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    1、实用英语期末复习汉语言文学1.为方便起见,这些照片将按时间顺序展示。 For convenience, the photos will be shown in time sequence.2.货款一付,货物就会在你方便的时候运到。Once the payment has been made, the goods will be delivered at your convenience.3.请给家里打个电话,告诉他们我正在回家(去公司)的路上。Please dial home and tell them Im on the way home.(on the way to the company

    2、. )4.It seems ages since we heard from youand even longer since you went to work in China. 似乎很长时间没收到你的来信了,从你到中国工作时算起,到现在就更久了。5.与其说他是位音乐家,倒不如说他是位诗人。 He is more of a poet than a musician.6.我们在过去的几个月里已经成功地加快了生产速度。 We have succeeded in speeding up the production rate in the past few months.7.我建议你把这一笔钱存入

    3、银行。 I suggest that you make a deposit at the bank.8.Every day, about 128 million Americans log onto the Internet to use email, receive news, access government information, conduct business, book travel reservations, and engage in other activities.每天,大约有一亿两千八百万美国人登录因特网使用电子邮件,接收新闻,获取政府信息,办理生意,预定机票酒店及从

    4、事其他活动。9.Please rise together with me in offering our sincere wishes that the coming years will be filled peace, joy, happiness and love. 请起立与我共同举杯,让我们衷心祝愿,未来的岁月将充满祥和、快乐、幸福和爱情。10.This means that you can make the call again to the right number without having to pay more money; or you can have the phon

    5、e company mail you a credit coupon that has the same value as the phone call.这样您不必多付钱就可以重拨电话号码,或者您可以让电话公司给您邮一张话费相当的信用卡优惠券。11.教育孩子的观念和做法因文化的差异而有所不同。 The conceptions and practices of child education vary from culture to culture.12.如果还有其他要求,请与客房经理联系。If you have any additional requests or needs, please

    6、contact the resident manager.13.如遇紧急情况,请拨打报警电话110。 In case of emergency, please dial the alarm number 110.14.These benefits, however, have not come without a price. 然而,这些好处也使人们付出了相应的代价。15.If someone asks if you are free at a certain time and invites you to an event, you are not required to commit yo

    7、urself until you know what the invitation is for.如果有人问你什么时间是否有空并邀请你参加某一活动,在你尚未弄清楚邀请的具体内容之前,你没有必要答应一定参加。16.There we were, four friends zooming down the highway, unable to talk to one another because of a gadget designed to make communication easier.我们四位朋友坐在车里,飞驰在高速公路上,却因为有了那个被设计来方便通信的小玩意而不能相互交谈。17.Th

    8、e fact that something is cheap doesnt necessarily mean its of low quality. 东西便宜并不一定就意味着质量不好。18.Businesses and professional services are listed in a special classified directory the Yellow Pages. 公司企业和专业服务机构的电话号码则列在特别的分类电话薄- 黄页中。 The White Pages: The white pages of the American phone book list people

    9、 and business and their phone numbers. People are listed by their last names.The Yellow Pages The yellow pages of the American phone book list names, addresses, and phone numbers of businesses. Doctors, lawyers, and dentists are also found in the yellow pagesThe Blue Pages: The blue pages list numbe

    10、rs of federal government services, state offices, country offices, city offices and public schools.Pay Phone:A pay phone is a public telephone operated by inserting coins or credit cards.A: Good evening! Welcome to Village Inn. What can I do for youB: 1_. (我在这儿预定了房间。)A: May I have your name, pleaseB

    11、: Im Tom Addison.A: Yes, Mr. Addison. Youve made a reservation for one single room. 2_ (我可以看一下您的护照吗)B: Here you are.A: 3_ (请您填一下这张登记表好吗)B: Here it is. Is it all rightA: Yes, thanks. 4_. (这是房的钥匙卡。)B: Can I go to my room nowA: Sure, 5_. (接待员会给您带路的。)1.I have a reservation with you.2.May I have a look a

    12、t your passport3.Would you please fill out the registration form4.Here is the key card to Room 5012.5.The bell-man will show you the way.A: 1_ (网上聊天似乎很有趣,你试过吗) B: I recently have!A: 2 _ (你觉得怎么样) B: I just love it. Its the most exciting thing Ive done. A: 3 _ (真的吗怎么有趣) B: By chatting with keypals (键友

    13、), you can know a lot of new friends. Also, you can learn many funny abbreviations.A: 4 _ (你能列举一些吗) B: For example, “YTTT” means “You are telling the truth”, “YNK” means “You never know”, “YOYO” means “You are on your own”. A: 5 _ (真有趣!我能找时间试试吗) B: Sure. 1.Chatting online seems like fun, have you ev

    14、er tried it2.How do you feel about it3.Oh, really Whats the fun of it4.Wow, can you name some of them5.How interesting! I should find some time to try it.A: Can I take your order now, sir B: Yes.1 _. (但我还没有看过菜单呢。)A: Ill show you one. Would you like Chinese food or Westernfood We have both.B: 2 _. (我

    15、想品尝一下西餐。)A: I hope you will enjoy it. Here is the menu. B: Well, 3_. (我要一份烤牛肉。) A: Do you want some drinks B: Yes. 4_. (一杯啤酒。) A: Would you like any dessert later on B: 5 _ (你们有什么甜食)A: We have some very nice vanilla ice cream. B: Very good. Ill take it. I havent got a menu, yet. would like to try so

    16、me western food. d like to have a roast of beef. glass of beer, please. do you have for dessertAn email发件人:邮件管理员日期:2007年11月5日13:46收件人:主题:邮件系统错误退回的邮件附件:邮件系统错误退回的邮件()该邮件由于以下原因无法寄到收件人:用户的账户无效。如果认为该邮件有误,请给回邮件。From: Mail AdministratorDate: 2007/11/5 13:46To: Subject: Mail System Error Returned MailAttach

    17、ment: Mail System Error Returned MailThis Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:The users account is disabled.Please reply to if you feel this message to be in error.A menuAPPETIZERSFried Potato.$ Fried Chicken Legs.$ Fried Fish.$ Fried Shrimp.$ SALADChicken Salad.$ Grilled Fish Sala

    18、d.$ Garden Salad.$ Greek Salad.$ 菜单小 吃炸土豆 2 .50美元炸鸡腿 美元炸鱼 美元炸虾 美元色 拉鸡肉色拉 美元炙烤鱼色拉 美元花园色拉 美元希腊色拉 美元Hotel AdsHoliday Hotel Guest Services GuideFax (801)359-2859Reservations 800-466-8356109 Rooms Newly renovatedFree Local Calls Free BreakfastOutdoor Pool Ski Area NearbyNon-smoking Rooms Children Stay Fr

    19、eeCoffee Available from 6:00 . to 10:00 .Office is Open 24 Hours饭店广告假日旅馆客房服务指南 传真(801)359-2859订房电话 800-466-8356109间客房 新近重新装修过免费拨打市内电话 提供免费早餐露天游泳池 附近有滑雪场不准吸烟房间 儿童免费上午6:00至10:00供应咖啡24小时营业A Farewell letter:Dear Miss Zhang, December 10,2007Our visit to China is drawing to a close and we are leaving for

    20、Canada shortly. On the eve of our departure, it gives me a great deal of pleasure to write you to express our appreciation of the hospitality you showed to us and the time you spent with us during my stay at your university.With every good wish for the future.Peter Lowenberg告别信尊敬的张小姐:我们对中国的访问即将结束,很快

    21、就要离开这里回加拿大。在离别的前夕,我怀着十分愉快的心情给您写信,对您的热情友好及在贵校访问期间的接待表示感谢最后向您致以最良好的祝愿。彼得劳恩伯格2007年12月10日Job advertisement: We require a person for sales representative in our marketing department. No sales experience is necessary, as we will train. Must be neat in appearance and strong interpersonal skills are an adva

    22、ntage. Plenty of opportunity for advancement means this is a great start if you are looking for a new job in sales!招聘广告我公司市场营销部诚聘一名全职推销员。有无推销经验均可,我公司将进行培训。应聘者需外表整洁,善于待人接物者优先。晋升机会多,欲进入销售业者勿失良机。Hotel AdsVillage Green InnInformation for guests in Room 509:Room Rates:1 person per day $502 persons per da

    23、y $653 persons per day $704 persons per day $75Please do not leave pets unattended in rooms.Check-out time: 11:00am. Please leave key in room when checking out.All jewelry and other valuables must be checked at the reception; otherwise, the proprietor will not be responsible for any loss.Kindly repo

    24、rt any inattention on the part of any employee to the management.饭店广告绿色乡村旅馆敬告509室宾客:房价收费标准:1人居住 每天50美元2人居住 每天65美元3人居住 每天70美元4人居住 每天75美元请勿将宠物单独留在房间内。结账时间:上午11:00时。结账时请将房间钥匙留在房间内。所有的珠宝首饰和贵重物品必须在接待处寄存。否则,造成损失酒店概不负责。若员工服务有疏忽或怠慢,欢迎您向旅馆经理投诉。 Dear Mr. Luford, Thank you for your letter of 24 June and I am p

    25、leased to confirm my participation in this years conference in August. 我乐意确认我将参与今年八月的会议。 I would be grateful if you could send me further details about the program. 我将感激如果你可以详情方案发送给我。 Unfortunately, I will not be able to give an update on last times talk. I am afraid that pressure of work will not a

    26、llow time to prepare a talk. 我不能给像上次的发言。担心工作的压力没时间时间准备。 However, I look forward to attending the conference again. 然而,我期待再次出席会议。 Yours sincerely, H. Bool Reference:Email allows people around the world to communicatecheaply, quickly and frequently. 电子邮件允许世界各地的人廉价地,很快,频繁通讯。Nowadays you dont have to bo

    27、ther to go to a post office to send your letters. 现今你不需要到邮局发送信件的麻烦。Some young people even do not know the words of telegram and cable. 一些年轻人甚至不知道电报和电缆。 The speed email is sent is enormously fast.电子邮件发送速度快。One minute you were still writing the message, the next minute it would appear in your friends

    28、email box. 一分钟前正写信息,下一分钟它将出现在你的朋友的电子邮箱。 Have you ever tried to communicate with your friends by email If not yet, why not apply for your own email box right now你曾经通过电子邮件和你的朋友沟通吗如果不,现在为什么不申请一个自己的电子邮箱 Reference:The United States is divided into telephone dialing areas.美国有分地区拨号电话。Each area has an area

    29、code. 每个区有一个区号。It is a three-digit number. 它是一个三位数。You use this number to dial long distance calls. 你使用这个数拨号长途电话。For example, you want to call 555-2364 in South Carolina. But you live in Utah. 。例如,你住在犹他州,你想打电话加拨555-2364到南卡罗来纳。You must dial 1 first and then the area code. 你必须先加拨1然后加上区号。It is 803. so you must dial 4.例如它是803,那么你必须拨4。 When you do not know an area code, you can use the area code map in the telephone book. 当你不知道一个区号,你可以使用一下电话号码簿上的区号地图。The map divides the United States into time zones. 地图分美国各地时区。Notice


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