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    1、 I have just one-photography. Its expensive, but its a lot of fun. Text 3 Tony, thank you for bringing those old coins today. They really helped to bring our history class to life. Youre welcome, Miss. Dont forget to take them home with you tonight. Text 4 Will you go to see the school performance t

    2、omorrow? Of course. A lot of hard work has been going on behind the scenes by teachers and students, and parents have put in a lot of hours, too. Nobody will miss it. Text 5 Hi, Jack. What did you think of the lecture you attended last night? Well, I should have stayed at home. And half of people ha

    3、d left before it was finished.Text 6 Shall we go to the youth club on Saturday night? I cant. I have to write an article on Sunday, so I want to go to bed early tomorrow. Anyway, I havent got much money. Why dont you come round and watch a DVD with a pizza or something? Oh, come on! Your sister will

    4、 be back from university for the weekend. Shell want to go to the club. Yeah, OK! Im sure shell lend me some money. Ill try and finish the article tonight. Text 7 Is everything ready for Billys birthday party? Yes. Ive finished baking the birthday cake and Ive set the table. Did you find the party h

    5、ats? Yes, I did. Ive put one on the table for each child. And Ive prepared enough biscuits and candies. Good. James, does the birthday cake look wonderful? Sure. But you havent put the candles on the cake yet. Oh, right. Ive prepared some party games for the children, too. Ive bought a CD with lots

    6、of childrens songs on it. Hopefully, Billy will have a nice time.Text 8 I dont know what to do. I start off studying but I always end up doing something else. Ill help you but please listen to me. Now first, turn off your music. Music doesnt help you study. OK. No music. Have an apple and a glass of

    7、 water on your desk before you start. Here you are. Why? Because then you dont need to go to the kitchen for something to eat or drink. OK. Turn off your phone. No way! Yes. It stops you working. If you turn it off, its easier to concentrate. You can read your messages later. OK, but I cant turn off

    8、 the Internet on my computer. I need it to look up information. OK, but you can turn off your instant messages. I know! Mom? Yes? Thanks.Text 9 Good afternoon and welcome to You and Your City. Every week we speak to a teenager from a different place. Tonight were speaking to 17-year-old Dave, who li

    9、ves in London. Hi, Dave. Hi, Lily. Dave, everyone knows that London is an exciting city for tourists. But whats it like for a teenager living there? Oh, London is a great city to live in. I study at a local school and at the weekend, like all teenagers, hang around with my friends. What do you do? L

    10、ots of things. We go to the cinema and to clubs. But what I like most is the park. At the weekend the park is crowded with joggers, rollerbladers and footballers. In fact, I play football there every Sunday morning with my mates. What else do you enjoy doing? Well, Londons famous for its entertainme

    11、nt. Theres always a music-or street festival on somewhere. I really enjoy those kinds of festivals. Actually, next week theres going to be a international jazz festival here. And if youre into theatre, museums or galleries, there are plenty of those around. But to be honest,thats not really my thing

    12、s. Oh, and of course there are lots of good restaurants-but I seldom go there, theyre too expensive for me! Well, Dave, you seem to live happily in London. Sure, thanks for inviting me to appear on your program. Bye. Text 10 Roald Dahl was born in Wales, in 1916. He was an unhappy schoolboy, so afte

    13、r graduating from school he decided to look for adventure. He first worked for the Shell Company in East Africa, where he lived in the jungle, and then he joined the Royal Air Force, as a pilot, when the Second World War broke out. He was injured while flying, so in 1942 he went to Washington, where

    14、 he started his career as a writer.In 1943 Dahl published The Gremlins, his first childrens book, which was followed by many others. They were all very successful because he really connected with the childrens interests. He later admitted he couldnt have written childrens stories if he hadnt had chi

    15、ldren of his own. Actually, his books are based on bedtime stories he made up for his own children.As for his family life, he married Patricia Neal, an actress, and they had five children. However, they were not happy. Patricia suffered a stroke but later recovered. Their marriage ended in divorce.

    16、Dahl died in Oxford in 1990. He was a generous man who always donated money to those who needed it. He was awarded several important prizes. His secret for becoming a good writer is a lively imagination and hard work. 【参考答案及解析】1. A【命题立意】考查考生获取具体的、事实性信息的能力。【试题解析】由男士的话可知,他正在看一些有趣的广告。请考生抓住重点,World Cup

    17、属于干扰选项。故正确选项为A.2. C【命题立意】考查考生获取具体的、事实性信息的能力。【试题解析】由男士的话可知,他的兴趣爱好是摄影。同样,I have no hobbies是干扰选项。故正确答案为C。3. A【命题立意】考查考生对所听内容简单推断的能力。【试题解析】根据女方因男方带来旧硬币让历史课堂形象生动而表示感谢,并提醒男方不要忘记将硬币带回家中可知,该对话的发生地点为学校。可知答案为A。4. B【命题立意】考查考生理解主旨与要义的能力。【试题解析】由女方所问的Will you go to see the school performance tomorrow?以及男方所说的老师、同学

    18、、家长都为该演出付出了很多心血可知,他们在讨论一个演出。可知答案为B。5. B【命题立意】考查考生理解说话者的意图、观点和态度的能力。【试题解析】根据男方说I should have stayed at home. And half of people had left before it was finished可知他认为讲座很无聊,可知答案为B。6. C【命题立意】考查考生对所听内容简单推断的能力。【试题解析】男方首先提出邀请女方周六晚上去俱乐部的建议,女方虽起初因要在周日写文章和缺钱而拒绝,但后因姐姐也要参加俱乐部,会借给她钱,所以决定提前完成文章,周六晚上会去参加俱乐部。可知答案为C。

    19、7. A【命题立意】考查考生对所听内容作出简单判断的能力。【试题解析】男方邀请女方周六晚参加俱乐部,女方起初拒绝,因为I have to write an article on Sunday, so I want to go to bed early tomorrow可知对话发生在周五晚上,可知答案为A。8. A 【命题立意】考查考生获取事实性具体信息的能力。【试题解析】根据Ive finished baking the birthday cake可知女方为生日会准备了蛋糕。9. C 【命题立意】考查考生获取事实性具体信息的能力。【试题解析】根据 But you havent put the

    20、candles on the cake yet可知男方提醒女方在蛋糕上插蜡烛,可知答案为C。10. A【命题立意】考查考生获取事实性具体信息的能力。【试题解析】根据Have an apple and a glass of water on your desk before you start可知男方可以在学习时喝水,可知答案为A。11. B【命题立意】考查考生获取事实性具体信息的能力。【试题解析】根据女方turn off your music和turn off your phone,以及男方I cant turn off the Internet on my computer. I need

    21、it to look up information可知,男方需要关掉音乐和手机,可知答案为B。12. B【命题立意】考查理解说话者的意图、观点和态度的能力。【试题解析】根据原文最后三句对话可知男方对母亲很感激,可知答案为B。13. A【命题立意】考查考生对所听内容作出简单推断的能力。【试题解析】根据女方Good afternoon and welcome to You and Your City和最后男方thanks for inviting me to appear on your program可知女方是节目主持人,可知答案为A。14. C【命题立意】考查考生获取事实性具体信息的能力。【试

    22、题解析】根据At the weekend the park is crowded with joggers, rollerbladers and footballers. In fact, I play football there every Sunday morning with my mates.可知答案为C。15. A【命题立意】考查考生获取事实性具体信息的能力。【试题解析】根据Theres always a music-or street festival on somewhere. I really enjoy those kinds of festivals可知男方喜欢节日,可知

    23、答案为A。16. B【命题立意】考查考生对所听内容作出简单判断的能力。【试题解析】根据男方there are lots of good restaurants-but I seldom go there, theyre too expensive for me可知男方不去好饭店的原因是太昂贵,可知答案为B。17. C【命题立意】考查考生获取事实性的具体信息的能力。【试题解析】根据in 1942 he went to Washington, where he started his career as a writer可知主人公是在华盛顿开始写作的,可知答案为C。18. B【命题立意】考查考生获

    24、取事实性的具体信息的能力。【试题解析】根据They were all very successful because he really connected with the childrens interests可知作者作品成功的原因是符合孩子的兴趣,可知答案为B。19. A【命题立意】考查考生对所听内容作出简单判断的能力。【试题解析】根据he married Patricia Neal, an actress, and they had five children. However, they were not happy. Patricia suffered a stroke but l

    25、ater recovered. Their marriage ended in divorce.可知主人公的妻子是一名演员,他们的婚姻以离婚结束,可知答案为A。20. C【命题立意】考查考生对所听内容作出简单判断的能力。【试题解析】 根据Roald Dahl was born in Wales, in 1916和Dahl died in Oxford in 1990可计算可知主人公年龄为74岁,可知答案为C。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)【参考答案及解析】A篇:【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文,内容涵盖了几则招聘。21.C【命题立意】细节理解

    26、题。考查考生对具体信息的理解和提取能力。【试题解析】根据“Professional Writer3 days left”中内容,“I have draft ready. They need to be polished.”,故答案为C。22.B【命题立意】细节理解题。【试题解析】根据“Must have good writing skills and understanding of teaching methods especially in sciences.”部分可知正确答案为B。23.A【命题立意】推理判断题。考查考生推理判断的能力。【试题解析】根据最后一段“For more avai

    27、lable positions, applications, as well as further information click here.”, 故答案为A。B篇:【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者帮助一名醉酒的人乘车的故事。24.C【命题立意】推理判断题。【试题解析】根据文章的第一段和第二段的内容,故答案为C。25.A【命题立意】细节理解题。【试题解析】根据最后一段“My initial reaction to getting that money was of shame”,故答案为A。26.D【命题立意】推理判断题。【试题解析】根据最后一段“Now, my question

    28、is - what act of kindness shall I do with these 100 dollars?”,故答案为D。27.C【命题立意】推理判断题。【试题解析】根据第二段“Even though my mind was trying to turn the danger lights on, I put the thought that I should not go alone with a drunken man out of my mind and accompanied him on the elevator”, 故答案为C。C篇: 【语篇解读】本文是一篇科普类文章

    29、,介绍了穿山甲的境遇。28.C【命题立意】细节理解题。考查学生对细节信息的提取能力。【试题解析】根据第二段内容,故答案为C。 29.D【命题立意】细节理解题。【试题解析】根据第三段“It also said that they are the most illegally traded mammals in the world. ”,故答案为D。30.B【命题立意】推理判断题。【试题解析】根据最后一段内容,故答案为B。31. A【命题立意】观点态度题。考查考生理解作者观点态度的能力。【试题解析】根据最后一段“Luckily, the situation is getting better. .

    30、”,故答案为A。D篇:【语篇解读】本文是一篇报道,主要介绍了去年“双十一”的情况。32.C【命题立意】细节理解题。考查考生对具体信息的判断能力。【试题解析】根据第三段 “Alibaba surpassed last years 120.7 billion yuan total shortly after 1 pm, as overseas shoppers joined in the afternoon, seeking good deals from China.”,故答案为C。33.A【命题立意】词义猜测题。考查考生根据对上下文的理解推测词义的能力。【试题解析】根据第二段“as consumers from 225 countries and


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