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    新标准大学英语第一册unit 3 教案.docx

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    新标准大学英语第一册unit 3 教案.docx

    1、新标准大学英语第一册unit 3 教案教 案(首页)课程名称大学英语授课专业艺术学院2012级环艺设计班级3.4班授课方式课堂讲授( ) 实践课( )考核方式考试( ) 考查( )课程类别 必修课公共必修课() 专业必修课( )选修课公共选修课( ) 专业限选课( ) 专业任选课( )课程总学时112周学时6学时分配课堂讲授 100 学时;实践课 12 学时教 学目 标教学目的与要求:一、了解大学英语教学大纲中规定的单词和词组二、了解词语搭配和从句的用法三、了解基础写作技巧四、了解和本单元有关的英语背景知识五、提高学生的英语口语表达能力使用教材教材名称新标准大学英语编(著)者Simon Gre

    2、enall 文秋芳出版社及出版时间外语教学研究出版社 2008年1月指定参考书新标准大学英语教师用书新标准大学英语综合训练实践英语实用英语语法21世纪实用英语语法一本通疯狂英语口语绝招句型经典柯林斯迷你英语词典教 案周 次第 10-13周授课时间2012年 11 月 13 日-2012年11月24日授课章节Unit 3 Learning to think本(章)节授课方式课堂讲授() 实践课( )教学时数6学时授课要点本 (章) 节 教 学 目 标1) To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patt

    3、erns 2) To be familiar with the writing skills of the text and make use of it in writing Writing skills: A paragraph of a point of view supported by reasons.3) To improve Ss reading skills by studying Section B and passages in the Extensive Reading. Reading skills: Reading for the key idea in a sent

    4、ence.4) To stimulate Ss to discuss what is of great value in love.5) To read widely outside class. 教 学 重 点 和 难 点1. Understand the main idea and the structure of the text;2. Grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and w

    5、riting activities related to the theme of the unit.思考题或作 业1. Ask students to sum up the main idea of the text and to analyze the writing techniques of the text.2. Homework: Learn the words and phrases by heart and next week there will be a dictation; Do all the exercises on the book with translation

    6、 done on the exercise book.教学内容与组织安排PeriodActivityTime limit1-4Active reading(1) 4 classes5-6Active reading(2)2 classes7-8Reading across culture2 classes9-10 Guide writing2 classesLearning to think Teaching ProcedurePart I Warming-up1. Starting point2. P2 Active Reading (1)Part II Language and Cultu

    7、reSocrates (469BC399BC) was a Greek Athenian philosopher. He was unfairly charged with corruption of the young people of Athens and put to death. He didnt write any books, but his ideas were recorded by Plato in The Dialogues of Plato and have had a major influence on Western thoughts. The Socratic

    8、method of teaching was largely through a dialogue in which the teacher asked students a series of questions which made them think for themselves about how people should conduct their lives.Part III Word Study1. radical a. (radical opinions, ideas, leaders ,etc.) support thorough and complete social

    9、or political change (观点、想法、领导人等 ) 激进的,极端的e.g. He also had radical views on politics. 他对政治也有相当极端的看法。2. particularly ad. more than usual or more than others; especially 特别,尤其 Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. When all the people of the world remember to laugh, particularly at themselv

    10、es, there will be no more dictators and no more wars. 当世界上所有的人都记得大笑,尤其是笑他们自己,就不会有独裁者,也不会有战争了。2. His remarks were particularly helpful. 他的话特别有帮助。3. suspicion n.1) U a feeling that you do not trust someone or something 不信任,猜疑e.g. Suspicion is the poison of friendship. 猜疑是友谊的毒药。 She always treated us w

    11、ith suspicion. 她对我们总是不信任。 above / beyond suspicion 无可怀疑的,没有嫌疑的C a feeling that something bad is probably true or likely to happen (对某人做错事的)怀疑,猜疑,疑心e.g. Neighbors suspicions were aroused by the bruises on the childs arms. 孩子手臂上的伤痕引起了邻居们的怀疑。Word family: suspect v. 怀疑;猜想 n. 嫌疑犯 suspicious a. 可疑的;怀疑的;多疑

    12、的 4. thwart vt. (fml) prevent someone from doing what they are trying to do 正式阻挠;阻碍e.g. We successfully thwarted the enemys conspiracy. 我们成功地挫败了敌人的阴谋。. thwarted ambition 受挫的雄心5. organizational a. of or relating to an organization 组织的;结构的e.g. I have good organizational skills and enjoy working with p

    13、eople. Word family: organize v. organization n. 6. vision n. U1) the knowledge and imagination that are needed in planning for the future with a clear purpose 远见卓识;眼光,前瞻性e.g. To tackle these environmental challenges will require real vision and leadership. 解决这些环境问题需要真正的远见和领导能力。2) your ability to see

    14、 视力e.g. After doing laser to treat myopia, how shall we protect our vision? 做完激光近视手术,我们该如何保护视力?7. dearth n. sing (fml) a lack of something 缺乏;不足e.g. But todays crisis is not just a dearth of financial capital. 但目前的危机并非仅仅是资本的缺乏。 The 2012 host, London, faces numerous challenges, including tight budget

    15、s, security concerns, and a dearth of homegrown Olympic champions in many sports. 2012年奥运举办城市伦敦面临许多挑战,包括预算紧缺, 安全隐患,以及在许多运动项目上缺乏本土奥运冠军。8. revere vt. (fml) respect and admire someone or something very much 尊敬;崇敬e.g. They have deep spiritual ties to the moon, and they revere the mighty moon-spirit as one of their greatest totems. 他们与月亮有很深的精神联系,他们尊敬强大的月之精灵 把它作为他们最重要的图腾之一。 9. unmitigated a. (only before noun) someth


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