering B. speaking to someone for the first timeC. way of coming nearer to D. manner of doing something5. The passage could be best entitled _.A. Learn from a Model B. Learn, Learn and Lea

    8、rn Again C. Learn Forever D. One Is Never Too Old to Learn ( 2 )The first English window was just a slit in the wall. It was cut long, so that it would let in as much light as possible, and narrow, to keep out the bad weather. However, the slit let in more wind than light. This is why it was called

    9、the winds eye. The word window itself comes from two Old Norse words for wind and eye.Before windows were used, the ancient halls and castles of northern Europe and Britain were dark and smoky. Their great rooms were high, with only a hole in the roof to let out the smoke from torches and cooking fi

    10、res.As time went on, people wanted more light and air in their homes. They made the winds eyes wider so as to admit air and light. They stretched canvas of tapestry across them to keep out the weather.1. The first window was a _.A. large hole in the wall B. hole covered with canvas C. slit in the wa

    11、ll D. slit with a piece of paper over it2. The word window meant _.A. opening to look through B. light given C. wind D. winds eye3. The window got its name because it _.A. kept out the wind B. blew out the smoke C. let in more wind than light D. let in mostly light4. In the ancient castles, smoke we

    12、nt out through _.A. the windows B. the doors C. the chimney D. a hole in the roof5. It seems true that the larger, canvas-covered windows _.A. were not as good as the first windows B. let in more light and kept out more wind C. did not let any air in D. were as good as todays windows ( 3 )It was onc

    13、e believed that a person was in great danger when he sneezed-people imagined that the soul could escape from the body at the moment of sneezing. God bless you was a prayer for assistance in keeping the soul where it belonged.The German word Gesundheit (good health) is a variation of this prayer; the

    14、 Irish deiseal and the Italian felicita are similar prayers. The Hindus say a word that means live, and when a Mohammedan sneezes, he praises God.The Zulus of South Africa, far from being afraid of sneezes, believe that a sneeze signifies a friendly spirits blessing. Whenever a child sneezes, they s

    15、hout Grow! hoping the friendly spirit that stimulated the sneeze will help the child grow tall and strong. The ancient Hebrews also believed that a sneeze was good-a sneeze indicates life; the dead never sneeze.The Japanese say that if you sneeze once, someone is saying good things about you; if you

    16、 sneeze twice, bad things are being said about you; if you sneeze three times, you have caught a cold.1. People once thought that anyone who sneezed was _.A. sick B. in danger C. in good health D. evil2. God bless you was said in order to _.A. make children grow tall and strong B. insure good health

    17、 C. keep the soul in the body D. prevent someone from saying evil things about the sneezer3. Gesundheit is a sneezing prayer most like _.A. the Zulu prayer B. God bless you C. the Japanese prayer D. a warning4. The Zulus believe that sneezing is caused by _.A. a good spirit B. a bad spirit C. illnes

    18、s D. children5. It would be reasonable to conclude that _.A. many people say prayers when they sneeze B. a prayer keeps the soul where it belongsC. all peoples were afraid of sneezes D. the moment of sneezing is very dangerous ( 4 )Brenda Linson never goes anywhere without an empty spectacles case.

    19、It is as vital to her as her purse. Yet, she doesnt wear glasses. The reason she cant do without it is that she cant read and she cant write. If ever she gets into any situation where she might be expected to do either of these things, she fishes around in her bag for the specs case, finds its empty

    20、, and asks the person concerned to do the reading for her. Until a few months ago hardly anybody knew about her problem. Her husband didnt know and her children didnt know. The children still dont.She had any number of tactics for hiding her difficulty-for example, never lingering near a phone at wo

    21、rk, in case she had to answer it and might be required to write something down.It has never occurred to the children that their mother cannot read. She doesnt read them stories, but then their father doesnt either, so they find nothing surprising in the fact. Similarly they just accept that Dad is t

    22、he one who writes the sick notes and reads the school reports. Now that the elder boy Tom is quite a proficient reader, Brenda can skillfully get him to read any notes brought home from school simply by asking, Whats that all about, then?Brendas husband never guessed the truth in ten years of marria

    23、ge. For one thing, he insists on handling all domestic correspondence and bills himself. A salesman for a large company, he travels a great deal and so is not around so much to spot the truth. While hes away Brenda copes with any situations by explaining that she cant do anything until shes discusse

    24、d it with her husband. Brenda was very successful in her job until recently. For the last five years she had worked as waitress at an expensive restaurant, and had eventually been promoted to head waitress. She kept the thing a secret there too, and got over the practical difficulties somehow.1. Bre

    25、nda carries an empty spectacles case wherever she goes because_.A. she is always so forgetful B. she uses it as a purseC. it may provide her with an excuse D. she wishes to look like an educated woman2. The word fish in the first paragraph means _.A. search B. pretend C. examine D. touch3. Brendas c

    26、hildren have never found out about her problem as _.A. she isnt often at homeB. they are too young to guess the truthC. they find it normal to ask their father for everythingD. they think it natural that short-sighted people like their mother dont do much reading or writing4. What most probably made

    27、 Brenda try hard to hide her difficulty?A. Her desire to be successful in her job. B. Her fear of losing face.C. Her deceitful nature. D. Both A and B5. Of the following suggested titles, which is the most appropriate?A. Brenda and Her Family B. A Woman Who Doesnt Wear GlassesC. A Woman with an Empt

    28、y Specs Case D. The Miserable Life of a Waitress ( 5 )Georges case is not unique. In the last fifteen or twenty years, quite a number of men and women have chosen to drop out of the working world to try a different kind of life. Most of them are in their thirties and forties, often well educated, al

    29、though all ages and backgrounds can be found among them. A variety of reasons have led them to give up their work and the security it provided.Some, like George, have given up a career that was demanding too much from them. Others couldnt stand the pressure and the competition. A thirty-five-year-ol

    30、d woman, who had a high position in her company, decided to leave when she found herself suffering from allergies that made her life miserable. She had two children and no savings; but even her anxiety about the future couldnt spoil her feeling of relief and her new peace of mind. Her health improve

    31、d. She may never work again; if she does, she says that she will take small temporary jobs.Some people, on the contrary, have quit jobs that were boring or meaningless to them. An office employee who has been pushing papers (has been doing paperwork) for years may start wondering whether those paper

    32、s are achieving anything. An engineer in a large company, aware that he could be replaced by any man with the same training, may come to feel unimportant as an individual. Such people leave their work in the hope of finding stronger interests and a sense of personal worth.There are also people who leave their work to fulfill an old dream, such as writing books, painting, sailing to remote islands, or growi


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