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    1、Australians have long been known for having a relaxed and casual attitude to life. According to Dr Tanya King, senior lecturer from Victorias Deakin University, “Its Australians egalitarianism, sense of humor and informal language that are most commonly mentioned as examples of this attitude”.Egalit

    2、arianism roots in the way that the nation was built. In Australias founding era in the late 1700s, criminal settlers were often cruelly treated and robbed of their basic human rights by governors. The criminal class, who were mostly working-class Brits and Irish, was unable to seek civic positions t

    3、hat were reserved for immigrants who were not the criminal, with the latter arguing that if criminals gained equal rights it would be rewarding criminality. Because of this, an egalitarian spirit was worn as a symbol of honor by many criminal settlers. They may not have had power, education or wealt

    4、h, but they had a shared belief in equality.The informal way Australians use language is also believed to root in criminal times. Philologist Sidney Baker once wrote that no other class would have a better talent for creating new terms to fit in with their new conditions in life. Cockney rhyming sla

    5、ng brought over by the British working class was abbreviated even further so have a Captains Cook (have a look), became avacaptains. This same practice was used to economize ordinary clauses. Words like good day became gday, and barbecue was barbie.The tough conditions of settler times also played a

    6、 part in Australians dry, self-criticizing and sarcastic (讽刺的) sense of humor. While in many countries its considered poor taste to find humor in difficult circumstances, Australians tend to look at the lighter side. On one road trip, as I hit the state line and entered Victoria, I drove past some b

    7、lackened trees, the leftovers of a recent bush fire. A road sign warning drivers about wildlife was half-melted and bent, but the shape of a hopping kangaroo was still distinct. Behind the figure, someone had drawn flames making it look as though the animals tail was on fire. I couldnt help but laug

    8、h it was a brilliant reminder of the countrys nothing upsets us and anti-authoritarian attitude.And one thing you cant help but notice when driving around Australia is the countrys plentiful amounts of space. This, along with considerable leisure time plus favorable climate, all contribute to Austra

    9、lians relaxed attitude. 63. The underlined word “egalitarianism” is closest to _ in meaning. A. criminality C. equality 64. Which of the following is a feature of the way Australians use language A. They use more slangs than other people. B. They give new meanings to existent words. C. They favour s

    10、hortened forms of expressions. D. They coin terms in memory of criminal times.65. What can be inferred from paragraph 4 A. Kangaroos living conditions are getting tougher. B. Forest fires threaten Australians life to a great extent. C. Potential danger is here and there on the roads in Victoria. D.

    11、Australians jokes may not be as careless as they seem on the surface.66. The passage mainly talks about _. A. how the late 1700s impacted Australia B. why Australians enjoy casual life so much C. what contributes to Australians relaxed lifestyle D. how Australians present their attitude towards life

    12、答案;63-66 CCDD 【虹口区】Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(C)Crude awak

    13、eningA battle between two energy exchanges1 OPEN-OUTCRY trading is supposed to be an odd, outdated practice, rapidly being replaced by sleeker, cheaper electronic systems. Try telling that to the New York Mercantile Exchange(NYMEX), the worlds largest commodities exchange. On November 1st the NYMEX

    14、opened an open-outcry pit (公开叫价交易厅)in Dublin to handle Brentcrude futures(布伦特原油期货), the benchmark (基准)contract for pricing two-thirds of the worlds oil.2 The NYMEX is trying to grab liquidity from Londons International Petroleum Exchange (IPE), which trades the most Brent contracts; the New York exc

    15、hange has so far concentrated on West Texas Intermediate, an American benchmark grade. The new pit is a response to the IPEs efforts to modernise. On the same day as NYMEX traders started shouting Brent prices in Dublin, the IPE did away with its morning open-out cry session: now such trades must be

    16、 electronic, or done in the pit after lunch.3 The New York exchange claims that customers, such as hedge funds (对冲基金) or energy companies, prefer open-outcry because it allows for more liquidity. Although most other exchanges are heading in the opposite direction, in commodity markets such as the NY

    17、MEX, pressure from “locals”-self-employed tradersis helping to support open-outcry, although some think that customers pay up to five times as much as with electronic systems. Even the IPE has no plans to close its floor. Only last month it signed a rental agreement, lasting until2017, for its tradi

    18、ng floor in London.4 Dublins new pit is “showing promise”, says Rob Laughlin, a trader with Man Financial, despite a few technical glitches. On its first day it handled 5,726 lots of Brent(each lot, or contract, is 1,000 barrels), over a third of the volume in the IPE s new morning electronic sessio

    19、n. By the years end, predicts Mr Laughlin, it should be clear whether the venture will be feasible. It would stand a better chance if it moved to London. It may yet: it started in Ireland because regulatory approval could be obtained faster there than in Britain.5 In the long run having both exchang

    20、es offering similar contracts will be unsustainable (不可持续的). Stealing liquidity from an established market leader, as the NYMEX is trying to do, is a hard task. Eurex, Europes largest futures exchange, set up shop in Chicago this year, intending to grab American Treasury-bond contracts from the Chic

    21、ago Board of Trade. It has made little progress. And the NYMEX has tried to get Brent contracts before, without success.6 Given the importance of liquidity in exchanges, why do the IPE and the NYMEX not work together There have been talks about cooperation before, and something might yet happen. Som

    22、e say that the freewheeling NYMEX and the more serious IPE could never mix. For now, in any case, the two exchanges will compete until one has won -across the Irish Sea as well as across the Atlantic.63. According to the text, the NYMEX and IPE are _.A. both using open outcry trading as a major trad

    23、ing formB. partners that benefit each other in their business activitiesC. rivals that are competing in the oil trading marketD. both taking efforts to modernize their trading practice64. The word “glitches” in Line 2, Paragraph 4most probably means _.A. backwardness C. engineers 65. From Paragraph

    24、4 we can infer that _.A. trading volume in the IPEs new morning electronic session is fallingB. London is a better business location for energy exchanges than DublinC. Britains regulators are less efficient than those of IrelandD. the Dublin pit of the NYMEX will be more prosperous next year66. We c

    25、an draw a conclusion from the text that_.A. its very unlikely that the NYMEX and the IPE could combine their businessesB. the NYMEX will fail in Ireland as many precedents have shownC. the two energy exchanges will figure out a way to cooperate with each otherD. the market environment for both energ

    26、y exchanges is getting better答案:63-66: C D B A【浦东新区】Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information givenin the passage you have just re

    27、ad.C)Dental health: Brush with confidenceChildren should be taught to brush their teeth regularly. But the suspicion remains among some People, dentists included, that even so, certain children are doomed to develop dental cavities. The hypothesis behind this fear is that some combinations of genes

    28、may give rise to the sorts of oral bacteria which are responsible for cavities. If true, that would be sad for the youngsters concerned. But a study just published in Cell Host and Microbe, by Andres Gomez and Karen Nelson of the J. Craig Venter Institute, in San Diego, suggests it isnt true.The mou

    29、th is home to many species of microbes. Most are good. Some, though, are well known to secrete acidic waste products when fed sugar. This acidity weakens teeth, causing them to decay. To try to find out whether a childs genes play any role in encouraging such acid-secreting bugs, Dr. Gomez and Dr Ne

    30、lson set up an experiment with twins.Their “volunteers” were 280 pairs of fraternal twins and 205 pairs of identical twins, all aged between five and 11, who had not taken antibiotics during the previous six months. The children were asked to stop brushing their teeth the evening and the morning bef

    31、ore the crucial moment of data collection. This was when the researchers swabbed the childrens gingival sulci(the clefts between teeth and gums, in which bacteria collect)to find out what was there. The children also had their teeth scored by dentists as belonging to one of three categories: having no signs of current or previous dental cavities: having signs of cu


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