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    1、C. Giving people concrete, detailed actions to take can help reduce panic and overreaction when a new threat emerges.D. In response, psychologists are helping governments and other groups communicate real risk levels to the public to help make sure actions meet needs.E. The discipline is very straig

    2、htforward: Identify the few things that people most need to know and figure out how to explain them in clear, trustworthy terms.F. We need to step back and allow for high emotions and missteps by people as long as we help them make well-informed decisions that eventually protect them.Framing risk, r

    3、educing panicFor four decades, psychologists have studied how people see risk and what causes them to overreact to terrorist attacks and other extreme events. Those misplaced reactions can lead to the shame of people and prevention of daily activities, causing a new set of problems on top of a curre

    4、nt crisis. _67_Timely, honest communication from a source an audience considers credible is essential to containing fear, but governments have the tough job of explaining risk and telling people how to act without also seeding alarm. _68_ Messages may be more helpful when delivered in creative forma

    5、ts. Visuals are very powerful. We cant just tell people things; we have to show them. When people are using the more primary part of their brain, visuals are more powerful than our higher order tools, including language._69_ People can understand just about anything if you do your job right as a com

    6、municator. That includes keeping it simple and communicating what people need to know, versus what is nice to know; expressing risk in numbers “theres a 30 percent chance of rain” and reminding people of the opportunity cost of waiting for more evidence.Psychologists working in the field of risk com

    7、munication assume we have too much control through our messaging. _70_ 【答案】67-70: DEBF【难度】偏难2、2020普陀二模A. Kids know when your praise is sincere and when its not.B. Still, dont go too far in the other direction.C. But in fact, it may be just the opposite.D. Experts say that the quality of praise is mo

    8、re important than the quantity.E. Children develop a sense of competence by seeing the consequences of their actions, not by being told about the consequences of their actions.F. But whatever it is, praise should be given on a case-by-case basis and be proportionate to the amount of effort your chil

    9、d put into it.Praising KidsParents praise their kids whenever they do anything that seems to be something remarkable. Jenn Berman, PhD, a family therapist says, “Weve gone to the opposite extreme of a few decades ago when parents tended to be stricter.” Parents have come to believe that by giving ki

    10、ds heaping portions of praise, they improve their self-esteem and confidence. _67_ Too much praise can backfire, it seems, and, when given in a way thats insincere, make kids afraid to try new things or take a risk for fear of not being able to stay on top where their parents praise has put them._68

    11、_ Not giving enough praise can be just as damaging as giving too much. Kids will feel like theyre not good enough or that you dont care and, as a result, may see no point in stretching themselves for their accomplishments.So what is the right amount of praise? _69_ If praise is sincere and genuine a

    12、nd focused on the effort not the outcome, you can give it as often as your child does something that deserves a verbal reward. “We should especially recognize our childrens efforts to push themselves and work hard to achieve a goal,” says Donahue, author of Parenting Without Fear, “One thing to reme

    13、mber is that its the process not the end product that matters.”Your son may not be the best basketball player on his team, Donahue says. But if hes out there every day, shooting baskets, running drills, and playing hard, you should praise his effort regardless of whether his team wins or loses becau

    14、se its above and beyond the norm. Praising the effort and not the outcome can also mean recognizing your child when he has worked hard to clean the yard, cook dinner, or complete a history assignment, Donahue adds. _70_【答案】67-70 CBDF【难度】中等3、2020徐汇二模A. The cultural breakthrough came in 2014 with a ve

    15、ry specific podcastSerial.B. But if you are a celebrity, podcasts can provide a new branch of business.C. And now, despite the growth in smartphones offering high-definition pictures, the popularity of podcasts is booming.D. Now the boom in podcasting embraces a huge range of talent, from profession

    16、al broadcasters to enthusiasts offering insights on anything and everything.E. Podcasts offer a chance to speak to a very precise selection of people.F. But where did this trend for making portable audio programmes begin?The Podcast (播客) BoomDo you prefer to watch TV or listen to the radio? There wa

    17、s a time when some people thought moving pictures would spell the end of tuning in to the radio for entertainment and information. But radio survived and boomed. (67) _Perhaps the growth in podcasting is not surprisingit offers a digital audio file that can be downloaded and stored for listening at

    18、any time. It can also be streamed from the internet and played on a computer or MP3 player. And its not just broadcasters, like the BBC, who are producing podcasts: now commercial broadcasters, individuals and companies with no connection to broadcasting are making them. In fact, anyone with somethi

    19、ng to say, and a few pounds to spend on the equipment, can get involved. The digital audio files are cheap to produce and, thanks to the internet, easy to distribute. (68) _ Journalist Ben Hammersley told the BBC that “two changes transformed the market one cultural and one technical.” A technical b

    20、reakthrough came in 2012 when Apple produced the iPhone podcast app, which proved a popular library system for listeners. This was followed by a dramatic improvement in inexpensive recording production and editing equipment. Finally, the development of 4G mobile phone connections and widespread wi-f

    21、i meant listeners could browse, download or stream shows whenever they wanted.(69) _ It was a piece of investigative journalism hosted by Sarah Koenig, telling a non-fiction story over multiple episodes (集). To date, the first and second seasons of the show have had more than 340 million downloads.

    22、Advertisers soon realized the money-making potential of this and other successful podcasts. And where the audience goes, the money follows. From 2017 to 2018 advertising spending on podcasts in the UK went from $10.6m(8.5m) to $19.7m, an 85% increase, according to Ovum.(70) _ In fact, as Ben Hammers

    23、ley explains, podcasting has brought people into broadcasting who would normally never have seen the inside of a recording studio. “There are of course professional podcasters, but there are many more people who create quality content and do it for nothing,” he says. “And that is changing not just t

    24、he way we listen to audio but the way the broadcasting industry works.”【答案】67-70 CFAD4、2020杨浦二模A. In addition to painting on canvas, Crisco also paints on musical instruments.B. However, no matter what the scene is, none of the paintings focus on the darkness.C. His paintings take you on an unknown

    25、adventure into an unknown space, reminding you to be alert and brave.D. Through the use of glowing paint, he brings a sense of magic and energy to the scenes that he creates.E. Studies have shown that expressing themselves through art can help people with depression and anxiety.F. As a self-taught a

    26、rtist, he found his passion for art at a dark time in his life when he found himself suddenly out of work.Bringing Light to the Darkness with Crisco ArtMost paintings are best enjoyed in galleries with good lighting. But an Italian artist who goes by the name Crisco is changing the way we look at pa

    27、intings with a new approach: glow(发光)-in-the-dark paint. Criscos paintings are beautiful in normal lighting, but it is when the lights go down that they really come alive. (67) _His art mostly shows landscapes. Trees, horizons, and especially starry skies come alive with the glow of his paints. At t

    28、he center of most of his work, there is often a human or animal figure. The figure may be just a shadow surrounded by the glowing colors, but it often appears to be the source of the light. (68) _ Instead, they are all bright pictures of hope, life, wonder, and growth. They are Criscos way of adding

    29、 a little light to the world. Criscos full name is Cristoforo Scorpiniti. (69) _ Instead of letting a negative experience get the best of him, he threw himself into a new pursuit: art. According to Crisco, he paints with glowing colors to inspire hope. Though his paintings often show night scenes th

    30、at look good in the dark, Crisco does not focus on the darkness. Instead, he uses his paintings to express positivity by creating light in the darkness.A lot of his best work has come out of just painting what he felt at the time without any plan or structure. (70) _ With over half a million followers on Instagram, Crisco is already popular on social media for his unique paintings. Hell surely only get more famous in the future for his inspiring paintings that beautifully mix darkness and light. 【答案】67-70 D B


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