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    新版新标准英语一起九册 一课一练.docx

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    新版新标准英语一起九册 一课一练.docx

    1、新版新标准英语 一起九册 一课一练新教材 一起九册 一课一练M1 一 根据语境写单词1.You were in China f two years.2.T lets feed them.3.There was a small p before.二 连词成句1. a before there here wasnt clock .2. trees there now tall are .三 选择正确的词语将其序号填入括号内( ) 1. Two years ago, there benches here before.A were any B werent some C werent any( )

    2、2. There a house before.A was B were C is( ) 3. There a clock here before.A wasnt B isnt C werent( ) 4.Now there many birds.A is B are C were( ) 5.Lingling is London Sam and Amy.A on in B in for C in with( ) 6.Then lets the ducks.A feed B fed C feeding( ) 7. London look different now?A does B Does C

    3、 Do( ) 8. There one now.A are B is C was( ) 9. There three children now.A are B is C were( ) 10. Look the pictures our school.A at for B in at C at of( ) 11. a small playground before.A There is B There were C There was( ) 12. lots of little trees before.A There are B There is C There were( ) 13. Ho

    4、w your school?A about B on C of( ) 14. a big playground now.A There is B There was C There wereM2一 根据语境写单词1.L us go to the supermarket.2.This one is h .I cant lift it.3 S there are restaurants at the supermarket.二 连词成句 1. heavy one this is .2. many things they different sell.三 书写词组Sometimes there ar

    5、e restaurants a t s 四 选择正确的选项( ) 1. a big supermarket!A Where B How C What( ) 2.There are many sweets there A on B at C over( ) 3.And there a lot of fruit , too. A is B are C was ( ) 4.Please help me put the bags the car.A on B in C at( ) 5.Have ice creamA a B are C an ( ) 6. They sell many things C

    6、hina.A from B on C in ( ) 7. Many go to the supermarket together.A families B family C familys( ) 8.Sometimes there restaurants the supermarket.A is at B are in C are at四 选择正确的词语填空 用其正确形式clothes families supermarkets sometimes different Many English are very big. They sell many things. They sell foo

    7、d, toys and CDs. there are restaurants at the supermarkets. Many go to the supermarkets together. M3一 根据语境写单词1. Then their neighbours g them sweets.2.That n ,they go to their neighbours houses.二 连词成句1.Halloween is today.2. the Easter UK is spring in in 三 选择正确的选项( ) 1. Its autumn festival in the UK.A

    8、 a B an C the ( ) 2.Children wear clothes.A scare B scary C scaring( ) 3.They go to their housesA neighbours B neighbours C neighbours( ) 4.Then their neighbours give sweets.A they B their C them( ) 5.What do children do Halloween?A at B in C on ( ) 6.There toy chicks and flowers the hats.A are in B

    9、 are on C is on ( ) 7.Sometimes there small eggs the big eggs.A is in B are in C are on 四 问找答( ) 1. whats that?( ) 2. what do children do at Halloween?( ) 3.what do their neighbours do?( ) 4.How many eggs are there? ( ) 5. When is Easter in the UK?( ) 6. what is on the childrens hats?A They go to th

    10、eir neighbourss houses.B There is only one.C They give them sweets. D Its an autumn festival in the UK.E Easter is in spring in the UKF There are toy chicks and flowers on the hats.五 选择适当的词语填空(一)sometimes Easter childrens chocolate chicks Look at these hats. There are toy and flowers on the hats. is

    11、 in spring in the UK. People give children eggs. there are small eggs in the big eggs.(二) sweets trick scary festival neighbours neighboursHalloween is an autumn . Children wear clothes. They go to their houses and ask “ or treat?” Then their give them .M4一 根据语境写单词1. After lunch, were going to tell

    12、s 2. My birthday party is f 11:00AM t 2:00 PM二 连词成句1. going do what we are to ?2. tell to were stories going .3. be going eleven Im to .三 选择( )1. Long long ago, there an old man. A is B are C was( ) 2.Its invitation my birthday party.A a to B an to C an in ( ) 3. are we going to do ? We are going to

    13、 sing.A What B When C Where( ) 4. We are going to lunch together.A have B has C had( ) 5.Are you going to have a birthday cake? Yes, A I am not B I do C I am( ) 6.Mum is going to a cake me.A make for B made at C make to( ) 7.And then we are going to a film. A watch B say C see( ) 8.But before that ,

    14、you are going to help me A tidy for B tidy up C tidy in ( ) 9.Im going to twelve.A do B be C is ( ) 10. My birthday is 15 Maling Street Sunday.A at on B at for C on at( ) 11. Can you come to my party? Please A say B reply C talk四 问句找答句( ) 1.what are we going to do?( ) 2. whats he doing?( ) 3. Whats

    15、this?( ) 4. Are you going to have a birthday cake?( ) 5. How old are you going to be?( ) 6. Where is the party?A At 15 Maling Street.B Hes telling a story.C I am going to be eleven.D Its an invitation to my birthday party.E Yes, I am.M5 一 根据语境写单词1. Then w T-shirt is it?2. But the w are still working

    16、.二 连词成句1. it whose is T-shirt?2. mine is it.3. is Amys wet dress blue.三 选择正确的选项填入括号内( ) 1. eraser is it ? Its A Who mine B Whose my C Whose mine( ) 2. the matter?A What B Whats C Where( ) 3.Sam to my T-shirt.A want wear B wants wears C wants wear( ) 4.But it isnt Its A hers his B her him C hers he(

    17、) 5.But your red T-shirts there.A both are B all is C both is ( ) 6. Then T-shirt is it? A who B why C whose( ) 7. Im sorry . A You are welcome B Thank you C Thats OK.( ) 8.But you dont them A take away B take on C took on ( ) 9. The children home.A are running B running C runing ( ) 10. favourite s

    18、kirt is dirty.A Lingling B Linglings C Linglings( ) 11.Sams shoes wet and dirty. A are B is C am四 问句找答句( ) 1. Whats the matter? ( ) 2. Then whose T-shirt is it? ( ) 3. Whose flowers are they. ( ) 4.When did you lose it? ( ) 5. What colour is it?( )6. Is it yours?A No, it isnt . B Yesterday C They ar

    19、e hers.D Sam wants to wear my T-shirt.E Its green. F Its mine. Its my T-shirt.五 选择正确的单词填空 laughing raining favourite dress dirty working runningIts . The children are home. Amys blue is wet. Linglings skirt is dirty. Sams are wet and . Tom is .But the workers are still M6 一 根据语境写单词1.You can play bas

    20、ketball w 2.But you can jump really h 3.Our team g eighty points.4.Im your first f 5.Can you j really h ?二 连词成句1. basketball can well you play .2. got they points seventy.三 选择正确的选项 ( ) 1.You can play football A good B well C OK( ) 2. Can you run fast? No, I A can B cant C dont( ) 3. You can jump rea

    21、lly A high B well C fast( ) 4.The other team sixty-four A get point B got point C got points( ) 5. You can basketball .A play good B played well C play well( )6. Yesterday, Sam Amy and Lingling basketball in the park. They got seventy A played points B play point C played point( ) 7.Their team .They

    22、 very happy.A won was B won were C win are四 问句找答句( ) 1. Do you want to play basketball?( ) 2. Can you run fast?( ) 3.Can he play basketball?( ) 4. How many points did they get?( ) 5.Yon can jump really high.A Thats true.B No, I cant.C Yes, I do.D They got seventy points.E No, he cant.五 选择正确的词语填空won

    23、played got other thirteen were Yesterday, Sam, Amy and Lingling basketball in the park. They seventy points. The team got sixty-four points. Amy got points. Their team .They very happy.M7一 根据语境写单词1. It c find the people.2. It c s English.3. The fireman c see the people.二 连词成句1. him his can dog help.

    24、2. the could people it find .三 选择正确的选项填入括号内( ) 1.Look there a TV show dogs.A are about B is on C is about( ) 2.In the UK, many blind people special dogs. A have B has C had( ) 3.This man is blind. His dog can A helped him B help him C helped he( ) 4.Can Fifi the blind people?A help B h elped C helps

    25、( ) 5.He only to play.A want B wants C wanted( ) 6. I a TV show yesterday.A watched B watch C watches( ) 7. There a fire. A is B are C was( ) 8. There people the house.A were in B was inside C were inside( ) 9. The firefighter see the people .They help the.A could could B couldnt couldnt C couldnt c

    26、ould( ) 10. But they a special dog. It find the people.A had could B have could C had couldnt( ) 11. The girl walk then. She walk now.A could can B couldnt can C could cant四 选择正确的词语填空(一)could couldnt inside was help was had There a fire. There people the house. The firefighter see the people. They c

    27、ouldnt the people. But they a special dog. It find the people. (二)can wants blind have him show Look! Theres a TV about dogs. In the UK, many people a special dog. Fifi help the blind people? No, he cant . He only to play.M8一 根据语境选词填空1. Children o sit around tables.2.In the UK, school often starts a

    28、t 9 and finishes at h past3.3. We sit in lines in China. And we d m e 4.Yesterday I went to school and I t s p .5.My books are o now. 6 English children s hard.二 连词成句1. around children tables often sit .2. of are games there lots .三 选择正确的序号填入括号内( ) 1. welcome my party. A to B on C on ( ) 2. It at 7

    29、and at eleven. A starts finishs B start finishes C starts finishes( ) 3.Yesterday I to Sam and school. A go Amy B went Amys C went Amy( ) 4.I some there.A took some B take some C took any( )5.In the UK , children often sit tables in class.A in B around C on ( ) 6.We sit lines China.A in in B in on C

    30、 on in ( ) 7.In the UK, school often at 9 and at half past3A start finishes B start finish C starts finishes( )8. In China, we usually school at 8 and at 4.A start finish B starts finishes C starts finish( ) 9.But I miss my friends China.A on in B back in C back on ( ) 10. Its the right time A start B to start C starts( ) 11


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