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    1、仁爱版学年下学期初中八年级英语期末测试C卷仁爱版2019-2020学年下学期初中八年级英语期末测试C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空。从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择可 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Some students often listen to music classes to refresh themselves. A . betweenB . amongC . overD . during2. (2分)l like apples, I dont like oranges. A . andB . soC . butD . or3. (2分)Th

    2、e boy is _ see the teacher because he _ a mistake.A . afraid of; hasB . afraid to; has madeC . afraid to; makeD . afraid of; made4. (2分)I am sure that my dream of becoming a famous player _.A . will come trueB . came outC . come upD . were coming along5. (2分)(2015江苏镇江)Will you watch the program Runn

    3、ing Man in Zhejiang Star-TV tonight? Yes, of course. It one of the most popular shows since last October.A . wasB . becameC . has beenD . has became6. (2分)The story is very _ and all of us are _ in it. A . interest; interestingB . interested; interestC . interesting; interestedD . interested; intere

    4、sting7. (2分) Excuse me, sir. Im afraid you cant smoke here. This is non-smoking area.Oh, sorry. I _ the sign.A . dont seeB . didnt seeC . didnt sawD . saw8. (2分)I dont know if we will have a sports meeting, because it _ the weather.A . stands forB . depends onC . lives onD . agrees with9. (2分)Its my

    5、 fathers habit to _ a book before going to bed. A . watchB . seeC . readD . look10. (2分)Could you tell me _ we will have the meeting this afternoon?A . thatB . whichC . whatD . where二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空 On a cold November afternoon, my mother and I were walking back home from a pizza sto

    6、re. We had bought many things. I was feeling a little 1as I was carrying our shopping bag, so I decided to throw something away. I noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of us2I was walking towards a dustbin(垃圾箱). He headed over to the nearby dustbin and started looking through it

    7、.I suddenly felt very3because I was about to throw away a new drink just because it was too heavy. I walked up to him and handed the 4and some bread over to him. The man looked up5and took what I gave him. A huge smile6on his face. I felt I couldnt be happier with7. But then he said, Wow, this is my

    8、 sons lucky day!With that, he8me happily and started off on his bike. I9heard him singing as he rode away. I got a warm10inside. I now understand what it means by the saying Giving is getting.(1)A . worried B . interested C . surprised D . tired (2)A . so B . while C . and D . but (3)A . nervous B .

    9、 happy C . sorry D . proud (4)A . money B . toys C . drink D . clothes (5)A . in silence B . in surprise C . in anger D . in excitement (6)A . turned B . appeared C . went D . ran (7)A . myself B . ourselves C . yourself D . himself (8)A . helped B . thanked C . returned D . hurt (9)A . still B . on

    10、ce C . even D . ever (10)A . idea B . welcome C . word D . feeling 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共32分)12. (8分)根据短文的理解,选择正确答案。 In two days, I will be turning 30. And I was not looking forward to a new decade (十年). I was afraid that the best years of my life were behind me.One day, I met with my friend Nicholas. He w

    11、as a 79-year-old man. He noticed something was different about me and asked if anything was wrong. I told him what I was anxious (焦虑) about and asked him: What was the best time of your life?Without hesitation, Nicholas replied: Well, Joe, when I was a child in Austria and everything was taken care

    12、of for me, that was the best time of my life.When I was going to school and learning the things I know today, that was the best time of my life.When I got my first job and got paid for my work, that was the best time of my life.When I met my wife and fell in love, that was the best time of my life.W

    13、orld War came, and my wife and I had to leave Austria to save our lives. When we were together and safe on a ship, that was the best time of my life.When I became a young father and watched my children grow up, that was the best time of my life.And now, Joe, I am 79 years old. I have my health, I fe

    14、el good and I am just as in love with my wife as I was the day we met. This is the best time of my life. (1)How did the writer feel about his upcoming(即将来临的) 30th birthday? A . Excited.B . Worried.C . Angry.D . Tired.(2)Where did the old man live when he was a child? A . In AustriaB . In CanadaC . I

    15、n AustraliaD . In North America(3)From the passage, we can learn that . A . the writer didnt know how to spend the rest of his lifeB . the writer was an easy-going personC . the old man was not in good conditionD . the old man has a very happy family(4)From the passage, we can learn that . A . its n

    16、ever too old to learnB . believing in yourself is the key to successC . be thankful for what you have todayD . time and tide (潮水) wait for no man13. (10分)(2015山东聊城)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能回答所提问题或能完成所给句子的最佳选项。Ice Bucket Challenge(冰桶挑战) Come to Know and help A.L.S. People! People with A. L. S.

    17、(渐冻症) cannot move, but they can feel your care and love. To know them, you may join our Ice BucketChallenge activity. It is a very easy way. You can join this activity at Green City Park. What you should do is only to: 1. Fill up A bucket with ice water. 2. Pour(倒) all the ice water over yourself. 3

    18、. Tell us l-3 of your friends names for challenging them. After the challenge, you may also give out some money to help the A .L .S. people. This aciivity is from 11l:00 am to 3:00 pm every Sunday. If you want to get more information about this activity. you can: Call Mr. Brown at 3688990. Email to

    19、Smith8933660yahoo. com. cn. Visit Mr. Black at No. 3,the 5th Avenue.(1)The writer thinks it is to join the activity.A . impossibleB . easyC . boringD . difficult(2)What do the people with A. L. S. need to prepare for this activity?A . Buckets. B . Their friends names.C . Ice water.D . It isnt mentio

    20、ned.(3)How often does this activity take place?A . Once a week.B . Three times a month.C . Five times a week.D . Eleven times a month.(4)What can you do to get more information about this activity?A . Call Mr. Brown at 3688990.B . Call Mr. Black at 8933660.C . Send an email to Mr. Black.D . Visit Mr

    21、. Smith at his office.(5)What is the purpose of the activity?A . To have fun with others. B . To save drinking water.C . To help the A. L. S. people.D . To sell ice and buckets.14. (6分) When people want to know about the weather, they usually go to their radios, TVs, newspapers, or to the Internet.

    22、However, you can also find many weather signs among wildlife, because of their highly developed senses. Drops in air pressure produce an effect on small animals in many ways. Mice and deer are good weather indicators. People who spend a lot of time outdoors have observed that, before a storm, field

    23、mice come out of their holes and run around. Deer leave high ground and come down from the mountains.Birds are especially good weather indicators because they also show the effect of a pressure drop in many ways. For example, some birds become irritable(暴躁) and quarrelsome and will fight over a piec

    24、e of bread. Other birds chirp and sing just before a storm. It seems they know they wont get another chance for an hour or two. Birds also look for safe places before a storm. You will sometimes see birds settling in trees or gathering together on a wire close to a building. Pre-storm low pressure m

    25、ake the air so thin that birds have difficulty flying.It is unusual to see many birds flying overhead in the summertime, rather than during the periods in the spring or autumn. Watch for other weather signs if you see this. If they fly in the wrong direction, they may be flying ahead of a storm.By p

    26、aying closer attention to some important signs in nature, we can become better prepared for any kind of weather.(1)The word “indicators” in paragraph 1 probably means .A . mapsB . servicesC . signsD . stations(2)How can birds sense the coming of a storm?A . By feeling a drop in air temperature.B . B

    27、y noticing the change of wind directions.C . By feeling a drop in air pressure.D . By noticing the movements of other animals.(3)The best title for the text would be.A . Signs of a StormB . Drops in Air PressureC . Animals Sharp SensesD . Natures Weather Signs15. (8分) Youth, friendship and love are

    28、the main themes of this years Chinese movies, such as So Young(致青春) and American Dreams in China(中国合伙人). Tiny Times(小时代), one of the most popular movies this summer, also has the same features.The movie was based on author and director Guo Jingmings novel of the same name. It tells a story about fou

    29、r girls who come from different backgrounds and of different personalities. Since it was shown on June 27, Tiny Times has made 483 million yuan at the box office. The sequel(续集) of it was shown on Aug 8 and it has also been a big box office hit.Cao Yuhan, 13, a high school student at Beijing Jianhua Experimental School, is a big fan of the movie. “Im deeply touched by their


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