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    1、八下英语第六单元课文翻译Unit6 SectionA 1部分课文翻译1a部分翻译Match the story titles with the pictures a-d.将故事的标题与图片ad相匹配。_journey to the West西游记_Hou Yi Shoots the Suns后羿射日_Yu Gong Mooes a Mountain愚公移山_Nu Wa Repairs the Sky女娲补天1b部分翻译Listen and check () the facts you hear. Which story are Anna and Wang Ming talking about?

    2、听录音,将你听到的事实打“”。安娜和王明正在谈论哪个故事?_The two mountains were very high and big. 这两座山非常高大。_A very old man tried to move the mountains. 一位老人试图把山移走。_A man told Yu Gong that he. could never do it. 一个人告诉愚公,他绝不可能做到。1c部分翻译Discuss the questions with your partner. 和你的同伴一起讨论问题。l. How does the story begin? 故事是怎样开始的?2.

    3、 What happened next? 接下来发生了什么?3. Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains? 他们将把山上所有的土和石头放到哪里?2a部分翻译Listen and number the pictures 1-4 in order to tell the story. 听录音。把图画标上数字 14以便于讲故事。2b部分翻译Listen again and circle the words you hear. 再听一遍录音。圈出你所听到的单词。1. A man saw Yu Gong and hi

    4、s (children/family) when they were working on moving the mountains.一个人看见了愚公和他的(孩子们家人)在忙着移山.2. He told Yu Gong he could never do it because he was old and (poor/week).他告诉愚公他绝不可能做到因为他又老又(穷)。3. As soon as the man finished (talking/speaking), Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mount

    5、ains after he died. 这个人一(谈论说)完,愚公就说他死后他的家人将继续移山。4. Finally,a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent (two/three) gods to take the mountains away.最后,天帝被愚公感动了,于是派了(两三)个神仙移走了大山。5. This story reminds us that you can never (know/see) whats possible unless you try tomake it happen.这个故事提醒我们,你永远不能(知道看到)什么是

    6、可能的,除非你努力让它发生。2c部分翻译Look at the pictures in 2a and tell the story in your own words. 看2a里的图片,用自己的语言讲故事。2d部分翻译Teacher: So what do you think about the story of Yu Gong? 老师:你们觉得愚公的故事怎么样?Wang Ming : I think its really interesting. Yu Gong found a good way to solve his problem.王明:我认为它真的很有趣。愚公找到了一个解决问题的好办

    7、法。Anna: Really? Ithink its a little bit silly.It doesnt seem very possible to move a mountain克劳迪亚:真的吗?我认为它有点儿愚蠢。移山似乎是不太可能的。Wang Ming: But the story is trying to show us that anything is possible if you work hard! Yu Gong kept trying and didnt give up.王明:但这个敌事试图告诉我们,如果你去努力,一切皆有可能!愚公坚持不懈,没有放弃。Claudia:

    8、 Well, I still dont agree with you. I think we should try to find other ways to solve a problem.克劳迪娅:我还是不同意你的观点。我认为我们应该试着去寻找一些其他的方法来解决问题。Wang Ming: But what could Yu Gong do instead of moving the mountains?王明:但是不把山移开,愚公还(in-stead of代替;反而)能做什么呢?Claudia:Well,there are many other ways. For example, he

    9、could build a road Thats better and faster than moving a mountain!克劳迪娅:这个,有很多其他的方法。例如,他可以建一条公路。那要比移山更好、更快!Teacher: You have different opinions about the story, and neither of you are wrong.There are many sides to a story and manyways to understand it.老师:对于这个故事,你们有不同的观点,你们两人都没错。一个故事有许多面,也有许多种理解故事的方式。

    10、3a部分翻译Read the passage and answer the questions.阅读短文,回答问题。1. Which book is talked about? 谈论的是哪本书?2. Who is the main character? 主人公是谁?3. What is he like7 他是一个什么样的人?In November 1979,pupils in England were able to watcha new TV program called Monkey. Most of them were hearing this story for the first t

    11、ime. However, this story is not new to Chinese children The Monkey King or Sun Wukong is the main character in the traditional Chinese book Journey to the West.The story says that once upon a time there was amagic rock .One day, it suddenly broke opeb and gave birth to a monkey.To fight bad people,

    12、the Monkey King uses amagic stick.Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in his ear. At other times,he is able tomake it big and long.Sun Wukong can also make 72 changes to his shape and size,turning himself into different animals anf objects.But unless he can hide his tail,he

    13、cannot turn himself into aperson.1979牟11月,英国学生能够观看一部名叫美猴王的新电视节目了。他们大多数是第一次听到这个故事。然而,这个故事对中国孩子来说并不新鲜了。美猴王或者(说)孙悟空是中国传统的书籍西游记中的主人公。美猴王并不是一只普通的猴子。事实上,他甚至有时看起来不像一只猴子!这是因为他有72种外形和大小的变化,能把自己变成不同的动物和物体。但是,他不能把自己变成一个人,除非他能隐藏他的尾巴。关猴王用一根魔力金箍棒与坏人作战。有时他能让金箍棒变小,以至于可以放在耳朵里。有时,他能让它变得又大又长。The Monkey King has excite

    14、d the children of China for many years,And as soon as the TV program came out more than 30 years ago, Western children became interested in reading this syory because the clever Monkey King keeps fighting to help the wwak and never gives up.美猴王让中国的孩子激动了好多年。30多年前这个电视节目一推出,西方的孩子对读这个故事很感兴趣,因为聪明的美猴王一直为帮

    15、助弱者而战,从不放弃。3b部分翻译Read the passage again and complete the chart about the Monkey King.再读一遍短文,完成关于美猴王的表格。What he can do 他能做什么What he cannot do 他不能做什么3c部分翻译Complete the sentences below with phrases from the passage.用文中短语完成下列句子。1. Journey to the West is a_Chinese book. It tells one of the most popular stories in China.西游记是一部中国传统的书籍,它讲述了在中国最受欢迎的故事之一。2. When the English TV program Monkey_ in 1979, Western ch ildren_this wonderful story.1979年,当英语电视节目美猴王推出时,西方的孩子对这个精彩的故事很感兴趣。3. The Monkey King can_to his body. He is able to_different animals and objects.美猴王能做出身体上的72种变化。他能够


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