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    1、 (兴奋) We dress up in beautiful clothes today. Look at my sweater.S1, 2, 3: Its Its my mothers.Boy: Look at my cap.S4, 5, 6: Its Its my fathers.Girl: Look at my skirt.S7, 8, 9: Its my sisters. Do you like our clothes today Yes. How nice! Its great. We are going to a Fancy Dress PartyLearn: Fancy Dres

    2、s Party 齐读若干遍理解意思即可 Would you like to go to the Fancy Dress Party Sure. Lets go to the shop to buy some clothes first.Step 2 Lead in Sing a song The clothes shop1. T: Here we are. 课件出示服装店图和音乐 OK. (Sing a song The clothes shop四上歌曲)Blue skirts and T-shirts, yellow shoes and socks.Theyre very cheap and

    3、 they are very good.You can try them on. You can buy them all.Ha! Ha!2. T: What clothes are in the shopS: Blue skirts and T-shirts, yellow shoes and socks. What other clothes in the shop (简单列举之前学过的服饰类单词) Lets go and see.PPT 出现动画服饰礼盒打开:dress gloves trousersStep 3 Presentation1. 单词配以夸张的服饰图片学习(1) glove

    4、s 根据拼读规律学习love-glove-gloves-a pair of gloves What are these Theyre gloves. (通过动作和图片引导学生说) Theyre Big.(2) trousers 按音节拼读tr ou sers ,强调ou/a/的读音,a pair of trousers. What are those Theyre trousers. (通过动作和图片引导学生说)The trousers are . Long.(3) dress (在之前的Fancy Dress Party中已接触,这里强调它的两种不同含义)连衣裙;打扮/装扮 What is

    5、it It s a dress. The dress is (通过动作和图片引导学生说)S: Short2. Chant These clothes are fun. Lets chant about it. Listen to me, first. (节奏声)Chant: Dress, dress, my dress is too short.Try on, try on, you can try this on.Trousers, trousers, your trousers are too long.Try on, try on, you can try these on. too太强

    6、调读音try this on 和try these on Chant together. 3. Change some words and try to make a new chant.课件显示:图片T-shirt-small, gloves-bigStep 3 Enjoy the story1. T: Good, some children are going to the Fancy Dress Party, too. Who are they (出示图4) Theyre Yang Ling, Mike, Su Yang and Su Hai.2. Listen and tick. Th

    7、ey dress up in funny clothes at the party. What clothes are they talking about Lets listen and tick. (出示图片选项:trousers, shoes, T-shirts, gloves, dress, socks, jacket, cap)Tips: 仔细听一听,找出孩子们谈论的服饰。 Listen and tick.Check 2. Scan and match. You have magic ears. Now its time to open your books and scan the

    8、 story. Find out: What do these children wear at the party 快速浏览故事,找出孩子们身上装扮的服饰。 Read and match(课件中以图片形式出现)Check3. Detail reading and underline Well done! You are read carefully. (屏幕将刚刚match图中Su Yang戴手套图和Helen穿裙子图放大) Look at Sun Yangs gloves. Theyre (师利用夸张的动作引导学生回答) Theyre (so) big. Look at Helens dr

    9、ess. Its(师利用夸张的动作引导学生回答) Its beautiful. Whose gloves Fathers. Whose dress Cousins. How do you knowPlease find relative sentences and underline. 请把谈论gloves和dress主人的语句勾划出来。 Read and underlineS1: Whose gloves are these, Su Yang Theyre my fathers.S2: Whose dress is this, Helen Its my cousins. Great. (板书

    10、Whose is this Whose are these)带读若干遍,But when we use Whose is this When we use Whose are these (中文解释问题) 当问单数物品用Whose is this;当问复数物品用Whose is this。 Wonderful. 再次带读并完整板书Whose is this Its s. Whose are these Theyre s.4. Listen and repeat. Lets listen and repeat the whole story.在跟读过程中讲解so的含义和用法:so “那么”表示说

    11、话人一种感叹的语气引导学生有感情地朗读:Theyre so big. Its so beautiful.5. Read in groups of four You read very well. Lets read in four. (小组内按照一至四号的顺序朗读) 6. Read the story togetherStep 5 Act the story Read fluently 流利的朗读Read fluently and beautifully 流利、有感情地朗读Act it out emotionally 有感情地表演Step 6 ConsolidationMake a new d

    12、ialogue. Liu Tao, Yang Ling and Tim are at the Fancy Dress party, too. Look! They dress up in funny clothes. What are they talking Lets make a new dialogue according to the story time.课件显示活动任务:Liu Tao, Wang Bing,Yang Ling and Tim are at the Fancy Dress party, too. Look! 他们也穿上了有趣的服饰。他们在说些什么试着模仿今天学的故事

    13、,编一段对话吧。课件出示图片:Liu Tao身穿超大T恤,Wang Bing头戴很高的paper hat,Yang Ling身穿漂亮的短裙,Tim戴着一副很搞笑的熊掌手套等来到化妆舞会。以及参考句型:Lets go to the party.Look at Its / Theyre so Whose is this / are these? Its / Theyre s. Thank you.作业设计1. 听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读课文并尝试背诵。2. 试着将编的新故事说给父母听。3. 四人小组各自设计一张夸张搞笑的服饰图,图片背面写上自己的姓名,将四幅设计图放在一信封里。板书设计Unit 6

    14、Whose dress is this (date)Whose is this Its s. Whose are these Theyre s.课后反思Period 2Vocabulary & Fun time目标1. 能够熟练说出服饰类单词dress, coat, shirt, sweater, trousers, gloves, jeans, shorts.2. 能用句型Whose is this/that Its s. Whose are these/those Theyre s.谈论物品的所属。3. 能演唱课外歌曲I am a cowboy.4. 小组内合作完成Fancy Clothe

    15、s设计宣传海报。小组内合作完成Fancy Clothes设计宣传海报。CAI,学生准备服饰设计图若干Step 1 Review the story 1. Greetings2. Dub for the story(集体完成)Step 2 Show the goals of this lesson Helen, Mike, Su Hai and Su Yang are at the Fancy Dress Party. Would you like to go to the party If you want to go to the party, you try to sing lovely

    16、song of the party. You should have some fancy clothes and show your clothes through the groups poster. Can you课件呈现Tips:如果你想参加我们的Fancy Dress Party,你必须:1.学会唱party上的song; a fancy clothe,并且通过海报宣传把小组内的服装设计图展示给大伙看。歌曲和服装设计在得到大伙的一致认可后便可跟我们一同前往Fancy Dress party!Step 3 Task One: Sing a song I am a cowboy(歌曲下载

    17、网址 Enjoy the song I would like to go to the party, too. And I want to dress up as a cowboy.图片cowboy,学生自己通过旧知cow和boy,理解学习cowboy. The name of the song a Im a cowboy. Are you ready for the song Ready. Good! While you enjoy the song, please try to remember the clothes of the cowboy, the more, the better

    18、. Enjoy the song.歌词:Look at my new shirt, shirt, shirt.Look at my new jeans, jeans, jeans.Look at my new hat, hat, hat.I am a cowboy. Look!Look at my new sweater, sweater, sweater.Look at my new jacket, jacket, jacket.Look at my new boots, boots, boots.2. Check and learn the new words: shirt, jeans,

    19、 sweater,hat, boots(1)shirt 和T-shirt比较,重点通过图片展示词义;(2)jeans 通过和eat tea归纳ea读音规律,自主拼读jeans,并强调jeans和trousers一样都是以复数形式出现。(3)sweater 通过和bread, breakfast, ready归纳ea读音规律,自主拼读sweater(4)hat和cat, mat 放在一起归纳自主拼读(5)boots和too,zoo,room放在一起归纳自主拼读 What other clothes words do you know 列举若干词 Can you read these two wo

    20、rds: coat, shorts(6)coat 和boat比较,自读(7)shorts 学生自己通过旧知short,容易掌握发音,强调shorts 和jeans, trousers一样都是以复数形式出现。3. Listen and repeat all the words after the tape4. Chant the song以chant的形式诵读歌词5. Sing the song together6. T: (评价) Well done, boys and girls. You can sing the song of the Fancy Dress Party. You pas

    21、s the first challenge. Congratulations! Here are your giftsTwo games for you.7. Game : Puzzle拼图游戏:用英语告诉老师散乱的拼图是什么服饰。其中dress, coat, sweater, shirt 要求拼写部分音节。 Good job. I think you have good memory.Step 4 Fun time: Guess and say Lets play another game: Guess and say.1. 游戏准备:上节课作业:四人小组各自设计一张夸张搞笑的服饰图,图片背

    22、面写上自己的姓名,将四幅设计图放在一信封里。老师将各组的信封打乱发放下去,即每组拿到的都是别组的信封。2. Ss watch the cartoon, see how to play.Rules: 四人小组拆开信封,轮流展开问答Tips:出示Story time图5和6,提醒学生注意单复数板书句型并带读游戏句型:Whose is this/that Its s. Is it sWhose are these/those Theyre s. Are they s3. Make an example (T, S1, S2, S3) Whose sweater is this Guess! Is i

    23、t S4s No. Youre wrong. Is it S5s Yes. Youre right.猜出主人之后,由S1问S2, 接着由S2问S3,依次进行游戏。4. Play the game in groups. 每个成员一次猜中记录 两次猜中记录 三次或三次以上猜中记录让我们比一比哪组得最多,你们将得到最多的装饰sticker。5. Summary OK. Times up! How many can you get Wonderful. Give all the pictures to the owners.(组织学生将图片放回信封归还给主人) Step5 Task Two: Make

    24、 a poster Our Fancy Clothes Lets go on to the second challenge. Make our posters. How to make the animal poster (展示若干成品图)Here are three steps:One:小组内四名同学各自为自己的图片配上英语文字说明:Whose is this/that Its s. Whose are these/those Theyre s. Its / Theyre lovely / beautiful/ funny/fancyTwo:写好后,将四张图片贴在一起,贴出漂亮的图案。Th

    25、ree:不要忘记在醒目的地方配上我们的主题:Our Fancy Clothes 2. Introduce your poster介绍获得台下半数以上支持的小组即通过party入场资格。S1,2, 3,4: / Good morning, boys and girls. Look at our fancy clothes!S1:Whose is this/that Its s. Its lovely / beautiful/ funny/fancy Whose are these/those Theyre s. Theyre lovely / beautiful/ funny/fancyS3:S

    26、4: Do you like our fancy clothes 提问下面同学Step 6 Goodbye Lets meet at the Fancy Dress Party next class.1. 巩固背诵课文2. 抄写本节课新学的服饰单词3. 继续完成未完成的海报制作4. 穿上你们最fancy的服饰加入我们下节课的Fancy Dress Party板书设计Unit 6 Whose dress is this(date)Whose is this/that Its s. Is it s Yes./No.Whose are these/those Theyre s. Are they s Yes./No.Period 3Rhyme time & Cartoon time 1. 复习上节课所学的关于服饰的单词,能进一步熟练拼读。2. 复习上节课所学的句型,能进一步熟练运用。3. 能够有感情地诵读歌谣Whose cake


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