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    1、阅卷人Doing business in different culturesAbstract:This theme take into account the diversity of doing business in different countries, based on some unfamiliar customs and behaviors demonstrated by the different countries business people. Nothing is more comfortable and secure than understanding the c

    2、ross-cultural aspect. Understanding can facilitate communication and avoid misunderstanding. Although minor mistakes are permissible, misunderstandings and failure to recognize important cultural subtleties may lead to stagnation or dismissal of the business. Therefore, culture shock occurs as a res

    3、ult of total immersion in a new culture. Individuals who may not experience all the effects of culture shock must adapt to them and adjust well by learning this study.Key words: diversity, business, cross-cultural, culture shock 1 Introduction In the business world, it is often said that time is mon

    4、ey. Now we should add that being fully aware of cultural differences and sensitivities is money, too. Today, international businesspeople find themselves working in multicultural environments, in which cross-cultural knowledge and understanding is in creasingly important. To be successful in the new

    5、 global economy, they have to deal with real differences in everything from communication styles to social etiquette to core values. 2 Doing business in different countries 2.1Doing business in Japan When interacting with Japanese business people. American business people sometimes feel uncomfortabl

    6、e, puzzled, lost, irritated and the like, based on some unfamiliar customs and behaviors demonstrated by the different countries business people. In the following, three areas are discussed: (a) business suits. Many Japanese businessmen tend to wear dark suits of navy blue, dark gray or brown. The s

    7、uits and ties that they wear are quite conservation. A Japanese businessmen usually fastens the top button of his suit when he comes into a room to meet with his American counterpart to discuss possible business. (b) business card exchange. Meishi (Business cards) are passed in a precise ceremonial

    8、exchange of bows that help keep this status-oriented society together. When Japanese exchange business cards, it is common practice to stand up and give the business card with two hands rather than with one hand, while at the same time bowing slightly. Although the Japanese businessmen may hand his

    9、business card with two hands to a American or foreigner, the foreigners may receive it with one hand. The Japanese people will not feel offended, but slightly uncomfortable feelings may in fact remain. Furthermore, he normally turns it in such a way that the receiver can read it without having to tu

    10、rn it. When a Japanese businessmen receive a business card, he usually takes a look at it and read the description of the contents. They never put business cards in a back pocket. They never write on business cards. (c) gift exchange. When giving a gift, a Japanese will stang up and hold the gift ou

    11、t with his two hands. Then the others Japanese is expected to stand up and extend his two hands in order to receive the gift with courteous feelings and appreciation. When a Japanese stands up and gives a gift with two hands, if a foreigner remains seated and receive the gift with one hands, the Jap

    12、anese may feel slightly hurt and the manner will give an unfavorable impression.To the Japanese , what is important is the thought and effort made in bringing the gift, rather than the value of the gift itself. To say Thanks again for the omiyage (gift), at the end of the conversation will contents

    13、the Japanese. Generally speaking in Japan, when Japanese businessmen from one company visit anther Japanese company to do business, they might take gifts such as cakes and sweet pastries with them except, perhaps, on their initial visit. However when it comes to international business negotiation to

    14、 held in the U.S.between an American company and a Japanese company,a gift is often brought. If the first opportunity to get acquainted with each other, the giving of a gift is just a form of greeting. Presenting a gift implies good will, a friendly attitude and, possibly, a desire to do business to

    15、gether. The price,quality and value of the gift depends on the situation. Normally when a Japanese receive a gift from anther Japanese, the receiver does not open the gift in the presence of the giver. Or the giver would probably consider that the receiver had demonstrated an extremely blatant act.

    16、In such a context, the Japanese might give a more expensive gift to the higher ranking or better known person. Thus if the American businessmen open their gifts in the presence of the Japanese, they will feel extremely embarrassed when the American recognized that they received gifts with different

    17、values. 2.2Doing business in Russia The Russia economy has experienced severe problems. At the same time, however, by following certain guidelines, we can begin to tap the potential opportunities. Here are some suggestions for being successful in Russia:Build personal relationships with partners. Bu

    18、siness laws and contracts do not mean as much in Russia as they do in the west. Use local consultants. Because the rules of business have changed so much in recent years, it pays to have a local Russian consultant working with the company.Consider business ethics. Ethical behavior in the United Stat

    19、es is not always the same as in Russia.Be patient. In order to get something done in Russia, it often takes months of waiting.Stress exclusivity. Russians like exclusive arrangements and often negotiate with just one firn at a time.Remember that personal relations are important. Russians like to do

    20、business face-to-face.Keep financial information personal. Russians wait until they know their partner well enough to feel comfortable before sharing data. Once trust is established, then this information is provided.Research the company.Clarify terminology. These steps can be critical to the succes

    21、s of a business venture in Russia. And when everything is completed, there is a final cultural tradition that should be observed: fix and reinforce the final agreements with a nice dinner together and an invitation to the Russians to visit your country and see your facilities. 2.3Doing business in I

    22、ndia Although most Indian businesspeople speak English, many of their values and beliefs are markedly different from those in the West. Thus, understanding Indian culture is critical to doing business in Indian. (a) greet and gift. In Indian, if a handshake appear to be improper, it is always use na

    23、maste, which meas greeting to you. Most Indian do not drink alcoholic beverages, and many are vegetarians or eat chicken but not beef. Moreover, when local businessperson invites an expatriate for dinner at home, it is not necessary to bring a gift, although it is acceptable to do so. (b) business s

    24、uits. For Western businesspeople in Indian, shirt, trousers, tie, and suit are proper attire. In the southern part of Indian, where the climate is very hot, a light suit is preferable. In the north during the winter, a light sweater and jacket are a great choice. Many businesspeople will dress like

    25、Europeans, so it is unnecessary to adopt local dress codes. When doing business in Indian, there are a number of other customs useful to know:It is important to be on time for meeting.Personal questions should not be asked unless the other individual is a friend or close associate.Titles are importa

    26、nt, so people who are doctors or professors should be addressed accordingly.Public displays of affection are considered to be inappropriate, so one should refrain from backslapping or touching others.Beckoning is done with the palm turned down, while pointing often is done with the chin.When eating

    27、or accepting things, use the right hand, because the left is considered to be unclean.The namaste gesture can be used to greet people; it is also used to convey other message, including a signal that one has had enough food.Bargaining for goods and services is common; this contrasts with Western tra

    28、ditions, where bargaining might be considered rude and abrasive. Finally, it is important to remember that Indian are very tolerant of outsiders and understand that many are unfamiliar with local customs and procedures. Therefore, there is no need to make a phony attempt to conform to Indian cultura

    29、l tradition. Making an effort to be polite and courteous is sufficient. 2.5Doing business in Arab Countries American often find it extremely hard to do business in Arab countries, and a number of Arab cultural characteristics can be cited for this difficulty. (a) the Arab view of time. In the United

    30、 States, it is common to use the cliche “time is money”. In Arab countries, a favorite expression is Bukra insah Allah, which means “tomorrow if God wills”, an expression that explains the Arabs fatalistic approach to time. Arabs believe that Allah controls time, in contrast to westerners, who belie

    31、ve they control their own time. As a result, if Arabs commit themselves to a date in the future and fail to show up, there is no guilt or concern on their part, because they have no control over time in the first place. (b) Arab cultural belief. Arab cultural belief that generally holds is that dest

    32、iny depends more on the will of a supreme being than on the behavior of individuals. (c) view of emotion and logic. Another important cultural contrast between Arabs and Americans is that of emotion and logic. Arabs often act based on emotion; in contrast, those in Americans culture are taught to act on logic. Many Arabs live in unstable environments where things change constantly, so they do not develop trusting relationships with others. Americans, on the other hand,


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