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    1、expand扩展,伸展;manage设法;change改变。根据句意选B项。24. A 考查定语从句。我们最终到达了山顶,从那里我们可以看到山谷的美丽风光。定语从句的先行词是the mountain,在句中充当状语,所以用关系副词where,相当于from which。25. C 考查名词辨析。史密斯先生认为从他的工人们那里得到评论来改善自己的项目是不错的。comment“注释,评论,意见”;summary“摘要,概要”;memories“记忆,回忆”;connection“连接,关系”。根据语境可知C项正确。26. C 考查情态动词。根据问话方的关键词sign可知,答话方说的是告示内容,用s

    2、hall,该情态动词可以用来表示允诺、命令、禁止等意思。27. A 考查代词。所填词用于比较状语从句中,指代句子的主语cost,即指代不可数名词,用that。this指代下文即将提到的事物;it指代“同一物”;one指代“同类中的一个”之意。句意为:合肥政务区的房价要比市内其他区的房价高。28.C 考查状语从句。in that 因为,由于;even though尽管,虽然;so that 以便,结果;in case以防,假使。妈妈关掉电视以便于我能更好地专心于学习。根据句意可知C项正确。29. A 考查形容词比较级。他告诉我别抱怨贫困,因为还有很多学生比我更贫困。be badly off意为“

    3、穷的,境况不好”;符合语境;be well off意为“富裕的,有钱的”。但根据后面的than可知,这里要用比较级。30. C 考查情景交际。-露西,对不起打扰了,我能用一下你的剪刀吗?-可以,我现在不用。根据语境可知,答话方答应问话方,所以答案选C项。31. B 考查非谓语动词。本句中的宾语artists和perform在逻辑上是主动关系,再由语境中的时间状语“every night this month”可知表演的动作还没有完成,这个月每晚都在进行(现阶段一直进行的动作),故不能用see sb do sth (表示看到动作的全过程);故选动词-ing形式做the artists的宾语补足语

    4、。我们这个月每晚一直都可以在大剧院看到这些艺术家的表演。32. D考查短语辨析。那天的大事,就是为纪念中国古代一位伟大的诗人屈原而举行的龙舟比赛。in place of代替,取代;in search of寻找;in support of支持;in memory of纪念,追念。根据句意可知D项正确。33. B 考查动词短语辨析。有这么些个他们所收集的信息,他们可以着手(set about doing sth)准备商业计划了。set out to do sth着手(做某事),开始(做某事);set aside 把.放在一边,留出;set up建立,均不符合语境,故排除。34. C 考查动词的时态

    5、和语态。-那天一定花了你很长时间打扫这房子吧。-是的。之前几个月都没有扫过了。问话方讲的是过去某一天发生的事情,情态动词must have done是对过去发生的事情进行猜测。答话方的for months是发生在那天之前的时间,所以空格处是过去的过去,用过去完成时。 35. A 考查形式宾语。坦白地说,如果我明天能收到昨天在网上订的货,我会非常感谢的。句中it作形式宾语,代指后面if引导的条件状语从句。完型填空36. B 根据本段的内容尤其是下文的“Throughout her childhood in Detroit, she learnt and 37 on her dancing and

    6、 singing”可知,Aaliyah从小在音乐方面很有天赋。所以选talent,show talent in在某方面有天赋。37. A 根据前面的learnt可知,Aaliyah学习并且努力练习舞蹈和唱歌。practice (on) sth. 练习某事。38. C Aaliyah的家庭尤其是她的父母是非常“支持”她的,无论在哪个方面。故选C项。39. D 根据下文的Star Search和Although she didnt win可知,Aaliyah参加的她最喜欢的才艺展示节目,所以空格处填show。40. A 根据第三段的“She was really beginning her car

    7、eer, and she was ready for it!”可知,虽然她比赛没有获胜,但并不意味着她的事业就此结束。所以空格处填career。41. C 根据下文的“her uncles record company”可知,她十二岁那年签约到叔叔的唱片公司。所以空格处填signed。42. B 根据下文的“didnt let the fame get to her”可知,自从签约唱片公司之后,她的名声鹊起。所以空格处填gain,gain fame“得到荣誉”。43. A 根据下文的“didnt let the fame get to her”可知,Aaliyah只想做真实的自己,她不会让声名

    8、羁绊自己。所以空格处填true,be true to oneself意为“做真实的自己”。44. D 根据上文的内容可知,当Aaliyah的名气越来越大,长大成年轻的女士时,她决定做除音乐以外的其它一些事情。所以空格处填name。45. B 根据上题的解释可知,空格处填growing。grow into:成长为,长大为。46. A 参见44题解析,可知空格处填music。47. C 根据上文的“act”和下文的“films like Romeo Must Die”可知,Aaliyah开始在电影上主演一些角色。所以空格处填star。48. B 根据语境可知,她主演的电影Romeo Must Di

    9、e结果大获成功,turn out结果是,证明是。49. D 根据下文的“her hit song Rock the Boat in the Bahamas”可知,Aaliyah正在巴哈马拍摄电视音乐。所以空格处填shoot,该词意为“拍摄(物、景等)”。50. C 根据下文的“they were making a hit”可知,当时Aaliyah正和拍摄的工作人员在一起,所以空格处填介词with。51. A 不幸的是,八月二十五日,她们乘坐的飞机坠毁,从此音乐界丧失了一位如此纯真的天才。人们对这不幸的消息感到非常吃惊。所以空格处选astonished“使惊讶,使大为吃惊,震惊”。52. A 根

    10、据语境可知,Aaliyah已经去世十年了,所以空格处填since:自.以来。53. B 根据下文的“something deeply on me”和“She taught me never to give up anything we love”可知,Aaliyah让作者印象深刻,所以空格处填impress,impress sth. on sb.给某人留下的印象。54. D 根据语境可知,Aaliyah让作者学到一些印象深刻的东西,因此作者对她很感激。55. C 根据语境可知,作者认为Aaliyah的一生都是充满着令人鼓舞的东西。因此空格处填life。阅读理解56. D 细节理解题。从第一、二

    11、段的内容可知,红海龟除了三餐之外,还有一个嗜好:爱吃其它海洋动物掉落的“零食”,这让它变得越来越发福了。所以答案选D项。57. C 细节理解题。从第四段的“ Lucy and her team have decided to cut his meal by a third”这一句话可知,管理人员决定减少海龟的食物量三分之一。所以答案选C项。58. B 词义猜测题。根据该词前面的“The adult ones are preyed upon only by large fish, like sharks”这些信息可知,成年海龟只被大型鱼类如鲨鱼所捕食,因此海龟也是最不容易受到攻击的。所以该词意为

    12、“易受攻击的,有弱点的”。所以答案选B项。59. C 细节理解题。从最后一段的内容可知,红海龟现在是濒危动物,因为孵化地减少、被鱼网卡死、小海龟和海龟蛋经常被吃掉等原因。60. B 细节理解题。从第一段的“When Europeans first made contact with Hawaiians, there wasnt any word to express thanks.”这些信息可知,欧洲人到达夏威夷后受到当地人的热情帮助,他们心存感激,但却无法用夏威夷语来表达谢意,因为里面没有表示“感谢”的词汇。61. A 细节理解题。从第三段的“At first, translators us

    13、ed the Hawaiian word hoomakai, which mean congratulations”这一句话可知,翻译人员刚开始用夏威夷语中的hoomakai来表示感谢。所以答案选A项。62. B 细节理解题。从第四段的“When tourists arrived, greeting with aloha and giving thanks with mahalo, both took on more meaning.”和第五段的“The Hawaiian language saw a revival during the 1950s”这些信息可知,随着旅游业的兴起和发展,夏威

    14、夷语也开始重新流行起来了。63. C 推理判断题。从最后一段的内容可知,刚开始夏威夷语中的mahalo有几个意思,但目前人们只用该词来表示“感谢”的意思。从中可以推断出:语言也在不断地发展和变化,某些词汇随着时间的变化它的一些其他意思已经不再使用了。64. B 细节理解题。从第三段的内容尤其是“The operation had removed key parts of the brain responsible for helping us remember the details of our lives”这一句话可知,自从Henry的某一部分大脑被切除之后,他就无法记住事情发生的细节了。

    15、65. B 推理判断题。从第四段的内容可知,尽管Henry的部分大脑被切除,但依旧可以学习新的技能和任务并且保持这些技能。因此科学家们推断:我们的记忆由大脑的不同部分掌控。66. D 细节理解题。从最后一段的“Giving scientists the map for learning how and where the brain forms memories is Henrys greatest contribution”这一句话可知,Henry最大的贡献是帮助科学家们研究记忆的形成。67. C 推理判断题。从第一段的“When he donated his brain with the

    16、world”和最后一段的“We can thank Henry for the unintentional wont easily be forgotten.”这些信息可知,作者持赞扬态度。68. A 推理判断题。依据文章第一段可知,作者和家人从牙买加移民到美国之后,他们的生活发生了很大的变化,家长开始为生活操劳。故选A项。69. B 细节理解题。依据文章第二段可知,作者家人面临的最大挑战不仅仅是文化差异、生活习惯的不同,重要的是他的父母需要找合适的工作来养家糊口。 故选B项。70. C 细节理解题。依据文章最后两段可知,为了更好地帮助母亲,作者决定成为一名医生。71. D 推理判断题。依据文

    17、章倒数第二段的尾句可知,作者将来要上学大学,尾段谈到了surgical oncologist是大学毕业后,他的梦想。故选D项。72. A段落大意题。从第一段的内容可知,无论篮球明星还是青少年,都非常喜欢穿匡威品牌鞋。所以本段主要讲的是匡威鞋的受欢迎程度。73. B 细节理解题。从第三段的“The company was eventually purchased by Nike in 2003, which made Converse well-known to the public again.”这一句话可知,耐克收购匡威公司后,给该公司重新注入了活力。74. C 推理判断题。从第四段的“sk

    18、ate shoes, basketball shoes, Jack Purcell, court and running shoes, RED and Chucks”这些信息可知,Jack Purcell(开口笑)是匡威公司的一种品牌的鞋子。75. A 主旨大意题。本文主要讲的是匡威公司的历史。任务型读写76. created 77. accepted 78. successful/popular 79. Rules/Regulations 80. well 81. performing 82. Differences 83. jumps 84. scores 85. highest书面表达O

    19、ne possible version:There were several days for golden week this year, during which people might have a wonderful and memorable time. However, many uncivilized phenomena were also shown online or on TV. For example, some still threw rubbish and spit everywhere. Some still tended to curve their names

    20、 on the trees or stones on scenic spots. Some took photos where it was not allowed. Some picked up farmers fruits or vegetables without permission. Others smoked in non-smoking areas and didnt share seats to the disabled.To stop such uncivilized phenomena from happening again, I think more strict ru

    21、les should be made and carried out. Those who are found behaving in uncivilized manner should be fined and exposed online or on TV. Only in this way can we restrict their behaviors.听力原文Text 1W: Darling, will you help me get back the clothes on the line?M: OK. Ill do that as soon as I finish mopping

    22、the floor. Its almost over.Text 2 The boss said we had only one day to send all the thank-you cards. Dont worry. We have sent 100 cards, two thirds of the total.Text 3 Can I borrow this book about computer technology and take it home to read? Im sorry. Its not allowed. You may read in our reading ro

    23、om.Text 4 Bob, lets go to see the movie. What kind of movie do you like? I dont like action movies and cartoons are too childish. But comedies are interesting. Text 5 Sir, the speed limit is50 mph, and you are driving at least80 mph. Im sorry, madam. But I have an emergency. Thats not an excuse. Im

    24、afraid you have to pay a fine.Text 6 Do you have any ideas for Fathers Day, Tommy? When is it? Tomorrow. Sorry, I totally forgot. Well, I think we could cook a loving breakfast for him. Thats great. Anything else? Um . Maybe we can get him tickets to a concert? Come on. Dad has no interests in music

    25、. I got it. How about a ticket to the baseball match? Good. Im sure Dad will like it.Text 7 Are you feeling better? No. I have taken the medicine, but Im afraid that our trip to Italy will have to be cancelled. It doesnt matter. We can go there when you are better. Do you know what caused it? I am n

    26、ot sure. Maybe its the heat. Its very hot here and its enough to make people ill. Anyway, we should be careful about the sun and stay in the hotel during the day. Darling, drink lots of water and have a good rest. I am going to the business center to book our tickets to return home.Text 8 What do yo

    27、u want to do tomorrow? Well, lets look at the city guide here. Uh, heres something interesting. Why dont we first visit the Art Museum in the morning? OK. I like that idea. And where do you want to have lunch? How about going to an Indian restaurant? The guide recommends one near the museum. Sounds

    28、great! After that, what about visiting the zoo? Therere some very unique animals not found anywhere else. Well, to tell you the truth, Im not really interested in going there. Why dont we go shopping instead? I dont think thats a good idea. I only have fifty dollars left in cash. Oh, well. Lets take

    29、 the subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach. That sounds like a wonderful plan. Text 9 Did you watch the Oscars on Sunday night? No, but I heard about that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt didnt attend. Yes, that was surprising. I heard that they got into a fight and then decided not to go. They must be the most famous couple in Hollywood. Theyre also one of the richest couples. They have so much money and they can buy almost anything they want. I also heard that Tom Cruise made an appearance at the Oscars. Did he win an Oscar this year? No. To


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