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    1、Myers PSYCHOLOGY Chapter 18Social Psychology Social ThinkingSocial Psychologyscientific study of how we think about,influence,and relate to one anotherAttribution Theorytendency to give a causal explanation for someones behavior,often by crediting either the situation or the persons dispositionSocia

    2、l ThinkingFundamental Attribution Errortendency for observers,when analyzing anothers behavior,to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the impact of personal dispositionAttitudebelief and feeling that predisposes one to respond in a particular way to objects,people and event

    3、sSocial ThinkingHow we explain someones behavior affects how we react to it Negative behaviorSituational attribution“Maybe that driver is ill.”Dispositional attribution“Crazy driver!”Tolerant reaction(proceed cautiously,allowdriver a wide berth)Unfavorable reaction(speed up and race past theother dr

    4、iver,give a dirty look)Social ThinkingOur behavior is affected by our inner attitudes as well as by external social influencesInternalattitudesExternalinfluencesBehaviorSocial ThinkingAttitudes follow behaviorCooperative actions feed mutual likingSocial ThinkingFoot-in-the-Door Phenomenontendency fo

    5、r people who have first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger requestRoleset of expectations about a social positiondefines how those in the position ought to behaveSocial ThinkingCognitive Dissonance Theorywe act to reduce the discomfort(dissonance)we feel when two of our thoughts

    6、(cognitions)are inconsistentexample-when we become aware that our attitudes and our actions clash,we can reduce the resulting dissonance by changing our attitudesSocial ThinkingCognitive dissonanceSocial InfluenceConformityadjusting ones behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standardNormativ

    7、e Social Influenceinfluence resulting from a persons desire to gain approval or avoid disapprovalSocial InfluenceThe chameleon effectParticipant Participant rubs face shakes footConfederate rubs faceConfederate shakes foot0. timesSocial InfluenceAschs conformity experimentsSo

    8、cial InfluenceInformational Social Influenceinfluence resulting from ones willingness to accept others opinions about realitySocial InfluenceParticipants judged which person in Slide 2 was the same as the person in Slide 1Difficult judgmentsEasy judgmentsConformity higheston importantjudgmentsLow Hi

    9、ghImportance50%403020100Percentage ofconformity toconfederateswrong answersSocial InfluenceMilgrams follow-up obedience experimentSocial InfluenceSome individual resist social coercionSocial InfluenceSocial Facilitationimproved performance of tasks in the presence of othersoccurs with simple or well

    10、-learned tasks but not with tasks that are difficult or not yet masteredSocial Loafingtendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountableSocial FacilitationSocial InfluenceDeindividuationloss of self-awarene

    11、ss and self-restraint in group situations that foster arousal and anonymitySocial InfluenceGroup Polarizationenhancement of a groups prevailing attitudes through discussion within the groupGroupthinkmode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides realist

    12、ic appraisal of alternativesSocial InfluenceIf a group is like-minded,discussion strengthens its prevailing opinionsSocial RelationsPrejudice an unjustifiable(and usually negative)attitude toward a group and its membersinvolves stereotyped beliefs,negative feelings,and a predisposition to discrimina

    13、tory actionStereotypea generalized(sometimes accurate,but often overgeneralized)belief about a group of peopleSocial RelationsDoes perception change with race?Social RelationsAmericans today express much less racial and gender prejudice Social RelationsIngroup“Us”-people with whom one shares a commo

    14、n identityOutgroup“Them”-those perceived as different or apart from ones ingroupSocial RelationsIngroup Biastendency to favor ones own groupScapegoat Theorytheory that prejudice provides an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame Just-World Phenomenontendency of people to believe the world is

    15、 justpeople get what they deserve and deserve what they getSocial RelationsVivid cases(9/11 terrorists)feed stereotypesSocial RelationsAggressionany physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroyFrustration-Aggression Principleprinciple that frustration the blocking of an attempt to achieve

    16、 some goal creates anger,which can generate aggressionSocial RelationsSocial RelationsMen who sexually coerce womenSocial RelationsConflictperceived incompatibility of actions,goals,or ideasSocial Trapa situation in which the conflicting parties,by each rationally pursuing their self-interest,become caught in mutually destructive behaviorSocial RelationsSocial trapby pursuing our self-interest and not trusting others,we can end up losersOptimaloutcomeProbableoutcomePerson 1Choose A Choose BPerso


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