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    1、中考英语介词专项复习中考英语介词专项复习中考英语介词专项复习介词 at, about, around, along1. at表示“在时候; 在状态下。”表示时间:at eight oclock at dawn at noon at sunsetat midnight at weekends at the moment at that timeat the same time at first at last at onceat present at Spring Festival at Christmas at Easterat the end of October at work at br

    2、eakfast at lunchat supper at dinner at tea time at the age of fifteen表示方位:at home at school at the post office at the end of the street at the crossroads at the university at the meeting at the railway station at the airport at the bus stop表示速度温度: at the speed of forty miles an hour at the temperatu

    3、re 0习惯用语:at most at least动词词组:be good at be poor at be surprised at look at laugh at smile at point at2. about 表示“关于;到处(=around)”。表示相关:a book about Quyuan the information about space 表示方位:We wandered about the town for over an hour.习惯用语:How/What about?动词词组:think about talk about know about read abou

    4、t hear about worry about complain about 【注】当about表示“大约,差不多”时为副词,如:We need about 200 tons of rice.3. around表示“在周围;四处”。表示方位:There was a fence around the yard.动词词组:show sb. around【注】当around表示“大约,差不多”时为副词,如:around 20 people come around four 4. along表示“顺着,沿着”D ,表示方位:We walked along the path.专项训练1: 选择填空。1

    5、. All passengers must arrive the airport two hours before the departure time.A. at B. in C. to D. for2. The earth and the other planets move the sun.A. near B. after C. about D. around3. There is a fire-hose reel _ the back staircase.A. on B. at C. in D. for4. They had an important discussion the co

    6、nference.A. at B. on C. for D. with5. lve just heard his illness.A. / B. from C. about D. with6. The car hit the man and dragged him the road.A. in B. on C. along D. around7. There were twenty people the party, including two foreigners.A. at B. in C. on D. about8. The driver made a complaint the tra

    7、ffic jam.A. of B. for C. with D. about9. On arriving at the village, soldiers once joined them their work.A. inwith B. at. in C. atfor D. toat10. A strong earthquake (地震)hit Pakistan in the middle of the morning Saturday October 8, 2005 8:50 a. m. It is the strongest one to hit the country in over a

    8、 century.A. inat B. on. .at C. at. in D. atonkeys: 1-5 ADBAC 6-10 CADBB介词 in, during, inside, outside, within1. in表示“在 时候;在之中/内;在状态下”表示时间: in the morning in the afternoon in the evening in January in spring in three days in twenty yearstime in ones fifties in a minute in time in no time in the futur

    9、e in advance (提前;预先) in 2006 in the 21st century in the Stone Age (在石器时代) in the late 1800s in times of in the end 表示方位: in the room in the street in the tree in the fields in the wall in the playground in the middle of in bed in classin school in hospital in town in Shanghai in China in the world i

    10、n the east in space in the sky in jail in prison 表示环境: in the sun in the rain in the dark in trouble in peace(平静地,平安地) in order (井然有序地) 表示长度: in length in width in height in depth表示方式: in red in all in short(简而言之,总之) in fact in English in a hurry in surprise in ones opinion in return in this way in

    11、the shape of习惯用语: in addition in detail(详细地) in aid of(为了) in common with (与有共同之处) in connection with (关于)动词词组: do well in be interested in be in charge of be located in (at/on) get in join in hand in take in take part in arrive in (at) 2. during表示“在 的期间,在的时候表示时间: He fell asleep during the lesson.3.

    12、 inside表示在里面;少于”。 outside表示在外面;在以外。”表示方位:She put the money inside her bag. Outside the house there was a notice saying “For Sale”.表示时间:Well be there inside an hour. You may do as you wish outside office hours.4. within表示“在内,在里面;在的范围内,不超出的范围”。表示范围: We have to live within our income.我们生活应该量入为出。表示时间: H

    13、e learned to speak English within six months.表示距离: He lives within 20 minutes walk.专项训练2:选择填空。( ) 1. Alice is good playing the piano. A. in B. at C. to D. for( ) 2. my opinion, he is wrong. A. In B. At C. On D. From( ) 3. Your photos will be ready an hour. A. for B. after C. until D. inside ( ) 4. S

    14、tay hearing distance of the house. A. during B. inside C. within D. outside( ) 5. Leave your muddy shoes the door. A. in B. at C. inside D. outside( ) 6. She left her baby her sisters care. A. in B. of C. at D. with( ) 7. Birds make their nests trees. A. at B. on C. in D. over( ) 8. He has last succ

    15、eeded becoming a doctor. A. atin B. forin C. inof D. aton( ) 9. We sat complete darkness, waiting the lights to come back on.A. atin B. infor C. in/ D. withfor( ) 10. Many of the citizens of Paris leave the town the seaside the summer.A. to. in B. for. at C. toduring D. forduringkeys: 1-5 BADCD 6-10

    16、 ACABD介词 on, over, above, under, below1. on表示“在时候;在之上;关于”。表示对间:on Monday on Sunday afternoon on that dayon the first day on a cold winter morning on the night of October 2on March 8th on July 23, 1998 on weekdayson weekends on Christmas Day on New Years Dayon my birthday on holiday on time表示方位:on th

    17、e desk on the wall on the playgroundon the road on the right on ones way toon a bus on a train on the shelfon both sides of the river on the tree表示方式:on foot on show on exhibitionon the phone on end(连续地) on behalf of(为了;代表)表示相关: a book (report/talk/advice) on science习惯用语: on business on the other ha

    18、nd on average动词词组:be on ones side get on put on try oninsist on(坚:持) turn on switch on live onrely on depend on decide on agree onoperate on spend. on go on a diet go on a picnicgo on a trip go on strike(举行罢工) go on doing sth. play a trick onlook down on(俯视;轻视) 2. over表示在 (垂直)上方;越过,超过(more than)”。 a

    19、bove表示“在上方over和above表示“正上方”时,可以互换。不表示“正上方”时,不可用over。表示方位:over the table over the river above the blackboard 表示超过:over 30 years old 习惯用语:over and over 动词词组: go over win victory over3. under表示“在(垂直)下方;少于”。 below表示“在下方;在以下”。 under和below表示“正下方”时,可以互换。不表示“正下方”时,不可用under。表示方位:under the tree under the desk

    20、 below the picture表示少于:under 5 dollars under twelveThe temperature is below zero. 专项训练3: 选择填空。( ) 1. There is a sheep the tree.A. on B. to C. under D. below( ) 2. There was a concert in the huge hall Christmas Day.A. on B. in C. at D. for( ) 3. There are 12 million people in Beijing.A. than B. over

    21、C. above D. below( ) 4. Though I had spent much time,A. for B. in C. on D. with( ) 5. The manager hasnt decided the date for the next meeting.A. on B. at C. in D. for ( ) 6. Its freezing. The temperature is zero.A. above B. below C. over D. under( ) 7. Some people meat and milk.A. live on B. turn on

    22、 C. put on D. go on( ) 8. The students are always busy their homework weekends.A. overat B. aton C. within D. withon( ) 9. Every article exhibition will be sale.A. onon B. inat C. offor D. abouton( ) 10. There is a bell the corridor the second floor.A. inat B. inon C. onat D. foronkeys: 1-5 CABCA 6-

    23、10 BADAB介词 near, next to, beside, behind, in front of, in the front of1.near (= not far from; close to)表示“在 附近,靠近”next to (= in the closest place to)表示“紧挨着”。beside (=next to)表示“在旁边表示方位:I don,t want to sit near the window. The park is next to our school. He came and stood beside me. 2.behind表示“在后面;不如

    24、”。 in front of表示“在(外面的)前方”。in the front of表示“在 (里面的)前部”。表示方位:The sun went behind a cloud There is a bus stop in front of our house. The driver sits in the front of the bus. 表示进度: Jane is behind the rest of the class in maths.习惯用语: behind bars (在狱中)动词词组: fall behind专项训练4: 选择填空。1. Our school is our bl

    25、ock. A. next B. next to C. close D. closes to2. My aunt lives the airport. A. near B. next C. besides D. in the front of3. He was second, only two meters the winner. A. next to B. behind C. near D. beside4. We are planning to camp the lake this summer. A. by B. in C. on D. next5. My grandma is going

    26、 to stay in Los Angeles a month. A. for B. at C. on D. during6. The girl hid the curtain. A. in front of B. before C. behind D. in7. She stood the window. A. to B. beside C. besides D. through8. There is a fountain the building. A. between B. in the front of C. in front of D. beside to9. We have agr

    27、eed the rules which will govern the competition. A. by B. from C. with D. on /10. The teacher stood the classroom A. in front B. in front of C. in the front D. in the front ofkeys: 1-5 BABAA 6-10 CBCDD介词 between, among,across, through1. between表示“两者之间”。among表示“没有明确数目的三者或三者以上之间”。表示方位:between the two

    28、citiesShare the fruit among your friends.2. across (= from one side of sth. to the other side)表示“横过;穿过;从一边到另一边 through ( = from one end or side of sth. to the other )表示“从一头到另一头;穿过;从头到尾表示方位:They swam across the river. The train goes through many tunnels from Chengdu to Kunming,表示时间:through the winter

    29、表示经历:He became rich through hard work. 习惯用语: across from(在的对面)动词词组:come across(发现,遇见;被理解) look through (浏览;检查,复习) be popular among(受欢迎)专项训练5: 选择填空。 ( ) 1. Please put the small table the sofa and the TV.A. between B. on C. under D. among( ) 2. We shouldnt put some heavy objects TV.A. on B. opposite C

    30、. next to D. under( ) 3. The chocolates will be divided Peter and his younger sister. A. for B. with C. among D. between( ) 4. Erna Hart is going to swim the English Channel tomorrow. A. at B. on C. across D. through( ) 5_ The thief got in the window. A. through B. across C. past D. by( ) 6. That singer is


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