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    1、2009陕西 832009四川 842009浙江 852009重庆 862009江苏 872009湖南 882009福建 892009北京 902009安徽 912009上海 921994高考真题11. IsyourcameralikeBillsandAnns? No,butitalmostthesameas_. A. her B. yours C. them D. their 12. Doyouremember_hecame? Yes,Ido,camebycar. A. how B. when C. that D. if 13. Dothinkgoingtorainoverweekend?

    2、_. A. Idontbelieve B. Ibelieveit C. Inotso D. Inot 14. Wouldcomedinnertonight? _Idto,mtoobusy. A. and B. so C. as D. but 15. Canjoinclub,Dad? Youcanwhenabitolder.A. get B. willget C. aregetting D. willhavegot 16. ItoldSallyhowgethere,perhapsforher.A. hadwriteitout B. mustwrittenoutC. shouldout D. ou

    3、ghtout 17. Hi,havenseenages!Youlookfine!_.well,too. A. Great B. Thanks C. Oh,no D. Notatall18. Shesetsoonafterdarkhomeanhourlater.A. arriving B. toarrive C. havingarrived D. andarrived 19. Isorrykeepwaiting. Oh,all.hereonlyfewminutes. A. havebeen B. hadbeen C. was D. willbe 20.Sheisnewcomerchemistry

    4、shehasalreadymadesomeimportant discoveries. A. the;the B. the;不填 C. a;不填 D. a;21. Imustapologizeaheadoftime. Thatright. A. lettingknow B. notlettingknow C. lettingknownot D. letting22. Ratherthanoncrowdedbus,alwaysprefersbicycle. A. ride;ride B. riding;ride C. ride;ride D. toride;riding 23. Shalltel

    5、lJohnaboutit? No,vehimalready. A. neednt B. wouldnt C. mustnt D. shouldnt 24. Howlongthisbookshopbeeninbusiness?1982. A. After B. In C. From D. Since 25. Themissingboyswerelast_ nearriver.A. playing B. tobeplaying C. play D. toplay 26. Dontspeakonce!_,please.A. Eachonetime B. Onetime C. Oneeachtime

    6、D. Onetime 27. Domaterial? Yes,_ verysoft. A. isfeeling B. felt C. feels D. isfelt 28. Johnplaysfootballifbetterthan,David.A. aswell B. aswellas C. sowell D. soas29. Ireallyworkhere; I_ untilnewsecretaryarrives. A. justhelpout B. havejusthelpedout C. amhelpingout D. will30. Ittherenoexaminations, we

    7、should_ atschool.A.thehappiesttime B.amorehappierC.muchtime D.amuchtime31. Ididnseesistermeeting.Ifwouldmetmy brother. A. hascome B. didcome C. came D. had32. ThevisitingMinisterexpressedhissatisfactionwithtalks,_thathadenjoyedstayhere. A. havingadded B. toadd C. adding D. added 33. Heresmycard.LetA

    8、. touch B. relation C. connection D. friendship 34. ThefirsttextbooksteachingEnglishforeignlanguagethe 16thcentury. written B. towritten C. beingwritten D. written 35. Donforgetbirthdaypartytomorrow. _. A. It B. Iwont C. Icant D. I36. Irestaurant,quitegoodone. A. said B. told C. spoken D. talked 37.

    9、 MotherwasworriedbecauselittleAliceill, especiallyFatherawayin France. A. as B. that C. during D. if 38. Ineedstampbeforecollectioncompleted B. completes C. hascompleted D. iscompleted 39. Theweatherturnedverygood, _wecouldexpect. A. what B. which C. that D. it 40. Wewrite _,eventheresay.A. nowthen

    10、B. byby C. stepstep D. moreorless 1995高考真题11. Pauldoesnmade _. Heworkshard. A. learn B. tolearn C. learned D. learning 12. Yourphonenumberagain? I _catchit. It9568442. A. didnt B. couldnt C. dont D. can13. Shethoughttalkingherdaughter, _, infact, Iabout mydaughter.A. whom B. where C. which D. while

    11、14. Whenpencilpartlyglasswater,looksit _. A. breaks B. hasbroken C. werebroken D. hadbroken 15. Therefivepeoplecar,theymanagedtakemewell. It _comfortablejourney. A. canbe B. shouldnC. mustnbeen D. couldnbeen 16. Thesportsmeetmightputoff. Yes, _, itdependsweather. A. Itold B. Itold C. Itold D. Itold

    12、17. Theytired, but _themstoprest.A. any B. some C. none D. neither 18. Canthatin _richcountrybe _manypoorpeople?A. such;such B. such;so C. so;so D. so;such 19. Weagreed _sofarhasnupyet.met B. meeting C. tomeet D. tomet 20. Asshe _newspaper, Granny _asleep.A. read;falling B. wasreading;fell C. wasfal

    13、ling D. read;fell 21. Allleadingnewspapers _tradetalksbetweenChinaUnitedStates.A. reported B. printed C. announced D. published 22. Ihopeareenoughglassesguesthave _. A. it B. those C. them D. one23. Ifstrongwill, weovercomeanydifficulty, great _ itis.A. what B. how C. however D. whatever 24. Youdesc

    14、ribeher. I _ herseveraltimes.met B. havemet C. met D. meet 25. Ihardlyhearradio.Wouldplease _?A. turnon B. turndown C. turnup D. turnoff 26. Youbraveraiseobjections Well,nowregret _ that. A. todo B. todoing C. todone D. havingdone 27. Havefinishedreportyet?llfinishin _ tenA. another B. other C. more

    15、 D. less 28. Youre _ yourtryingpersuadehim. Heneverus.A. spending B. wasting C. losing D. missing 29. HowrecentvisitQingdao? Itgreat.Wevisitedfriends,spentdaysthe _ seaside. A. fewsunny B. lastsunny C. lastsunnyfew D. fewlast 30. Ibusinesstrip. Wouldmindlookingcat? Notall. _.time B. Irathernot C. Ii

    16、t D. Ihappyto 31. Itnearlysevenoclock.Jack _ bemoment.A. must B. need C. should D. can 32. Ilike _ informationmangagementhotel, please.wordmanager. Hehelpful. A. some;a B. an;some C. some;some D. an;a 33. Ituntil1920 _ regularradiobroadcastsbegan.A. while B. which C. that D. since 34. Whatdidspeech?

    17、 She _ forhour,t _ much. A. spoke;speak B. spoke;say C. said;speak D. said;say 35. Theboywantedridebicyclestreet,motherhim _.A. notto B. notdo C. notdoit D. do36. Wouldcupcoffee, _ shalldownrightaway?A. and B. then C. or D. otherwise 37. _ isfactbeingacceptedinternationallanguage.A. There B. This C.

    18、 That D. It 38. Notfishdiedriver _ howseriouspollutionwas. A. didvillagersrealize B. therealized C. therealize D. didnrealize 39. IJimsawme. He _ intospace.stared B. wasstaring C. hasstared D. hadstared 40. Hegainedby _ printing _ offamouswriters.A. wealth; work B. wealths; works C. wealths; work D.

    19、 wealth; works1996高考真题6. _ myglasses?bedminuteago.A.Dosee B.Hadseen C. Wouldsee D.Haveseen 7. Whenshall Makeit _ daylike. Itme.one B.any C.another D.some 8. Johnny, you _ playknife,you _ hurtyourself.t;t B.mustnmay C.shouldnmust D.9. Ibrokemirror.really?.ItOKme B.Itmatter C.Donsorry D.care 10. Iintomatterpossible.Justlittle _.wait B.time C.patience D.rest 11.Howbeautifullysings!ne


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