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    1、B.Global entertainment network.C.Lack of support from family.D.Financial problems.3.What should people do to remove the fear of “insignificance”?A.They should stay away from famous people.B.They should try to make their dreams e true.C.They should pare themselves with successful people around.D.They

    2、 should take time to develop correct worldviews.4.In which column of a magazine may the article appear?A.Health. B.Fashion.C.Family. D.Technology.完形填空江西百所名校联考)In 1988,I began to work as a flight attendant. 5 my wings was my childhood dream that I had set for myself after my first plane ride at the a

    3、ge of five.Like so many others before me,I fell in love with the romance of airplanes and 6 others.I have flown hundreds of flights since graduation,but one 7 among them.We were flying from Los Angeles to Washington D.C.,when I found a young mother 8 with her baby.Everything was a 9 ,and the mother

    4、told me that she had no more diapers(尿布) or other 10 on the aircraft.Through her tears,she 11 me that they had missed their flight the 12 night in Los Angeles.Since she hadnt 13 to miss the flight,she was 14 to use up most of her 15 and whatever money she had to 16 herself and her baby.As she stood

    5、in front of me,crying,I could see the hopelessness on her face.I 17 rang the flight attendant call button and asked for 18 from the other flight attendants.They brought cloth towels from first 19 to assist in cleaning up both mom and the baby.I gave her a sweater and a pair of pants.As she thanked m

    6、e for all I had done she said 20 ,“Youre not the flight attendant,but youre a sky angel.” Touching my flight attendant wings,she 21 ,“And those are your angel wings.”Though I am no longer a flight attendant,my “angel wings” are 22 on display in my office.And each time I see them,I am 23 of that youn

    7、g woman,her son and the 24 that she gave me on that special day.5.A.Producing B.DesigningC.Imagining D.Earning6.A.calling B.guidingC.helping D.rescuing7.A.goes away B.stands outCes up D.sets off8.A.struggling B.playingCmunicating Dpeting9.A.mess B.mistakeC.trick D.joke10.A.friends B.fortuneC.clothin

    8、g D.babies11.A.suggested B.informedC.persuaded D.confirmed12.A.previous B.dangerousC.extra D.remaining13.A.remembered B.regrettedC.managed D.expected14.A.warned B.forcedC.able D.likely15.A.wealth B.suppliesC.food D.souvenirs16.A.raise B.teachC.support D.defeat17.A.suddenly B.actuallyC.immediately D.

    9、generally18.A.assistance B.adviceC.permission D.understanding19.A.airport B.aidC.number D.class20.A.elegantly B.quicklyC.eagerly D.patiently21.A.repeated B.explainedC.recalled D.continued22.A.seldom B.stillC.even D.just23.A.accused B.approvedC.reminded Dplained24.A.scene B.excuseC.story D.present.概要

    10、写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。There are many benefits of public transportation.For example,public transportation makes it easier for people to get where they want and need to go.It also helps people save money,as the cost of maintaining(维修保养) a working vehicle is often much more than the cost associat

    11、ed with public transportation.The frequency of traffic jams and accidents may also be reduced when a person uses public transportation.One of the main benefits of public transportation is the fact that it makes it easier for people to get around.Without public transportation,many peopleespecially th

    12、ose without carswould be limited in where they could go and what they could do.With public transportation,however,people can get to school and work,get to the grocery store and to doctors offices,and visit relatives,even if they do not own vehicles.Public transportation serves people of all ages and

    13、 from all walks of life,ranging from families,including their children,to business people on their way to the office,to the elderly.Often,people plain about the cost of public transportation when the rates are raised.When pared with the cost of buying a car,many people find that choosing to ride pub

    14、lic transportation is a much cheaper option.When public transportation is available,many people choose to use it instead of driving to work and school.This is true even of many people who own cars,as they may prefer to ride to work on a bus or train rather than deal with traffic jams and parking fru

    15、strations each day.When people make this choice,the result is less traffic on the roadways,which means fewer traffic jams and less pollution.In fact,the choice many people make to ride public transportation may even translate into fewer car accidents and vehiclerelated deaths and injuries.Additional

    16、ly,the use of public transportation also means less gas is consumed each year. 答案精析.语篇解读我们的父辈们年轻时最憧憬的职业是律师和医生,而如今的年轻人们更想当明星。这是为什么呢?1.C词义猜测题。分析上下文语境可知此处意为“这种行为会对自我形象和自我价值观造成损害。” havoc意为“破坏”,与damage意思相近,故选C。2.B细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The impact of the global entertainment network on the individual is to blame”及

    17、“A new speciesglobal manis born and we are defined by our close connection to the global entertainment network,which has turned ranking and evaluating people according to wealth and fame into an obsession(狂热).”可得知答案。3.D细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句中的“People should invest time and thought in their worldviews in t

    18、he same way they invest in medical studies and law school”可得知答案。4.A文章出处题。根据文章内容尤其是最后一段中的“The remedy(治疗方法) is a process.”及第三段首句可推断出文章可能源于杂志的健康栏目。故选A。.语篇解读本文讲述作者当空姐时因帮助一位妈妈和她的婴儿而被这位妈妈比喻成“天使”,作者的制服徽章也被比喻成“天使的翅膀”。5.D句意为:想当一位如有翅膀一样的空中服务人员是我在五岁那年第一次坐飞机后为自己设定的童年梦想。produce生产;design设计;imagine想象;earn获得,挣得。故选D

    19、。6.C句意为:就像我之前的许多人一样,我爱上了飞机的浪漫和帮助别人。call打电话;guide指导;help帮助;rescue营救。根据下文作者作为空姐而帮助了别人,可知选C。7.B句意为:毕业后,我已经飞了好几百次航班,但其中有一次格外突出。go away走开;stand out突出,引人注目;e up走近;set off出发。根据下文对这一次航班的介绍可知,这次航班很突出,让作者一直记着。故选B。8.A句意为:我们从洛杉矶飞往华盛顿特区时,我发现一个年轻的母亲在和她的孩子较劲。struggle斗争,挣扎;play玩;municate交际;pete竞赛。struggle with与斗争,和

    20、较劲。9.A句意为:一切都是一团糟,这位母亲告诉我,她没带尿布或其他衣物上飞机。mess混乱;mistake错误;trick诡计;joke玩笑。根据下文的“assist in cleaning up both mom and the baby”可推知此处指状况很糟。10.Cfriend朋友;fortune财富;clothing衣物;baby婴儿。根据下文“I gave her a sweater and a pair of pants.”可推知,此处表示这位妈妈没有其他衣物了。故选C。11.B句意为:她流着泪水告诉我,她们错过了前一天晚上在洛杉矶的航班。suggest暗示,建议;inform使


    22、aise提高,举起;teach教;support支撑,维持;defeat战胜。根据她们的狼狈可知,此处用support表示“支撑”到现在。17.C句意为:我立刻按下了乘务员的呼叫按钮,向其他空服人员寻求帮助。suddenly突然;actually实际上;immediately立即;generally通常。根据句意可知,作者看到她们的困难立刻帮助她们。18.A见上题解析。assistance援助,帮助;advice建议;permission许可;understanding理解。根据下句描述可知,作者向其他空乘人员寻求帮助。19.D句意为:她们从头等舱带了毛巾来帮助妈妈和婴儿清洁。airport机场;aid援助;number数字;class等级。first class表示“头等舱”。20.A句意为:当她感谢我所做的一切时,她优雅地说:“你不是空服员,而是空中天使。” elegantly优雅地;quickly快速地;eagerly渴望地;patiently耐心地。此处用elegantly表示这位妈妈言谈很优雅,也表示对作者的尊重。21.Drepeat重复;explain解释;recall召回;continue继续。上下句


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