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    1、小学生短篇英语童话故事10篇10 Popular Fairy Tale Stories for KidsMermaids, fairies, magic, and talking animals are what come to mind when thinking of Fairy Tales. These tales are so much more than just stories. They can also be used to teach your children about values, such as kindness and endurance, as seen bel

    2、ow, and are one of the best tools for intricate learning.10大著名儿童童话故事当想起童话故事,我们的脑海中会出现美人鱼、仙女、魔法和会说话的动物。这些故事不仅仅是故事,它们还能用来教导你的孩子关于价值观的知识,比如善良和忍耐,以下的这些故事,是进行复杂学习的最佳工具之一。1.CinderellaThe story of Cinderella tells of a kindhearted young woman who was treated cruelly by her stepmother and sisters, but, neve

    3、r the less, kept a humble attitude.One day, the king decided to throw a ball and invited all the young maidens in the kingdom. While Cinderellas sisters made her help them get ready for the ball, not once did they ask her if she would like to go with them.Once they left, her Fairy Godmother appeared

    4、 and helped Cinderella go to the ball with a bit of magic that would only last until midnight. At the ball, Cinderella caught the eye of the prince, as she was the most beautiful girl there, and they danced all night.When midnight came, Cinderella had to leave the ball, and in her hurry, one of her

    5、glass slippers fell off her feet. The prince found this slipper and vowed to marry the girl who the slipper belonged to.The prince went from house to house, looking for the girl whos foot fit the slipper, and he reached Cinderellas house. Though Cinderellas stepsisters and stepmother tried to keep h

    6、er from trying it on, the glass slipper was a perfect fit, and she was soon married to the prince and lived happily ever after. This is a wonderful story that captures how keeping a humble attitude will reap its rewards.1.灰姑娘 灰姑娘的故事讲述了一个善良的年轻女子,她经常被她的继母和姐妹们虐待,却始终保持着谦逊的态度。 一天,国王决定举行一次舞会,邀请了王国里所有的年轻姑娘

    7、。当灰姑娘的姐妹们让她帮助她们准备舞会的时候,她们居然一次也没有问她是否愿意和她们一起去。 她们离开以后,她的仙女教母就出现了,仙女教母使用一种能持续到午夜的魔法帮助灰姑娘去参加舞会。在舞会上,灰姑娘吸引了王子的注意,因为她是舞会上最漂亮的姑娘,他们整晚都在跳舞。 当午夜到来的时候,灰姑娘不得不离开舞会,但在匆忙之中,她的一只水晶鞋掉了下来。王子发现了这只水晶鞋,并发誓要娶拥有这只水晶鞋的女孩。 王子挨家挨户的寻找能穿上这只水晶鞋的女孩,终于他找到了灰姑娘的家。虽然灰姑娘的继姐妹和继母都竭力阻止她试穿水晶鞋,但是只有灰姑娘才能非常合适的穿上它,然后她很快就嫁给了王子,从此过着幸福快乐的生活。

    8、这是一个非常精彩的故事,它讲述了始终保持谦逊的态度,一定会有好的回报。2.Beauty and the BeastOriginating in France, this is the story of Belle, a beautiful peasant girl who took the place of her father, when he was taken prisoner by a fierce beast.While things were uncomfortable and frightening for Belle at first, she soon grew fond o

    9、f the beast, as he had done nothing but treat her with kindness. When Belle found out her father was sick, she begged the beast to let her go to him and promised to return, but she was held up by the evil Gaston, a famous hunter from the village who wanted to marry Belle. When the village found out

    10、about the beast, they vowed to kill him and stormed his castle. Though he nearly died, he was saved and turned into a handsome prince because of Belles love for him. It turns out that he had been a prince who, along with his entire household, was cursed by a witch because he did not treat her with k

    11、indness. Belle and the Prince marry, and live a happy and peaceful life together.From the princes curse, children can learn about the importance of being kind and that if they do not, they will suffer bad consequences. From Belle, we learn to value what is in a persons heart, rather than their outwa

    12、rd appearance.2.美女与野兽 这是一个起源于法国的故事,有个叫贝尔的农村女孩,她的父亲被一只凶猛的野兽俘虏了,贝儿为了换取父亲的自由,决定留下代替父亲作野兽的犯人。 起初贝尔感到非常的不安和恐惧,但她很快就喜欢上了这只野兽,因为它一直对她很好。当贝尔发现她的父亲生病的时候,她恳求野兽让他去看望父亲并且她承诺还会回到它的身边,但她后来被邪恶的加斯顿拦住了,加斯顿是村里有名的猎人,一直想要娶贝尔为妻。当全村的人发现了发现了这只野兽的事情,他们发誓要杀死它并攻占了它的城堡。在它快要死的时候,却由于贝尔对它的爱,它被救了回来而且变成一个英俊的王子。因为他从前没有善待一个女巫,所以他和他的

    13、家庭都被女巫诅咒。因为贝尔的爱现在王子懂得了善待别人,诅咒消失了。最后贝尔和王子结婚了,过着幸福安宁的生活。 从王子的诅咒中,孩子们可以学到善良的重要性,否则他们会有坏的结果。从贝尔身上,我们可以学到一个人最重要的是内心而不只是外表。3.Sleeping Beauty This is the story of Princess Aurora, the much-awaited daughter of the king and queen, who was cursed by an evil witch, to die by the prick from the spindle of a spi

    14、nning wheel because her parents did not invite the fairy to her Christening.Fortunately, one of the good fairies who had been invited to the Christening was able to help. Though the princess would still have to be pricked, she would not die, but sleep for a hundred years. She was blessed by the othe

    15、r good fairies, and so grew up to be a beautiful, kind and obedient young girl who was often called Briar Rose.As predicted, on her sixteenth birthday, Aurora was pricked on her finger by a spinning wheel and fell into a deep sleep, along with every man, woman, child and animal in the castle.A hundr

    16、ed years later, a young prince tried to get to the castle, in order to see the famous beauty that had been asleep for so long. When he found her, he was stunned by her beauty and leaned in for a kiss. This broke the curse, and soon everyone in the castle was awoken from their long, hundred year sleep. The prince and princess were married, and the kingdom was happy and peaceful once again.Sleeping beauty teaches us that ev


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