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    新译林牛津小学英语六年下册 6B Unit 1 The lion and the mouse表格式教案 22Word文档格式.docx

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    新译林牛津小学英语六年下册 6B Unit 1 The lion and the mouse表格式教案 22Word文档格式.docx

    1、 2.掌握不规则动词bite, let, wake的过去式。五 单元教学安排: 共计五课时 第一课时Story time 第二课时 Grammar time and Fun time 第三课时Sound time, Cartoon time and Culture time. 第四课时Checkout time and Ticking time 第五课时 单元检测 第六课时 复习讲评六 友情提示1.本单元的重点教学内容是词汇,包括形容词和形容词转换过来的副词,记得要让学生们去总结变化的规律。 2. 每课时课前没有安排固定的复习环节,各位教师可以根据自己班级的情况在复备栏中完成。Unit 1Th

    2、e lion and the mouse The first period一 教学内容:Story time 二 教学目标:1.能理解故事内容并朗读故事,初步说出故事大意。 2.能初步听懂、会读单词large、strong、sharp,woke、weak、net、bit、sharp、hole 等新词,并体会副词quietly、sadly、loudly和happily的用法。 3.进一步巩固there be一般过去时,并注意不规则动词过去式的写法和读音。4.能从不同角度理解故事的寓意。三 教学重、难点: 1.能初步听懂、会读单词large、strong、sharp、woke、weak、 net、

    3、bit、sharp、hole 等新词,并体会副词quietly、sadly、loudly和happily的用法。 2.能正确地理解故事并朗读故事。3.能从不同角度理解故事的寓意。四 教学准备:挂图,卡片,PPT五、预习作 业:U1Story time,试着跟读课文,大致理解课文意思。教学设计(主备)复备Show teaching aims.Step1. Warm up1. GreetingT: Good morningafternoon,boys and girls,Ss: Good morningafternoon, Miss Mr. 2. 复习一些过去式的动词看谁能又快又准地说出下列动词的

    4、过去式。3. Learning tip. This is a new term now. Lets talk about your study plan for this term. Whats your study plan?(学生简单谈一谈自己的新学期计划) Heres a study plan. Can you read this plan? Look, in this plan, the planner wants to spend more time on reading. Reading is very important. And story reading is very go

    5、od for English learning. So today, I bring you a funny story.Step2. Presentation 1.T: (PPT) This story is about two animals, Who are they? The lion and the mouse.(师板书课题) How do you think of the two animals? Can you say something about them? (The lion is strong, the mouse is weak.)可能学生会谈到,谈不到的话,教师引导,

    6、教授weak. Lets watch a cartoon and see what happens. Now, you know what happens. Here are some sentences, but they are not in order. Can you work in pairs and put them in order?Ss work in pairs and put them in order. Check it out.2. Read the story picture by picture. Now, weve know the outline of this

    7、 story. Lets listen and read this story picture by picture.(1)Picture 1 The lion is so large and strong. So how do all the animals feel about the lion?(2) Picture 2(学习walked by, wokeup, said quietly, laughed loudly.) What happened one day? Who can read what he mouse/lion said? How did the mouse/lion

    8、 say it?引导学生读出狮子的自大(loudly)和老鼠的弱小(quietly)。(3) Picture 3(学习bitwith, asked sadly) The lion has very sharp teeth, why didnt that help? What did the lion say? How to read the sentence?(4) Picture 4(学习made a big hole, said happily) Suppose the little mouse asked the lion (PPT)What do you think the lion

    9、might say?(4) Picture 5 What happened at last?3. Ask and answer: 小组活动 Now weve got details of this story. Here are some questions here, please ask and answer questions in groups. You can also ask some new questions in your group.Who woke the lion up?Did the lion eat the mouse?How did the men catch t

    10、he lion?How did the mouse help the lion?What did the lion and the mouse become?小组展示环节,回答完课文练习的5个问题后,看哪个小组还能提出新的问题,并要求其他小组同学解答。Step3. Consolidation Do you have any questions? No. I have some questions to ask you.1. Can you read?Ask some Ss to read the story. Group work.You can choose the way:(1)Read

    11、in groups. (2) Read in roles. (3) Read one by one.(4) Read after one.2. Can you write ?Complete the story. (Ss do first, then do it together.) Long long ago, there was a lion lived in the forest. It was _ and _. One day, he was _. A _ and _ mouse walked by and _ the lion _. The lion was _ and wanted

    12、 to eat it. “ I can help you,” the mouse said _. The lion laughed _ and _ the mouse go. The next day, two men _ the lion with a large _. He couldnt _ the net with his _ teeth. “How can I get out?” He asked _. The mouse saw the lion and _ a big hole in the net. The lion thanked the mouse _. _ then on

    13、, they _ good friends.3. Can you act?Please remember, were telling a story, so we should use the words: One day, the next day, just then ,from then on(PPT出示时间标志词,学生练习并合作表演故事)Practise in groups. And then ask a group come to the front and act as the lion and the mouse. (They will be given the masks.)4

    14、. Can you summarize?How do you think of the lion and the mouse now?Talk about them in groups.请各小组来谈一谈他们的观点。 What have you learned from the story?/ What does the story tell us?The story tells us:_(结合板书)To make friends and love friends.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Some little animals are useful

    15、.Everything is useful.Little friends may prove great friends. (朋友虽小也能帮上大忙。) 从这个寓言中提炼出深层的含义,而且用英语表达出来,难度比较大。教师可以在让学生先自己表达,然后在PPT上出示,学生阅读并理解。Step 4.Summary 小结Today, we have read a story, I find that your English is wonderful. You can read, write, act, summarize the story.What have you learned from thi

    16、s lesson?Step 5.Homework 1.Listen and read the story.2.Retell the story. 3. Try to read some English stories after class.板书设计: Unit 1 The lion and the mouseOne day strong, large walked by, woke up said quietly, laughed loudlyThe next day caught.with, bitwith, asked sadlyJust then made a big hole, sa

    17、id happilyFrom then on became good friendsUnit 1 The lion and the mouse The second periodGrammar time and Fun time1.能听懂、会读、会说副词sadly、loudly 、quietly、excitedly和happily并能体会在句子中的用法。 2.能正确恰当地运用副词修饰动词。4.能生动形象的表演Fun time中的课本剧。 1.能正确恰当地运用副词修饰动词。 2.能生动形象的表演Fun time中的课本剧。挂图,卡片,小动物的头饰,PPT2. Lets review. Last

    18、lesson, we learn an interesting story. The story is about the mouse and the lion. After learning, how do you think of them? Why?学生回顾故事,并谈一谈自己的想法。1. Read and feel. In this story, the mouse and the lion said something. What did they say? How did they feel at that time? Can you try to read and feel?学生用

    19、笔划出狮子和老鼠对话的相关句子,在小组内读一读并感受PPT show the sentences. The mouse was very little, when the lion wanted to eat it, how did he say it?S: He said quietly.(板书,带读) So who can be the little mouse and say it quietly?(引导学生夸张读) The mouse said quietly, how about the lion? How did he laugh?He laughed loudly.(板书,带读,

    20、并引导学生读)引导学生在小组内读三四两幅图的对话部分,体会出狮子获救前后的两种不同语气,板书并跟读。He asked sadly.He said happily.2. Learn the adverbs. Just now we used these four words. Quietly, loudly, sadly, happily. They are adverbs. We can say The mouse said is OK. But why do we say The mouse said quietly ?引导学生说They can show the actions more

    21、vividly.Look, do we put them before or after the verbs? After the verbs. We can get some adverbs from the adjectives. Can you say some words?学生快速说,读词,师贴板书,做过预习的同学会提到excitedly.教授此单词。 Look at the words, can you find some rules?小组内谈论交流形容词变副词的规律。小组汇报:1.一般在形容词的词后加上ly 变成副词,2.以辅音字母加y 结尾的词要变y 为i再加ly。拓展:Do y

    22、ou know some special adverbs?在牛津5B教材中学过:high,fast等词既是形容词,又是副词。3. Try to use. Lets read the words together. Good. Can you use them well? Look at the boy. Is he happy? Yes. Hes a happy boy, so he does everything happily. For example, he often laughs happily. He reads happily. What else does he do happ

    23、ily, can you say some other sentences? He eats happily. He runs happily. He sings happily Now, lets choose some adverbs to make some sentences as more as possible.Work in groups: One group chooses one word to make sentences. Group show.Step3. Fun time.1. T: Boys and girls, you did a good job! You sh

    24、owed your ideas excitedly. And how about this lion? What did he say?PPT show the first picture of Fun time. I am large and strong. /I am power and big./ How did he say that? He said loudly/happily/excitedly/ How about the animals? They said sadly./loudly./This is a short play of The lion and the mou

    25、se.Before act, please work in groups of three and decide the adverbs for the sentences. 学生小组讨论并选择合适的副词,在表演时注意语气。2. Lets act. Lets act in three, a lion , a mouse and the narrator. The narrator is very important because he can use the adverbs to show the actions vividly.学生三人位一小组,上台表演,对优秀小组进行奖励。Step4.

    26、Story time The mouse was small and weak, he could help the lion. And could the lion help the mouse one day? Yes./No. Look, in the forest, there came a cat one day. Who was not happy? The mouse. What would happen among them? Could the lion help his friend this time? Lets imagine and make a new story. We still need a narrator to tell the story. Dont forget to use adverbs to show actions. 学生四人为一小组。在组内编短剧并上台表演。Step5. Summary 小结Today, we have learned some adverbs and make short plays. What have you learned from this lesson? Ste


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