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    徐汇春季初中培训 徐汇春季中考补习班 新王牌初中英语.docx

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    徐汇春季初中培训 徐汇春季中考补习班 新王牌初中英语.docx

    1、徐汇春季初中培训 徐汇春季中考补习班 新王牌初中英语洪D老师初二年级春季班资料一Introduction_ _(污染斗士)Judy is _(搜集) some _(事实) for a class project _(关于) pollution. She is _(采访)Doctor Ray, a _(科学家), about trees.Judy: Why _ you so _ _(对感兴趣) trees, Doctor Ray?Dr ray: Theyre _ _(最大的) and _(最古老的) _ _(生物) on the Earth, Judy.JUDY: Yes, but what g

    2、ood are trees? They make streets_ _(更美丽) and _(喧 闹少些), but what else can they do?Dr ray: Well, the wood in your pencil and the rubber_ _ _ _(在。的末 端) your pencil, and the paper in your _(笔记本) all come from trees. And, I _(认 为, 推断,猜想) you also enjoy _(呼吸) _(纯净的), cool air.Judy: Of course.Dr ray: Then

    3、you must thank trees for that, too. They take _(有害的) _(气体) from the air, and _(释放) oxygen back into the air. How many people are there in your class, Judy?Judy: Forty-six.Dr ray: Well, one and a half hectares of trees could _(产生) enough oxygen to keep your whole class _(活着的,在世的) and healthy for a wh

    4、ole year.Judy: Thats wonderful!DR ray: Trees cool the air _ _ _(也,还)clean it. They are _(自然的, 天然的) _ _(空调). Three trees can do the job of 15 air conditioners running almost all day.Judy: You certainly know a lot about trees, Doctor Ray.DR ray: Thank you, Judy, but I dont really. Scientists are only

    5、now beginning to understand them. For example, when insects attack a tree, it can _ (警告, 警惕)its neighbours. The trees can then _ (保护)themselves by producing a _ (化学物质)that makes their leaves taste _ (令人厌恶的). And some trees can _ (连接,加入)their roots together underground, and pass food and water to eac

    6、h other. Trees are _ (交流信息,沟通)with _ _(互 相), but we dont know how.Judy: Are trees in danger?Dr ray: In great danger. We cut down and _ (烧毁)millions every year, but we _ (化替代, 取代) _ (几乎不)any of them. We are _ (摧毁,毁灭)our best fighters against pollution.Unit1重点单词:污染 警告 战士 化学的 推断 沟通 纯净的 取代 生产 几乎不 运转 毁坏

    7、Unit1 重点短语:在的末端 通过做来保护 为而感谢 与交流 并且 处于危险中 搜集有关污染的课题资料 使它们尝起来很难吃 破坏我们最好的环境卫士 喜欢呼吸纯净清爽的空气 Presentation 1. interest n. interested adj. interesting adj. sb. be interested in (doing) sth. 2. living adj. alive adj. live adj. lively adj. 3. harm harmful harmfully harmlessly 4. chemist Chemistry chemical 5.

    8、danger dangerous dangerously6. make (1) make=create (2) make a promise/remark/mistake/decision (3) make sb./sth. + adj(happy, sad, difficult) (4) make sb. do sth. (5) be made of be made from be made in be made up of 7. else adj. / adv. (1)与不定代词连用 (2)与疑问代词连用 8. as well as区分:as well as/ not only but a

    9、lso(1) The teacher, as well as the students, wishes for a holiday.(2) Not only the students but also the teacher wishes for a holiday. 9. hardly adv. 几乎不10. suppose vt. 猜想 11. warn vt.警告12. natural adj. 自然的13. what good are trees?= What is the good of trees?1)买一艘小船又有什么意思呢,如果你忙得没时间用的话? _ if youre too

    10、 busy to use it?2)当你连朋友都没有的时候,钱又有什么用呢?_when you have no friends?14. The trees can then protect themselves by producing a chemical that makes their leaves taste nasty. 为了保护环境,我们做得够多吗? Are we doing enough _? 这个罩子可以防止机器进灰。 The cover _the machine _ dust. 句中的“by”是介词,接动名词。 1)他们做火车去纽约旅行。 _. 2)她靠卖保险谋生。 She

    11、earns her living _ insurance.15. Trees are communicating with one another, but we dont know how. communicate with意为“_”等。如今,人们通常通过互联网相互交流。_2)one another是一个相互代词,有“相互”的意思。比较 one another与each other一般来说,在表示两个人之间的相互关系时用each other,表示两人以上的相互关系时用one another,但在实际运用中两者皆可。同学间应当相互帮助。_.学生们可以自由地交流思想。_.Focused Prac

    12、ticeI. Choose one of the words in the bracket to suit the sentence1. Would you like me to buy a ticket for your brother _? (as well, as well as)2. The shirt is too small for me. Please show me _ one. (another, the other)3. There will be a _ football match on TV tonight. (live, living)4. If you have

    13、_(any, some) question, you can ask me.5. Its very convenient for us to _(communicate, communication) with each other in Network.6. Trees make streets _(more, less) noisy. Choose the phrases in the box and fill in the blanks in their proper formscut down, be in danger, be interested in, living thing,

    14、 be harmful to, become healthy1. There are no _ on the moon without air or water.2. Having less meat and more sports can make us _ than before.3. Too much alcohol _ your health.4. Edison _ science and was one of the greatest inventors in the world.5. Our traveling expenses must _6. The boy was saved

    15、 but the soldier_. Choose the best answer( )1. Who _ wants to speak at the meeting? A. else B. other C. others D. any other( )2. John will go to Beijing _ next week. A. sometimes B. sometime C. some time D. some times( )3. Judy _ a tree-planting campaign( 运动) last week. A. joined B. take part in C.

    16、took part in D. join ( )4. They were warned _ the mountain in such bad weather. A. to climb B. not to climb C. climbing D. not climbing( )5. The room is _ small _ hold so many people. A. sothat B. too to C. very to D. enough to( )6. Now hes grown up he no longer takes any _ in his stamp collection.A

    17、. interested B. interesting C. interest D. interestingly( ) 7.The boss wanted to hire _ workers to do _ work. A. few more B. more few C. most less D. fewer more( )8. Her mother asked her where _ holidays. A. did you spend B. you spent your C. she spent her D. did she spend ( ) 9. Which sentence is r

    18、ight?_A. What makes you to think so? B.What make you to think so?C. What makes you think so? D.What make you think so?( )10. Qin Shi Huang thought the walls could _ invaders from coming into the country. A. fight B. against C. stop D. beat( ) 11. Our group thinks that the most important way to fight

    19、 pollution is _. A. stop cutting down the forest B. to stop cutting down the forests C. to stop to cut down the forests D. stop to cut down the forests( ) 12. The number of employees was _ from 500 to 300. A. produced B. reduced C. interested D. provided ( ) 13. Who _ this paint brush _? A. does; be

    20、long to B.is; belong to C. is; belonging to D.has; belong to . Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in the box in their proper formsbuild, happen, not need, rain, talk, finish1. Look at the black clouds. It is_.2. You_ to come along to see me tomorrow.3. When I got home yesterday, my mother _to m

    21、y aunt on the phone.4. The bank robbery_ last Monday.5. Its six o clock now. Jack _ his homework.6. More and more green lands_ in our city soon.V. Writing :A. Read and choose a suitable sentence for each blank to complete the sentences.A.Trees make streets more beautiful.B. Trees provide a lot of us

    22、eful things for people.C. Trees can clean the air.D. Trees can cool the air.E. Trees can provide people with food and shelter.Home Assignment1. _ They take harmful gases from the air and release oxygen back into the air.2. _ They supply material for houses and furniture. And some trees even provide

    23、important ingredients for medicine. 3. _ The wood in the pencil, the rubber on the end of the pencil and the paper in the notebook all come from trees.4. _ It is relaxing to walk around the streets surrounded by trees.5. _ three trees can do the job of 15 air-conditioners running almost all day.积累词句

    24、:1. 关于世界上树木目前生存状况的句子。2. 关于树的用途和保护树木的必要性的句子。3. 关于保护环境的措施。Write at least 60 words on the topic “Trees and our life”_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _范文:Trees and our lifeTre

    25、es are important to our life because they can do a lot for us. First of all, trees can make our streets more beautiful and less noisy. Its relaxing to walk around the streets surrounded by trees. They can also provide us with a lot of useful things such as wood, rubber, fruit and paper. Trees can can clean the air. They can take harmful gases from the air and release oxygen back into the air. Besides, they can cool the air beca


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